Bayou Fairy Tale (11 page)

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Authors: Lex Chase

Tags: #gay romance

BOOK: Bayou Fairy Tale
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“I told you. Atticus was tricked. The Witchking is a vicious creature. I’d know that about my son,” Lord Hatfield insisted.

Taylor pursed his lips. Denial was an amazingly powerful spell.

“He’s making great progress,” Lord Hatfield continued. “The new psychologist promises a full recovery in a year’s time.”

Taylor jerked forward on the couch. “How can you put a timetable on that? Do you even remember what he did? He tried to kill us all. He almost killed me. Margate City was under quarantine from pandemonium. Phillipa Montclair is dead because of him!”

Lord Hatfield grunted with impatience. “Taylor. Atticus was tricked. You must believe me. It isn’t possible that Atticus Hatfield, Snow White, is a psychotic murderer.”

But he is
, Taylor wanted to say. He took another soothing breath and composed his thoughts. “I hope, for your sake, you’re right,” Taylor conceded. “So where is he going? I’d like to visit—”

“You will not be visiting him.” Lord Hatfield’s words slammed into Taylor’s gut. “I can’t afford you tempting him into your ways.”

Taylor had had enough. “Are you for real?” He shot from the couch as if he were standing up to his father in person. “You know damned well it was Idi’s manipulations that overloaded Atticus too soon about his destiny. He was a victim in that. Period. Idi did
cast some fucking spell on Atticus to make him gay.” He stalked circles around the couch. “To be cliché, we’re here, we’re queer, get over it.”

“I see how you feel on the matter. And I believe this conversation can no longer continue in a civil fashion. I’m hanging up now, Taylor. As usual, our chats are so enlightening,” Lord Hatfield said as if he were remarking on a stain on his shirt.

“Don’t you dare hang up on me,” Taylor warned him. “Don’t—”

The chirp of the disconnected call told him he had lost the fight once again.

Taylor raised the phone over his head, this time not concerned about smashing it. He sent the phone airborne, and then Ringo appeared in a puff of golden glitter and intercepted it just in time, like a football player taking a long pass into the end zone. He tumbled end over end through the air, holding the phone tight to his chest. Catching himself on the edge of a lampshade, Ringo met Taylor’s eyes.

Taylor gnashed his teeth and balled his hands into wrathful fists.

“Honeysuckle,” Ringo hollered. “Deploy emergency countermeasures. Stat!”

Taylor roared deep from his diaphragm, and Zee roared with him. He stomped in a circle around the couch, the walls rattling under his thundering steps.

Honeysuckle zipped into the living room, and without a second of hesitation, sent a blast of magic over Taylor’s head. The blue magic halted at Taylor’s crown, coalesced into a rubber ball, and then expanded into a bubble over Taylor himself. She wiped her forehead and sank next to Ringo.

“That was a close one,” Ringo said, patting Honeysuckle’s hand.

With the house, and likely the nearby properties, safe from Taylor’s destructive magic, he was free to continue his princess tantrum and stomp in an angry path like a child denied candy. The bubble bobbed and rolled like a human-size enchanted hamster ball, squeaking as it rubbed against the coffee table and side chairs.

“Are you done?” Corentin asked coolly from the doorway to the bedroom. He crossed his arms, a towel around his waist.

Taylor went silent as he watched Corentin. His safety bubble popped with a happy

Corentin leaned on the doorframe and narrowed his eyes.

Taylor swallowed, then cleared his throat. “I got a letter from Andersen’s,” he muttered, gesturing to the notice in question on the coffee table. He sighed and then threaded his hand into his hair, tugging at the roots. An anxious habit he’d picked up from Corentin. “They transferred Atticus to a new facility and got him a conversion therapy psychologist.”

Corentin’s eyes widened and his jaw went slack. “Who the fuck authorized that?”

Taylor crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow at him.

That was all Corentin needed to know, as he clearly understood. He ran a hand over his face and puffed a sigh. “That fucking jackass. It’s not going to help him.”

“I know!” Taylor snapped, throwing his arms out. “I wish there was something I could do. We were given joint power of attorney.” Taylor flopped onto the couch. “But it seems he found a way to bypass all of it.”

Ringo and Honeysuckle nodded to each other, and then they took flight, finally settling on opposite arms of the couch.

“Well…,” Ringo said, glumly.

“We all know your family does have friends in high places…,” Honeysuckle added.

Taylor grumbled. “Even with all of the Hatfield line being intermarried princesses, despite that scandal, Dad’s played the game enough that no one wants to listen to a
princess. And….” He hesitated and looked over at Corentin.

“Whatever.” Corentin snorted. “You’re not
, and we proved that. Fuck it if I’m a damned Cronespawn. We have pixie chaperones living with us. You have Zee. It’s all complicated, but we make do. We always have.”

Taylor chuckled despite himself. “Ah yes, Zee. Destroyer of Property every time I come.”

Corentin folded his arms behind his head. “Well, Honeysuckle and Ringo are going to be awhile with making dinner. And I think you can see the asteroid shower down on Chapel Rock.” He gave Taylor the unmistakable glance.

Ringo nodded quickly. “Very busy. Really
busy. Long time. Honeysuckle demands perfection.”

Honeysuckle smiled and snapped her fingers, conjuring jeans and a T-shirt for Corentin. “I hear the asteroids are lovely this time of night. You can even see the rift in the Milky Way with the naked eye.”

Corentin pressed his hand over his mouth to keep from outwardly laughing.

“What’s your hurry? Here’s your hat!” Ringo said, shooing Taylor to the door.

Taylor hesitated. “But I don’t have a hat.”

Corentin took Taylor by the wrist and led him out the door. He kept his grip as they walked down the gravel driveway. “Come on, we’re keeping the asteroids waiting.”

Taylor laughed, and then Corentin tossed him over his shoulder, giving Taylor’s rear a firm pat. He squealed in a tone fitting a princess.

“Rogue! Brigand! Unhand me at once!” Taylor said in a snooty tone.

Corentin strolled on into the night as Taylor dangled helplessly like a fresh kill. “Yeah, yeah. You like it.”

“You’re not supposed to know that,” Taylor whispered harshly.

“I kept notes,” Corentin purred. “

Taylor squeaked and curled his toes. “What are you going to do to me?”

“Wouldn’t you like to know?”



gnawed on the bandanna tied over his mouth, he glared at Corentin. This was not exactly what he had in mind when it came to getting some.

Oh, Corentin got some. As in he got Taylor’s clothes and then proceeded to bind Taylor’s wrists and feet, followed by setting him beside the fire pit. Corentin then left him alone on the shore of the Chapel Rock campground and went for a night swim.

As Corentin floated about in the lake, Taylor bit angrily into the bandanna. His butt was cold. His nose itched. His shoulders ached. He was getting a bit hungry.

Zee stirred, roused by Taylor’s growing irritation. Maybe if he used Zee to get Corentin’s attention, Corentin would realize what a shit he was being and come and fuck him already.

Taylor nodded to himself and made an attempt at a roar through the bandanna. The trees swayed with the pulses of Zee’s power. Leaves showered over him and the lake rippled.

After another ten minutes of no reaction, Taylor chomped on the bandanna. He scowled at the water. From the light intrusion from the fire pit, Taylor could barely make out Corentin in the lake.

“I’d like to think it’s the anticipation that makes it better,” Corentin growled low over Taylor’s shoulder.

Taylor stiffened as Corentin turned him around to face him, like Taylor was nothing more than a ragdoll. Taylor’s eyes widened as he was eye to dick with Corentin’s erection. Corentin stood before him, naked, wet, and apparently ready, or had been ready for a while. Taylor bit down on the bandanna in annoyance.

Corentin smirked and stooped to tug off the bandanna. “You have a problem with patience.”

“And you have a problem with pointing your pig-sticker where it doesn’t belong,” Taylor snapped.

Corentin stood over Taylor and petted his hair as if he were nothing more than a beast he had captured. “Oh, I think you know where it belongs,” Corentin said as he took himself in hand. After a few slow pumps, he presented his length to Taylor’s mouth. “Well?”

Taylor flushed and bowed his head. His belly quivered. He looked up at Corentin and then down at Corentin’s cock. Raising his bound hands, Taylor clasped his fingers at the base. He leaned in, gave a tentative lick at the head, and then chuckled when Corentin made an approving grunt.

Taylor wet his lips, then lapped along Corentin’s length. He looked up at Corentin and scowled. “And if I suck you off, you’ll let me go? The king will surely reward you for your kindness.”

There wasn’t a king, and Taylor wasn’t being held for ransom, but getting in the act was all part of the ambiance.

“We’ll see, princess,” Corentin said as he ran his fingers through Taylor’s hair. “If you do a good job, you’ll get a reward.”

Taylor snorted and fought not to break character. It seemed Corentin also knew how their whole act was headed straight into the realm of cheesy porn. It didn’t last long until they both burst out laughing.

“This isn’t going to suck itself, you know,” Corentin said, pointing to his cock.

“But I sucked you off this morning,” Taylor said, indignant. He turned up his nose. “You just like it too much.”

Corentin chuckled and dragged his fingernails over Taylor’s cheek. “If I recall, I had to finish you off or else Zee was going to implode the truck or something.” He dragged his teeth over his bottom lip. “You have no idea how much it gets me off to see you glaring up at me.”

Taylor shrugged with an overdramatic sigh. He shivered at Corentin’s words. Corentin was right, though, and Taylor really did enjoy it. Maybe a little more than Corentin liked receiving one.

“Okay, okay,” Taylor said in half mockery. He turned back to Corentin’s cock and failed at hiding his hungry grin.

“That’s what I thought,” Corentin said, catching Taylor’s gleeful expression. He hissed a long note of approval when Taylor took him into his mouth and gave a small suck.

Tingles traveled up Taylor’s spine, and he forgot about his discomfort and annoyance as he savored Corentin down his throat. His arousal made itself known, and Corentin hummed at the sight.

“Getting a little excited?” Corentin purred.

Taylor moaned in agreement around a mouthful of cock. He pulled away, and long trails of saliva clung to his lips. “If I please you, will you release me?” he said, pouting. He assumed the playful act once again.

Corentin smirked. “I never knew a princess so eager to cooperate. You’re a naughty one. I might have to punish you instead.”

Taylor’s eyes rounded in fear. “No, I’ll be good.” He kissed the tip of Corentin’s length. “You’ll see.” He resumed his work and watched Corentin’s expression as he took a breath and then swallowed Corentin into his throat.

“Fuck.” Corentin groaned as they watched each other.

Taylor’s cock ached for release, and he renewed his sucking and slurping on Corentin’s. His lashes fluttered as Corentin bit his lip. His end was close, and Taylor encouraged it with a quickened rhythm.

“That’s a naughty princess,” Corentin warned him.

Taylor watched as Corentin’s breath hitched, and then he shot his cum into Taylor’s mouth. Taylor drank greedily, swallowing as much as he could. When Corentin pulled away, he gave a plaintive mewl, begging Corentin for the rest of it. “I want more,” Taylor whined.

“Oh, with that you’re going to get more,” Corentin said as he pulled Taylor to his feet. He led Taylor to the nearby bench and took Taylor over his knee.

Taylor blinked as he lay on his stomach in Corentin’s lap. “No, you’re not—” His words were cut short with a small squeak when Corentin gave a single sharp spank to his rear. His face flushed, and then Corentin gave another. The slap of his palm on Taylor’s flesh echoed through the trees.

“Princesses must be taught lessons,” Corentin said, his tone firm. He spanked twice, and Taylor gasped with the sting.

“Fuck you,” Taylor growled. He was rewarded in quick order with two cracks on his rear. The heat on his skin against the cool night air made his cock swell painfully. Corentin might enjoy Taylor’s blowjobs, but Taylor took too much enjoyment in being taken over Corentin’s knee. Many of Taylor’s unending lists of princess things were a mixture, from annoying to exciting. Being punished like a bratty princess was definitely high on excitement.

“Such a filthy mouth,” Corentin said, unamused, and then smacked again. Taylor yelped at the warmth. “You’re going to get fucked soon enough.”

With three more sharp cracks of Corentin’s hand across Taylor’s rear, Taylor whimpered as his balls tightened. “I’m gonna cream,” Taylor cried.

“Oh yeah?” Corentin spanked him with three strikes, and Taylor screeched as pleasure tore through him.

Taylor didn’t last a second longer. He spilled himself across Corentin’s knee, moaning with each pulse of release, and Zee rumbled within him.

The trees swayed overhead with Zee’s force emanating from Taylor.

“Did I say you could come?” Corentin asked in a firm tone. “Did I?”

“N-no…,” Taylor said sadly. “It just happened.”

“It just happened,” Corentin repeated Taylor’s words in spite. “Wait until the king hears you come under a huntsman’s touch. Do you know what the king would do to you?”

He pulled the nearby knife from behind the log, and a breath hitched in Taylor’s throat at the sound. Knives weren’t a part of the act. Ropes and dorky lines, maybe a handful of sex toys, but knives were a no.

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