Bailey, Debbie - Stephanie's Homecoming [Men of Kinsey 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (12 page)

BOOK: Bailey, Debbie - Stephanie's Homecoming [Men of Kinsey 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Stephanie let out a loud squeal when Kane bent down, shoulder to her stomach, and threw her over his shoulder. Turk pulled the curtain back, and they headed across the main room to the staircase that led to the private playrooms. Kane knew that he was acting like a Neanderthal, but the way their woman looked when she said she loved them brought out the beast in him.

To catcalls and whistles, Kane and Turk climbed the stairs with their little sub ready to begin her training.

Chapter 7

From the shadows of the club, two people watched as the men climbed the stairs with their woman thrown over their shoulders.

“Why the fuck did that little bitch have to come back?” she whispered to the man beside her. “He was supposed to be mine. I’ve been working on him for the past ten years. I thought I’d driven her out of his life for good when she saw us together all those years ago, but it seems that the little skank thinks she can waltz back into my territory and take what is mine. She’s going to find out what happens when someone tries to take what is mine.”

The man beside her just stared back at her before saying, “Why not forget all about him, baby. You and I work so well together, why not just let it go.”

Jenny Black wasn’t a woman who could be easily swayed by a pretty face. Brian Thompson was as good-looking as his brother, but he didn’t have the same control that Turk did. She’d spent a lot of money tracking Brian down last year. He’d been a hard one to get a fix on. Brian didn’t like to stay in one place very long, and when the detective she’d hired was finally able to pin him down long enough to talk to him, she wasn’t surprised when he jumped at the chance to earn some big money.

All he had to do was to make it look like someone was out to kill Stephanie, he was to scare her enough so that she would leave town and never come back. If he couldn’t do that, then she’d have to take matters into her own hands and deal with the problem once and for all.

“Brian, you know I like you a lot, but Kane and I are destined to be together. I told you that already. You and I can have some fun for now, but once that little whore is out of the picture, Kane will surely want to marry me,” Jenny said.

“You’ve got to be kidding, Jen!” he said. “Kane only has eyes for that woman, and I don’t think there is any way for you to break them up. I know Turk has fallen for her, too. He always was a softhearted son of a bitch.”

Brian was only helping this crazy woman because he needed the money. It would pay off his debts and still leave a little for him to start over with. He wanted to make sure that Turk would be hurt as little as possible, because even though they hadn’t seen each other in years, he loved his big brother. Turk had always looked out for him when they were kids, standing in between him and their father’s fists. Turk had taken many a beating that had been meant for him until the night of their parent’s death, and he wouldn’t forget that. They’d been separated in foster care but still kept in touch by phone. As they grew older, the distance grew farther between them, and Turk always tried to keep track of him.

But the men he owed money to were not nice people, and if he didn’t pay them back quickly, he’d find himself with a couple of broken legs.

* * * *

Jenny couldn’t believe the shit that this asshole spewed. She and Kane would be together like they were meant to be. She just had to get Stephanie Morrison out of the picture again. If scaring her off wouldn’t do the trick, then she’d fall back on her old bag of tricks. She’d almost had him in her bed once before, she was sure that with the right incentive she could get him all the way in, only this time she’d make sure that Stephanie walked in on them, and then she would finally see that Kane loved her and not Stephanie. But nothing could be done about it tonight. She’d let Kane have his playtime with his toy, and then in a couple of days they’d make their move, and Stephanie would quickly pack up again and leave.

* * * *

Turk almost ran up the stairs ahead of Kane and Stephanie. His cock was so hard thinking about what they were going to do to their woman in the new playroom they’d built.

About six months ago, Kane had told him that he was going to go looking for Stephanie. He said he’d waited long enough, and he had hired a friend of his to find her. When he did, Kane was going to go and bring her back home where she belonged. Once the decision was made, they started working on their private playroom. Neither man had needed a private room before now, so they hadn’t bothered to use the room that Ryder, Sam, and Dan had given to Kane for his personal use. They’d always used the club rooms. And even then it wasn’t very often. Kane had never been able to get Stephanie out of his heart and had pulled him right in with all the stories about the beautiful Miss Morrison. For the longest time, Turk had thought that maybe Kane was making this woman up, but the more he talked about her and told him how he knew ten years ago that she was the one for him, the more Turk wanted to meet her. He’d feared at one point that once Kane found his “angel eyes” he’d have to go and find another partner to play with, but Kane told him right away that when Stephanie came home, she would love him, too. So he went along with Kane’s craziness. When Stephanie walked through the diner doors a few days ago, he’d already fallen in love with her.

He knew it was nutty, but for the last few years, listening to Kane talk about her, and the look on his friend’s face when he did, made him think that this woman was something really special. And now that he’d finally met her, there was no way in hell he was letting her go.

“Kane, will you let me down.” Steph laughed. “You’re acting like a caveman, sir.”

“Damn straight I am. You’re ours, and tonight we are going to claim you, body and soul,” he said as they entered the room, and he finally placed her on her feet again.

“You staked your claim loud and clear downstairs, baby, now it’s our turn. By the end of this night, you’ll know who you belong to and never run from us again.” The look Steph saw in both men’s eyes brought shivers of delight down her body. They looked primal.

* * * *

Turk knew what they were going to do first, so he headed off to the bathroom to start the huge tub they had had installed. Both the shower and the whirlpool tub had been custom-made by friends of theirs. They were big enough to fit all three of them. Turk had the strangest feeling while he was sitting on the side of the tub, that he’d been doing this forever. It was probably because Kane had talked so much about Stephanie, and having her here just seemed so natural.

He turned when he heard the other two come into the room.

“Holy crap, this has got to be the largest bathtub I’ve ever seen. It looks like it would fit six or seven people,” Steph said in wonder as she walked farther into the room.

“We had it custom built so that when you came home we all could fit in here.” Turk smiled, turned off the taps, and nodded to Kane.

“Strip and place your clothes on the stool,” Kane said to her, his voice deeper than normal.

Stephanie immediately started removing her dress. She quickly kicked off her cowboy boots, and then, folding her dress neatly, she placed it on the small stool where Kane had indicated.

Turk could see how nervous she was, but he knew she would do whatever they asked of her. Stephanie was a woman who, during the day, always had to be in control and always had to be strong, but here, with them, she didn’t have to be like that. She needed them to take over for her in the bedroom, it was her stress reliever. By them dominating her, she was able to let herself go. How she’d managed without it for so long was beyond him. Apparently she’d tried with other Doms, but without success. She never trusted them enough to let go.

“God, you’re beautiful,” crooned Turk, and he started to remove his clothes. He watched her eyes follow the movements of his hands as they pulled his shirt over his head, and she unconsciously licked her lips when his broad chest was exposed for her perusal.

Tossing the shirt aside, he undid the buttons on his leather pants and then carefully worked the zipper down. His cock was dying to sink into her body and had become so hard it was almost painful.

With the bath now filled and the jets running, Turk swooped Stephanie up in his arms and slowly lowered both of them in.

* * * *

As the warm water enveloped them, Stephanie sighed and leaned back against Turk so she could watch Kane undress. He was magnificent. At over six four, his whole body was massive. She felt Turk’s lips skim across the tops of her shoulders and couldn’t help but lean back farther against him.

Kane didn’t get undressed right away, though. Instead, he opened the cabinet and pulled out a razor and some shaving cream, and not manly smelling stuff, either. It was the kind that she used herself. She watched as he set the items on the side of the tub and quickly divested himself of his clothing.

Holy sex gods!
She’d never get enough of seeing these men naked and hard. And knowing that she was the one they were hard for made her pussy cream even more than it already was.

“I want you to stand, baby, so that I can shave you. I want you to feel all the sensations we give you tonight.” Kane held out his hand, and, without hesitation, she took it and stood.

“This will do until you go to the spa with Tia. When you go, you can talk to the ladies at the spa and find out when would be a good time to come back to there so you can have it waxed. That way you’ll always be nice and smooth for your Masters,” Kane said as he knelt down beside the tub. Stephanie tried not to say a word when he sprayed some shaving cream onto his hand and then started rubbing it between her legs, but as his hand caressed her folds, she couldn’t help but cry out.

Kane quickly and carefully shaved away all her pubic hair and then gently kissed her mound.

“Fucking beautiful,” he growled.

After putting things away again, he finally got into the tub with them and pulled her to straddle his lap. She could feel his hard cock against her pussy and tried desperately to rub herself against it to find some relief, but Kane would have no part of that, and he gripped her hips tightly to stop her movements.

“Oh no you don’t, sub, you aren’t going to get yourself off.” Grabbing a handful of hair on the back of her head, he pulled back on it just enough to get her attention, saying, “We control when or if you’ll have an orgasm. But first we want to spend some time getting to know your body better.”

Stephanie closed her eyes and let her men explore her body completely, drawing contented moans from her as they moved their hands over her entire body.

Turk had moved to sit on the bench seat and ran his hands up and down her spine. With each caress, Stephanie felt a flood of moisture coat her already-soaked pussy. Her body arched slightly, which pushed her breasts into Kane’s chest, and she rubbed her sensitive nipples against its hardness. Before she had a chance to think, Kane pulled her face close and covered her mouth with his. Fire raced through her as his grasp on her hips tightened, crushing her against his chest. With his one hand still cupped at the back of her head, he held her in place as his mouth ravaged hers, his tongue sweeping in quickly to slide along hers.

The effects of the kiss were like waves through her body. Her senses were on overload, making her dizzy as his heat surrounded her, and she cried out into his mouth when she felt another set of hands reach for her breasts from behind.

“You have very sensitive breasts, baby. I can’t wait to see them in clamps,” Kane’s soft voice whispered across her cheek and down her neck. She could feel Turk’s hard body now pressed against her back; his soapy hands were gliding quickly over her shoulders and back.

“Let’s rinse her off and get her out of here,” he said through her haze of desire.

Turk quickly jumped out and grabbed a towel from the warming rack and wrapped it around his hips. Stephanie couldn’t believe the whining sound she’d heard had actually come from her, at him covering even a portion of his body.

Kane laughed and pinched her ass at the pouty look on her face.

“Stand up, angel eyes, so that Turk can start drying you. The sooner you’re dry, the sooner we can start really playing,” Kane said, helping her to stand and step from the tub into Turk’s waiting arms. He wrapped her in a warm towel and gently started to pat her dry.

BOOK: Bailey, Debbie - Stephanie's Homecoming [Men of Kinsey 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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