Bait: Alpha Billionaire Romance Boxed Set (8 page)

BOOK: Bait: Alpha Billionaire Romance Boxed Set
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Chapter 12

Walking on the red carpet to the entrance of the gala was like a dream. Cameras flashed from every direction as New York’s elite glided into the ballroom. I spotted several celebrities including Julia Roberts, Beyoncé, and Justin Bieber. It was hard not to stare.

The ballroom was decorated in white and gold. Everywhere I looked there was elegance — sparkling lights, pressed white tablecloths, white roses in gold vases, and gold balloons — including the patrons who all wore variations of white and gold. The men dressed in tuxes with gold cummerbunds. Waiters walked around the room holding gold trays filled with Dom Pérignon champagne and bite size appetizers. Everything took my breath away.

“In case I haven’t told you, you look amazing tonight,” Nolan said as we walked in the ballroom arm in arm. “I’m really proud to have you here with me and I can’t wait to show you off to everyone I know.”

I smiled. Yes, he had told me that I looked amazing. And beautiful. And gorgeous. About a million times before we even got to the event. Nothing was brought up about last night and that was the way I wanted it. For now. After tonight, we would go back to being boss and attorney. I would work with him on the Grant Project and it would be nothing but business. Professional business and not monkey business.

Who was I kidding? I really didn’t know if I could resist the pull between us. It was so electric.

“Raminsky and his wife are here.” Nolan whipped me around in their direction before whispering in my ear. “Remember, we’re a couple tonight. I want the chance to do some good with you by my side.”

I scanned the room and found the couple over by the bar. Raminsky was looking rather dapper in his tuxedo. His wife looked very elegant in a shimmering gold gown that accentuated her deep tan and blonde hair. They saw us approaching and Raminsky started to wave. His wife gave a nice warm, inviting smile.

“Relax,” Nolan said. I didn’t realize how tense I was, but I knew this moment was important.

“I’m fine,” I said and planted a kiss on his cheek. He gave an answering caress to my exposed back. Shivers erupted on every inch of my skin.

Raminsky and his wife smiled with approval. I felt that all eyes were on us as we walked across the ballroom.

“Hello, my godson,” Raminsky greeted us. He introduced me to his wife, Simone. Soon other couples surrounded us, some I’d seen in the society pages or in the business section of the New York Times. I tried not to feel so intimidated. It was comforting having Nolan’s arm around my waist as he talked to everyone.

“Nolan, where have you been hiding?” cried Cameron Rutherford, who had just been dubbed a ‘Top Businessmen to Watch’ by Forbes.

“Busy as usual,” he answered, shaking the other man’s hand.

“I hear you’re moving forward with the low-income housing project?”

“Yes, with this lovely lady’s help,” Nolan said, squeezing my side. Like I made him proud. An unexpected feeling overtook me. A feeling of belonging.

“Why doesn’t this beautiful woman have a drink?” Cameron asked.

Nolan squeezed me again. “Good question. Would you like something?” He kissed me on the temple. Raminsky looked pleased as punch.

“Champagne, please.”

“Champagne, it is,” Nolan said. He wrapped his arms around my waist and dipped me, giving me a long hard kiss on the lips.

The crowd ‘oohed and awed’ as Nolan put me back on my feet. My head was spinning. That was going a little far. “What are you doing?” I hissed in his ear.

“Just play along, remember?” Nolan clutched my hand. “I’ll go get our drinks.”

Okay, I could do that. As soon as he turned around I gave him a playful slap on the ass. Payback’s a bitch, Nolan Banks. “Hurry back,

Raminsky hooted and said, “You got a lively one, Nolan.”

Nolan looked back in surprise, laughing. “I guess I do.” Then he dragged his eyes up my body from my stilettos to my messy bun, lingering on my braless breasts. He gave a salacious wink before he turned.

“So, Charlie. What are your fundraising plans for the project?” Raminsky asked.

“Ah, I actually haven’t gotten that far yet. I was hoping tonight would be a jumping off point for getting the funds we need to break ground.”

“My wife would love to work with you on that. She’s hell on wheels when it comes to raising money for good causes.” Raminsky pinched his wife gently on the cheek. His love for her shined through in every motion.

“I would be glad to donate whatever time needed to help you, darling,” Simone offered.

That was nice to hear. “Thank you. I really appreciate that.”

“Maybe we can get together for lunch next week and discuss plans.”

“Okay,” I agreed. This was off to a great start. Not only could Simone be a fundraising force to be reckoned with, but she could be a friend and ally.

“You and Nolan look good together. I’m so happy that he finally found someone to settle down with.” Raminsky gave my hand a squeeze.

Oh boy. It was going to break this man’s heart when Nolan and I staged our breakup. As much as the little girl in me held tightly to the fantasy, I had my big girl thong on tonight. Nolan Banks wasn’t meant for me.

“I hope you spend as many years together as Simone and I have,” Raminsky continued. “Treasure the good times. That’s my best advice. And don’t fight over the little things.”

Nolan came back with two flutes full of bubbly. “Here you go, love.”

“Thank you, honey,” I said, batting my eyelashes at him.

“So, how did you two meet?” Simone asked.

“We work together,” I answered. “I’m his lawyer.”

“As soon as she walked into the office I knew I had to have her,” Nolan answered. He stroked a finger across my cheek. “Sexy, smart, feisty. She’s kept me on the straight and narrow ever since. And that’s not always easy.”

“I’ve always liked a woman who knows how to control her man,” Raminsky said with a wink.

Nolan’s arm tightened around me. “She’s the best thing that ever happened to me.”

His words hit me like a ton of bricks. I was having a hard time believing what was real and what was just his wicked fantasy. Or just part of the game we were playing with Raminsky.

Could I be the best thing that ever happened to him?

Or was I just another notch in his belt?

Or simply a means to an end?

I wasn’t stupid. Okay, sometimes I clearly was, but not about this. I saw the looks all the beautiful women in the ballroom gave him. He could have his pick of any girl in this room. I wondered how many of them had screamed his name as they soared toward their pleasure. I saw Georgia in the corner, giving me her best glare. I shook my head to chase the ghost of conquests past.

Nolan continued, “And we have a lot in common. We share the same philosophies about life and work. We even like the same type of movies. And food.”

My heart surged at his mention of movies. It was the first time he’d referenced our romantic evening together. The night that I’d given my body for the first time in three years. The night I’d given him everything.

“It was love at first sight,” I cut in sassily, spearing Nolan with an adoring look before kissing him on the cheek.

“She’s a keeper, for sure,” Raminsky bellowed. “This one is going to keep you on your toes!”

“That’s why I picked her,” Nolan agreed. Then he glanced down and blushed.


“How long do we have to keep this up?” I breathed into his ear.

Nolan grabbed another glass of champagne from a passing tray. “Have another one, dear.” He placed the flute in my hands. He was really getting off on this charade. Like some kind of sadist. Or masochist.

I took the flute and licked the rim before taking a sip, making a show of darting my tongue out to caress the smooth glass. Nolan hissed in a breath. Then I leaned over and kissed him, giving him a drop of the bubbly on his tongue.

“You keep this up and we’ll have to leave the party before it begins,” Nolan whispered so he couldn’t be overheard, giving my butt a quick squeeze. “I can think of a lot of places that tongue would look good. On my body.”

I was turned on. Oh my god, I wanted this man again. What the hell had I got myself into?

Simone gave a good-natured laugh at the sign of affection between us. “Oh my, I do love to see a young couple so in love with each other. Warms my heart. But ‘old’ love can be just as sweet.”

“Darling, we can’t keep them too much longer,” Raminsky said as he squeezed Simone’s shoulders. “I see other people who would love some attention from Nolan.”

“We do need to go mingle,” Nolan agreed.

“We’ll see you at dinner,” Simone said. “I saw on the seating chart that we’re at the same table.”

I smiled an affectionate goodbye as Nolan pulled me in tight as we skimmed the outskirts of the ballroom. “You’re being a good sport,” he whispered in my ear. “Thank you.”

“This project is important to me,” I answered.

“So that’s all this is to you?” A stricken look crossed his face. He looked hurt. Like he cared about the pretense more than he’d let on.

“Isn’t that what you want?” I asked, clearly confused. I was just a B-list actress in the Banks mini-series.

“Well, I thought after last night we actually might have a shot at something real. I care about you, Charlie. You don’t feel the same way?”

What kind of game was the king of the one-nighter trying to play here?

“I like you, Nolan. But I don’t think now is the time to discuss a future. Now is the time to knock our charitable efforts straight out of the park. Let’s do some good for other people. Those less fortunate than we are.”

His eyes grew soft. “You know that you and I make a good team.”

“This is true.”

“So, why not … us?”

Before I could answer, another couple grabbed Nolan’s attention and we were pulled into a conversation about the luxury high rise Nolan had on the docket for the next year.

While Nolan schmoozed with the businessmen, I got lost in my thoughts. I couldn’t help but feel a little guilty about the make-believe. I didn’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings. Especially the Raminskys. Did Nolan really think we had a future together? How would that work around the office? We already had resentment from Jasmine, although she was gone and it shouldn’t really matter. But I didn’t want the rest of the staff to think I was just there for Nolan’s money. Besides, I was okay for this one night, but I didn’t fit in to his elitist group long-term.

As the night continued on, I pushed those thoughts out of my mind and concentrated on having a good time since my chariot would turn in to a pumpkin at midnight. I didn’t harbor any delusions that this night would ever be repeated in my boring life. Nolan whirled me around on the dance floor, fetched me glasses of champagne, and introduced me to important people who might be willing to help with our project.

I tried desperately not to think of all the reasons this little farce could go wrong. I also pushed aside thoughts of us lying naked on his couch with Nolan kissing me, licking me, making me scream his name. Multiple times. It was hard to sweep the lustful thoughts aside every time Nolan laid a chaste kiss on my lips, caressed my bare back or tucked an errant tendril of hair back in to place. Every time he touched me, I wanted to drag him into the bathroom and explore every naughty fantasy I’d ever had but was afraid to pursue.

There was one thing that he was right about. We did make a great team. We convinced a lot of these people into committing funds for the Grant Project. Or to help with the continued fundraising.

After dinner, I excused myself to use the ladies’ room. I pulled out my lip-gloss and slicked a coat across my lips when I heard someone come up behind me.

“You must be Charlene de Monaco?” I whirled around to address the older woman dripping with diamonds currently eyeing me up and down. And it was obvious that I didn’t pass inspection. “Sorry, dear, did I startle you?”

“Um, no. I mean, yes, I’m Charlie.” I held out my hand. “And you are?”

She stared at my hand for a moment, like she was deciding whether or not I was clean enough to touch. She put her delicately soft hand in mine and gave it a squeeze. “So you’re the girl who has stolen my son’s heart.”

Oh my God, this was Nolan’s mother? I knew he said his parents would probably be at the function tonight, but as the night went on, I’d completely forgotten since he hadn’t mentioned them again.

“Um, yes. We are dating,” I said. “I apologize, Mrs. Banks. If I had known you were in attendance tonight, I would have made sure to meet you before now.”

“Don’t worry yourself, dear,” she soothed. “Nolan isn’t the best at formalities. Especially when he’s wrapped up in a project that’s close to his heart.”

As soon as my racing pulse settled, I noticed that she did look like Nolan. They had the same expressive brown eyes, albeit hers had laugh lines around them. I guessed her to be in her late fifties. Her brunette hair had threads of gold that a talented hair stylist had obviously colored for her. She was no stranger to fillers. From a distance, I would have put her around forty something. Gorgeous and elegant.

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