Badger the Mystical Mutt and the Crumpled Capers (5 page)

BOOK: Badger the Mystical Mutt and the Crumpled Capers
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then our paws can touch the ground.”

Slowly, the whirligig began to move. It started to spin and whirl and twirl, getting faster and faster. Soon, it was revolving like a tornado. Badger and Timmy squealed.

“Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!” shouted Timmy.

“Woohooooooooooooo!” yelled Badger, as they both wheeched through the icy breeze.

Then, without warning, the pegs opened and Badger and Timmy were flung to the ground mid-spin.

They stood up shakily and tried to walk.

They swayed and staggered, wibbled and wobbled and bumped into each other clumsily.

“Wow!” said Badger.

“I feel a bit sick actually,” grimaced Timmy.

“Right,” said Badger. “Let's get back to base and figure out what to do next.”

They trotted, a little unsteadily, back to Badger's garden.

There, Badger picked up a p-mail from Captain Bravebark. The Tangerine Piano was tinkling and the ivory staircase was ready. It was time to fly to the Ring of Brodgar.

Captain Bravebark had also sent his special spell to despatch Badger's trusty Wim-Wim for its repairs. Badger studied the spell and looked at Timmy hopefully.

“Okay, here goes.”

He closed his eyes. Sparkles of light twinkled around the Wim-Wim as he uttered the magic words:

“With lullabies and dragonflies

summon the trambulance of the skies

Transport the Wim-Wim, with utmost care

to the Ring of Brodgar. Carry it there!”

Just then they heard a loud
above them. Badger and Timmy looked up to see a massive white balloon with yellow stripes and a shiny silver bell, hovering just above the Wim-Wim. Ropes and loops appeared from beneath the balloon and
wrapped themselves around the Wim-Wim.

Then, the Wim-Wim was lifted gently into the air and disappeared into the clouds.

Badger waved up to the sky.

“Okay Timmy. It's time to go. Are you ready?” said Badger.

“What just happened? Go where?” asked Timmy.

“That's the Wim-Wim off for its Magical Orbital Transplant, and that's where we are heading too; to the Ring of Brodgar, to jump aboard the Tangerine Piano and step up the ivory staircase to see my friend Nippy Nimbus. I haven't played it for many dog years, but don't let that worry you at all,” smiled Badger.

“The Ring of Brodgar sounds like it's really far away from here,” gulped Timmy.

“Nonsense! It's just a blink and a wink of flight. Hop on my back and hold tight.”

Badger straightened his legs and shook his bottom until his tail whirred. Soon they were both flying high in the wintry sky.

As they climbed up and up, Timmy dared to look down and saw the garden, the lane, the duck pond, the old oak tree and the fields become smaller and smaller. He shut his eyes and held on tighter, as Badger zoomed sharply to the left.

Timmy opened one eye, and saw a shimmering light in the distance. They seemed to be heading straight for it. Suddenly, Badger swooped and soared upwards.

“Hold on, Timmy, this is going to be colourful.”

Timmy opened his other eye to find himself surrounded by a crimson glow. Badger glided forward into a glorious orange, which quickly swirled into a yellow and green and blue light.

“Wow!” shouted Timmy as they flew through an indigo haze. “What
this place?”

“This, my friend, is a rainbow, and we're just flying through it,” replied Badger.

“Every one of my six and a half senses is buzzing already, and we're not even there yet. I feel amazing.”

The indigo blended into violet as they began their descent through the bright light of the rainbow. Timmy was sure he could hear a faint tuneful jingle from below.

Across the whispering wind, the sound
burst into a cosmic symphony.

“I can see it. Look down, Timmy. There are the standing stones of the Ring of Brodgar. Don't they look magnificent?” yelled Badger.

“Groovy! This is the cat's whiskers!” Timmy shouted.

Badger flew downwards further still, until he saw a figure waving up at him.

“Who's that?” Timmy asked

“It's Captain Bravebark, bringing us in for landing.”

Badger circled the standing stones before diving towards the grassy plain in the middle of the ring. He wobbled a bit and hit the ground with a bump.

“Still need to practise that landing,” he muttered to himself.

Timmy caught his breath. Badger shook himself and Captain Bravebark scurried over to greet them.”

“Good to see you, Badger. How long has it been?”

“Hundreds of dog years, Captain.”

“Goodness, it seems much longer. Anyway, who's your friend?”

“This is Timmy, and I'm taking him to the Crystal Cave. Thank you so much for tuning the Tangerine Piano for me. Did my Wim-Wim arrive safely?” asked Badger hopefully.

Captain Bravebark twirled his moustache and said: “A few more tickles and turns Badger, and it will be ready. I'm just waiting on some new orbital gear bearings. You just can't get the parts these days.”

“Thank you, Captain. You're the only Wim-Wim fixer left. I do appreciate it. Now, to business … are there any new tunes we need to access the ivory staircase of the Tangerine Piano?”

“Let me think. You need to get straight on to Nippy Nimbus, don't you?” He scratched his head. “Why don't you try playing something by Beethoven? I think a Sonata should do it.”

Badger walked over to the piano and sat down at the stool. He fluffed out his tail, straightened his neckerchief and shook out his paws. He lifted the lid and began to play the opening notes of Beethoven's
Moonlight Sonata

Timmy looked on in awe as the black and white keys started to lift at one end of the piano, and weave into the air. Soon, the rest of the keys had followed and a staircase
formed, reaching up to the stars.

Timmy watched in wonder.

“See you when you get back,” shouted Captain Bravebark, as Badger beckoned for Timmy to join him on the bottom step.

“C'mon, Timmy, we've got quite a climb ahead.”

They leapt up the stairs two at a time. After seventy-three-and-a-half flights, they were both huffing and puffing.

“Just a few more steps and we're there. I can see the top,” said Badger encouragingly.

As they climbed the remaining
stairs, they heard strange mutterings and annoyed tuttings from above.

“That sounds like Nippy,” sighed Badger.

“He doesn't seem very pleased to see us,” said Timmy.

They popped their heads through the mist at the top of the ivory staircase to see cotton-wool fluffiness and a very grouchy cloud.

“Is there no escaping you, Badger the Mystical Mutt? And who is this you have with you this time?” bellowed Nippy Nimbus.

“Hi, Nippy. This is Timmy. Can you let us through, please?”

“Where's that pesky contraption you usually come in?”

“The Wim-Wim is getting its MOT. Captain Bravebark loaned me the Tangerine Piano and, I must say, it's always a delight to see you, Nippy,” said Badger pleasantly.

“Okay, what's the password then?”

Badger scratched his chin and whispered to Timmy, “I hate this bit. He always tries to catch me out.

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