Baddest Bad Boys (12 page)

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Authors: Shannon McKenna,E. C. Sheedy,Cate Noble

Tags: #Fiction, #Anthologies (Multiple Authors), #Erotica, #Contemporary, #Romance, #Adult, #Suspense, #Anthologies

BOOK: Baddest Bad Boys
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“My pleasure, Ms. Kelly. You have a good evening, now.”


“Oh, I will,” Julia promised him, with utter sincerity.




It took the rest of the afternoon and evening to get comfortable with each other again. Robin showered while he fried fish, and tried, with limited success, to chill out. Twilight fishing on the lake had helped a little, as had the four big flopping silver trout. And the sunset was nice, reflected off Robin’s face. A nice meal should clinch it.


He was making a big effort to be civil. Robin didn’t deserve to get her head bitten off. She’d been nothing but sweet to him. She’d been a freaking wet dream. There was no reason not to be wallowing in bliss.


He knew exactly what it would take to push him into the realm of perfect bliss, but they didn’t have any more latex. But hey. They hadn’t tried sixty-nining. His dick throbbed at the happy thought.


Robin had gotten sun that afternoon, so her face glowed pink in the big, raggedy white bathrobe. She tucked away fried fish with her usual appetite, but her eyes darted nervously to his. Her blush deepened, her gaze dropped.


They were back to shy silences again.


“There are a few games in the kitchen drawer,” she ventured. “Know how to play backgammon? Or poker? Or spit?”


“No,” he said. “I had a different game in mind.” He loaded butter onto a second baked potato and shook salt and pepper over it.


“Well. Actually,” she murmured, eyes downcast. “That gives me an excellent segue for, um, something I’ve been meaning to mention.”


His fork froze halfway to his mouth. “Mention away,” he said.


“A couple months ago, when I got the call from the Circo, I, um went to my doctor, and got a contraceptive implant.”


Jon abruptly stopped chewing. Or breathing.


“So I’m baby-proof,” she rushed on. “For the next few years.”


He cleared his throat. “I thought you weren’t…”


“I wasn’t, but I hoped that would change,” she said. “I wanted to erase the issue. While, of course, taking all due safe sex precautions.”


He couldn’t speak. She gave him an encouraging smile. “So? You know every single detail of my sexual history intimately at this point.”


“What exactly are you saying?” he asked slowly.


Her brows twitched together in irritation. “Isn’t it obvious?”


They stared at each other. Robin looked perplexed. It made him angry, the thought of Robin, baby-proofing herself so she could hook up with some as-yet-to-be-announced asshole in some goddamn circus.


Like hell. He wanted to smash his beer bottle. Have at his imaginary rival with the jagged end. “You’re inviting me to fuck you with no condom.”


She flinched at his crudeness. “No,” she said. “I’m asking you if there’s any reason why we shouldn’t. Because it would be lovely.”


Lovely. Hah. He was sweating at the mere thought. And furious.


Bad combination. He swallowed, put his fork down. His appetite was gone. “I’ve had safe sex since I was old enough to know better. I was negative for everything on my last physical.” His voice felt metallic. “I haven’t been with anyone since then. I was too busy with this case.”


Her face brightened. “Oh. Great. So, then?”


“What do you mean, so, then?” His voice was getting harder.


She lifted her hands in helpless confusion. “I don’t understand. I thought you’d be pleased. I thought guys liked—”


“Of course guys like it,” he snarled.


“So why are you angry?”


Good question, and he didn’t have an answer, at least not one he could own. Anything he felt that was squirmy or nasty got channeled straight into the anger slot. A handy catch-all for all that inconvenient shit.


His hand slammed the table, making the plates rattle and jump.


Robin recoiled. His hand welcomed the burning sting of contact.


“The fact that guys like it is exactly the problem,” he said harshly. “Just what makes you think I’m telling you the truth about not having any STD’s? What the fuck makes you think that?”


She bit her trembling lip, and swallowed. “Because I trust you.”


“Trust me? On what basis? Twenty-four hours of hot sex?”


She seemed to curl in on herself. “I thought it was more.”


“Your mistake.” He couldn’t stop the ugliness once it started churning out. Part of him was screaming, stop trashing it, stop hurting her, but he was powerless to stop. “Sex without latex is something you can offer a guy once he’s promised to be faithful for the rest of his life. And that’s only after the blood test results and the background check.”


“Oh, don’t be ridiculous—”


“I’m dead serious!” he bellowed. “It’s not something to offer to me!”


Her chin lifted. “Well, call me stupid, but it’s mine to offer,” she said quietly. “And I’m offering it to you. Nyah nyah. So there.”


“I do call you stupid,” he flung at her. “Is this the way you’re going to be with guys, once you get out into the real world? It’s a fucking wasteland out there. A pile of steaming shit. You have to protect yourself. Starting right now. From me. Do you hear?”


She scooted back in her chair, wrapping her arms around her chest. “I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about—”


“Don’t trust me!” he yelled at her. “I could be lying to you. Feeding you a line. Any guy would, if you offered yourself up like you did to me. Oh, pretty please, pop my cherry. Oh, pretty please, let me suck your cock. Oh, pretty please, won’t you fuck me with no condom—”


“Just. Shut. Up.” She leaped to her feet, sending the chair spinning back against the wall. “You asshole.”


“Do not treat me like your boyfriend. Or your fiancé.”


“Don’t worry. I won’t.” Her voice was clipped. “And you shouldn’t criticize my sexual style, Jon. After all, you’re my only teacher. So far.”


His hands fisted. “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”


She shrugged. “Just being realistic. Would it make you feel better if I solemnly promise to use latex with my next lover? Or next several lovers, I should say. I’ll have to do my own experimenting, just as you said. And hunting down a decent boyfriend is a very inexact science.”


“You’re trying to make me jealous?” His voice vibrated with strain.


“Not at all, Jon. Why on earth should you care? If you’ll excuse me, this is my cue to get dressed and leave. Thanks for the professional job of deflowering me. Masterful, really. You set the tone for what promises to be a fabulous future sex life. Wish me luck.”


He was on his feet and blocking her before she’d finished speaking. “Do not fuck with my head, Robin,” he hissed.


“You drove me to it,” she retorted icily. “Here I am, trying to be as nice to you as a woman can be to a man, and you rip my head off for my trouble. So I’ll change tactics. I’ll be cold. I can be taught. There’s hope for me yet. Now get the hell out of my way. I am out of here.”


“No.” He ducked in front of her in the doorway to the living room.


“Don’t you dare.” She shoved past him. “I want privacy to dress.”


“Tough,” the grunting primeval caveman inside him replied.


She made a derisive sound, and tossed the bathrobe off her slender shoulders. “Fine. Gawk if you must. I’m still leaving.”


That heart-stopping back view as she bent over the duffel to rummage for her underwear was a blatant provocation. He moved up behind her, making no sound. She sensed him and froze.


“You’re not leaving,” he said softly. “I’m not done with you yet.”


“Of course I’m leaving,” she snapped. “You’re unbearable.”


He slid his arm around her waist, and tension rose, more volatile and dangerous than before.” Don’t,” she whispered. “Don’t you dare. You’ll lose the family jewels. Snip, snip.”


“Thanks for the warning,” he said. “I’ll be careful.”


“No, you’ll be dead. Don’t muscle me around, you lout. Let me go!” She struggled, but he automatically countered her every move.


Bad move. Very bad. Back off, pig dog. The voice of reason was screaming at him, but he’d been hijacked. In any case, what he had to say to her could only be said with his body. He carried her, clamped against his chest, to the sofabed, bunched a sleeping bag into a fluffy heap and bent her over it. Her thrashing body was strong, but he was stronger. He caught her flailing hands, trapped them. “Shhh.”


“Do not shush me, you condescending son of a bitch!”


He held her against the bed, slid down and started kissing her ass. She let out a shriek and shook as he nuzzled his way down her shadowy cleft, down to her furled-up pink pussy lips. He went at her, tongue delving, trilling over her clit at the end of every stroke.


“Oh…my…God…” Her voice broke. The muscles in her thighs trembled, convulsed, and she made a bewildered sobbing sound as they yielded, parted. She lifted her ass to give him better access to all that slick, juicy bounty. It gleamed, puffy and soft and ready, her lube flooding out. He jerked his fly open and freed his aching cock.


“Looks like being muscled around by a lout gets you off,” he observed. “Who knew. The indomitable Robin likes to be mastered.”


Her body jerked beneath his hands. “Like hell,” she hissed. “Don’t think for one second that you can control me by making me come. When I’m done, I’ll still spit in your face and blow you off, you butthead. So if you’re trying to make a point about who’s boss, don’t bother.”


He was impressed. “Wow. You never shut up, do you?”


“Never.” Her voice was breathless, shaking. “Pig.”


He resumed, figuring he’d get in less trouble if he kept his tongue as far up her pussy as it would go. But he wasn’t going to last much longer just tongue fucking. He lifted his head. “Do you want my cock?”


“What kind of sick question is that?” she snarled back.


He choked off the burst of laughter that would get him castrated or worse. “Seemed straightforward to me.”


“You haven’t asked permission so far, so why bother now?”


“Yeah, you’d love it if I just mounted up and rode without asking, right? That would suit your mood perfectly—”


“Fuck you, Jon Amendola,” she spat.


“With pleasure,” he said. “If you ask nicely.”


She let out a sob of laughter. “Oh, God. I do not get you at all.”


“You’ll get as much of me as you want. Just say the magic word.”


“Magic word, my ass. Would that turn you on, to make me beg?”


“No. You can say I jerked you around, seduced you, manipulated you, teased you. But you’re never going to say I forced you.”


“Word games,” she shot back. “Meaningless. Stupid. Dumb.”


“Maybe. But they’re my games.” He slid his tongue down the slick furrow, circled her clit, teased, fluttered, and lapped back up to the overflowing well of sweet girl juice. He pulled away, panting. “Say it.”


She wailed with frustration. “Do it,” she said savagely.


He waited. “Yeah? And?”


“I’m not going to say please. I’d rather die. Just do it. Or else fuck off and leave me alone.”


Aw, what the hell. Being commanded to fuck by the queen of the universe had as salutory an effect on his cock as pleading would have.


He grabbed her waist. She let out a squeak as he lifted her up, pitching her face first onto the bed. He dragged her hips back until she was kneeling with her ass to him, glowing with sweat, shuddering with excitement. His hands shook as he fitted his cockhead to her.


He dragged in a breath as he entered her. Hot, scalding. Bare naked, live wire, screamingly intense. He almost came on the first tight, squeezing shove inside. He flung his head back, gritted his teeth, breathed the climax down, gripped her ass and started in on the slick, swirling pump and grind that would melt her down into mindless pleasure. This would be one ride she would never forget.


No matter how many goddamn lovers she took after him.




Robin clutched the sleeping bag, trying to stifle the sounds jerking out of her throat. Her whimpers sounded pleading, her body moved of its own volition. She was too crazy in love to shield herself. It made her feel weak, stupid, but still she rocked back, begging for more.


Something huge and muscular was uncoiling inside her. It was happening too soon. She could tell by his urgency that he wasn’t going to wait out her climax and start again, as he often did. This was it. The last time. The realization burned as all other thought disintegrated.


After this, she had to get as far away from him as she could.


Faster, deeper. She yelled, lost in the twisting frenzy as his climax pumped into her. He collapsed, crushing her to the bed. She struggled to breathe. Crying again. Anger was better, but it was melted down.


When she could move again, she shoved until he rolled onto his back. She fled to the bathroom. His semen trickled down her thigh.

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