Read Bared Online

Authors: Stacey Kennedy

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Women, #General, #Erotica

Bared (7 page)

BOOK: Bared
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“It’s beautiful, Son,” his mother replied, fluffing up her light blond hair with silver highlights. “We’re thinking of staying for a while after the cruise is done. Could you come for a visit?”

Aidan nodded. “Get roots set down and I’ll make it happen.”

His father gave him a stern look. “That would make your mother very happy.”

Aidan chuckled. So his mother had been talking about missing him for a while, had she? He thought over what to stay next, but fell short. He remembered times when he and Lily would chat to his parents over Skype on their travels, and Lily would talk to his mother for an hour.

Lily had been a talker; so was his mother.

By the end of the conversation, both he and his father had said all of ten words. And Aidan hadn’t minded. He loved listening to Lily speak and watching her smile. His parents had loved her, too.

“All right,” he said with tightness in his chest. “Enjoy the rest of your cruise. Drop me a
line when you’re at the next port.”

“Of course,” his mother replied. “We love you, Son.”

“Be safe,” Aidan replied.

His father gave his typical nod goodbye and crisp smile. Then Aidan ended the Skype call and sat back in his chair. He glanced across his desk to the picture of Lily by the telephone. So much had changed since her. She had been the center of his life, the sweetest and purest part of his world, and that had been ripped away. With her, his days had been full and his life had been happy.

Things were different now, even he knew that. He worked, he played in the dungeon, he climbed mountains. Before, with Lily, he had the world at his fingertips. He had it all. But that life died with Lily.

Though he did have Cora, and she brought him something different. She had reminded him to wake up every day, and gave him something to look forward to on the weekends. She had that sassy smile. Her quick wit amused him. Her submission drove him crazy.

Two lives, totally different—yet both belonged to him.

With thoughts of Cora and all that she’d given to his life, he couldn’t stand feeling that she was hurting. How he felt now had reminded him of his pain; it horrified him to think she could feel such dark emotions.

Cora was too good. Her soul too kind. She didn’t deserve it.

He had to fix this.

“Affidavits are all done.”

Aidan glanced up as his legal assistant, Ella Snow, entered his office with a folder in her hands. At twenty-six years old, she had a quiet reserve to her. She had an old soul. Her flowered sundress looked as though it has been plucked right out of the fifties, and Aidan had never seen her in modern clothing.

The look suited her.

She had unique eyes—sometimes they were blue, other times they looked green, depending on what color she wore. Her long light hair was always styled, usually in some type of a braid. As she reached his desk, he accepted the folder. “Thanks for coming in today.”

She smiled, and it didn’t mask that something haunted lay in their depths. “It’ll make my Monday easier.” She shrugged, which bounced the fishtail braid on her shoulder. “Besides, I had
nothing planned.”

That was a damn shame, as Aidan knew Ella had no family. From what she had told him, her parents died in a plane crash when she was seven years old. Raised by her grandparents, she had eventually lost them, too, from old age.

When she applied for the position at his firm three months ago, her résumé had been solid, and her recommendation letter from her previous employer impressed Aidan. He hadn’t gone wrong hiring her. He didn’t know what he did to deserve Ella. She was originally a Southern belle, and he was damn glad she’d moved to Vegas.

Her work ethic had him doubling her salary after the first month. Now that he had her working directly for him, he couldn’t ever lose her. She never hesitated with his requests. She never took no for an answer when dealing with other lawyers or other issues.

She got the job done.

A lesson that Aidan had learned from his father: Find a good employee, pay them what they’re worth.

He almost wished he could do more for her. Sometimes he wanted to invite her to his casual functions, but he didn’t mix pleasure with business. Considering his lifestyle, he kept the two worlds far apart. He liked Ella and felt a brotherly affection toward her. After a month, he’d stopped asking her what she planned for her weekends, since it seemed she never had much going on.

He reached into his desk and pulled out the company credit card. “You’ll need to look sharp for court this coming week. We’re going up against Samantha Green.” He offered her the card. “Go shopping.”

She rolled her eyes but accepted the card. They’d already had that argument about her attempts to refuse him. He’d won, of course. She folded her arms. “You don’t have to keep sending me out to buy clothes. I can purchase them myself.”

“Why would you? It’s on the company’s tab.”
And it’s all I can do to ensure someone is doing something nice for you
. “We need you to look your best, so get your hair and nails done, too.”

She frowned. “Is that really necessary?”

He smiled. “No, but it’s a fun day out, so I’m told.”

Chapter Six

Cora drove along the Vegas Strip in her red Mini Cooper cabriolet with the top down. The warmth of the sunlight penetrated through her chest, offering up giant doses of vitamin D. The gorgeous, perfect day with white fluffy clouds moved her through the streets. Born and raised in Sin City, she doubted she’d ever leave.

Vegas had been, and always would be, home.

The retail therapy with Presley and her morning with the kids had made her day. She felt more like herself. She was in control. She was happy, and that was a welcomed relief. Intense moments in the dungeon could take her a day or so to recover from. Now last night’s debacle was free from her mind and she looked forward to tonight with Aidan.

No talking about feelings. All action. That was her motto.

Once she reached the end of the Strip, she turned left and headed onto the back roads. The warm, dry breeze swept through her car and fluttered her hair. She tapped her finger against the steering wheel, far too aware that he’d wonder over her actions last night.

He’d want an explanation.

Maybe that’s what made him such a good Dom.

Cora had mulled it over all morning and she had yet to come up with a solid excuse to backpedal out of the hot seat. What could she possibly tell him? She liked to play. She had nothing to talking about.

Things were fine.

Of course, she could tell him the truth, but where would that get them? Force Aidan to face his pain? Make him feel horrible things from his past? Take away the one thing that she knew made him happy—her playing with him? She’d seen Aidan when she first joined Club Sin—three years after Lily died—he had been so sad then. Now he seemed happy—or as happy as he could be.

He needed more time to recover.

She’d give him that, no matter the cost to herself—it was that simple. Cora was strong, always had been. Now she was being strong for both of them. Sure, she wanted more from him,
but she knew better than anyone that people needed time to heal.

The process couldn’t be rushed.

It didn’t matter that five years had passed since Lily’s death—he wasn’t ready. Cora knew that because he wasn’t facing his pain; he was hiding from it. She’d seen in her job the effects that had on a person if they were forced to deal with things they weren’t ready to face.

She didn’t want Aidan to hit rock bottom. She wanted to support him.

As she took another hard left into the East Silverado Ranch Boulevard, Cora sang along to the soft rock music blaring through her speakers. No one needed to tell her that her voice was not
American Idol
quality—she knew her pitch wasn’t perfect and she didn’t give one flying flip.

She spotted her redbrick bungalow on the suburban street. The music dulled in her ears and her mouth clamped shut. Her insides quivered as she squinted at her driveway. The closer she got, the more the
came into focus.

“Fuck,” she muttered.

The problem wasn’t the sleek black sports motorcycle in the center of the driveway. Her concern lay with the sex packaged in a pair of blue jeans. More so, the powerful man staring at her as if daring her not to stop. While she was tempted to drive by with a little wave, she needed to clear up this misunderstanding.

She parked at the curb and heat rose in her body. With shaky hands, she exited the car, blowing out a slow breath. Of course Aidan would show up at her house. Why had she expected otherwise?

With a fake smile forming on her lips, tingles like jelly beans were dancing in her belly. He pushed off his bike and his warm expression caught her breath. Her gaze roamed over him, stirring places that shouldn’t stir at the moment. Lord, he was
in his leather jacket.

His mouth held a slight curve as he met her halfway down the driveway with a steady gait. She inhaled deeply through her nose, forcing her fluttering stomach and puckering nipples to chill out.

“Hi.” She cleared her throat, placing her keys into her purse with trembling fingers. He’d never come to her house … 
. In fact, she’d never seen him outside of Club Sin. A cold sweat washed over her. Her throat tightened. “What brings you by?”

His head tilted from side to side as he regarded her, and then his gaze cut to the shopping bag in her hand. “What’s that?”

With a nibble to her bottom lip, she stared into his chiseled face, trying to get a read on him, which was unsuccessful. His emotions were very much in check. “Something for tonight.”

He crossed his arms, observing her with a flat expression. “You do plan on coming to the dungeon tonight?”

Cora gulped at the muscles bulging along his forearms. Her limbs shook, and she slid her arm through the handle of her purse and then stuffed her hands in the pockets of her skinny jeans. Somehow seeing Aidan out in public made him more real.

Her loins burned.

Yet her mind raced.

If only she knew his
outside of Club Sin, maybe she could get a grip on herself. His intent was not clear. Though they had played together for two years, Aidan stuck to a D/s relationship in the dungeon, not out of it. She didn’t know his expressions outside of the club. He’d always been gentle or in full Dom mode. His half-lidded eyelids showed neither side right now.

She pondered his question, and then her blood ran cold. Did he plan to ban her from Club Sin until she talked to him?
No, he couldn’t. He wouldn’t dare
. “Am I not allowed to go?”

“Of course, you’re welcome.” He smiled politely, not genuinely. “I wasn’t sure if you would. If you felt up to it.”


Cora rolled her eyes. She didn’t want to have this
, because as far as she was concerned there was nothing worth discussing. He wasn’t ready to go there, and neither was she. Hadn’t she made that perfectly clear last night? “I told you, Aidan, nothing’s wrong. I plan on coming to the dungeon and playing with you.” Good grief, first Presley, now Aidan. “Why can’t everyone listen to what I’m saying?” She yanked her hands from her pockets and gripped her purse. “I. Am. Fine!”

I. Do. Not. Want. To. Talk. About. It

Believe. Me. Neither. Do. You

He made a
noise in his throat. “I heard what you told me last night.” His expression became pensive with the arch of his brow. “I also heard what you didn’t say.”

Cora threw her hands up in an “I give up” gesture, nearly smacking herself in the face with her purse. Before she could snap out her reply, her neighbors strolled by with their German
shepherd. They regarded Aidan with a keen eye and bright smiles.
. She ground her teeth at the looming conversation in which she explained to them that he wasn’t her boyfriend.

Her stomach hardened as she waved at them. The tension increased as she turned to Aidan. He’d taken a step closer, removing the distance. “Can we go inside? I’d like to talk to you.”


What could she say—no? It’d only increase his belief that something was wrong and she was hiding from him. Which of course she was, but for his own good. And nothing was freaking wrong. She was okay with their relationship. She’d accepted it. And she was happy—’
nuff said
. “Come on.”

On her way to her cherry-red front door, her insides quivered. While part of her knew this conversation was coming, she sure as shit hadn’t expected it right now. Her hands trembled as she unlocked the door and entered her house, and her shoulders dropped as she glanced at the wide-screen television. She had planned to watch a chick flick before getting ready for tonight, not deal with Aidan and his

She strode through the living room and approached the kitchen. The eerie silence had her tugging on her black chiffon blouse. Even if Presley hadn’t been her roommate for long, Cora had gotten used to the company. Her house lacked the warmth it once had.

When she reached the kitchen, Aidan was hot on her heels. Turning to him, she set her bag of lingerie on the countertop. Her knees buckled as he leaned against her counter with his arms folded, oozing authority. As he always did, he dominated the space, and butterflies fluttered in her belly.

Him, in her house, all alone … a naked Aidan taking her against the countertop flashed like a wicked fantasy in her mind.


He regarded her with a long look, and to her dismay, no heat rested in his shadowy eyes, only softness. “Talk to me.”

Her mouth was dry as she moved to the stainless-steel fridge and grabbed a bottle of water. “What do you want to talk about? Sports? The weather?”

His warm hand grasped hers and she melted into his hold. God, his touch … it curled her toes. She looked to him and his stern voice matched the severity of his features. “Talk now.”

BOOK: Bared
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