Bare Hearts (4 page)

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Authors: Devon Youngblood

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Thrillers, #Suspense, #Romance, #Contemporary, #New Adult & College

BOOK: Bare Hearts
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“I’m sorry,” he yells out the window.

“Freak!” That is all I can muster to say. I’m mad, to put it lightly. Having my life flash before my eyes is not my idea of fun.

Note to self: Don’t date freaks!


Chapter Six

“Shit!” I yell to myself once she hauls herself out of the car. I don’t like leaving her like this, but I know we’ve both had a rough day and I don’t want to press her.
What was I thinking, driving like that?

As I’m driving back home, all I can think about is the brown-eyed beauty named Lily. Finally, I saw her again. I couldn’t believe my luck running into her. What are the odds? Maybe its fate that brought us together again, but I might have just screwed that up royally. I can already tell she is different; not like most girls I’ve known. She’s lost a parent like me, she is strong like me, and there is a mutual attraction between us that I know she feels as well. The attraction between us was electrifying, yet it is so odd to feel that for someone when you’ve lost someone and mourning their death.

Maybe I should send her flowers, or even better, drop by her flower shop. I need to get to know her better, but I’m afraid she might tell me to take a hike. I wish I hadn’t scared her like I did earlier. I’m just used to living on the edge, and doing crazy shit. It happens a lot when you are around a bunch of guys twenty four seven. I like to test my limits.

I’m back in my childhood room, which is very reminiscent of my youth. My dad kept it the same, even after I left for the Army. You can guess I haven’t been home much. I usually only came home once or twice a year.

Well, it is no use trying to get some sleep now, because I know it won’t happen. Maybe I should call an old friend of mine and go out for a bit. I don’t feel like wallowing by myself. I grab my phone and start scrolling through my contacts list. Finally, I come upon a name of someone I used to go to school with.

“Hey Tim, it’s Parker. I’m in town and was wondering if you want to meet up somewhere?”

“Hey man! Sure, want to meet at the old hangout Speeds?” He asks.

“Yes. I’ll meet you there in a half hour.”

“Cool. See ya then.” He sounds happy to hear from me. It will be nice catching up with an old friend.

I rush into the bathroom to take a quick shower and to make myself look presentable since I’ve been a crying mess all day. Ruffling through my packed bag, I pull out a pair of dark wash jeans and a dark gray tank top.

Finally, I pull into Speeds and head straight in. Speeds is an old hangout for us guys when I was in school. They have video games and paintball and everything to entertain yourself. They also have a bar off to the one side and this will be my first time being allowed in there, since I am now twenty two. I spot Tim immediately sitting at the bar. He looks the same; short and stout, even with his spiky blonde hair. I approach him, giving him a pat on the shoulder as he turns and greets me with a smile, and I give him a “Hey!”

“Hey, Man! It’s good to see you,” he says, standing to give me a half brotherly hug.

Tim was my best friend in high school. We were constantly getting into some type of trouble whether it be with girls or just messing around and acting like fools.

“It’s good to see you too,” I say, pulling out the bar stool to sit.

“I heard about your dad. That’s messed up, Bro.”

“Thanks. We just had his funeral today, and I didn’t feel like being alone in that house. So here I am.” The bartender comes over to greet me and I order a beer.

“Cheers to your dad,” Tim says as we clink our bottles together. “If I would have known you were in town I would have rallied the boys out,” he says, referencing the guys we hung with in school.

“It’s okay; it was a last minute type of thing anyway.”

“What else has been going on in your life? How’s the Army treating you? Got a girlfriend yet?” He asks, nudging my shoulder with his fist, changing the subject.

“I served a term in the Army and I haven’t decided if I want to re-enlist or not. I mean, there is nothing keeping me here, except my friends. I have no family anymore. But I have run into a girl a few times that I’d really like to get to know better. I’m pretty sure she doesn’t want to see me again, though.”

“Dude! You need to tell me about this girl.” Tim takes a swig from his beer.

I give Tim the full rundown of bumping into Lily at the hospital, and then bumping into her again at the cemetery. “I mean, it’s kinda creepy, right? The circumstances that we have met are quite unusual.”

“True, it is unusual. But you both have lost a loved one, and you have that in common. I mean, I don’t believe in all that fate bullshit, but you never know,” he says with a shrug.

“You have a point. What’s new with you?” I ask, changing the subject. Thinking about Lily and the circumstances that we met under is not going to get me anywhere tonight, so I push those thoughts out of my head.

We both order another beer and Tim gives me the full details of his new job as an engineer, his new girlfriend named Molly, and the apartment he just started renting.

“Hey, you can crash at my place if you don’t want to be at yours; I live by myself,” Tim offers. “Plenty of room.”

“Thanks for the offer. I will keep that in mind. I think I will see how it goes first. Well, two beers is my limit when I’m driving. So I better head out.” We do our old handshake and I bid Tim goodbye promising, to keep in touch.

Once I’m home, I wonder if I should have taken Tim up on his offer to crash at his place. But I realize that I need to face my reality sooner rather than later. My fucking reality sucks.

Back in my old bed, while trying to sleep, I replay the day’s events from my dad’s funeral to seeing Lily. I feel like I need to see her again. We do have some sort of bond and connection. I wonder if she is thinking about me. I know Tim doesn’t believe in that fate bullshit as he would say, but I know she came in my life for a reason and I’ll be damned if I just let her walk away now.

Sleep takes over and my only wish is to dream about her.



Chapter Seven

Back home I slip inside unnoticed and make my way up to my room. As I’m lying on my bed wide awake, I’m thinking about my mom. Her service and burial were beautiful and I hoped she would be smiling down at the result of it.

Parker, on the other hand, can go jump in a lake for all I care. He may be beautiful, exotic, and has eyes to die for, but the guy is dangerous and just looking for trouble. How can a man so beautiful be so dangerous; why does my body react the way it does when he’s around? Just a single touch from him sends shockwaves through my body like a surge from a lightning bolt. He lights my body up and every cell is awakened. It’s a hard reality to accept. I experienced the danger first hand today and you just have to wonder what it is that makes him seek the danger and thrill. I’ve been hurt so many times it’s hard to believe Parker would be any different.

Exhausted, I fall asleep with my thoughts on pause for the night, but I slip into a Parker induced coma as I dream about his light blue eyes, his dark hair, his peeking tattoos, and his tanned and toned body caressing mine. My body craves his touch and it fuels my desire for him.

It’s the middle of the night, and I jolt awake in a cold sweat as my heart is rapidly beating out of my chest and take a moment to calm myself down, taking several deep breaths. I go to my private bathroom and splash water on my face. It’s then I realize I had a dream about Parker a sexy dream. Holy hell. I pad back to my bed, hoping to get the much needed rest I desperately need.


In the morning I wake to the sun beaming in my room. No more dreams of Parker
thank god!
I prepare for my work day. I take a hot shower to try to clear my head of Parker. Back in my room, I scan my closet for what to wear on my first day back to work and nothing is all that appealing. With the hot weather and high humidity, I settle on a purple tank, a black skirt, and black strappy sandals.

With a cup a joe in hand and my lunch bag ready, I grab my purse and head out to my non-trustworthy car. Before the air conditioning can even cool me down, I’m already pulling into my usual parking spot at the Flower Shop. Inside, everyone greets me with hugs and kisses, and I thank them for handling the shop while I was out.

Glancing over the daily planner, it looks like we have a few quick deliveries and a wedding to prepare for plenty of stuff to keep my mind off Parker and my mom, as much as I miss her already.
I hope this is not her sick and twisted humor from her; meeting Parker and all. Would be just like her to set me up, even from where she is in heaven.

The team and I work flawlessly and I couldn’t be happier with my employees. Once I get situated, I make a quick run over to the bakery and grab some pastries for my staff. I know it doesn’t compare to what they’ve done for me, but at least some stress can be alleviated from them since I’m back. While Ben is out making some deliveries, the ladies and I get to preparing for the wedding that is coming up.

Parker keeps popping into my head. Those blue eyes are enticing and make you want to jump right in. It’s hard to think I feel like this about someone I’ve only seen a few times. I’ve been hurt deeply recently and I’ve had no interest since. Of course, finding your best friend in bed with your boyfriend will do that to you. During my senior year of college, I came home early one night from working my part time job and caught them red handed. So, no, best friend and no loser boyfriend. Now, you can see why it is so hard for me to trust people in general, let alone a stranger. I know Parker is reckless and he is probably no good for me, but I can’t help but feel drawn to him.

Before I know it, the day is over and I’ve spent the better part of the day thinking about a guy I probably won’t see again. Before heading straight home, I grab some fresh flowers to put on my mom’s grave.

Arriving home, I find my Aunt in the kitchen.

“Hi! How was your day?” She asks as she makes a cup of hot tea.

“Long, but it was good to be back. And I am happy to be back on my usual schedule.”

I grab a mug from the cupboard to make myself a cup of tea as well.

“There are some leftovers in the fridge if you’re hungry,” my aunt offers.

“I’m not all that hungry; I’ll probably just make a sandwich and go to my room.”

Taking my food, I carry my tea and head upstairs to my room. It was a long day and I just want to relax. Nervous about the upcoming wedding and all I have to do, I go over the details again in my head, making sure I didn’t miss anything. If the couple is happy with the results it could put me on the map for more down the road. Flowers can set the perfect mood to any wedding. And who doesn’t love weddings?


A few days have passed, and I haven’t had any run-ins with the light eyed guy. This is a small town, so I am surprised. At the shop, we get ready for the wedding and gather everything we need to decorate. Ben has loaded everything in the van and Leah comes along to help. I let Lucy handle the shop while we are gone.

We arrive at the wedding hall in no time and with the three of us working swiftly we are quick to unload the van and get the flowers in place. We place them on the center of the tables, in the corners of the room, and even hang some very elegantly upside down. I notice the hall is already filling up with the guests as I quickly put on the finishing touches. The Bride and Groom arrive, and are in awe when they see the reception area. They gush over how beautiful and romantic it is. Out of the corner of my eye, I see a familiar shadow approaching. I bid the couple goodbye and start to walk out toward the van.

“Hey, Lily?” The voice asks.

I turn and am facing Parker, right there in front of me.
Why does he have to be so damn good looking?
Shit! For a moment, I panic, wondering if I should act normal and say hello or pretend I don’t know him.

“Hi.” I plant a smile across my face, because I don’t want to cause a scene.

“I think we got off on the wrong foot the other day. I apologize, and would love another chance. If you’re available tomorrow, I have a friend who is dragging me to this amusement park with him and his girlfriend. I’d hate to feel like a third wheel,” he says quickly and in one breath

I take a moment, remembering our last encounter. The conversation was amazing but his driving tactics need work.

“She’d love to,” Leah says from behind holding onto my shoulders as she peeks over.

“Well, I guess that settles it,” Parker says with a bright smile. “Can you give me your address, please, so I can pick you up?”

I nod. “So, are you part of the wedding party?” I ask

“Oh, I’m just attending. I know the groom. Were you setting up in there?”

“Yeah, they hired me as the flower decorator. I better go,” I say, gesturing my hand toward the door.

I give him my home address and swiftly make my way to the exit door, ready to grill Leah. As we’re entering the van I give Leah the evil eye. “Nosey much?” I ask, turning in her direction.

“Come on, when is the last time you’ve gone out and had a good time? Never, since I’ve known you. I’m just sayin’.” She shrugs her shoulders and smiles innocently.

She’s right. Since losing my best friend and boyfriend in one single night I swore off guys and kept my head in the books, finishing my business degree. Then it took months to get the shop going.
Well, tomorrow should be fun. I hope


Chapter Eight

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