Barbarian Alien (16 page)

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Authors: Ruby Dixon

BOOK: Barbarian Alien
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I collapse on top of my mate, spent from our furious coupling. It hasn’t been very long at all, and my cock is still twitching despite the fact that it’s buried deep inside her, and I’ve come. But the resonance isn’t going away. If anything, it’s growing stronger with each passing moment, our khuis united in a song.

Liz’s hands slide from my hair and she grimaces at the sight of the long strands on her fingers. “I…might have pulled out a handful or two. I’m sorry.” She offers it back to me.

I take the strands of hair and toss them aside. “I have more.” She can pull it all out if she likes. I care not. I just want to remain buried inside her. I roll on my side and tuck her against my body, pressing her face to my chest. I have never felt so…much.

She is mine. All mine. Even now, she is full of my seed. I can feel her cunt gripping me tight, hot spasms working through her body. She gives a little gasp with each one, and I suspect they are pleasurable for her. I stroke a hand over her pale braids, wet from her bath. “My mate,” I murmur. “My Liz.”

My human makes a little sound that is half moan, half sigh, all pleasure. She nuzzles against my chest and her hand strokes down my arm. I do the same to her, enjoying the difference in textures of our bodies. She does not have the soft fuzz that covers my people. Human skin is different, but…I enjoy it. It feels decadent to the touch, and it reminds me of licking inside her smooth cunt.

It is a good memory, and it’s something I want to do again, immediately. My fingers move to the base of my cock, still seated deep inside her, and I run my fingers along the edges of her opening, where she is gripping me tight deep inside her. Her folds are stretched taut.

She sucks in a breath. “What…”

“I like the feel of you when I’m inside you,” I tell her, and her face colors even brighter red under her warm flush. “You are stretched wide to accommodate me.”

“Braggart,” she says in a teasing tone, and her hand trails down my chest thoughtfully. “We probably did that all wrong, by the way.”

“We did?” I’m shocked that I’ve somehow displeased her. “Is there a human ritual that I have missed?”

She chuckles and her finger trails over one of my pectorals, then flicks my nipple. “Not exactly, unless you call foreplay a ritual.” She shifts, and I feel every muscle in her body against my cock. I inhale sharply, because I’m ready to claim my mate again but she’s talking, so I try to pay attention. “Most of the time,” she continues, “women want to be wooed into sex.”

Wooed into sex? I do not understand. She was screaming for me. I can still taste the wet arousal of her on my tongue. I study her for a moment, considering. Ah – maybe this is the time for the courting word. “
,” I tell her.

Her hand slams on my chest. “What do you mean,
?” She looks affronted. “I can want some fucking foreplay! I don’t think that’s too much to ask.”

“Wait. Is this not a courting word?”

She makes an outraged noise. “I asked you for foreplay and you said no?”

“I said newwp,” I correct. “This is not right? You said it to me and it was clear you liked my touch.”

Liz gives me an incredulous look and pushes at my chest. “I have no idea what you are talking about, weirdo. Let me go—“

“Never,” I state, and fist my hand in her hair, like she did to me. She stills in my grip, and I study her, the pulse racing in her beautiful throat, the hot anger – and lust – flaring in her eyes. “Explain to me this ‘foreplay’.”

“You’re fucking kidding, right?”

I roll the words around in my head, but the translations do not sound right. “My cock does not claim you as a jest, no.”

“Oh Jesus, that’s not what I meant. I…” She blows a breath out, frustrated. “Okay. Foreplay. That’s like, titty squeezes and stuff. You gotta work a girl up for sex. Make sure she’s good and wet and into it.”

I frown down at her. “You were wet.”

“I know! But—“

“I licked your wetness off of the insides of your thighs. Your cunt was so wet it was dripping—“

Her fingers press my lips together and she looks…embarrassed. “Don’t say such dirty things.”

Dirty? It was beautiful to see all that wetness that I caused. I would drink of her sweet nectar for hours, but she seems uncomfortable with the thought. Humans are strange. “Then tell me,” I insist. “What is a titty squeeze? I do not know these words.”

“Oh lord,” she breathes. “What on earth did that translator teach you?” She pats the top of her chest. “You know, boobs. Breasts. They feel good when you touch them.”

I immediately place a hand over one and give it a caress, then look at her face.

Liz giggles. “Not right now. Before sex, to warm me up. So I’m ready to go.”

“I am ready to go,” I point out to her. My cock is hard and still inside her, and I want to start thrusting again, but I am waiting for her very human signal that this is okay to her. That this is foreplay. So I give her breast another tentative squeeze. “Like so?”

Her brows draw together. “You mean…you want to have sex again?”

“Is that what this means?” I squeeze her breast again.

“No, that’s you honking my tit.”

“That is what you said you wanted!”

She rolls her eyes. “I talk in slang, babe.”

“And now you say I’m a child?” Now I’m offended. “I—“

Her fingers go to my mouth and silence me again. “Babe is an affectionate term for a partner. Don’t your people have words like that? What would you call me?”


She smacks my chest. “Like a pet name. A nickname that one says out of affection.”

I think for a moment. “Woman?”

She makes an exasperated sound. “You know what? Never mind. Just forget—“

But now I understand what she is asking. “My woman?” I murmur, tilting her head toward me and brushing my lips over the fine line of her jaw. “My Liz?”

I feel a little shiver ripple all through her body, and she quakes deep inside her cunt. “Oh God, you are hard again, aren’t you? I can
you.” Her khui thrums and resonates louder, and I’m encouraged.

“What other things do humans do for foreplay?” I lick her skin at the spot where her lip meets the little divot below her tiny human nose. It’s soft, so soft.

She sighs softly in my arms and her eyes close. “Kissing is a good one. Stroking. Soft touches. Caresses.”

Ah. So I have been foreplaying her before. I just did not know the word. “I would foreplay you now, Liz. I want your cunt ready for my cock to fill once more.”

“You’re already inside me, so we’ve got that part down,” she says, but she squirms a little against me, as if the reminder of my body buried inside hers is making her fidgety.

My hand is still twined in her hair, and I like that I have her pinned in place. I can tell she likes it, too. Her breath is starting to come in soft, rapid gasps, and when she opens her eyes to gaze at me, she has a sleepy, aroused look in them.

I will foreplay her now, then. She wants kisses? I can give her kisses. It is the mating of the mouth that humans like so much, and that Vektal spoke highly of. I enjoyed it before, too. Liz’s mouth is as soft and smooth as her cunt. So I brush my lips over hers, and when her mouth parts for me, I slick my tongue against hers like stroking my cock deep inside her.

She gasps and moans in response.

I like this. No, I decide. I
this. My mate is finally in my arms, letting me claim her. There is nothing better in the world. I have never experienced the like, and I intend on being greedy with her. My mouth takes hers over and over again, until she is gasping and trembling underneath me. I lick her full, pink bottom lip with my tongue and then gently bite down on it, because it is soft and sweet and reminds me of her lovely cunt. A soft little cry escapes her, and I feel her cunt tremble and clench around my cock, even as her pupils dilate and she stiffens under me.

I slick my tongue over her parted mouth again. “Did I foreplay you correctly?”

“I think I just came again,” she sighs, a glazed look in her eyes.

“Do you wish for me to stop?”

“God, no.” That hazy look focuses on my face, and I feel her roll her hips under me. “I feel incredible.”

“It is the khui,” I tell her, and press my hand between her breasts. “We have acceded to its wishes, and now it rewards us.”

“Yay cootie.” She lifts her chin, a subtle suggestion that I kiss her again. I am happy to do so, even as my hand moves to cup her breast. Her human chest is shivering with the force of the khui vibrating inside it, and her nipples are taut and erect. I graze my hand over them and she cries out again, her eyes closing.

Ah. More foreplays. “Shall I put my mouth here?”

The look she gives me is dazed, but hungry. “I’m down for that.”

I pause. “Is that a…yes?”

“Boobs now,” she says, pushing my head down toward her breasts. “Talk later.”

I move lower as she demands, and my cock slides out of her wet warmth. She makes a small noise of dismay, but I will return there soon enough. As she says, boobs now. I capture her soft nipple in my mouth. She gasps and squirms under me, practically coming off the furs with her need. Ah. I like this. I flick my tongue over the tip, enjoying her cries.

Liz moans and her hands go to my hair, my remaining horn, and she clings to me, desperate. She likes this very much. My cock aches, wanting to be back inside her wet warmth. I’m unable to resist touching her, my hand sliding to her cunt and toying with the soft, wet folds there. She is slick between her legs, my spend and hers mingled together, and she moans when I push my fingers inside her again.

“That’s not enough,” she says.

I bite gently on the tip of her breast. “My fingers?”

“We can play ‘Find the G-spot’ later,” she says, more nonsense human language. “I want you back inside me, Raahosh. I ache for you. Please.”

My cock surges, but I’m not done playing with her yet. I’m still exploring my sweet, soft mate, no matter how much she protests. I gaze down at my fingers as they pump in and out of her cunt, and a dribble of my spend trails down her folds. Automatically, I catch it with my fingers and push it back inside her. I will take her so many times that we will make a child together. And then when her belly is rounded with our mating, we will return to my people and no one will be able to take her from me.

“What are you doing?” She shifts against me, restless.

“I am ensuring that my seed stays inside you.”

“How very barbaric of you,” she murmurs. Her legs part a bit wider and she sighs. “You know what would put even more of your seed inside me?”


“If you fuck me again.” Liz gives a little wiggle. “Cut out the middleman and go directly to the source.”

Again, some of her words make no sense but it doesn’t matter. She is demanding more sex, and that is all I need to know. My khui resonates hard, insisting I take her again. And how can I refuse when she asks so sweetly? I slide back up her body and kiss her mouth, and she whimpers and clings to me. Her hips rise again, and so I fit my cock at her entrance once more, dragging the head of it through her wetness.

“Oh, God, yes,” she moans, and her hands fist in my hair again. “Give it to me.”

I sink home and she shrieks with joy. My eyes nearly roll back in my head with pleasure. There is no sensation like the warm grip of my mate’s cunt tight around my cock. And as I begin to push into her with rhythmic thrusts, one thought cycles through my mind, over and over, resonating as my khui does.

Liz is mine.

Liz is mine.

My mate.

My everything.




Some time in the early morning hours, I wake up with my cheek pressed to Raahosh’s chest, drooling on him a little. Oops. I sit up and wipe my mouth and then his bare skin, but he only shifts in the bed and pulls me against him once more. “Gotta pee,” I tell him sleepily, and slide out of bed.

I waddle out to the lip of the cave to do my dirty business – waddle being the important word there. I’ve been fucked so hard and so often in the last night that I’m surprised my legs are even functioning.

Now I see why Georgie was totally cool with Vektal claiming her as his mate. If he’s anything like Raahosh, he dicked the brains right out of her. I feel pretty brainless and giddy myself. I mean, I’ve had sex before, but sex with Raahosh? It’s kinda SEX with capital letters and little hearts drawn around it. That shit was incredible. I feel sticky and battered all over, but I’m dopey with endorphins and pleased as punch.

I rub a little snow over my aching girl parts to clean up, and then smooth a few more handfuls over my sweat-sticky skin to clean it off. Then, yawning, I head back into the cave.

He’s awake now, sitting up amidst the furs and watching me with a predatory look that makes my cootie start to hum again. I don’t know that I can stand another round of fucking without melting into a boneless little puddle, so I primly sit near the fire, legs tightly locked together, and stir the coals with a stick.

“Come back to bed,” he says, and pats the furs.

Yeah, I’m pretty sure he doesn’t have sleeping in mind. “It’s almost dawn,” I say. “I have a lot to do today.”

“It can wait.”

“You know, you sure do have a lot of energy for a dude that had a gajillion broken bones just last week.”

He lifts one of his arms and for a moment, I almost think he’s going to flex. But he only examines it and shrugs. “The khui helps us heal faster.” He looks over at me again and then pats the furs. “Come back. I would fill you with my seed again.”

My stupid cootie starts humming like an idiot, but I ignore it. “How about we, you know, chat about what comes next?”

He tilts his head and gives me a curious look. “Why?”

I sputter. “What do you mean, why? Because we’re building a relationship here!”

Raahosh’s eyes narrow at me in that way that tells me he thinks he’s being patient, but he’s really not. “I do not see that there is anything to discuss. You are my mate. You belong to me.”

I sputter again. “So we’re back to property now?” There goes my post-coital afterglow. I get to my feet and head for my clothes. “You know what? I don’t want to talk to you right now.”

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