Read Battered Hearts 3: Crossing the line Online

Authors: Kele Moon

Tags: #Erotic Contemporary

Battered Hearts 3: Crossing the line (26 page)

BOOK: Battered Hearts 3: Crossing the line
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“No kidding!” Tabitha hit his shoulder playfully. “You’re a heavy paperweight.”

Feeling like his heart might burst with how much he loved her, Wyatt leaned down to steal another kiss. Tabitha met him halfway, leaning up and intertwining her fingers in his hair as she kissed him back.

He savored the feeling of her bare skin against his. When he did break the kiss, it was only to lean down and run his lips over her neck. He trailed them over her collarbone as he slipped one hand behind her back and fumbled with the hooks to her bra. It took him a while to get it undone, but he distracted himself with worshipping her. He followed the path of freckles on her chest down to the curves of her breasts, where they were fewer and far between, but he found the few still there and kissed them reverently.

He finally got her bra undone, and Tabitha helped him get it off. Then he was staring down at her beautiful tits that were smaller than some, but still nice and rounded. He cupped one, admiring the way it looked in his large hand. He rubbed his thumb over the pink tip, watching as it puckered and responded to his touch.

“Having fun?” Tabitha asked in amusement.

“Yeah, I love your tits.”

Wyatt leaned down to suck on one nipple to prove his point. He laved his tongue over it, and Tabitha moaned and arched into him. He spent a while licking and touching her tits, enough to have Tabitha’s skin dewy with sweat and her breathing labored as she started shifting under him. She trailed her feet up his thighs. Her fingers were still tight in his hair.

This was exactly how he wanted her tonight, wild and desperate for him.

Wyatt had spent years fantasizing about what it would feel like to have Tabitha wrapped around him, to sink into that tight, wet heat he loved touching and licking so much, and finally connect with her in the best way possible. He didn’t know why he was certain tonight was his night, but he was.

“Wy, please.” Tabitha used her hold on his head to push him lower insistently.

He finally abandoned her tits to move lower. He dipped his tongue into the curve of her belly button. He nipped at one hip bone. Then he tugged at her polka-dotted panties and forced them down her legs. Tabitha kicked them off and then spread her legs for him. Wyatt thought it was amazing he didn’t come right there. Seeing her like that, open and excited for him, without an ounce of shame, made the back of his neck hot and his dick so hard it was painful.

He cupped himself through his boxers as he fell to his knees in front of her. He was desperate to relieve the ache as he looked at the small triangle of bright red hair between her legs, hiding the pretty, pink folds of her pussy. He wanted to stretch out his seduction a little longer, but he couldn’t resist.

That first taste of her was purely indulgent. The way Tabitha let out the little gasp of pleasure that was genuine and unrestrained just made it that much sweeter. He lifted one of her legs and draped it over his shoulder. She scooted closer to him and then let out a squeak of disappointment when Wyatt pulled away. He met her gaze, seeing that her eyes were already heavy-lidded with arousal. She sighed when he sucked two of his fingers into his mouth pointedly and waggled his eyebrows at the same time.

“Naughty.” She grinned when he pulled them out of his mouth with a pop, but she also put her other leg over his shoulder, leaving her completely exposed to whatever pleasures Wyatt felt like indulging in. “What’re you hoping to get tonight?”

He touched her instead of answering, pushing one finger into her, studying Tabitha as she closed her eyes and tossed her head back against the bed. He took the time to work the second finger in too, because she was tight. It was one of the reasons they’d waited as long as they had to have actual sex, but Wyatt was convinced he could make it work. He just needed to take a little time with her.

He touched her for a while, sliding his fingers in and out, feeling her get wetter for him. Her body started to open a little, loosening as she yielded to the pleasure and let Wyatt do what he wanted.

“Mmm, it feels good, Wyatt.” She hummed as she pushed her hips against his hand. “I like when you touch me. So much better than doing it myself.”

“I know, baby.” He was riveted by the way she looked, naked and flushed, with her hair spread out on his comforter. “I love you.”

“Love you too.” She pushed her hand into his hair once more. “Please, Wy.”

He leaned down and sucked on her clit softly. Tabitha let out a keening gasp of pleasure before she covered her mouth with her other hand. He reached up and pulled it back because he enjoyed the sounds she made.

“They’ll hear,” she complained and then gasped again when he licked at the soft, wet opening to her pussy. “Oh God.”

“Jules’s room is at the end of the hallway. You’re fine. I like hearing you.”

Then he started licking her in earnest, flicking his tongue against her clit as he stroked her with his fingers. He wanted to focus on loosening her a little more, but the way she pushed her hips against his mouth and writhed on his bed was turning him on so desperately all he was really paying attention to was how good she sounded as she got closer and closer to climaxing.

He grunted against her when she suddenly pitched under him, her body shaking, her pussy quivering. Her soft, breathless pants of ecstasy washed over him, making all the fine hairs on his body stand on end. He was practically vibrating with need for her by the time Tabitha started coming down from the first high.

“I need you,” he confessed in a breathless rush as he admired the way the blush had spread down to her chest and the sheen of sweat made her face almost glimmer in the dim lighting of his room. “I bought condoms. We don’t have to if you don’t want to but I thought maybe we could try it and—”

“I know, Wy.” Tabitha reached down and tugged on one of his arms, urging him up. “I reckoned that’s what you were up to.”

“You did?” he asked as he crawled over her.

“Yeah, you aren’t exactly subtle.” She leaned up and pressed her lips to his. “If you wanna try it, that’s fine with me. You’re the one who’s been scared—”

“I ain’t scared,” he said defensively. “Just nervous. I don’t wanna hurt you. I’ll fucking die if I hurt you, and you’re too small, and I’m too big. That sucks.”

“We can go slow.”

“Yeah?” he asked as his heartbeat pounded in his ears. “You sure? I don’t wanna pressure you.”

“You’re not pressuring me.” She gave him a conspiratorial smile. “I’ll tell ya a secret.”

Even the lust pumping through his bloodstream couldn’t stop him from leaning in closer out of curiosity. “I like secrets.”

“I had Doc Philips prescribe me some birth control pills. Been taking ’em for over a month.” Tabitha’s smile grew wider. “That way it can be just us. I wanna feel you, all of you, with nothing in the way. We’ve had too much in the way for too long, don’t ya think?”

Wyatt was silent, his voice trapped behind the wild explosion of excitement. “You did that for me?”

“I did it for us.” Tabitha reached up and ran a hand down his chest, letting it stop to rest over his heart. She looked up at him, her eyes mirroring the same love and longing he felt. “I want it too, Wyatt.”

He nodded and said, “Okay,” because anything else was beyond him.

Wyatt kissed her, and Tabitha let him, opening wide to the thrust of his tongue even though he still had her taste on him. He didn’t know why he found that so incredibly hot, but he did. It made him lose track of himself as he dropped down, forcing her to bear most of his weight, but Tabitha didn’t seem to mind. She ran her hands down his back, tracing the muscles there as they kissed in hot, openmouthed desperation. He thrust against her, letting her feel the hard length of his cock against her thigh.

She tugged at his boxers in response, and he got the silent communication. He pushed them down, and Tabitha helped him get them off by hooking one foot under the waistband and forcing them past his knees. He finally managed to kick them off without breaking the kiss.

It was amazing how quickly things could get heated when they were alone, naked, and kissing. The warm, smooth slide of Tabitha’s skin against his. The soft sighs against his lips every time they parted for air. The way they moved and strained against each other. Wyatt was so far over his head with desire he likely would’ve forgotten his own name if asked. There was such intimacy about having Tabitha in his room, even if it was completely forbidden. It should have made him nervous, but it excited him instead.

No guy who loved being in the boxing ring as much as Wyatt did could deny being an adrenaline junkie.

Still he couldn’t shake the very real fear of hurting her. He had done the math a million times in his head, and he knew it was probably going to be difficult. He slipped a hand between their straining bodies and touched her again, hoping to somehow make her first time easier. He wanted it to be good for both of them.

“Heck,” Tabitha moaned and broke the kiss when he started rubbing his fingers against her clit in earnest. “You keep doing that, and we’re gonna wind up sidetracked.”

Actually, they were on the right track, but Wyatt didn’t tell her that. Instead he just kept touching her as he worked on trying to kiss every freckle he could find on her chest and the curve of her breasts. Tabitha clutched at the sheets. She tossed her head on the bed, and it didn’t take her long to come a second time. For someone who was outwardly reserved, she was actually a very responsive partner. Wyatt felt like it was his secret, something he knew about Tabitha that no one else did.

While she was still shaking with her orgasm, Wyatt pushed his fingers into her again, making her moan and move her hips against him, but her actions were languid. He could feel that all the tension had drained out of her body.

“God, you’re good.” Tabitha’s eyes were closed as she gave him free rein over her body. “I feel so amazing right now.”

“You look amazing too,” Wyatt couldn’t help but choke out as he looked down at her. He wasn’t nearly as relaxed as Tabitha. “Move up a little. Toward the pillow so we’re not both hanging off the bed.”

Tabitha blinked up at him and then gave him a slow, lazy smile, making it obvious she knew what he was really asking for. He returned her smile when she pushed back on the bed and made the shuffle to lay her head on the pillow. Wyatt moved with her and draped himself over her again. He rested all his weight on one hand and brushed the sweaty hair off her temples with the other.

“I wanna go to bed every night for the rest of my life looking down at you like this, all flushed and sexy and relaxed,” he admitted quietly. “I’m gonna get you out of that house and—”

“Let’s worry ’bout today instead of tomorrow.” Tabitha interrupted him by placing her fingers against his lips. “Right now. This moment. The only thing that matters is me and you. Now are you gonna make me yours or what?”

He smiled against her fingers. “Is that a dare?”

Tabitha arched an eyebrow in challenge. “It sure as heck is.”

He laughed and leaned in to kiss her yet again. At the same time he reached down between her folds, feeling her one more time before he decided it was now or never. Tabitha was about as relaxed as she was going to get. He shifted his hips and ran a hand down her thigh.

“Put ’em around me.” He breathed into her mouth and then groaned when she did as asked and cradled Wyatt between her legs. “I could die a happy man. This is the place I like to be.”

“You are always yapping.” Tabitha giggled. “I’m ’bout to agree with Clay’s complaints over it.”

“Hush, you like my yapping.” Wyatt took himself in hand and looked down to their bodies, so close together yet so far. He studied his large hand wrapped around his cock and admitted, “I’m nervous, Tab. What if it hurts you?”

“Oh, jeez.” Tabitha reached between them and covered his hand with hers. “Lemme do it, okay?”

Wyatt nodded and let go so Tabitha could guide him into her. He liked the way her hand looked wrapped around his dick. He moved his hips a little. Tabitha spread her legs wider, and then Wyatt’s breath caught when he felt her warm and wet against the head of his cock.

“Fuck.” He clenched his teeth against the tidal wave of lust that slammed into him.

Everything in him wanted to push forward and just drown himself in her, but he went slow, feeling her soft body wrap around his hard one. He rested his forehead against hers and squeezed his eyes shut to fight the pleasure that was slowly tearing away at his ability to form rational thought.

“Oh, Wy.” Tabitha released him to put her hands over her head. She held on to the headboard, using her hips now to bring them closer together. “This feels a heck of a lot better than your fingers.”

“Yeah?” Wyatt was breathless, his voice low and raspy at the feeling of being halfway in her. “Feels good?”

“God, yes.” She shifted under him with a low moan. “Push in a little bit.” She squeaked when he did it. “Shit!” she panted. “We fit.”

“Yeah.” He kissed her temple. “Sorta.”

“Yeah, sorta,” she agreed. Her breathing was as sharp and irregular as his. “Just a little more.” She moaned and arched her back. “God.”

He squeezed his eyes shut tighter to fight the carnal need to start moving. “It’s a fucking miracle I haven’t come from just this.”

“It feels good to you too?”

Wyatt didn’t know why Tabitha sounded so surprised by it. “I don’t think I’ve felt anything better in my whole fucking life. I don’t even think I could imagine something feeling this good before right now.”

“Just—” Tabitha was still shifting under him, arching her hips up impatiently. “Just do it. All the way. One time.”

“I can’t. I feel something.” Wyatt wrapped one hand around her hip to stop her from moving under him. “Maybe we should stop—”

“Just do it!” Tabitha demanded in a rare show of frustration. “Now.”

Wyatt did it.

He used his hold on her waist to move forward but then stopped suddenly when Tabitha screamed. There was a white-hot wash of fear that rolled down his spine, and he pushed up and looked down at her in horror. She had cupped a hand over her mouth. Her eyes were wide.

BOOK: Battered Hearts 3: Crossing the line
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