Battle for Proxima (20 page)

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Authors: Michael G. Thomas

BOOK: Battle for Proxima
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“Remember where you are, Spartan,” he whispered. Spartan gave the fellow officer the best and most polite nod he could manage. At the front, the officer was still speaking.

“The entire planet has been blocked by scramblers for over two weeks now and only a ship in close proximity can make use of its sensors. Upon arrival, the vanguard of the Fleet came across the enemy in the middle of their ground attack. Reports from Admiral Jarvis indicate most of the fleet is away from the planet and operating a blockade, whilst the transports and cargo ships are landing forces onto the surface. They are expecting an attack and are trying to keep our ships away from Euryale.”

On the screen, the display showed the enemy fleet in a large formation and guarding the main routes into the System. A smaller number of ships orbited the planet nearby, as well as another dozen smaller vessels that were presumably scouting the area for Confed forces.

“It gets worse, the planet is already under bombardment by warships and it is making defence of the surface almost impossible. Whether they obtained intelligence we were on the way, we do not know. All we can tell is that they beat us by twelve hours and have already landed ground forces and our civilians have been forced to retreat underground.”

He pressed a button to show the three-dimensional tactical map of Euryale. It showed the planet and the ships in close proximity to the planet. There were two substantial manmade structures on the surface. The first was a major city and the second the planet’s spaceport. The port was a massive structure capable of handling civilian cargo vessels as well as military ships.

“As you already know, Euryale was a dead world. The surface was sterile and its atmosphere weak. Atmosphere generators have been working there for over a decade, but it will be half a century before it will be workable as a viable colony above ground. Nonetheless, there is almost full gravity, a fully working magnetosphere and enough of an atmosphere to allow civilians in basic suits to go about their business. There are over thirty outposts on the surface, most research or mining operations. The largest structure is the city of Oenopion. On the surface it looks like a relatively modest city but only fifteen percent of its total mass can be seen from orbit. Most of the site is underground and accessed via elevators and tunnels. There are a series of rail and road systems throughout the city. Euryale is a rich source of iron and most of the major corporations have operations on the planet. Estimates for the population are over seven hundred thousand, almost all civilian workers and engineers.”

Spartan listened carefully. The numbers seemed almost meaningless. A colony with a hundred, or a million, was still a lot of people needing help. Seven hundred thousand, most of whom were trapped underground, sounded like a tough assignment to him. Lieutenant Colonel Blake pointed to the map and an extended image of the surface of the dead planet.

“This is just the background for the operation. Admiral Jarvis and the Fleet will be taking care of the action in space. What is of more importance to you, is what you will be doing. We are due to arrive at the planet in…” he looked at his watch, “ fifty-four minutes and you will have your work cut out for you.”

He paused, for what seemed like effect, until a group of three marines walked in and brought him a datapad. The entire room waited as he read the data before handing it back. They saluted and quickly left the hall.

“Admiral Jarvis has sent us an update. The Fleet is already heavily engaged and keeping enemy forces occupied. The vanguard has smashed through the scouts and is heading towards the enemy fleet as we speak. The Crusader is doing what she does best, getting into the middle of the enemy and tearing the guts out of them. The Admiral says they have already broken though a light rear-guard and destroyed a captured War Barge.”

A cheer ran out through the hall, the echo bouncing sharply from the walls. War Barges were an old class of ship dating back to the Great War and were now just used as a defence platform. They were slow and crude by modern standards, but very well armoured and equipped with massed arrays of conventional artillery and missiles.

The room quietened as Blake continued.

“General Rivers has assessed the situation from his close vantage point with the vanguard. He has organised a complex and aggressive operation to quickly take control of Euryale. We have substantial forces available for this task. As well as the 5
we have two battalions of marines on board the Santa Maria and the Bunker Hill. Army support includes nine full infantry battalions, along with their strike planes and heavy armour. This gives us a combined force of over twelve thousand marines and soldiers. More are on the way form Prometheus that will add another eight battalions, as well as our new bio-engineered friends.”

He indicated towards Major Howard who was stood, waiting patiently for the Colonel to finish his introduction.


The Major then turned to the assembled officers. He wore his dress uniform, resplendent with medals and carrying his service sword on his belt. The weapon was an anachronism from centuries earlier, but it was a tradition held in high regard in the Navy and Marine Corps.

“As you might expect, as the best in the Fleet, we will be taking on the hardest mission. The 5
will lead and the rest will follow. I expect every man and woman to do the Battalion and the Confederacy proud in the next hours.”

He turned to the map that was still showing the layout and disposition of enemy forces around the city and spaceport.

“The basic plan is simple. The main force, consisting of most of our marines, will land and engage enemy forces at the spaceport on the surface. This will immediately halt the arrival of further reinforcements for the enemy. Once fully engaged, a secondary assault will be attempted to force entry into the city that is located over fifty kilometres from the spaceport. The 5
will be spearheading the assault onto the surface and will be closely followed by supporting units. Alpha, Bravo and Charlie companies will be landing at the primary spaceport on the surface. It has already sustained damage and there is fighting ongoing. Marine detachments from the Santa Cruz and Santa Maria will provide support for this part of the operation. Bunker Hill will stay in reserve as will most of the regular Army units.”

He paused deliberately, knowing that the rivalry between the Army and Marines would simply force them both to try and outperform each other.

“I will be leading this part of the assault and we can expect heavy and bloody resistance. The Army will follow us in, as and when we need them and their heavy equipment.”

The maps moved in even closer to show parts of the city, ruined roads and several destroyed railway lines. The planet was clearly inhabited and had a well-established road and mass transmit system.

“It is no accident the Union selected Euryale as the first step in their final conquest of Proxima. It is lightly protected and of more use to us than them. Remember, it is their intention to enslave every man, woman and child in the Confederacy. They already occupy the most populous colonies in Proxima Centauri. We need Euryale. We need the colony, its people and most of all, we need to prove that the Confederacy has the right to lead in this Sector. Euryale must not fall!”

He tapped a key and the map adjusted to show the spaceport and the city of Oenopion. A series of rail tracks and highways linked the two together. A large number of black marks and smoke trails showed that significant fighting must have already taken place in the last few hours.

 “Fifty kilometres from the spaceport, the city of Oenopion has already been penetrated by lead elements of the enemy. Scans show a number of armoured vehicles destroyed or burning on the surface. Troops are being landed in their hundreds and then travelling to the city where they are forcing their way inside. The surface of Euryale is unfriendly at best and downright dangerous when it gets bad. Visibility is poor and there are frequent storms and strong winds. This is one of the main reasons for so much of the city being below the surface. We can assume the underground entrances, through the elevators and tunnels, will already be blocked and defended by Union troops. Especially, as they know we are here. They will not want us breaking through their lines. A frontal assault by marines or army units would be suicidal under the circumstances. The operation to take the city will be led by none other than Captain Daniels and the newly founded Vanguard Company. There is limited space to land and very heavy resistance is expected. It will be a tough first assignment for the company.”

He turned to Captain Daniels who waited patiently to the side. Spartan watched carefully as he moved to the middle. Captain Daniels was the youngest and most junior officer present at the front of the hall. First, he turned to the commanding officers.

“Thank you for giving my company the honour of leading this attack. I know there are some who doubt the wisdom of spending such time and resources on the unit, but this is the situation for which they were created. With the thickest armour and the best close quarter combat marines in the battalion, I firmly believe there isn’t a wall we cannot penetrate.”

He then looked out to the marines in the hall.

“The Vanguard Company will land fifteen minutes after the primary assault on the spaceport. That attack should draw away sufficient firepower to get the heavy armour onto the ground. Once the Vanguards have obtained access to the city, additional forces from Force Recon and the Combat Engineers with the CES armour will follow to clear their way inside. The chosen landing zone is a partially ruined retail area on the northern side of the city. It has the widest tunnel leading below the surface and is the weakest defensive structure within the city limits.”

The Colonel nodded in agreement and then indicated he wanted to speak further.

“Strike aircraft from the Wasp and Ark Royal will lead the Vanguards in and perform two sweeps of the area. The landing will take place within sixty seconds of the strafing runs to give you the element of surprise. We are talking about the ultimate expression of shock and awe here. For this part of the operation, as with the spaceport, the Bunker Hill and the Army regulars will wait in reserve. They will not be landed until we have the spaceport secure, so we can land the big birds. Oenopion is accessible by landing craft and shuttles only. Marine and Army transports need the spaceport.”

He zoomed out on the map again to show the planet and the on-going space battle.

 “We don’t have long. Euryale is just hours from disaster. Remember, we hit the ground running, just like always. Marines hit the spaceport and cut off the enemy supply line. The Vanguards smash into Oenopion and destroy any potential air defences. Then they break into the city and link up with the defenders. Assuming we are successful, follow-up waves of marines will flood the colony with Army support if needed. Any questions?”

A flurry of hands went up, some from the senior officers but a few from the lower ranks. Spartan also raised his hand.

“Yes?” said the Colonel, pointing to Spartan.

“Sir. The amount of ground to cover is substantial. Should the Army, with its greater manpower, be used against the spaceport and our entire battalion used together against the city?”

“Lieutenant, isn’t it?”

Spartan nodded.

“The plan is already in motion. The spaceport is the main landing zone for armour, heavy equipment and the internal transportation system for the surface of the planet. In approximately ninety minutes, the enemy will be able to push out and secure the city, cutting us off completely from the people underground. If we do not hit the spaceport quickly, we will never get to them. Ideally you are correct, we would hit one or the other first. Time isn’t on our side, we need our best forces in two places at once. As of now, there is no way inside without fighting our way in. That’s where your company comes in, Captain,” he answered and looked over to Captain Daniels at the same time.

“You will hit the city with a small, but powerful force. They are no more access points to the city that we can use, other than by directly landing in the urban sections. Once you are underground, you can expect to find your space is limited. There will be little room for manoeuvre. It will be a killing ground for regular infantry but your armour should give us a chance to break in.”

Captain Hobbs, who until now had been silent, lifted her hand.

“Sir. Is there no access from the spaceport? Can’t we just land everything there and then fight our way underground? There must be tunnels or underground subways from the transportation hub connected to the spaceport?”

Major Howard took the question.

“No, there is nothing usable. We have checked our tactical data and also orbital imagery, there are no underground routes to the city. There are plans and some construction work underway on a rail system, but it extends only one-fifth the way to the city do far. There is simply nothing under the spaceport but rock and ore. It is designed this way to keep spacecraft, supplies and dangerous materials away from the access points of the city. In this case, it is the only reason the enemy hasn’t already secured the planet. We have to neutralise it though, as they are landing heavy weapons and equipment at this point, as well as scores of transports with ground troops.”

Spartan lifted his hand once more and he instantly spotted the look of frustration on Major Howard’s face.

“Yes, Lieutenant.”

“Any intelligence on numbers?”

“Your company commanders have already received data on the specifics. Overall, we estimate over ten thousand troops on the surface, including an unknown number of Biomechs of different models. We have also detected armour from colonial armouries, including tracked vehicles. Check your datapads with your commanders for specifics.”

No more hands went up and the mood in the room was electric. The operation wasn’t just an infantry landing, it was a massive combined arms operation and for many of them, bigger than anything they had ever seen. The Lieutenant Colonel nodded to Major Howard to end the briefing.

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