BANE: A Devils' Due MC Romance Novel (20 page)

BOOK: BANE: A Devils' Due MC Romance Novel
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I got up from my seat and followed him.


As I reached the area, I saw him working on his chopper, kneeling before the front tire, his hands pulling up the metal fender.


"What're you doing?" I asked as I stood by the door.


He seemed surprised to see me there. He stopped what he was working on and faced me.


"Just checkin' on the break cables, kid," he replied. "My ride hasn't been right since those fucking Italians ran us off the road."


"Are you... are you preparing for an attack?" I asked worriedly.


"Attack? Nah. Not yet. The boys haven't decided on what to do."


"You haven't?"


"Well, most want to call Don Vito's bluff."


"What if he isn't bluffing?"


"That's a possibility, yeah. But we can only hope that he is bluffin'. After all, if he's as smart as we think he is, he should know that goin' to war with us will result in really big losses... even if they have the advantage."


"But he cut off Trevor's ear!" I reminded him. "Isn't that enough to prove that he's serious?"


"As I've said, kid... we can only hope that he's just bluffin'."


He's been calling me
since I met him. Even after... after I became his ol' lady... after we made love... he still kept calling me by that tag. It was a term that was too impersonal... too indifferent... too distant. It told me nothing about what I really meant to him.


I never contradicted him on anything, partly because I knew it wasn't my place to do so, and partly because I didn't know how he'd react... and that scared me.


But I no longer had the luxury to dwell in fear over such a matter.


So, I mustered all the courage I had and began to speak...


"Please... stop calling me
," I told him resolutely.


His eyes bulged like they wanted to burst out of their sockets, then he laughed.


"What did ‘ya say?" he wanted me to repeat my message.


"Stop... Stop calling me
I said again, more firmly than before.


He laughed even louder.


"What's so funny?" I wanted to know.


"What the hell, kid?" he tried to retort between his chuckles. "There ‘ya are, lookin' mighty cute in your white top and your short yellow skirt like ‘ye were some girl scout on
Casual Friday
wantin' to sell some cookies... and you want me to stop callin' ‘ya kid?"




"What should I call ‘ya then?"


"I have a name. You can start with that."


"Start? You mean I can call ‘ya by some other labels too?" His laughter ceased, replaced by a befuddled and amused expression.


"Well..." I knew what he was thinking, but I didn't know if I was ready to answer the questions he was sure to ask next.




"I... I am supposed to be your ol' lady, right? So I guess you can call me whatever you want."


ain't one of them?"










"Because I'm not a kid anymore, okay?" I practically yelled my answer, annoyed why he couldn't see the obvious.


And again, he laughed.


"’Ya ain't a kid no more?" he remarked. "That's the fucking reason? Jesus Christ,
... ‘ye're young enough to be my daughter..."


"But I'm
your daughter!" I lashed out at him. I’ve just gone too tired about that notion of his. I may share the same age as his daughter, but that doesn't even mean anything. How could he be so blind not to see that? "That's just it, Bane! I'm not your daughter and I'll never be your daughter! Whatever baggage you may be carrying because of her... I'm not a part of that, okay?"


His laughter ceased and he looked at me with what seemed like anger in his eyes.


Was he mad because I shouted at him? Or because I brought up something that he would rather keep buried? Or was it because I caught him off-guard and he didn't like that?


"Do you see her when you look at me?" I asked the question that always plagued my head. "Is that the reason why you've been so kind to me? Why you want to protect me?"


Unexpectedly, he smirked.


"If I see Lala in ‘ya," he began to say, "do ‘ya think I'd even fuck you?"


My heart sank when I heard those words. Tears threatened to fall from my eyes.


"Is that all it is to you? A f
Is that all I am to you? A slut you can screw anytime you please?"


His smirk got wider... and I felt my heart shatter.


"Would it even matter if I said yes?" he replied mockingly. "‘Ye're my property, kid. I can do whatever the hell I want."


I began to sob, but he didn't seem to care.


I closed the door behind me and locked it. I walked towards him with heavy steps. I removed my top and pulled down my skirt, until all I had left was my underwear.


If all we had was just sexual, then I was going to give him one final fuck before I'd leave. I hated him with all my heart at that moment, but I knew I owed him a lot. I wanted to pay my debts before I'd say goodbye.


"What are 'ya doin'?" he asked in shock as I stood naked before him.


"If this is all about fucking... then fuck me... right here, right now!" I demanded, unmindful of the tears that trickled on my cheeks.


"Wow, kid! ‘Ye're crazy!" he told me, still with a wry smile, as he got up and sat on his bike. He was planning on ignoring me.


But I wouldn't let him.


I sat in front of him, my womanhood rested on his crotch. He was stunned beyond belief... the first time I saw him like that. A part of me would've liked it were it not for the pain I was feeling. I adjusted my legs to establish my balance, rubbing my cunt against his cock in the process. I felt his hardness.


I wrapped my arms around his expansive neck and drew his head towards my breasts.


"What the..." he mumbled in shock.


"Fuck me!" I repeated my demand.


He pushed me away, freeing his face from the confines of my bosoms. He grabbed my chin and pulled my head closer to his.


"You want me to fuck ‘ya?" he asked furiously.


"Yes!" I confirmed, defiant in my assent. "I want you to fuck me, as hard as you can and however way you want.


His stared into my eyes, wanting to know how serious I really was. Then, without abandoning his gaze, he unbuttoned his pants and freed his cock. I felt its heat as it pulsated between my thighs.


With one fierce motion, he ripped off my panties and threw what remained of them on the floor.


He hurriedly inserted his dick inside me. The entry was rough and painful. I wasn't wet, but he didn't seem to care. He persisted until the entirety of his shaft has penetrated me. He wiggled his hips a bit, and I grimaced in agony.


It was my sacrifice.


My parting gift, even if he just thought of me as a plaything.


A final plea of hope that he'll always remember me... come the morrow and the next day and the years thereafter.


He thrusted his cock inside me. I wanted to pretend that I was enjoying it... that was my plan... but the more he moved his midsection, the more his rock-solid manhood played around my inner walls, the more the process gave me a semblance of pleasure...


Pleasure that eventually consumed me with zeal.


And my thoughts shifted... from anger to tender madness... from the sadness of losing what I thought we had to an appreciation of what we were sharing at that very instance... from the misery of having to leave him to a deep sense of longing for what I was bound to miss...


I hugged him tighter, my nails buried deep into the skin on his back. He kept on thrusting as his moans got louder.


"Fuck ‘ya... like this?" he struggled to ask while panting.


"Y-Yes," I replied with equal labor. "Anyway you want..."


"Anyway... I want?"




From behind my forearm, I felt his right hand reach for the handle bar of his bike.  A clicking sound followed and the engine roared to life.  But it wasn’t the sound that transformed my moans into a howl of maddening ecstasy.  It was the way his thighs rattled as I sat on them... and the way his cock felt inside of me as our bodies quivered with his ride.   The saddle vibrated beneath us and an electrifying sensation suddenly surged throughout my body, jolting me into stupor for a couple of seconds before I was able to regain my bearing.


My legs slid across the saddle.  Its leather was smooth and cold and sensual.  I nibbled his ear as his mouth dug deep into my neck.  We were embroiled in an ardent embrace, our limbs feverishly scouring every inch of each other.  I bit him harder, hoping to curtail the yowls that I was finding difficult to repress... but it didn’t work.  The sensation was too overwhelming.  The slit of my womanhood rubbed against the trunk of his cock, making me want him more.  I wriggled my hips a little to savor the feel of its texture against the most sensitive part of my body.  It was reassuringly warm and undeniably hard... the right kind of firmness to stimulate my senses.


And I groaned even louder.


He pushed on the gas which revved up the engine until it was loud enough to conceal my moans.


But in so doing, the seat trembled even more.  And for a brief moment, I forgot about everything else.  All I could think of... all I could perceive... was the euphoric intoxication caused by our deed, and the closeness of the man I didn’t want to leave.


It was an amazing feeling... a gush of thrill, a rush of bliss, the intensity of my need... all of them intensified my craving.


I hooked my legs around his, using his body as leverage to push myself harder against the seat.  And I told him what I wanted...


“More,” I mumbled...


His eyes were open.  He was staring at me intently, marveling - I pray - at the rapture glowing from my face.


“Please... more...” I begged.  I could barely keep my own eyes open. 


As the booming sound of the engine bellowed throughout the garage, he fucked me.  He fucked me harder than he ever did before.  With all his strength, he held my hips and pulled me down as he elevated his midsection, pushing his cock deep inside me... as if he wanted to claim everything it could feel, as if he wanted to reach the very core of my heart which was already his.


He speared his manhood into me, more fiercely with every thrust, turning the gas to make the bike throb more wildly beneath us.


He fucked me and I screamed with pain and delight.


He fucked me and he groaned with equal vigor and passion.


He fucked me like there was no more tomorrow.


He fucked me until we came and rested our weary bodies on each other, still locked in a sweet and meaningful embrace.

BOOK: BANE: A Devils' Due MC Romance Novel
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