Bailey, Debbie - Sienna's Submission [Men of Kinsey] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (8 page)

BOOK: Bailey, Debbie - Sienna's Submission [Men of Kinsey] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Sienna could feel the fear of them finding out her true feelings rising up to choke her.
… Oh god, she hoped they didn’t realize how much she enjoyed her punishment. It seemed that every time Sasha smacked her ass, the more she liked it.

Kissing her shoulder, Mikhail ran his hand down her back and over her now-very-sensitive bottom.

“God, Sasha, look how beautiful and pink her ass is. I can’t wait to fuck it! And from the feel of it,” he said, his voice deepening with passion as his finger moved smoothly over her pussy. “Our girl loves her spanking. She’s dripping wet.”

“Oh, god,” she sobbed as he inserted his finger into her channel.

“You are ours to cherish, little one, ours to care for, love, and protect.” He continued on, now pushing two fingers inside her.

“Mikhail!” she cried out as he pumped his finger in and out of her.

… “Who?” Sasha snarled.

“Master Mikhail,” she panted, “please I can’t take it. Let me come, please!”

! “Your orgasms are ours to control. You don’t come until we say you can. You do remember that, don’t you, little one?” Her whole body shuddered as his brother continued fingering her.

She was so close. Mikhail removed his fingers from inside her body and lifted her from Sasha’s lap. Sienna was trembling so fiercely that she could barely stand.

“I don’t understand what you want from me,” she continued to cry. “As much as I want to be what you need, I can’t.”

Slowly, Sasha rose from the bed and stepped in front of her, running his hands from her shoulders, across her chest until he had both globes of her breasts in his hands. Bending down, he could feel her vibrating as he ran his tongue across one spiked nipple.

“You will give us everything, Sienna, your beautiful body, your trust, and your heart.”

“No!” she cried and pushed against Sasha’s chest trying to put some distance between them. “You can’t have my heart, Master.” She turned to walk away, but she felt Sasha’s arm wrap around her from behind and hold on tight to their little spitfire.

She was like a small kitten, all soft and warm and cuddly one minute, and the next the claws were out and one was fending off scratches. Snickering under his breath, he brushed his lips over her ear, feeling her shiver in his arms.

“Oh, little one, we already have it, don’t we?” he said as he swiped his tongue down the side of her throat, hearing the sharp intake of her breath.

“No, you can’t…” she whimpered as she shook from head to toe from the sensations that these two incredible men created in her. So aroused, the wetness between her legs ran down her thighs.

“Well, then I guess we’ll just have to stop for awhile and talk about this, now won’t we?” Sasha said as he set her away from him, grabbed the clothes he had removed, and headed for the door. Even though momentarily stunned by his brother’s actions, Mikhail did the same and also headed to the door, hiding a smug smile as Sienna swore at them as they closed the door.

Of all the fucking nerve, she fumed. She was so aroused she was trembling, and those two asses just left her. What the hell did they want from her?

Grabbing one of the boy’s shirts from the walk-in closet, she stomped to the door and flung it open, storming through the house in search of them. She couldn’t find them anywhere.

Holy crap! They really just left her. Well, she wasn’t going to sit around here and wait for them to come back to have this talk that they wanted to have. No way! She already felt foolish enough.

God, I don’t know how I ever thought that I would be able to handle these two.
She sighed, heading back up to the bedroom. Tears were now flowing freely down her cheeks as she grabbed her phone from the foyer where she had dropped it and started to call a cab before realizing that she had no idea what the address was or even where she was.

How the heck did that happen?

Stomping into the kitchen, she wasn’t surprised to find they had made coffee. That seemed to be the one thing that they refused to let her do in the office, which was good because she had no idea how to use the fancy coffeemaker that they got for the office.

Pouring herself a cup, she sat down with a thud. Shit, she had been so irritated with Mikhail and Sasha that she didn’t realize how sore her body was. Not anything major, just the normal aches and pains one would associate with a fucking fabulous night of wild sex… Damn, she was so pathetic.

She wasn’t going to play their little game with them. There was absolutely no way in hell that she was going to let them know just how much she loved them. They would placate her for a few months and then slowly they’d turn to a woman who could fit in better with their lives. A woman who could throw all those business dinners for clients and who could bake and be more wild in the bedroom, someone who was just…more.

Sienna knew her limits. She was a great executive assistant and she could multitask with the best of them, but she wasn’t in their league socially.

She did this just to help out for this weekend and to finally give in to the fantasy that she’d had for the past two years. But that was all it was, a fantasy. Now it was time for her to go back to the normal day-to-day and find a new job so that she would be able to at least function.

If she had to watch the men she loved as they found other woman to enjoy their time with, she’d never make it. It would eat her alive, and she wasn’t going to let that happen.

Finishing her coffee, she washed the cup out in the sink, stopping to read the note that they had left for her on the counter:

Little one!

After looking in the cupboards, we realized that we hadn’t done any grocery shopping in the last week. We’re just picking up a few things at the corner store, and then we’ll come right back and have that talk we referred to.

Think about how good you felt in ours arms, sweet pea.

Love you,

Mikhail and Sasha

Setting it down, she smiled and was surprised when she heard the back door. Shit, they were back. She had hoped they would be gone for a least a little while longer so she could figure out how to get out of here.

Hearing someone enter the kitchen, she turned about to give both of them a piece of her mind, but it wasn’t Mikhail and Sasha standing in the kitchen.

It was Eric.

Chapter 4

“What the hell are you doing here, Eric?” she said, trying to be as calm as possible and think of a way to get away from him.

Eric just stood there glaring at her. She had seen that look before, and it scared the hell out of her. Sienna knew that he was here to do some damage.

“I’ve come to bring you home, Sienna. You’ve been acting like a whore for these two assholes for the last couple of days now, and it’s over. It’s time you started behaving like a good wife. If you wanted rough sex, honey, all you had to do was say so.” He moved so fast she didn’t have enough time to get away.

He grabbed her by the hair and pulled her back against him. Sienna could smell the booze on him, and it made her want to wretch.

“I haven’t been your wife for over two years, Eric, and as for sex, after our wedding night, you wanted nothing to do with me. Mikhail and Sasha will be back anytime, so unless you want to be dead, I suggest you leave now.”

“They won’t be back for a little while yet. I watched them leave. I guess you weren’t worth the money they had paid for you and got bored. So this gives you and me plenty of time to get reacquainted.”

Dragging her by the hair, he moved into the living room and threw her on the sofa then flung himself at her, his hands tearing at the shirt she wore. Sienna kicked and punched and finally connected with a knee between his legs.

As Eric went down, Sienna jumped up and ran. She had to get to the bedroom and lock the door. There was a phone in the bathroom, thank god for Sasha’s little eccentricity. She could call the cops and they could help her.

But she didn’t quite make it when Eric tackled her from behind.

“You nasty little bitch,” he screamed as his fist sent her head sideways. “You are coming home with me now.” He was now sitting on top of her legs, punching her in the stomach. When he moved to stand, she curled into a ball and covered her head with her arms. Eric started kicking her in the side, the stomach, any place he could get to.

Sienna felt like she was going to pass out when she heard a click from beside her.

Eric had stopped kicking her and was just watching her, holding a knife.

Grabbing her arms, he pulled them off her face and spat at her.

Leaning closer, he said to her in almost a whisper, “I’m going to make it so no one will even look at you. You’ll come crawling back to me on your hands and knees, and that’s exactly where you belong. You’re my wife, and I can do whatever I want to you.” Sienna knew she was dead. She knew that she’d never get to see Mikhail or Sasha again, and worst of all she’d never get to tell them how much she loved them. How just by walking into a room her heart beat faster.

Slowly, Eric ran the knife down her arm, making small cuts as he went. He was fucking crazy. She knew that now.

“Oh yeah, when I’m through with you, sweetheart, you aren’t ever going to be able to show your face in public again.”

Sienna eyes were swelling shut, so her vision was becoming increasingly blurred.

“Go ahead, you ignorant fuck. But no matter what you do to me, I will never, do you hear me, never, come back to you. You make me sick, Eric. With all the privileges you’ve had, you would have thought that somewhere along the way, someone would have realized what a sick fuck you are and put you out of your misery.” She knew she was goading him. She was well aware of the damage he could do, but she was sick and tired of his abuse.

Slowly and painfully, she got to her knees. “Well, little man.” She swung out blindly. “If you’re going to kill me, then get it over with because you are boring me to tears.”

She couldn’t see him, but she knew he was moving in behind her. He grabbed her hair and yanked her head back, and at that moment Sienna heard a loud growl and felt Eric being pulled back from her. He still had her hair in his grip, so she was being pulled as well. When he let go, she scrambled to the wall and tried to stand. Her hips and legs were so bruised already she couldn’t, so she started dragging herself along the floor until she was grabbed again. Screaming and kicking and punching out at whoever was holding her, all Sienna knew was that she had to fight.

“’s me, Sasha.” Sienna froze and at the realization that she was safe, she passed out.

* * * *

Pain, all she felt was pain. Every muscle in her body ached. Sienna panicked when she tried to open her eyes and couldn’t.

She heard movement to her side and flinched when someone touched her.

Eric. Maybe he had her tied up and blindfolded somewhere.

“It’s okay, sweetheart, you’re safe now,” a familiar voice whispered in her ear. Mikhail.

“Master,” she sighed and knew that she was probably in the hospital.

She was too sore to move, but she could feel dampness on her face when Mikhail leaned in to gently kiss her cheek.

“We’re sorry, Sienna. So sorry, we should never have left like that. We should have taken you with us.” Mikhail gently stroked her cheek and kissed her forehead. His voice was almost breaking as he continued, “We wanted to give you some time to think and to get something nice to make for dinner. We left a note on the counter, and we knew we wouldn’t be but a few minutes. We had no idea that Eric even knew where we lived.”

Sasha came into the room then. She could tell by his scent. It was one of the ways she could tell them apart.

“Mikhail, why the hell didn’t you tell me our little one was awake?” he snarled.

“She just woke up, moron.” His brother laughed and moved to the side so he could see her.

“Oh, my little one, how will you ever forgive us?” Sasha leaned over and kissed her gently on her swollen lips.

“Nothing to forgive,” she croaked. “My fault…all my fault.” She cried softly and fell back into a fitful sleep.

* * * *

“Her fault…?” Sasha whispered to Mikhail, nodding his head toward the doorway.

Exhausted, having spent almost every waking moment by Sienna’s bedside and only catching a catnap here and there, both men moved slowly to the nearest chairs.

“How the hell does she figure this is her fault, Mikhail?” Sasha turned to his brother as he ran a weary hand down his face. “She was attacked in our home. The one place she should have been safe.”

He could feel the rage inside his brother. Both men knowing, logically, that the only person responsible for this was in the prison ward in this same hospital.

“I should have killed the bastard,” Sasha snarled.

His brother grabbed him by the arm and swung him and slammed him up against the wall outside Sienna’s room. “What the fuck, Mikhail?”

“You need to bring it down a notch, brother. I can feel the anger in you, and it’s not doing either of us any good. If either of us were to kill Eric, we would lose Sienna. You know this.” He pushed himself away from Sasha. “She would never forgive herself if you spent the rest of your life in prison. She needs us now more than ever, and it’s going to be a lot of hard work to bring her back from this. Are you with me on this, or do I have to take you out back and kick your ass like I did when we were kids?” Mikhail’s lips quirked in a small grin, knowing that Sasha would not do anything that would hurt Sienna any further.

BOOK: Bailey, Debbie - Sienna's Submission [Men of Kinsey] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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