Bargain Hunting (2 page)

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Authors: Rhonda Pollero

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Suspense, #Mystery & Detective, #Women Sleuths, #General

BOOK: Bargain Hunting
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What did she think I was going to do? Strip naked and dance on the table?

“Cassidy,” the doctor greeted, taking her hand and gallantly kissing her ring. No wonder she liked him. Rich, single, and a suck-up. “And let me guess, this is your sister.”

I couldn’t help but smile at the twinkle in his blue eyes as he played out the game.

“Heavens no,” my mother answered. “This is my daughter Finley. Sisters,” she fairly gushed. “Seriously, Burt.” She was practically cooing.

He took my hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. “Honest mistake. I should have guessed that this lovely girl is your daughter.”

I didn’t know why. My mother, like my sister, is dark haired with brown eyes. I, on the other hand, am a fair-skinned blonde with blue eyes and a completely different bone structure. I wondered if I should tell the good doctor that I got my looks from either Mr. Finley or Mr. Anderson. No, that would send my mother into a rage the minute we were alone.

“Please excuse me,” I said as I rose from my chair holding my new-to-me fuchsia Prada clutch. Just one of the items I’d treated myself to with my Ellen bonus.

I’d done well with the Ellen bonus. Turns out it paid to save your boss from a lunatic. The fact that I’d spent the bonus twice
already was irrelevant. After what I’d gone through, I deserved a little splurge. Okay, so it wasn’t so little—but seriously, it wasn’t as if the law firm of Dane, Lieberman, and Caprelli was going to rain money on me on a regular basis. Especially since the firm had officially changed its name. I missed Mr. Zarnowski, but with his sudden demise from a heart attack, Vain Victor Dane wasted no time having the doors repainted and new stationery ordered. As the managing partner, he held a lot of power. He also got manicures more often than I did and, unlike Ellen Lieberman and Tony Caprelli, he simply tolerated me.

“. . . wasn’t it, Finley?”

Oh God, I’d zoned out during the flirtation stage. I took the safe route. “Definitely.” Please,
let that be an appropriate response.

When I didn’t get the infamous Cassidy glare, I felt the muscles between my shoulder blades relax. As nice as the promise of strong coffee was, I could use a mojito. Or two.

As Philippe arrived with my coffee and my mother’s tea, I asked the doctor, “Are you waiting for someone?”

“My golf partner. Thanks to his eagle on fourteen, we won this morning.”

“Congratulations,” my mother said.

I gulped down my coffee, a faux pas not lost on my mother. “Look at the time,” I said. “I feel terrible but,” to quote Liam, “I have a thing and if I don’t leave now, I’ll be late. Dr. Chambers, perhaps you could keep my mother company while she has her tea?”

“Of course,” he said when he stood. “It would be my pleasure.”

“Thank you again for lunch,” I said to my mother. She was busy staring at the good doctor. “I’ll call you,” I lied.

“Mmm-hmm,” she managed as she glanced up at me. It was the first time in ages I’d seen approval in her eyes.

I wasn’t sure when I’d become my mother’s wingman, but I didn’t care. It got me out of post-lunch chitchat and out of the club, and it wasn’t quite two
If I had a singing voice, which I don’t, I might have belted out the hallelujah chorus as I made my way to my champagne pink convertible. Technically it belonged to the Mercedes Leasing Corporation, but I thought of it as mine.

Slipping behind the wheel and turning over the ignition, I tuned into WILD 95.9 for a recoup of the Kevin, Jason, and Virginia show, and then happily pointed my car in the direction of I-95 south. Going home made me happy. And why wouldn’t it? I had a small but lovely cottage on Palm Beach proper, with my very own little strip of beach. It hadn’t always been so lovely. In fact, when my mother first sold me the cottage, which was supposed to be part of my inheritance from Jonathan Tanner, the only father I’d ever known, it was a dilapidated mess. With a partial mummy in the closet. Thanks to my darling, dear friend Sam, who also happened to be my former neighbor, using his magical interior design skills turned the cottage into a showplace. It was done in whites, teals, and corals and was very, very Florida.

If I took the long way home, I’d pass right by the Gardens Mall. As much as I wanted to, I had to restrain myself. Between my mortgage, my credit cards, and my car lease, I really needed to control my spending. For me that was like trying to hold my
breath for thirty minutes. Underwater. With my mouth open. Now I had my friend Jane, the accountant, sitting on my shoulder and making me feel guilty about every penny I spent.

Jane and I had been friends since the day we’d lied our way into a gym two-for-one promotion. Five years later, Jane still worked out regularly, while I considered a brisk walk to the coffeepot cardio. Jane wasn’t your typical accountant/financial planner. She looked more like one of the Pussycat Dolls than a bean counter. And she was quite fond of corsets and leather, but somehow managed not to look like a dominatrix. Maybe it was her perfect body. Or the pretty way her brown hair framed her face. She had big brown eyes that always mirrored her smile, and Jane smiled most of the time. Unless she was reviewing my monthly spending with me. Then she’d get frown lines between her eyebrows. If I won my next eBay auction, she’d probably need Botox for those lines.

I was willing to go as high as two thousand for a diamond bezel for my Rolex. Well, I technically don’t have a Rolex. Yet. I’m buying the parts on eBay, and then I’ll have a jeweler assemble it and voilà, my very own pink oyster-face Lady-DateJust. The two thousand was supposed to come out of the twenty-five hundred I’d gotten as a bonus from Ellen. I’d already bought twenty-two hundred dollars’ worth of clothing, shoes, purses, and other accessories. I couldn’t help myself. It was just so much fun to shop like the old days, even if it was only temporary. Now it was time for me to turn back into a financial pumpkin.

Thanks to my mother, I no longer had access to my trust fund, so I was forced to live on my own salary. She thought she was building my character. In reality, she’d just forced me
underground, into the world of thrift shops and outlet malls. And eBay, of course. As long as I had a dry cleaner, I was able to work around my financial precariousness. Kinda.

Exercising a great deal of self-restraint, I made my way to Chilean Avenue and parked in the center of the horseshoe-shaped drive made from crushed shells and cut the engine. It was a truly stunning day—a clear, blue, cloudless sky with temperatures in the low eighties and a nice breeze coming off the ocean.

“Take the rest of the day off,” I told myself as I locked my car and went inside.

The first thing I did was kick off my heels, then I began to unzip my vintage Lilly Pulitzer shift-style dress as I walked toward my bedroom. Thanks to Sam and my contractor, Harold the ex-convict, the three-bedroom home was down to two bedrooms with spacious bathrooms and large closets. Hey, a girl’s got to have her priorities. The guest room was very girlie. Lots of floral arrangements and colorful sculptural elements to cut the starkness of the white spread on the double bed. My bedroom is a thing of beauty. My room is teal, coral, and white. Again, I have a white comforter, but Sam knew just how to accessorize the room to make it look homey and not sterile. And my bathroom, well, it is drool worthy. I have one of those fancy spill tubs and a beautiful view of the ocean. In fact, every window in my room has a stunning view of the beach.

I changed into a bathing suit and sarong, and padded barefoot into the kitchen. The room was all polished stainless steel with pure white counters and teal and chrome stools. Taking out some mint leaves from the fridge, I placed them in a tall
glass. Next I squeezed some fresh lime juice in with the mint. I added powdered sugar—easier than making simple syrup—and mashed all the stuff together with the back of a long iced tea spoon. Some crushed ice from the spout on the front of the fridge door, a little rum, and some club soda and I was in business. Still, I sipped the mojito for quality control before heading outside.

Taking my laptop, I went out to the small cabana off to the left of the pool. I wanted to check my e-mail and my auction status before I went down to the beach to veg out on my teak lounge chair in the sand near the water’s edge.

It only took about ten minutes of salt air, and possibly the alcohol, to completely relax me—an amazing feat since it usually took me several hours to regain my sanity after spending time with my mother. Checking my status, I discovered that I was still the high bidder on the bezel auction, but that didn’t mean much. I was holding at fifteen hundred but I wouldn’t add the other five hundred until a few seconds before the end of the auction. Bidding on eBay isn’t a hobby, it is an art. One I am quite good at.

My e-mail was pretty light, just some social stuff from friends. I scrolled down and found one from Izzy. She was Tony’s fourteen-year-old daughter and we had this bonding thing going on. With Tony being widowed since his daughter was an infant, Izzy seemed to like having a female presence in her life. It had totally backfired on me. Since Izzy liked me, Tony felt he couldn’t pursue a relationship with me in case we ever broke up. He didn’t want anything to get in the way of Izzy’s happiness.

I lounged on the cushions, my computer within easy reach. Sipping my mojito, I thought about Tony Caprelli and could
feel my pulse quicken. He was a criminal attorney from New York and hot. Not just handsome hot, but wicked, smoking hot. He had dark hair and eyes the color of rich coffee. He was the perfect guy for me, at least on paper. He was polished, educated, articulate, and
an important quality after the whole cheating-Patrick debacle. And did I mention he was hot? He had that kind of commanding presence that pulled at me. Worse still, he’d admitted that he was attracted to me. It was like handing me a Rolex box, only to open it and find it empty. Totally unfair.

If Tony was perfect for me, Liam couldn’t be more wrong. Yet just thinking his name left my Tony thoughts in the dust. He was one of those guys who just screamed, “Love me and you can fix me!” with one look into those crystal blue, bedroom eyes. Trust me, I know better. You can’t ever love a guy enough to fix him. And Liam McGarrity needed a lot of fixing. He was secretive, still close to his ex-wife, and the sexiest man I’d ever met. Every time I saw him it took all my willpower to keep from jumping his bones. Even though the intelligent part of me knew he was Mr. Wrong, my libido didn’t give a damn. I wanted him. Especially after dancing with him at my sister’s wedding. I almost moaned at the memory of being pressed against his rock-solid body.

“Stop it!” I snapped.

Opening Izzy’s e-mail, I saw that she was reminding me about her next school dance, which was only two weeks away. This one was more important than the last because she had her first date. Only I’d been sworn to silence. Tony would never go for his little girl having a date, so I was her cover. Great, I
thought. My mother and a fourteen-year-old were both getting more dating action than I was.

Izzy still needed shoes and I’d promised to take her to the mall this weekend. With my mother’s command, I explained that it would have to wait until next weekend. I sent her an e-mail to that effect even though it was still early afternoon and I’m usually up for any kind of shopping.

I was too relaxed to go through the motions of showering, dressing, and all the paint and bodywork associated with going out in public. Besides, I was tired. I was in my third week of fighting the Sleepy and Wanda Jean relocation battle. They were squatting on land that belonged to the lone heir of the Egghardt estate, entrusted to me by my firm. Lenora, the heir, was willing to let them stay; she just wanted them to move their trailer to the far edge of the property so she could build a lucrative equestrian center on the rest of the land. To date, Sleepy and Wanda Jean were not cooperating. Sleepy swore up and down that the late Mr. Egghardt had promised him that piece of land for life. Only he had nothing to back up his claim. It was the kind of estate that made me crazy. Usually I loved being an estates and trusts paralegal, but lately that had changed. Dane-Lieberman had sent me back to school to be better trained to support Tony’s criminal practice. I was still doing estates and trusts, I just had more duties. So the last thing I needed was a couple of hicks screwing up an estate.

Another e-mail was from my friend Liv, who wanted to know if I’d like to go out on a blind date. Her boy toy had a friend in town and she wanted to know if I’d round out the foursome. Liv is so stunning she could have any man on the
planet. Said boy toy lived in a room above his parents’ garage. I could not understand the attraction. I wrote her back:

Not just no, but hell no. Have a good time.

I begged off dinner with Becky as well. I just felt like playing homebody. Finished with e-mail, I put my computer away, made another drink, and went down to the beach. I stayed there until the sun was blocked by my neighbor’s privacy fence.

Not one to cook, I called my favorite Chinese place and had some moo shu delivered. I even splurged on some remaki. I ate way too much, then lay on the sofa and channel-surfed for a while before I settled on an old Meg Ryan–Tom Hanks movie. Maybe watching happily-ever-after hadn’t been the smartest move. When the credits rolled, I felt more like a loser than ever.

Around midnight, I decided to go to bed. Sun, three drinks, and a full belly had me yawning like a newborn. I drifted off without incident. No, the incident happened in my subconscious. I was in the middle of a rather vivid dream about a man with black hair and blue eyes when my sleepy brain processed some banging. In my dream state, I started looking around for the source. Coming awake, I realized the sound was in the real world.

The dead of night means just that. Dead. As in dead quiet. So why, I wondered as I shrugged into my robe, was I hurrying toward the front door at o’-dark-thirty? Well, because someone was pounding on my door while alternately laying on the doorbell. All the ringing and banging was making my head pound.

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