Read Barely Winging It Online

Authors: Tigertalez

Barely Winging It (19 page)

BOOK: Barely Winging It
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Havana couldn’t move. Her muscles felt like they were
in complete atrophy.
had folded his wings,
rolled over and placed her on his chest. She was surprised they didn’t break
the bed. They were both sweaty and breathing hard.

She contemplated the experience. She was telling the
truth when she admitted to never having a lover. She’d thought her dildo did
the job just fine, but now that she had the real thing, she didn’t ever want to
go back. The feel of his warm flesh in her channel instead of silicone was
totally different, and she was now addicted. She let out a snort with that

“What was that for?”

Havana was brought out of her musing at the sound of
her mate’s voice. “I was just thinking how addicted I am now to your cock.”

Her head bobbed up and down on his chest as
laughed. “I’ll be more than happy to feed your
addiction. I’m just as addicted to your tight pussy, and your taste.”

Havana saw the foreskin on his uncut cock start to
pull back as it started to fill again. Her pussy ached as she watched it rise.
He hadn’t been boasting when he said his girth could hurt her. Reaching out
with her hand, she let her fingers graze over his hardened cock. What she felt
surprised her. Though still covered in her juices, she could feel the softness
of the skin. “The skin is like silk.”

low rumble quaked through her ear as it still lay on his chest. She watched his
dick twitch and saw a drop of pre-cum ooze from its slit and slowly make its
way down the side of his shaft leaving a shiny wet path in its wake. She
suddenly had the desire to taste him.

Havana leaned forward and stuck out her tongue,
running up the path the droplet had created. Another drop oozed from his slit
as he groaned. She felt his fingers run through her hair as she dipped her
tongue in the slit and rolled the salty flavor around in her mouth.
Not bad
, she thought. She had sneaked
peeks of some pornos when she had accidently stumbled across them on the ‘net,
and had been curious what a man would taste like.

Havana wrapped her mouth around the large head and let
her tongue play over the spongy surface. The fingers in her hair tightened, and
she felt him pushing and pulling her up and down on his shaft.

“That’s right, baby. That feels so good. Fuck, your
mouth is so soft and good.” He exhaled his breathy praises. Havana wasn’t one
to be too shy, and with her mate’s encouragement, she tried to do everything
she remembered seeing the porn stars do.

Wrapping her hand around his heavy bulk, she sank her
head down as far as she could before sucking in on her way up. Once she reached
the top, she twirled her tongue around the head, pushing the tip into the slit,
and then rolled it around the head again before sinking back down the shaft.
She began to use her hand to jack the bottom part of his cock, using her own
spit to slick it.

groans grew louder, and at hearing a ripping sound, she glanced up and spotted
one of his hands fisted in the bed, his claws tearing through the fabric and
into the mattress. His other hand was firmly tangled in her hair, and the
slight bite of pain stirred her juices between her thighs.

Havana groaned around the leaking phallus, which
caused her mate to jerk his hips upward. She gagged with the cock shoved so far
back, but his hand that nested in her hair pulled her up and off.

“Fuck! I’m sorry, baby. I don’t have any control with
you yet. Climb on top of me, Care Bear.”

Ignoring his pet name for her once again, she did as
he asked. He released her hair as she sat up, and leaning on one knee, she
swung her other leg over his hips.

Havana felt the slight sting of his claws as his hands
wrapped around her ass cheeks and guided her down onto his cock. The burn of
his thickness stretching her felt so good to her.

“Grab your tits for me, Havana. I want to see you
playing with them as you ride me.”

Havana slowly ran her hands up her body to tease him
before she wrapped them around her soft breasts and pinched her nipples. She
rolled her nipples between her fingers as
pushed and pulled her up and down the shaft of his cock. She felt his cockhead
hit the top of her cervix every time before he pulled her back up.

Havana leaned her head back and shouted in pleasure.
She pulled on her nipples and squeezed her soft orbs together and around.
was shouting his pleasure right along with her. She
was so wet that she felt his slicked dick piston in and out with ease. The bed
shook and bounced with their fierce exuberance.

began snapping his hips up every time he pulled her down. She felt her orgasm
build with each heavy impact. His claws dug into the cheeks of her butt, and
the sting helped send her over the edge. As she shouted his name, Havana’s
hands fell to his pecs as her muscles locked up. Her nails dug into his
tattooed pecs, but
didn’t slow. He hammered
into her, snapping his hips so hard into her, she felt it in her teeth. It only
prolonged her orgasm, and just as her body started to release its hold,
sat up and pulled her down, biting into her neck
once again. She let out another shout as her muscles locked again in orgasmic

Breathing heavily, and boneless once again, she
collapsed onto her mate, who wrapped his arms around her protectively. Havana
didn’t fight the darkness that consumed her. She let her body go limp and fell
into a deep sleep.


Havana woke to a near vise grip around her chest.
Opening her eyes, she saw the light of day start to brighten the room. She
looked down at her mate’s pain filled face.

What’s the matter? What’s wrong?”

His arms let up just a little bit, but
shook his head. “It’s the molt.” His voice was
filled with immense pain, and he panted a bit before he continued. “It’s
incredibly painful. It doesn’t hurt as much with your skin against mine. Please
don’t leave, Havana.”

It was Havana’s turn to shake her head. “I’m not going
. I’m right here. Just tell me if I
can do anything for you.” She ran her hands up and down his sides and even
tried to rub the wings that were still pinned under his body. Beads of sweat
rolled down his body, and she could feel his muscles convulse.

Letting out a pained cry,
arched his back but didn’t let go of Havana. She continued to rub his skin
wherever she could. He rolled them over until he was lying on top of her. The
weight of his body pressed her into the bed. She watched in awe as she
witnessed his skin change color bringing out the pigment in his tattoos that
painted over his now darkly tanned skin. His wings receded into his back. The
horns on his head disappeared, leaving his black hair as
took on a human form.

rested over her and breathed heavily for a moment. Havana just kept rubbing her
hands on his skin, probably now for something to comfort her more than him.
Looking up, she found herself staring into dark blue eyes. Suddenly, she felt
deeply pleased, proud, and possessive even, to be the first one to ever see
in his human form.

“Hi.” She smiled up at her mate.

Although she didn’t know how they became like that,
now even flat teeth showed in his returning smile.

They were interrupted by a knock and Reese’s concerned
voice sounding through the closed door.
“Hey, sis, everything
all right?
That last cry sounded like real pain.”

She was quick to respond. “Everything’s fine.
molted. We’ll be out in a bit.”

“Cool, I’ll let
See you downstairs.”

“Come on, my mate. I want to show you off, and then I
want to come back here and explore this new body of yours.”

gave her a pleased growl before rolling off of her. They both hurried to get
dressed and headed down to breakfast.

Chapter Thirteen




Nix looked around at his friends as he sat at the
table eating breakfast with his mate and several others when Havana walked in,
followed by a man who, judging at first sight by the
had to be
. After everyone’s greetings and
was happy to chide the new
couple. His southern accent grew more pronounced as he drawled. “It’s a good
before y’all got busy.”

Havana plopped onto a seat and placed her full plate
down in front of her. “Oh yeah, I forgot they were coming over. How’d it go? I
bet they were happy to see
safe and sound.”

“They said they’d be back for breakfast. I wonder
what’s taking them so long,” replied Nix.

just shrugged. “
buddy, you sure do have a great

stopped the bite that he was about to take. Putting his fork down, he gave the
wolf shifter a curious look.

You cannot get a tan from the moon.”

“Sure you can. Just look at your
and you haven’t seen the sun before today, so it’s
be a
. Buddies and I go out and get ‘em all
the time. Running shirtless through a field under the full moon with a buxom
lady, getting the safer tan, a

Nix thought
like a bad commercial. He watched as the wolf sported an award winning smile
and wiggled his brows.

“You can’t buy that kind of tan from a tanning salon.”

Nix held in his chuckle. He wasn’t about to feed the
man’s ultra-ego delusions. “You didn’t really get any girl to believe that, did

Nix didn’t think it was possible, but
smile got wider. “Sure did, all the time. I’m

, it’s a sure-fire way
to tan without the sunburn … well, except for Ryker.”
turned to the bright red headed vampire. “I swear, Rye, you are so fair skinned
you would probably be the only person alive to ever get a

Ryker grabbed his banana peel and threw it at
, who easily dodged it as he and everyone around laughed.

Nix heard the low rumble sound of a motorcycle and
another engine approach. Going on alert, everyone stopped. Nix wasn’t the only
one turning to his mate and ordering them to stay put. However, his mate was
the only one not rolling her eyes. Nix, Slate, Matteo,
headed to the front of the house while the
rest continued to eat their breakfast.

Nix was one of the last ones out onto the porch to see
a car pull up followed by a black motorcycle with two
He recognized the occupants of the car to be
parents. Leaving the riders to the others, Nix greeted his in-laws. He had
reached the car before they got out. Slate opened the door for
mother, Della.

“Oh thank you, Nix. You’re such a gentleman, just like
that man on the motorcycle.”

“You know him?” Nix’s surprise was apparent. The
bikers had parked maybe ten feet away so everyone heard her praise.

father, Richard, answered. “A tire blew on our way here, and he pulled over to
help me change it.”

Ryker came bounding down off the porch and trotted
over, wearing a giant smile he aimed towards Della. He had bonded instantly to
the woman when they first met last evening. “Della, thank heavens you’re all right.”
He dramatically kissed the air on both sides of her cheeks.

“Good morning, Rye. Thank you for that greeting.”
Turning and looking back and forth between him and Ryker while her husband
joined her side, she asked, “Where’s

Nix received a visual from Slate. Taking his cue, he
answered. “
taking it easy, but she’s eating
breakfast in the kitchen. Ryker, why don’t you escort them in while I finish
out here?” Ryker understood the order but brightened as he was probably going
to already do just that. He let his flamboyant characteristics show through as
he excitedly sashayed the couple inside, talking amicably to them.

Enzo emerged from the garage and joined them as Nix
walked over to the two riders who had yet to get off their bike. They had,
however, taken off their helmets, and Nix noted their Native-American heritage.
parents were inside, the male spoke. “I
Locklear, and this is my sister, Isa.”

Enzo took the lead. “We’ve been expecting you. I’m the
beta, Enzo. That’s Slate, the head enforcer, and Matteo, also an enforcer. Over
there you’ve got Nix,
, and
All three are trackers.”

nodded to each while his
sister kept her head and eyes down. Nix could see she her look up slightly to
see whose name was whose, but aside from that, she stayed quiet and submissive.
spoke, bringing the attention back to him.
“Mister Webber didn’t want his wife to know the danger they were put in. When I
pulled over to help, I scented fresh brake fluid and pointed it out to him. We
taped it with duct tape, but as you know, that isn’t a sure fix.”

Nix felt his blood heat up. “Did the line look cut?”

nodded, curses
growled throughout the men.

“That bastard!”
Nix bit out. He was so furious.

looked at him. “You know
who is responsible then?”

“Yes. Well, more than likely. My mate has a stalker
who torched her apartment building after she repeatedly refused him.” Nix
looked at Enzo then at Slate. “When
were here last night, her father pulled me aside and told me the authorities
had contacted him to warn her that Gates had somehow slipped the tail they had
on him.”

“He probably followed them up here.”

Enzo looked around at everyone. “
wants a meeting right now.” Looking at the two new arrivals, he spoke directly
to them.
“You two, too.
would like to meet you, but then he’ll probably dismiss you to enjoy some
breakfast. Have either of you eaten yet?”

“No. My sister and I had some … complications. We
drove through the night on this last leg of our journey.”

“Let’s head up then.
, fetch
Ryker,” Enzo ordered, then turned and led the group upstairs above the garage.
He was telling
and Isa how the apartment was
turned into a temporary hospital wing as they went.

Reaching the top of the
Nix spotted through the open door, Seamus and Gale talking beside
, who was sitting up in the hospital bed. They all
looked at the group as they walked in.

Enzo started the introductions. “This is your new
alpha, Ralph
, but everyone calls him
. Next to him is his mate, Gale, and that is our pack
doctor, Seamus Rossi. Alpha, this is
and Isa

After the round of hellos, Seamus looked pointedly at
. “I’m glad to see you,
I had told your mate that I was going to come see you when you woke from roost,
but she seemed to have other plans.” Everyone gave a light chuckle, and Nix was
intrigued to see a slight blush rose

turned to his mate. “Gale, can you escort Isa and
to the house? Maybe dish Isa up some breakfast?”


“Actually, alpha,” Enzo interrupted, drawing their
attention, “I think
should stay just a few
minutes more.”

Their eyes connected, and Nix could see the silent
message being sent and received.
brows rose,
but he didn’t argue. “All right,
, if you
wouldn’t mind staying.”

“If you don’t need me, I’ll be happy to escort both
ladies back to the house,” Seamus offered.

“Thank you.”

“Thank you,”
to the doctor.

Gale leaned down and after a short kiss, turned to go,
letting Seamus walk them out. She gave
curious look as she passed.
and Ryker joined
them just as the girls departed.

After the door closed behind Seamus and the girls, all
eyes turned to

“It’s good to see you looking better,
face was genuine.

“Thank you,
looked at
. “It will
take some getting used to seeing you like that. It looks good on you, congratulations.
I trust Havana is all right then?”

opened his mouth to speak when
spoke first. “Oh,
she’s more than all right. The whole house heard how ‘all right’ he made her,
practically all night.”

growled loud enough to rival the growl
eyes grew big, and he immediately
bent his head in submission to his alpha.
“My apologies, alpha
I went too far.”

“Damn right you did. That’s my sister you’re talking
about. She’s been through a lot and has been blessed with a mating.”
voice was gruff, his bear rising to the surface.

face and ears took on a pink tint.
kept his
furious eyes locked onto
continued. “How would you feel if it was your mate? Would you want her to feel
bad about being claimed?”

“No, alpha.
It won’t happen again.”

wasn’t finished. “Damn straight. Finding one’s mate is a big deal. Claiming
them is even bigger. That cavalier attitude is all right sometimes, but if you
don’t get a handle on it, it will someday bite you in the ass, and if not, my
bear will.”

Nix had been on
side before, so he knew how
felt. Taking a quick
glance over at
, he could see the shifter kept
his eyes cast down and his hands folded in front of him. Not afraid, but
As it should be
, he thought.
. No one knew what to expect with
him, but it was looking good so far. Nix had already given him brownie points
for helping his in-laws without even knowing who they were. That deserved some

took a breath and relaxed a little bit before looking around the room at the
others before settling his sights on
. “Before
we start, I have an announcement.
, you
demonstrated outstanding restraint during the rescue. For any paranormal, even
ones with decades in the military who pride themselves on their
self-discipline, to have the level of control you had when your mate was in
trouble, is a rare gift. I know many who would have disregarded orders and even
killed indiscriminately for their mates. Though you did kill one of them, it
was the one carrying your mate and he had shot you, so it was easily justified.
I would like to offer you an enforcer position in my inner circle.”

Nix was stunned, and from the silence in the room, so were
some of the others. Enzo, Slate, and Matteo weren’t, but Nix guessed
already talked it over with them. Nix watched the different
expressions on the faces of everyone around the room. They were basically the
same: surprised. It was a high rank to offer anyone, let alone someone that the
alpha had known for less than three weeks. Nix didn’t feel jealous. He was
happy with his position in the pack, and he was proud of
Over the time he had known the gargoyle, he had formed a little bit of a bond
with him and the other two.

He offered a sincere smile, but when
dark blue eyes turned to him he looked doubtful.
“It’s well earned. You deserve it.”

Nix’s final assurance seemed to have encouraged
. He noticed his body relax a bit before turning back
to the alpha. “Thank you, alpha. I am honored, and I accept.”

BOOK: Barely Winging It
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