Bayou Stix Series: Bayou Stix Limited Edition Box Set (135 page)

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He thrusts a few times and then his body stills as his back shudders. Slumping over, he rolls so he pulls out of me and falls facedown into the pillow next to me. My pulse is racing and I’m covered in sweat. His. Mine. I don’t even know… or care.

Please don’t let me wake up. That was insane. My life is forever changed. I knew it would be amazing, but that… that far surpassed all of my many fantasies over the past few months. I want to do it again.

Geez, Tifanie. He just unloaded inside of you. You can barely breathe from the sex and the orgasm. I doubt you’ll be able to walk normally tomorrow and you’re thinking about doing it again?!

Oh yes, yes I am. I want more…

Turning my head, I look at the gorgeous man next to me and lightly touch the muscles in his back. He jumps and his head turns so he can look at me. I smile softly and he just stares.

My heart drops. He’s not regretting what just happened, is he?! He can’t!

If he says that he regrets it, I’m going to be crushed.

Don’t you dare choose now to wig out, Cruz Edwards!

Chapter Thirteen


id that just happen? I’m pretty sure I’m having a dream or a fantasy… there is no way that just happened with Tifanie. And if it did, oh my God, I was a crazy person. I was aggressive and rough. I didn’t just do that. We didn’t just do that. She’s going to hate me. I’m just going to lie here.

Her hand on my back has me turning my head. I stare at her. She has a nervous look on her face.
Did I do that? Is she scared of me?!

I can’t look away. She pulls her hand back and sits up as she grabs the sheet and covers her curves with it. I notice the tangled sheets and general mess. We tore this bed up.


She picks at the sheet for a minute and then she looks right at me with a challenge in her eyes. “Do you regret what just happened?”

Do I regret what just happened? No. Does she?

I shake my head and sit up with her. I feel uncomfortable with my nakedness and I’m not certain how this conversation is going to go. “No. Do you?”

Her head tilts and her messy hair fans over her shoulders as she scrutinizes me. “No, I don’t. Are you sure you’re ok with it?”

This feels like a trick question. I don’t regret it at all. Not what we did. The sex was phenomenal. I’m just worried I was too much. Too harsh.

“I’m good, Tifanie. Are—are you ok?”

She looks confused. “Am I ok?! Why wouldn’t I be ok?”

I shrug and look away from her at the wall where a photo of the bayou is displayed. “I was a little rough. And domineering, Tifanie. I’m sorry.”

Her mouth drops open and her expressive hazel eyes widen. “You’re sorry?”

She’s just repeating everything I say. What the hell?! She’s not ok. Son of a bitch. I knew this wasn’t a good idea. That’s why I pushed her away…

She grabs my arm and it takes me out of the chaos in my head. Her hand is rubbing my arm. It’s soothing. “Cruz, I’m confused. Why are you sorry if you don’t regret,” she gestures to my destroyed bed, “what just happened with us?”

My head starts pounding. “I don’t regret that we slept together, Tifanie. I’m kind of surprised at it to be honest, but I don’t regret it. I’m sorry for being rough.”

She smiles. “You’re sorry for being rough?” I nod. She smirks. “Um, did you miss the moaning and screaming and orgasms you caused?!”

I nervously chuckle. “No, I didn’t miss them.”

The sheet drops to her waist as she leans over. Her hair tickles my face. She leans down and brushes her mouth across mine. “Well, good. I loved every minute.”

Pulling back, I look at her. She seems to be serious. Ok… “I wasn’t too domineering?”

She laughs. “No, you weren’t. I’m not really into boring sex.” Scooting down, she lies next to me and pats the pillow. I lie down next to her and face her. She scoots over and pushes me so she can lay her chin on my chest as she looks at me. “Cruz, you were assertive. I like it. You’re not a Dom by any means. And I’m damn sure not a submissive.”

I’m not a what?!

She giggles. “A Dom. A Dominant.”

My brow furrows as I try to process that. “Like whips and chains shit?”

She nods. “Yes, sometimes like that. You aren’t that.”

How does she know about that? Is that stuff she’s into? I’m not… I can’t… That’s not my thing.

I ask before I can stop myself. “Are you into that?”

She brings her hands to my chest and rests her chin on them as she looks at me. Eventually, after what feels like an hour, she smiles at me. “No. I’m not. I’m not really into being bossed around, in case you hadn’t noticed. You are assertive, Cruz, but it’s more alpha than dominant and well…” She leans up and bites my chin. “You can be an alpha with me anytime. I find it, and you, extremely sexy.”

I feel lighter and she just called me sexy. “I’ve noticed that about you. And what’s the difference between a Dom and an Alpha? Seem the same to me.”

She laughs and leans over me, straddling me. “No, not at all. Doms are usually dicks. At least in books. And have Mommy issues. Alphas are just assertive and well… mouthwatering.” As she says it, she’s running her nails over my chest. She licks her lips as a shudder runs through me, and insanely enough, my dick starts to stir against her.

Putting my hands behind my head, I just look at her. She looks back and then we both smile as she slowly starts to grind against me. I feel coolness against my thighs and realize she still has those knee high boots on. “Your boots are still on.”

She laughs musically. “Are they?!” Her eyes are twinkling. “Hmm, I guess I
to take them off.”

My breathing hitches as I feel her moisture against my groin. I mutter, “Forget again.”

She grins and reaches between us to once again guide me inside of her. A sigh rolls out of me followed by a groan as she takes control and I let her.

A few hours later, we’re lying in a tangle of sheets and legs in my completely messed up bed. I realize it’s much later than I thought as the full moon’s glow comes through the shades in my bedroom window. I remember she said she had something for me when she texted. The reason for her visit completely slipped my mind in the past few hours’ exercise.

Her contented sigh warms my heart and I turn again to glance at her outline in my bed.

She trails her hands over my chest and abs slowly, as if she’s memorizing my body. I’m surprisingly comfortable here with her… like this.

Her voice distracts my quaint thoughts. “What are you thinking?”

What am I thinking? I don’t rightly know. I’m thinking I have no idea where to go from here. We just crossed a line with our relationship. I’m thinking I want more of her. But, I’m also thinking I’m not right for her. I can’t just change my mindset in a few hours after mind-blowing sex…

I can’t tell her any of that though. So instead, I say, “What did you have for me?”

She laughs and leans over me, placing a soft kiss to the underside of my jaw. She murmurs, “Well, um, you got it.”

I got it?! What did I get?

Her tongue is running over my jawline and her hands are still on my stomach, inadvertently tracing my washboard abs. Snapping out of the direction of my wayward thoughts, I ask her, “What did I get?”

She nips my chin again and I can see her dark eyes watching my face in the illumination from the moon. “It wasn’t exactly as anticipated, but the desired effect was achieved.”

My brows furrow in the dark and, as if she knows, her fingers trace my face. Taking their sweet time, tracing the lines in my forehead. “Me, Cruz. I was going to give you me.”

My stomach drops. What does she mean? What is she saying? I know she likes me, but what does she mean? Am I ready for this?! Am I willing, or better yet, am I able to be the man she deserves? The scary fact is that I really don’t know…

Chapter Fourteen


ruz is awfully quiet after my confession. I’m not sure what to think about that. I’m scared to delve in too deeply and spook him, but I don’t want any confusion. I know I told him what I want, but he’s so new at this. I’m not even certain he wants the same things as me.

I know he wants me. The past few hours have thoroughly demonstrated that, yet, I have no earthly idea if we are wanting the same things.

I can wait. I’m patient. Ok, well I’m really not, but I will be for him. He’s worth it to me. I’ll do whatever it takes to make him understand that I think he’s worth anything. The crazy thing is that if he could even see a fraction of what I see, he’d be completely in love with himself, too.

WAIT! What?! In love!? I’m in love with him?! No, I can’t be. We had sex; sex doesn’t mean love. I know that. I’ve had lots of sex with several people, but I never loved any of them…

Shut up, Tifanie. You were in love with Cruz BEFORE you had sex. Now you’re just in love with his lovemaking too!

Shit. Shit. Shit.

I sure as hell can’t tell him I love him. He’d bolt for sure.

Yes, I’m going to keep on keeping on. I’ll be here and be patient, because I DO love him. I love him and he’s going to understand he’s worthy of that love. To accept my love though, he has to first love himself. So, how exactly do I get him to do that?!

The quiet is making me insane. I decide to be my light, flirtatious self and hopefully calm him down some. His body is so tense I’m scared he’s going to jump up and run out of the room.

Leaning over, I lightly kiss his chin. “I like the scruff, Cruz. It’s sexy. And you’ve already had me. Several times.” I try to laugh. “No pressure, ok?”

His head turns and though I can’t see his eyes, I can feel them on me. “No pressure?” His voice sounds surprised.

I nod though I’m not certain he can see that either. “Yes, no pressure. Ok, so we slept together. But no pressure. I’m not going to chain you down and call you my boyfriend.”

He mutters, “I thought you wanted me to be your boyfriend?!” He sounds hurt.

I’m so confused and scared of saying the wrong thing. But I can’t really do this. I’m always straightforward. He knows this. I don’t want to start sending mixed signals now. Not when we’re finally making headway. I decide on total honesty again.

Sitting up, I lean over and turn on his bedside lamp. He blinks in the sudden light. I blink too, but if we’re going to talk, like really talk, I’m damn sure not doing it in the freaking dark. I’m not doing it naked either. Looking over, I spot a shirt on a chair. Getting up, I grab it and slip it over my head. It reaches the tops of my thighs. I’m not quite covered, but not naked anymore either.

Sitting back on the bed, I turn and smile at him, hoping to ease his pursed lips and tight expression. He doesn’t move, just watches me.

Leaning over, I take his hands in mine and trace the backs with my fingers. “Cruz, I told you what I want. That hasn’t changed. If anything, after tonight’s events, I want you even more than I did before.”

He says flatly, “You just said ‘no pressure.’ Like you didn’t want it anymore.”

Cupping his cheek, I lean in and kiss him. His lips are firm and unyielding, but I leave mine on his and brush them back and forth. His lips soften and he kisses me back gently. Smiling against his mouth, I lean back. “Oh, I want it. I want you.” His light eyes search my dark ones. “But, I don’t want to spook you.” His brows furrow again. “Cruz, you are not used to this. Until a few days ago… I’m not certain you ever would have made a move on me. I made the move. I
you. I care about you. So much. I don’t want to freak you out with my feelings, but I also want you to understand I am not going away. You can push me away. You do push me away. Frequently. You are so damn confusing and frustrating.”

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