Battles Lost and Won (9 page)

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Authors: Beryl Matthews

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Battles Lost and Won
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‘You mustn’t worry about us, Ruthie. Now your Dad’s home and working regular, we’ll be fine,’ Daisy told her. ‘We only want what’s best for you.’

‘Captain Russell said you could go there and see if you like it, and if at any time you’re not happy, you can return home at once.’

‘Oh.’ Ruth chewed her bottom lip as she thought about this. It was comforting to know she needn’t stay if she didn’t like it there. And it would mean she’d see Bob again, and have two children and an elderly woman to look after. She’d like that, and it would be exciting to live in a fine house. But still . . .

‘Put the kettle on, Daisy,’ Steve told his wife. ‘Let’s have a nice cup of tea while our daughter considers her future. You know, the captain must have told Bob he’d been here or he wouldn’t be offering Ruth a job at the house.’

‘He must have,’ his wife agreed.

After reading the letter through twice, Ruth put it down and drew in a deep breath. ‘I would be silly not to give it a try, and Bob will be there to help me settle in. I’ll be sad to leave you, but I’ll go.’

‘Good girl!’ Steve sat back, a satisfied expression on his face. ‘Chances like this don’t come along often in life, and you’re right to go and see what the job is like. I’ll write straight away and let him know you’re coming in a week’s time.’

The day of Ruth’s departure came all too soon, and there were tears as she boarded the train.

‘There will be someone at Maidstone to meet you,’ Steve assured her, ‘so you’ll be all right.’

The train started with a jolt, making her sit down suddenly, but she peered out of the window until her family had disappeared in the distance. Although she was full of fears and doubts, the journey was exciting, and she watched with fascination as London gave way to beautiful open countryside.

When she arrived at her destination, she jumped from the train, eagerly looking for the familiar tall figure of her friend Bob.

‘Miss Cooper?’

Ruth spun round to face the young boy who had spoken. ‘Yes.’

‘Oh, good.’ He smiled shyly and politely took her bag from her. ‘The captain sent me to collect you. I’ve got a horse and buggy outside. My name’s Tim, Miss Cooper.’

She walked beside him, disappointed it wasn’t Bob, but relieved someone was here for her. ‘Call me Ruth, please.’

My goodness, Ruth thought as she climbed into the buggy. What an adventure this was turning out to be.

They trotted along and she listened to Tim talking about the estate and the horses he obviously loved. But when they swept through large iron gates and the house came into view, she was stunned. It was a palace!

‘Nice, isn’t it?’

‘It’s the most beautiful place I’ve ever seen – apart from Buckingham Palace, of course. Am I really going to live there?’

‘You’re here to help the family so you’ll have a room in the main house. The captain’s strict, but fair, and the mistress is a quiet lady, but kind. You’ll like it, I’m sure.’

Tim went to the rear of the house and stopped. He helped Ruth down and grabbed her bag before she could pick it up herself. Then he opened the door. ‘Mrs Perkins!’

‘I’m coming, Tim. You don’t have to shout.’ A stout woman came towards them, looking quite severe, until she smiled at Ruth, then her expression softened. ‘Welcome, young lady, the mistress will be pleased to see you. She has her hands full with the new baby, and her mother-in-law has just moved in as well. Come with me and I’ll show you to your room, and then you can meet the family.’

Before following the housekeeper, Ruth whispered to Tim, ‘Would you tell Bob Hunter that I’ve arrived, please.’

‘Bob?’ Tim frowned. ‘He don’t work here now.’

There wasn’t time to ask questions, but Ruth couldn’t believe that. Tim was obviously mistaken. Nevertheless, she felt her heart sink. Suppose it was true? The kind of mood Bob had been in when he’d left home meant he was liable to do anything; even something as daft as leaving this lovely place. But one of the reasons she had taken this job was because they would be together again. They were friends, and always had been.

So lost in confusion, Ruth had to trot to catch up with the housekeeper. She was surprisingly agile for a large woman, and she climbed the stairs to the top of the house without even getting out of breath.

Mrs Perkins opened a door. ‘This is your room, Ruth, and the bathroom is at the end of the landing. Leave your bag and I’ll take you to meet the mistress, and then we can see about getting you something to eat.’ She smiled. ‘I expect you’re hungry after your journey.’

‘Thank you, Mrs Perkins.’ Not even taking time to look around, Ruth tossed her bag beside the bed and went down the long winding stairs again.

Mrs Perkins knocked on a door leading from the impressive entrance hall, and she ushered Ruth inside. ‘Miss Cooper has arrived, madam.’

‘Oh, splendid. Welcome, my dear, did you have a good journey?’

‘Yes, thank you, madam. This is the first time I’ve been out of London, and it was very interesting. I’ve never seen so much green grass before. The London parks are beautiful, of course, but nothing like this. There’s so much space . . .’

The captain smiled kindly. ‘We will have pleasure showing you the estate. Lillian, our daughter, will enjoy taking you to see everything.’

Ruth smiled back, feeling more at ease. She had liked the captain when she’d met him at her home, and his wife was softly spoken and seemed quite nice. Casting a quick glance at the other occupants of the comfortable room, she saw only one, an elderly lady who was studying her intently. Her nerves came flooding back.

‘Come here, child, and let me have a proper look at you. My eyes are not what they used to be.’

The woman sitting in a large armchair beckoned her over, and Ruth didn’t care for the tone of the command. She summed her up immediately. This was a person who expected to be obeyed without question. All nervousness vanished as she stepped forward. ‘I am not a child, madam. I am fifteen.’

‘Really, that old?’ Her expression didn’t change, but her mouth twitched at the corners. ‘I apologize for my mistake. How do you like to be addressed?’

‘My name is Ruth, if you please, madam.’

‘Very well, Ruth, my son has told me you will be helping with the children.’

She nodded. ‘And I will be pleased to help you as well, madam. I believe that is also to be a part of my job.’

‘And what experience have you had?’

‘I’ve looked after my brothers and sister since they were born, and I did what I could for the elderly and sick in our street.’

There was a smothered laugh, and the captain cleared his throat. ‘I believe Ruth has answered all your questions, Mother.’

At that moment the door burst open and a little girl rushed in, followed by a nurse carrying the baby.

‘This is our daughter, Lillian, but nearly everyone calls her Lilly, and the baby is our son, Robert Benjamin.’

As soon as she heard the name, Ruth smiled with pleasure and gazed at the child. ‘He’s beautiful.’

‘He cries a lot!’

‘Babies do that, Lilly. It’s their way of letting us know they need something,’ she said, turning her attention to the girl.

‘Hmm. Can you ride?’

‘Ride what?’

‘A horse!’ Lilly turned to her father. ‘I don’t suppose she can. Jim can teach her though, can’t he, Daddy?’

‘We’ll see about that later. But first we must let Ruth settle in. She must be tired and hungry after her journey. Why don’t you show her to the kitchen where Cook has a meal waiting for her? And then you can help her unpack.’

‘Can I show Ruth the horses, after that?’ Lilly’s face shone with excitement.

‘Only if she isn’t too tired.’

Before Lilly could tow her out of the room, Ruth faced the captain. She just had to know. ‘Is it true that Bob isn’t here any more, sir?’

‘Yes, I’m sorry to say it is.’

Her disappointment was crushing and she couldn’t hide her feelings. ‘But why did he leave?’

‘He found out I had visited his father, and he was very angry. I tried to stop him, but he wouldn’t listen.’

‘Oh, the fool!’ For the first time in her life Ruth was furious with him. ‘He’s got to learn not to run every time something happens he doesn’t like. Do you know where he’s gone?’

‘No, I’m sorry, Ruth. I don’t think even he knew where he was going. He just walked away.’

‘It was my fault.’ Lilly looked up at her with an imploring look in her eyes, and slipped her hand in Ruth’s. ‘I didn’t know it was a secret. You won’t go away as well, will you?’

‘No, of course I won’t.’ She squeezed the girl’s hand and managed a smile. ‘It was very kind of your daddy to come and see us, and Bob should have known that. But he’s confused, angry and lost. He needs to find himself.’

Lilly looked puzzled. ‘But he knows where he is.’

‘No he doesn’t, darling. On the outside he’s big and tough, but inside he’s all at sea, as my dad says.’

‘I liked him,’ Lilly sighed. ‘And I cried when I knew he’d gone away, and it was my fault.’

‘You mustn’t blame yourself. Bob’s good and kind, but he needs to pull himself together.’

Lilly giggled. ‘You do say some funny things.’

‘I’m full of odd sayings.’ Ruth rubbed her tummy. ‘Now, show me where the food is. I’m starving.’

‘Cook’s made you a huge apple pie.’ Lilly tugged her towards the door, her upset forgotten.


‘Surprising confidence for one so young.’

‘I agree, Mother, but they have to grow up quickly where Ruth comes from, or they don’t survive,’ Ben said. ‘She’s also very perceptive, don’t you think?’

His mother gave a quick laugh. ‘She summed me up very quickly. This house must seem like a palace to her, but she wasn’t intimidated by the grandeur. She spoke her mind, and I liked that. She also handled Lillian very well. I think she will do very nicely, Benjamin.’

‘What do you think, my dear?’ he asked his wife.

‘She appears to be good with children and the elderly . . .’

That remark caused laughter from her husband and mother-in-law.

‘I was impressed, and she will be a great asset, I’m sure. But will she stay, Ben? She was expecting to find Bob here, and is obviously very disappointed.’

‘That’s something only time will tell. If she misses her family too much, she won’t stay long.’

‘I think you are underestimating the girl, Benjamin,’ his mother pointed out. ‘Her friend, Bob, is trying to run from his problems, but she isn’t a fool, and knows this is a good opportunity for her. She’ll stick it out no matter how homesick she is.’

‘You sound very sure, Mother.’

‘I am.’

Ben shrugged. ‘Remember that I saw her first in her own environment, surrounded by her family. She’s a bright child and I was impressed when I met her, but she appeared to be quite content helping her family. There is a lack of ambition and drive to improve her lot in life, but living like they do could make them apathetic, drifting along from day to day.’

Emma nodded. ‘That could be true. She’s certainly bright, and Bob has a fine brain. It’s a tragedy that they are being deprived of reaching their full potential just because of their background.’

‘I know, my dear, and that’s why I’ve brought her here, in the hope that it will open her eyes to other possibilities. And the shame of it all is that their fathers fought in the war. They were promised a land fit for heroes, and all they’ve got for their suffering is the same daily struggle to exist. These men have returned to poverty, with mental scars, and no one seems to care!’ Ben’s expression was grim.

‘A piece of apple pie, Ruth?’ The cook removed her empty dinner plate, smiling in approval.

‘I’m not sure I can manage another mouthful, Mrs Barker. That was absolutely delicious.’

‘You must have the pie!’ Lilly was horrified. ‘The apples come from our orchards and Cook’s famous for her apple pies.’

‘Oh well, just a small piece, please.’

Ruth picked up her spoon and tasted the pie. ‘Oh my, that’s the best pie I’ve ever tasted. How do you get your pastry so crumbly, Mrs Barker?’

‘That’s my secret.’ She winked at the girls and walked away to let them finish eating.

As soon as the plates were empty, Lilly was on her feet, tugging impatiently at Ruth’s hand. ‘Come on, I’ll show you the horses now, and Jim can pick out one for you to ride.’

A young man saw them coming and walked over to them. ‘You must be Ruth. Welcome to the Russell Estate. I’m Jim.’

Lilly was bouncing with excitement. ‘Ruth can’t ride, so we’ve got to teach her. What horse can she have?’

Ruth gazed with apprehension at the sleek animals in the paddock. ‘Not one of those, I hope!’

‘No, we’ll find you a nice gentle one.’ Jim laughed at her expression. ‘Come to the stables and see what you think of Cherry.’

When they entered the stable block, Jim gave Ruth a carrot, and then they approached a horse looking over the stall. ‘This is her. Say hello to Ruth, Cherry. She’s brought you a treat.’

Ruth was eyed with interest, and although she was hesitant about approaching the animal, she just had to admire her. She was a deep copper colour, and had a gentle look in her eyes, but she held back. She had never been this close to a horse before.

‘She won’t hurt you.’ Jim guided her forward. ‘Hold out your hand and she’ll take the carrot from you.’

Taking a deep breath, Ruth held out the carrot, trying to keep her hand steady. Cherry gave a snort of pleasure and the carrot was gone, making Ruth laugh with relief. ‘I hardly felt her take it.’

‘You’ll soon be friends. We’ll start the lessons when you’re settled in.’

‘Tomorrow,’ Lilly announced. ‘Can we see Midnight now, Jim? Where is he?’

‘In the far paddock, but you are not to go near him. He isn’t in a very good mood since Bob left.’

Ruth was led to a paddock with only one horse cropping at the lush grass. When they approached the fence he lifted his head, studied them for a moment, and then continued eating.

‘He’s beautiful.’ Ruth had never seen such a fine animal, and she could just imagine Bob riding him. They must have made a handsome pair. That thought made her so sad for a moment, but then her anger surfaced. How could he have walked away from here? The Russells had obviously liked him. For an intelligent boy he was being very stupid!

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