Bare-Knuckle Love (biker gay dark erotic romance) (Rabid Mongrels MC Book 1) (6 page)

BOOK: Bare-Knuckle Love (biker gay dark erotic romance) (Rabid Mongrels MC Book 1)
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It was difficult to stay straight on the bike when the machine finally started, driving into the empty street, but Jason’s survival instincts kicked in as soon as Hyde increased his speed. Cool air swiped over Jason’s bare arms, and in contrast with the chill, which caused them to break out in goose bumps, the helmet Hyde made him wear felt like a heated can around his head.

Jason could have managed to balance holding on to the metal bar at the back of the seat, but in the end, he slid his arms under Hyde’s and held on with a deep exhale. He’d never hugged a man this way, and he could see himself falling asleep while holding on to a big, strong body like Hyde’s. Who was he kidding, though? It wasn’t just about any man. Those butterflies in his stomach were fluttering for Hyde.





Chapter 4


As they left town, and the bike climbed a hill close to the seaside, Jason watched the sparse lights of his hometown. The big, yellow reflection of the moon trembled on the water. It was as if all that happened tonight had been just a dream. He knew where the fishermen’s boats were, his childhood house only two blocks away from the harbor, somewhere close to the dot of light emerging from the thick darkness at the shore. Father’s ghost probably sat in one of the boats, shouting orders at the other fishermen in the night, not realizing he was dead and wouldn’t fish ever again.

Hyde eventually drove into the trees and away from the sea, and he slowed down as they were swallowed by darkness, with only the pale halo from the headlight illuminating the way. Jason looked back when they rode past a bus stop, but just moments later, Hyde steered the bike into a long driveway, which climbed up a small hill. When they finally reached a clearing, Jason was surprised to see a large two-story house with a small playset and a double garage.

“Here we are,” said Hyde. He left the bike beneath a covered area by the garage. “Be quiet once we’re inside. Everyone’s already asleep.” He frowned and looked at his watch. “Or still asleep. Not sure what the schedule is today.”

Jason hugged himself, slightly shivering from the cold. His toes were freezing. “I’ve screwed up enough tonight.”

Hyde gave him a sideways glance and walked up to the door, which was guarded by two small evergreens in clay pots. “Yeah, you did. Why would you change your mind anyway? No one forced you to agree to forfeit the fight.”

Jason pursed his lips. Hyde would never understand. “I’m fucked in the head, if you haven’t noticed.”

Hyde frowned and opened the door to a dark hallway. Jason’s muscles jumped into readiness when he noticed movement, but Hyde only gave a quiet laugh and patted his chest. “Come to Daddy!”

A pale shape rushed through the hallway, and before Jason knew what was going on, Hyde had a white pit bull hanging off him like a little kid.

“Good girl!” chuckled Hyde, casually walking inside while carrying the dog. He leaned against the wall, and the lights finally went on, illuminating a minimalistic interior, with pale tiles underneath their feet and a large built-in closet on the right.

Jason’s lips parted, and then spread into a small smile. The dog looked so similar to Ratso, his old pit bull. The poor thing would probably be still alive if it wasn’t for Jason’s father. Instead, Ratso was commemorated as a stylized tattoo on Jason’s chest, along with the motto Jason learned to be true in life.
Fight or die

Hyde walked up to him, with the dog leaning toward Jason. Its big eyes were wide with curiosity as it loudly sniffed the newcomer. “Heidi likes you.”

Jason gasped, and took a step back. He could bet this was a trick to see his vulnerable side. His hands itched to pet the cute muzzle, but the last thing he needed was a reminder of Ratso. Heidi even had the blue eyes his dog had had.

“I… I don’t like dogs,” Jason muttered awkwardly.

Hyde scowled at him and kissed the top of Heidi’s head before gently placing her on the floor. “Good girl. Bed.”

It took some convincing, but the dog eventually disappeared in one of the open rooms.

“At least you don’t eat them,” concluded Hyde, leading him through the pristinely clean house.

“Or do I?” Jason dared a joke, but wasn’t sure if it came out funny or creepy. He didn’t like the disapproving look he got from Hyde before, so he hoped to make up for the bad impression. He shouldn’t care, but he still did. He loved how intensely Hyde’s gaze had penetrated him when Jason blew him. In that moment in time, Hyde had been focused on him and him only.

“You don’t. She’d maul you first.”

At the very end of the corridor, Hyde walked through a door, entering an average-sized room with somewhat aged furniture and pictures of birds on the walls. “That’s where you’re gonna sleep,” he said, closing the door behind them. “The bathroom is right there.” He nodded toward a doorless entryway.

Jason suddenly felt tenser than when he was awaiting a dart to his ass. Hyde seemed so relaxed, yet his presence took up the whole room and swallowed Jason as well. “It’s… nice.”

“Thanks. Most of what you see here came from my old home,” Hyde said absentmindedly before nodding at Jason. “Now take off that shirt. You’re not showing my son that picture tomorrow.”

Jason had almost forgotten about the crotch drawn on his back. Almost. “You wanna throw a few more before it’s gone?” he grumbled as he took off his T-shirt. To think that this disastrous night began with him not wanting to get humiliated in front of Hyde. Tough luck.

“I had to give them something. Would you rather they cut you with that carving knife?” asked Hyde, switching on the light in the bathroom. “That was quite impressive, by the way. Not a single groan,” he said, looking up at Jason, with a small smile curving his mouth.

Pride swelled up in Jason’s chest at the thought that he managed to excite Hyde. “Maybe my nerve endings got fucked after the shock.” He went into the bathroom, more out of his depth than he ever was in the ring.

“You’re fucking modest. I’m not sure if I like it or not,” said Hyde, following him to a white-and-blue bathroom with a small bathtub in the corner.

“And you’re full of yourself, so there’s balance in the room.” Jason clenched his fists. He was standing in front of the hottest guy on the planet with a pussy drawn on his back. This was not an ideal scenario.

Hyde grinned and gave the tub a friendly kick. “Go on, hop in. I’ll get that porn off you.”

Jason hesitated for the longest moment, but took off the sweatpants. He couldn’t wait to get his aching feet into warm water. Besides, Hyde had seen him naked already. “Why are you so friendly all of a sudden?” Jason sat in the tub, with his back to Hyde.

Hyde snorted and switched on the water. Jason tensed when cool droplets sprayed his skin, but moments later, Hyde showered his whole back with warm water. It still stung a bit where his skin had been pierced, but it wasn’t anything he couldn’t bear.

“I’m always friendly. Unlike you. Why would a man who hates dogs tattoo one on his chest?” asked Hyde.

Jason sighed, uncomfortable with the closeness. It was making him hot and cold, and utterly confused. “It was my dog. It’s different.”

Hyde murmured something, and Jason felt something cool spill down his back. Bodywash.

“I suppose I get it. I hate children. I mean, the ones that aren’t mine,” said Hyde, starting to massage the herb-scented soap into Jason’s skin with a washcloth.

The touch was weirdly relaxing, even if slightly intimidating. “How many do you have?” Jason whispered, looking into the water at his feet. It was already darkening from the marker on his back. He couldn’t really see much of Hyde in this position, but there was definitely a touch of smile to his raspy voice.

“Just one. Cody. He’s eleven. Had him while still in high school. How about you?”

“I don’t have… anyone.” Jason frowned. That sounded beyond pathetic.

“That’s tough. No girlfriend?” asked Hyde, scrubbing Jason harder, which in turn made his back raw and hot. It was a weird sensation, especially coming from someone whose touch Jason craved despite his best wishes.

Jason snorted and had a better look at his bruised knuckles. “No, I’m not very good with people.”

“You don’t say!” Hyde chuckled and sprayed Jason’s back again before reapplying soap. “Isn’t working that well for you, is it?”

“I’ve got someone washing my back. I wouldn’t say I’m doing so bad.” The last thing Jason wanted was for Hyde to think he was a loser. Breath stilled in his throat when Hyde’s nimble but strong hands slid down his arms and settled on Jason’s biceps. The heat of another body was something Jason was familiar with, only not in this setting. He didn’t know what to say.

“True. I was impressed with your performance tonight.”

Jason frowned. “I attacked your friend.”

“He’s gonna be fine. Titan’s popular with the ladies anyway,” came in a whisper that warmed Jason’s ear. He stiffened when Hyde swirled the tip of his nose over the shell of his ear.

Jason was a fish out of water. “What are you doing?” he mumbled.

“What do you think I’m doing?” uttered Hyde, and it wasn’t just his warm mouth sending electric charges toward Jason’s groin. He slid his soaped-up hands over Jason’s chest and down his stomach in a slow, sensuous trail.

Jason bit down hard on his lip. “I think the guy who blackmailed me and threw darts at my back wants to fuck me as well.” He gripped onto Hyde’s wrist, because if that hand reached his cock, he wasn’t sure if he’d be able to say no, and his resolve shrank that much further when Hyde sucked Jason’s ear into his mouth and tickled it with his tongue.

“Don’t be so sensitive. A man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do.”

“Fuck you.” Jason pulled away from the touch that had his dick filling. “I’m not gonna be your bitch. You got your video already, and I’m not risking another.”

Hyde wrinkled his nose and shook his head. “You see any cameras? What kind of man doesn’t want his dick sucked?”

Strangely enough, Jason was more anxious about that than sucking one himself. In some ways, it felt like something that would expose him even more. “You don’t remember me, do you? From school?” He glanced back at the handsome face.

The way Hyde’s pupils grew confirmed Jason’s assumptions. “From school?”

Jason’s lips curled into a smile that carried no happiness. “Of course you don’t. You invited me to your party once.”

Hyde narrowed his eyes. “It’s been eleven years. I’m surprised you remember
if we weren’t friends.”

Jason slouched and pushed Hyde’s hand away. “Everyone remembers you. And I know you’re not friendly. You just do what needs to be done to get what you want.”

Hyde stared at him in silence. “Fucking expert. What’s my real name then?” he asked eventually.

Jason turned around to see him better. “Pierce. And you got your nickname for your two faces. I wouldn’t trust you for a second.”

Hyde actually took a step back. “We’re not fucking then?” he asked, as if it weren’t clear yet.

“I think you fucked me over enough tonight. Stole my first kiss, you fucker. Not gonna get my cherry.”

A genuinely surprised Hyde was a sight to behold, especially with that kissable mouth dropping gently.

“First kiss? Are you fucking kidding me? What’s wrong with you? Because it’s not your outer package,” he said, moving his hand up and down in front of Jason.

Jason couldn’t help his ego inflating slightly at the sort-of-compliment. “I don’t know. I’m a bit shy. Whatever!”

“And you’d still rather I jerk off to that video than get off with me?” asked Hyde, clearly not convinced.

Jason stood right up. “You are not allowed to jerk off to that!”

Hyde chuckled and folded his arms across his chest. “Oh, really? It’s the hottest porn I’ve made so far. You’re quite the star.”

“Really!” Jason got himself a towel and wrapped it around his hips. “It was a one-time thing. I’m not gay or anything.”

“Dream of it, Princess. Breakfast’s at seven, so be ready,” grumbled Hyde, leaving the bathroom without another look at Jason.

“Don’t you ever fucking call me that!” Jason didn’t care whom he might wake up. He had enough on all levels tonight. Arousal was spiking in his body at random times, and the worst thing was that despite all that happened, he still wanted Hyde’s gorgeous lips on his dick. If only he could ignore what was left of his pride and let the man stay with him for the night. But that could involve consequences he wasn’t ready for.

Hyde didn’t bother answering, and all Jason heard was the click of a door closing. Jason hadn’t felt this lost for years. His mind kept drifting back to Hyde’s dick, to its thickness, its pulsing veins. It was heaven on earth, and Jason hated wanting it again.

Even when he put on the pajama pants he found in the closet, he couldn’t fall asleep, tossing and turning in bed for at least an hour. The moment he heard scratching at the door, his senses awoke, reminding him of every ache in his body.

It had to be Heidi, and Jason had no idea what the dog could possibly want from him. Was she hungry? In dire need of an emergency walk? After the fifth round of scratching, he gave in and stumbled out of bed. When he opened the door, Heidi was sitting at the threshold, her tail sliding over the floor behind her butt like a fan.

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