BANG (3 page)

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Authors: Joanna Blake

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“Rez! Man, you did a number on yourself.”

He smiled weakly at the cops.

“Tell me about it.”

“You gotta get well soon! All the guys at the station told me to tell you that.”

Trent laughed and nodded, even though I could see he was in pain. It took a practiced eye. But he was in agony with the lowered morphine dose.

“Just wanted you to know that your blood work somehow got lost. Records department snafu.”

“What a shame.”

They all laughed companionably as the cop ripped up the envelope in his hand. I could not believe what I was hearing. It was despicable. He could have been killed! Or killed someone else!

Instead they were all patting themselves on the back.

I was seething inside as Trent grinned at them, flashing that perfect smile.

“Thank you guys. I really appreciate that.”

Rez! You are the King. Get back in the saddle soon.”

“I will.”

“Is everything… functional? It didn’t get chopped off did it?”

Trent laughed, shaking his head ‘no.’

“Thank God! That would be tragic for all of us.”

The other cop pulled something out of his jacket, along with a sharpie.

“Hey Rez, could you sign something for me?”

I swooped in like a mother hen, waving them off.

“No signatures. Enough. His hand is in a cast.”

The cops left looking abashed. They actually backed out of the room, as if they didn’t want to take their eyes off of my patient. I stood over the bed, muttering as I increased his dose again.

“Why did you tell the doctor to lower your meds? I swear, male patients are the worst. So pigheaded.”

“I wanted to be awake when you came back.”

I ignored him, making a note in his chart about the morphine.

“Don’t be stupid. Pain puts stress on your body.”

I looked at him sternly.

“And don’t lie to me again.”

He grinned and held up his good hand. The one not in a cast.

“Did you know them?”

“The cops? No.”

“So why did they do that?”

He shrugged, wincing.

“Just fans I guess.”

“Fans of what?”

He cocked his head to the side, giving me a probing look.

“You really don’t know who I am?”

I finished my notes and looked at him.

“No. You are my patient. Beyond that it’s none of my business.”

There was a funny look in his eyes just before the meds hit, making his pupils expand.

He looked… determined. Like I’d just issued him a challenge.

A chill went down my spine.

“I’d like to show you what I’m famous for, Alexandra.”

I patted his shoulder. I couldn’t resist the urge to comfort him. He looked so sweet as his eyes drifted shut, his dark hair curling over his forehead.

“Just focus on getting better. Maybe I will let you show me then. And call me Nurse.”

“I am going to remember you said that. Nurse.”

He was smiling as he fell asleep.

Chapter Four


I spent an hour staring at the ceiling trying to make the intense itching inside my cast go away. It covered my entire right arm and shoulder. And it itched.

A lot.

Not just in one spot either.

It itched in several spots.

Many spots

All the spots.

I was doing the deep breathing exercise that I did to stay focused during shoots.

It wasn’t helping.

Nothing was helping except passing out for a few hours. But as soon as I was up, that wiggling feeling came back again. After three days of this, I was going to lose my God Damn mind.


Alexandra popped her head in the door. Perfect. I hadn’t seen her for days and here she was, seeing me act like a lunatic.

That wasn’t going to get me what I was after.


I’m not sure when my fascination with the bossy, prissy nurse had started. But it had blossomed into something much bigger than just an attraction. I was fucking obsessed.

For her part, she barely knew I was alive. I was just a heart and lungs and body parts. She didn’t care about me. She didn’t even appear to be attracted to me at all.

I had to say that was a first for me.

She was driving me crazier than the damn itching!

“You okay?”

I grimaced. I couldn’t help it. She folded her arms over her chest and glared at me.

“Out with it.”

“This cast fucking itches.”

She laughed. That was good, right? I made her laugh!

No, she was laughing
me, not with me.

“Hold tight.”

She left the room and came back with some pills in a cup. And something else. A contraption.

It was… a hair dryer.

“Take these.”

“What is it?”

She raised a brow, giving me the stink eye.

“Oh ‘Mr. I will put anything in my body’ Davis wants to know what these pills are?”

I swallowed the pills abruptly.

“Good boy.”

I liked the sound of that. I would roll over and do tricks if she wanted me to. I would fetch the morning paper, that was for damn sure.


She smiled at me and handed me a glass of water.

“It’s just Benadryl. It will help. Make sure they give it to you when it gets bad. And,
is my own special trick.”

She held up the blow dryer and marched around the bed to plug it in. I tried to get a good look at her ass and failed. Then she was leaning over me, aiming the cool air under the cast.


“Ohhh… that feels… Jesus, that feels good.”

She murmured something but I couldn’t hear it. I couldn’t think, or do anything but feel. The blowdryer felt nice. So did her breasts where they mashed against me.

They were big. And firm. And juicy.

Uh oh.

My cock was starting to get hard.

She moved again, angling the dryer where the cast met my chest. I could feel her body even better now. She had her magnificent boobs pressed against my tummy with her slender torso pressed against my hip. She was built like a brick fucking house.

Just the way I liked it.

Her taut stomach and her- oh fuck- her pubic bone was pressing into me now.

Her silky hair tickled my face as she angled her head to see what she was doing.

She smelled delicious.

Clean and slightly sweet- like vanilla.

I couldn’t help it.

I groaned.


She jerked back, her eyes searching my face.

“Did I hurt you?”

“No- please don’t stop.”

She was about to continue when she froze. I knew it the moment that she noticed my enormous erection. I had an oversized cock as it was and it was hard. Really, really hard. Hell, that thing could cut glass.

“Mr. Davis!”

I grinned at her.

“Please, call me Trent.”

She scowled at me, unplugged the dryer and left.

Bless her heart though; she shut the door behind her.

Whacking off with my left hand wouldn’t be easy, but damn if I wasn’t going to give it a try.


I sat at the nurses’ station, filing paperwork. I could see all my patients’ vitals on the screen in front of me. Mr. Davis’s heart rate was elevated. I knew why though, and I certainly wasn’t going in there to check it out.

He was playing with himself.

It was surprising how often a nurse walked in on a patient mid tug.

Normally it didn’t make me uncomfortable. But in this case, I wanted to avoid that at all costs. Something about him was challenging my ability to stay cool.

So I would not go in there again until I had to.

Later. Much later.

Judging from the… size of his sex organ… it might take him a while.

I shook my head. I should not be thinking about a patient like that. I should not be thinking about him
at all

Eyes on the Prize, Lexi.

We had a new caregiver starting this week. Thankfully Mrs. Keeley had volunteer to be there and train her, and ease the transition. I had high hopes for this one.

But even with a good caregiver, I knew Char would be better off in a home with 24 hour care and other people to socialize with.

It would break my heart to let her go, but somehow, someday, I knew I had to.

A call bell went off. I knew which room it was before I even glanced down. It was him.

Mr. Blue Eyes.

I decided to ignore him.

It was against my instincts as a nurse, but I knew it wasn’t an urgent need. He probably just wanted to stare at me again. I felt my cheeks grow warm at the thought, along with an unwelcome thought.

I liked it when he looked at me.

God help me, I did.

The call button went off again.

I grabbed my tablet and stormed down the hallway.

“What is it now?”

He looked abashed.

“I need to go to the bathroom.”

I felt guilty immediately. He couldn’t stand yet. The doctor wanted him to stay off his legs for a few more days. That meant the bedpan.

“Alright give me a second.”

I washed my hands in the bathroom, giving myself a dark look in the mirror. I was an uncaring bitch. I was a hellion. I was an uptight prude who had left her patient to suffer, if only for a few minutes.

Still, I felt bad about it. And my cheeks were warm. I had no clue what was happening to me.

I was embarrassed for the first time ever having to deal with a patients’ nudity.

I went back out and held up a bedpan and a bottle for urine. They hadn’t given him a catheter for some reason. I waited while he stared at me with a look of horror on his face.

“Can you send someone else?”

I shook my head.

“I’m all you got today. Unless you want to hold it until after five.”

He moaned.

“No, I can’t. Just give me the bottle.”

“Are you sure you can manage it yourself?”

He nodded. I handed the bottle over and reached for the blanket, pulling it down. Then I pulled the gown up. I turned away quickly but not before I got a good look at the monster he had in his pants.

Holy hell, that thing was big.

And it wasn’t even hard.

Well, not anymore.

I waited while he peed and then took the bottle from him, emptying it in the toilet before flushing. I rinsed the bottle and washed my hands again.

He looked up at me when I came out.

“Hey I’m sorry about that before.”

I shook my head.

“It happens.”

“It was strictly involuntary I swear.”

I raised my eyebrow.

“It usually is.”

He grinned at me suddenly.

“Not for everyone.”

I had a crazy urge to ask him what he meant. If he thought he could control his erections with his mind then he was basically some sort of wizard.

“If you say so.”

Just then I heard footsteps running.

Olivia popped her head in the room.

“Lexi, it’s your sister.”

The blood drained from my face.

“On the phone?”

“No, she’s here. In the ER.”

I blanched, handing her my tablet.

“She’s okay Lexi, it’s just a second degree burn.”

I ran for the ER, not looking back.

Chapter Five


“How is your sister?”

Lexi glanced up at me from where she was cleaning my wound. That’s how I thought of her now. Lexi. Short, sweet and to the point.

It suited her perfectly.

“She’s fine, thank you.”

“What happened?”

She looked at me again, just for a second, but I could tell something was wrong. She just shook her head and went back to rinsing my wound with saline solution.

I cleared my throat.

“I like your nickname. Lexi. I think I should call you…”

Those brilliant eyes snapped back to mine. Finally, I had her attention. Even angry, she was so fucking beautiful it hurt to look at her.

“Don’t say it.”

I smirked.

“Sexy Lexi.”

She glared at me. I might be bored out of my mind laying here, but when she came in the air positively crackled. Teasing the nurse is the highlight of my day.

Hell, it might be the highlight of my life.

The girl was fun as hell to tease. And way too easy to get a rise out of. She tried to tune me out again and again over the past week. But I wouldn’t let her.

No fucking way in hell I was going to let her ignore me.

She kept cleaning my wound, not saying a word. She was above my silly games. I knew it. She had work to do. But seeing her head so close to my groin was putting all sorts of thoughts into my head.

Both of them.

She finished up just as I started to rise. I bent my leg and made a tent with the blankets so she wouldn’t notice.

She washed up and started to leave.


“Yes, Mr. Davis?”

“Come on Lexi, call me Trent.”

She frowned at me.

“What do you want?”

I grinned at her, letting my eyes travel up and down her body. I mentally undressed her. Again. She stiffened.

She knew exactly what I was doing.

“How about a sponge bath? You can blow dry me afterwards.”

She narrowed her eyes at me.

“When was your last bath?”

“Two days ago.”

She frowned and checked her tablet.

“I’ve got to cover the rest of the floor. If I have time I will do it later this afternoon.”

I leant back.

“Don’t leave me. I’m so bored!”

I knew I was whining but I couldn’t help it. She tilted her head to the side. Then she sighed and left. I resigned myself to another hour of staring at the ceiling, imagining what I would do to her if I ever got her out of those scrubs.

She was back in a few minutes with an iPad.

Hers I thought.

She handed it to me, along with a set of headphones.

“Here. Books on tape. About fifty of them.”

I took them from her, surprised at her generosity.

She gave me a steely glare.

“Do NOT snoop.
I will know.

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