Battling Troy: Devil's Knights Series (16 page)

BOOK: Battling Troy: Devil's Knights Series
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“Don’t be mad at Meg, either.”

“I’m not mad at her. I’m fucking pissed at your fucking ex’s family. This shit is getting so fucking ridiculous. You didn’t ask for any of this but they are still acting like you stole their family fortune right from under their noses.” Troy walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close.

“I’m sorry you have to deal with this. I can go if you want. I’m sure you don’t want to be held captive for god knows how long with me here,” I whispered.

“You’re not going anywhere, Marley. I don’t know how many times I’m going to have to tell you that, but I’m going to tell you every day until you get it through that pretty little head of yours. You can’t fix this on your own. Hell, I can’t even fix it all by myself. We both need King and the Knights to help. They have connections to things that I wouldn’t even know where to begin. Just let us help.” He rubbed my back, making me relax into his arms.

“I’m scared, Troy. I don’t know what to do,” I whispered.

“For right now, you do nothing. Sit on the stool and I’ll make us dinner.” He pressed a kiss to the top of my head and pulled me over to the stool.

“What did King have to say while you guys were outside?”

Troy opened the freezer and pulled out a bag of french fries and some frozen hamburger patties. “He thinks once they get in touch with the Banachi’s that they will get everything squared away, but until then we need to lay low. He said this is the safest place for us. When I’m at work, you’ll be here with at least two guys from the club until I get home.”

“They’re going to be here even when you are, right? I think the more people we have here watching the better.”

“You think I can’t protect you, Sunshine?” Troy asked as he grabbed a contraption out of one of the cupboards and put it on the counter.

“Yes, I mean no, but yes.”

Troy threw his head back and laughed. “Make up your mind, Sunshine, you’re killing my ego right now.”

“No, no no,” I shook my head. “I didn’t mean you can’t take care of me. I just meant you can take care of me, but I don’t want you to.” Troy looked at me like I was absolutely insane. I guess I didn’t clear that up any better.

“Does that mean you want Crowbar and Demon to come in here and make you dinner?”
“No!” Hell no. I was totally botching explaining this. “I mean you stay here, with me, and they can be out there taking care of whatever. I don’t want you out there with whatever.” I don’t think that was a better explanation. I blame the Southern Comfort. My brain was apparently a bit foggy still.

“I think I got you, Sunshine, although you might want to try and explain that to me tomorrow when you’re not so blitzed.” Troy poured oil into the machine he had grabbed from the cabinet and dropped a metal basket into it.

“That’s a deep fryer,” I said, realizing what it was.

“Uh, yeah.” Troy grabbed a pan and held it up. “And this is a frying pan.”

“You’re an ass,” I laughed and tossed the wet towel off the counter at him. He grabbed it out of the air and tossed it over his shoulder.

“Cat like reflexes, baby.” he smirked.

“Still an ass.”

“Let’s not forget it’s an ass you like,” he winked at me.

Oh jeez, how could I forget that conversation? “I plead the fifth.”

“I’ll have you pleading anything but the fifth tonight, Sunshine.”

“Oh really? Is that a threat?”

“No, that’s a promise you can take to the bank, Sunshine. I never make a promise I don’t intend to keep.”

Troy turned back to the fryer and finished dumping the oil in. I watched him as he cooked dinner, noticing how his shirt stretched taut across his shoulders when he reached up in a cupboard. How snug his ass was in his jeans and that each time he bent over I swear my heartbeat speed up and the room got ten degrees hotter.

By the time he had the burgers sizzling on the griddle and the fries were dropped into the oil, my mouth was watering and I was starving for more than food.


Chapter 21

Marley was laid out on the couch, one hand holding her stomach and wagging a finger at me. “I can’t believe you made me eat two burgers and all those fries. You’re such an ass.”

“I think you’re starting to give me a complex with how many times you call me an ass,” I laughed, grabbing her plate off the coffee table and headed into the kitchen.

“You don’t really think that I think that, do you?” she called as I rinsed off the plates and stuck them in the dishwasher.

I shook my head and laughed. Marley really did have a lot to learn about me. I tended to take everything as a joke and rarely got upset. I called her Sunshine, and I guess she called me Ass. “As much as I’d like to mess with you right now, seeing as you’re still a little tipsy, but no, baby, I don’t think you mean it.”

“Mmm, good,” she mumbled from the couch.

I finished cleaning up the kitchen, flipping off all the lights and headed back to the living room. Crow and Ham had shown up right as I was dropping the fries into the fryer and I had wound up making dinner for them also. They had taken their food and headed back to the garage though to keep an eye out. They had said they had brought a couple of cots and blankets and should be fine in the garage, even though it had been getting rather cold at night.

“I’m gonna grab a drink, Sunshine, you want one, have you had enough?”

“Uh, drink yes, shot, hell no,” she groaned from the couch.

“How about an Old Fashioned. For your first time trying Southern, Meg should have made you an Old Fashioned, not shots,” I said, shaking my head as I grabbed the substantially lighter bottle down. Meg and Marley really put a dent in the bottle I had just opened.

“It tasted good, it just knocked me on my ass,” she giggled from the couch.

“Well, I can promise I’m not trying to knock you on your ass.”

“More like get into my ass.”

I threw my head back laughing and held onto the counter. “Jesus Christ, baby,… did you hear… what you just… said?” I wheezed out.

“You know what I meant,” Marley mumbled from the couch. “You’re just trying to get in my pants. Let me tell you, you’re a shoe in. No need to get me hammered.”

“Good to know,” I said, shaking my head as I grabbed two glasses down from the cabinet and set them next to the bottle of Southern.
I pushed one glass aside, deciding to make just one drink we could share.

“How long do you think it’s going to take to get things back to normal?”

I grabbed a can of lemon lime soda out of the fridge and a couple of ice cubes. “Hopefully not too long. I think it’s just a matter of getting in touch with the Banachi’s and explaining things.”

“Hmm, I hope you’re right. I’m assuming I can’t go to work?”

“No, Sunshine,” I called, filling up the glass and headed into the living room.

“Damn, I should probably call Gwen. She’s going to freak when she finds out. She’s been looking for another stylist, but hasn’t found one yet.” Marley leaned off the couch, reaching for her cell phone that was on the coffee table.

I grabbed her phone and tossed it on the other end of the couch. “No phone calls right now.”

“Hey, why the hell not. She’s going to wonder where the hell I am when I don’t show up to work.” Marley pouted, laying back down.

“King said he was sending Gambler over there to let her know. Don’t worry about it. You can call her tomorrow if you really want to,” I said, sitting down by her feet.

She sat up and shot daggers at me with her pissed off stare. “Why the hell can’t I call her now?” She demanded.

“Because tonight all the bullshit with your ex and the Banachi’s doesn’t exist. It’s just you and me. You need a night to relax and not worry.”

“What if something happens? How the hell are we supposed to know?”

“I told King to call the house phone if he needed anything.”

“You have a house phone? Who the hell has one of those anymore? I thought everyone had cell phones?” Marley asked, amazed.

I shook my head and kicked my feet up on the coffee table. Marley was a nut. I know a lot of people only did have cell phones, but there were still some of us that held onto the past. “I guess I’m the one person who still has one.”

“So what if the house phone doesn’t ring, then what?” she asked, sitting up.

“Then nothing is wrong.”

“But what if there is something wrong, but your house phone isn’t working, and we don’t know it. What the hell are we supposed to do?”

Jesus Christ, the whole point of the no phones tonight was to help Marley relax, but it seemed to be having the opposite effect on her. “It’s working, Sunshine. Now get your ass over here and help me pick out a movie.” She needed to stop worrying and chill.

“I’m right here,” she said, looking at me.

“No, Sunshine, you are about four feet away from me. I want you. Right. Here.” I pointed to my lap.

Her eyes went wide and I think she finally figured out what I mean. She crawled over to me and straddled my lap. Much better.

“Is this what you wanted?” She asked, grabbing the drink out of my hand and took a sip.

“It’d be better if we didn’t have any clothes on, but we’ll get there,” I whispered, grabbing the drink out of her hand and wrapped my arm around her. I leaned forward, her body pressed against me and set the glass on the coffee table. She tried to scoot backward, but I held her tight. “No running away, Marley,” I whispered, brushing her hair off her neck and nuzzled her ear.

“I’m not running… I just trying… to um…” she trailed off as I slid a hand under her shirt and stroked her back. She rested her arms on my shoulders and tilted her head to left and I trailed kisses down her neck.

“I’ve never tasted anything sweeter than you, Marley. You drive me crazy night and day. All I want is to lock you in my room and never let you out.” I flipped her over onto the couch, her soft, luscious body laid out beneath me.

“You do the same thing to me, Troy. I can’t go five minutes without thinking about you,” she moaned, stretching her arms over her head. I reached down, grabbing the bottom of her shirt and pulled it up, exposing her smooth skin and breasts in cased in her blood red bra. The color red had never driven me crazy before, but now I knew every time I saw the color red I would think of Marley and her soft curves that drove me crazy.

I pulled the shirt up over her head and tossed it onto the floor. I needed to see all of her again. It had only been a couple of hours since I had taken her, but I needed her again. I reached down, popping open the button of her jeans and slid the zipper down. She arched her hips up, giving me the silent permission I needed to pull her jeans off.

I shimmed her jeans off, down her perfect ass and curvy legs. “I don’t know how you do it, Marley. You’re like food to a starving man. All I want to do is devour you and never surface,” I growled.

Her body trembled at my words and a moan escaped her lips. “Troy.”

“Shh, I’m right here, baby. I know you need the same thing I need.” I grabbed the waistband of her panties and pulled them down and off her legs.

I leaned down, inhaling her intoxicating scent and buried my tongue into her perfect pussy. I flicked her clit and her hips bucked, begging for more. She spread her legs wide, giving me all the access I needed to drive her insane.

I stuck a finger in her greedy little hole and felt a tremor takeover her body again. I rocked my finger in and out of her as my tongue worked over her clit, bringing her closer and closer to the edge.

“Troy,” she screamed out as I added another finger and pounded into her. She gripped the couch cushion and pressed her sweet pussy into my mouth, needing more.

“I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum,” she chanted over and over.

I sucked her clit into mouth, flicking it with the tip of my tongue, and she exploded around me. “Troy,” she gasped as her body quaked around me, ecstasy taking her over.

I released her clit, giving it one last flick and she moaned. The sounds of her cries and moans went straight to my dick, and I needed her right then.

I pulled back from her body, popped open the button on my jeans and quickly stripped them off. I yanked my boxers halfway off and plunged into her. I couldn’t wait.

She grabbed onto my shoulders, pulling herself up and dug her fingernails into my back. She tossed her head back as I pulled out and slammed back into her. Her drenched pussy gripped my dick and milked it.

“You’re mine, Marley,” I grunted, grabbing her hips and pounded into her.

“Yes, god yes, take me, Troy,” Marley moaned.

I looked down at her as she took her arms off my shoulders and pushed her bra up, showing me her perfect tits. She pinched her hard nipples and wrapped her legs around my waist. God dammit, Marley was a fucking goddess.

“Fuck me, I can’t wait much more.” I groaned, clenching my eyes shut, trying not to cum.

“Cum. Cum for me, Troy,” Marley pleaded, clenching her already tight pussy around my dick.

I collapsed on top of her, my fists clenching the cushion as I rocked in and out, giving her everything I had. I gave one final stroke, and I couldn’t hold it back any more. I exploded inside her while her mumbled pleas and moans surrounded me.

Marley ran her fingers through my hair,
and I buried my face in her neck. “Can we do that again?” she giggled.

All I could muster up was a smile, and I shook my head no. Marley had just completely wrung me out, and she was ready for round two. Definitely a wildcat.

“Give me a couple of hours, Sunshine. I might need to lay here for a couple of minutes before I even think about getting up.”

“Well, you might have to get up sooner than that. I can feel you dripping down my leg and I don’t want to get it on your couch.”

“Don’t worry-.” I started, but then it sunk in what Marley had just said. I was about to start dripping down her leg. Son of a bitch! I forgot a condom.

I pulled out of her, my dick protesting leaving its soft warm cocoon. I pushed off the couch to get off of her, but she wouldn’t let go.

BOOK: Battling Troy: Devil's Knights Series
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