Bad Penny (3 page)

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Authors: Penny Birch

BOOK: Bad Penny
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The most I had done was let some pervert pull himself off over my bare bottom while I held my cheeks apart to show him my bumhole. The experience had enriched my fantasies no end, increasing my desire to be humiliated and controlled and adding a disturbing need to be given physical punishment, preferably by Kate. From the point of view of boyfriends, it had done me no good at all, making what was available even less tempting than previously. There had been a couple of rather weird encounters but, by Kate's standards, I was a complete innocent. I had also just about started to accept that other women's bodies excited me. Kate knew too, all of it, and while she had just giggled at my suggestion that she might like to spank me, she had been trying to find me boyfriends ever since. I hadn't fancied one of them.
Then she had met Toby, a brash money-broker with a huge income, a fancy car and the outlook on life of a pig. Not a sweet, plump little piglet either, but a gorging, rutting great boar. With her pretty face, brown curls and magnificent figure, she made the perfect trophy for him and, after just over a year together, he had asked her to marry him. Both her parents and mine had put up resistance, but not much, and so it was that I found myself as her bridesmaid.
People often describe brides as looking radiant. Ravishing was a better description of Kate, with her trim waist and her big boobs threatening to spill out of her bodice. I had helped dress her and had become more than a little turned on by the process. Judging by the way she had giggled, so had she, or maybe it had just been the thought of what Toby would do to her later. In any case, the dress was magnificent, sumptuous, yet elegant in pure white silk, which was a bit cheeky as even by my reckoning Kate had given seven men the pleasure of her pussy.
The ceremony went without a hitch, and things were still running smoothly by the time the reception got to the dancing and chatting stage. There had been champagne for toasts, and wine with lunch, then more champagne, and I was more than a little tipsy. Kate and Toby were going to Mauritius for their honeymoon, and didn't have to leave until quite late, which meant that they were in no hurry. I danced with Toby, as was my duty. I like big, strong men, and for all I found him unbearably brash I had to admit that it was nice being in his arms. What did give me a shock was when he suddenly let a hand slip down from my waist and took a handful of my bottom through my dress. I squeaked, but there was nothing I could do about it without making a scene and so I let him have a good feel. With the press of people around us, nobody could see, yet I felt really guilty as he fondled my bottom, especially as it was turning me on. He then bent down, and I thought he was going to kiss me, which really would have caused a scene, but instead he whispered in my ear.
‘Katie says you're a virgin,' he said quietly.
I must have gone scarlet, and I certainly didn't know what to say, but he did.
‘Come with me,' he continued, taking me by the hand. ‘Kate and I have got a little surprise for you.'
I had no idea what he was talking about, and resisted his pull until Kate appeared by my side. She had a bottle of champagne in her hand and a distinctly mischievous look in her eye. I had no idea what they were up to and was still flustered by the discovery that Kate had told him one of my most intimate secrets.
‘What are you doing?' I giggled as they guided me gently but firmly towards the exit of the marquee.
‘Shh, we've got a pressie for you,' Kate replied.
I still had no idea what she was talking about, but let them steer me out of the marquee and out on to the lawn. It was warm outside, and bathed in yellow sunlight that stung my eyes after the cool, softly illuminated interior of the marquee. One or two people were in the garden, including Susan, who was sitting on a swing with her knees together and her feet apart, sipping orange juice. She was already as tall as me, and seeing her sitting there looking so girlish made me feel really small. I had often baby-sat Susan, yet at the reception a lot of people had treated us much the same. I was a woman, she was a little girl, and it had really stung, especially as I had to admit that in our fluffy pink dresses we didn't look all that different.
Kate had taken my other hand, and put her champagne bottle to my lips as we walked. Some went in my mouth, but more splashed down my bodice, making me giggle at the feel of cold liquid between my breasts. We went into the house and upstairs. Kate looked out of the window as we reached the landing.
‘Clear,' she said, nodding to Toby.
‘What are you doing?' I asked as she opened the bathroom door and he hustled me inside.
‘Like I said, we've got a pressie for you,' she replied. ‘Come on, Toby, we'd better be quick; get it out.'
‘Hey!' I protested as, to my horror, Toby put his hand to his zip.
‘Don't be prissy, Penny,' Kate said, putting her arm around Toby's waist. ‘Sit down on the loo.'
I sat, dizzy with drink and the excitement of the day, watching as Kate's brand new husband dropped his dress trousers and then pulled his cock and balls over the top of his briefs. I gasped, making him laugh. Without preamble he moved forward, parting his legs and bending his knees a bit so that his cock was thrust right in my face.
‘Here's a lollipop for you,' he joked. ‘Man flavour.'
‘Katie!' I protested, looking at the big, flaccid cock in front of me.
‘Go on, Penny, suck him,' Kate said, sliding her hand under his balls and lifting her lewd, fleshy handful.
His cock touched my nose and I shrank back, but only a little. I could smell his cock, an urgent male scent that had me instantly on heat. Kate was stroking him, making his cock swell with blood, right in front of my face. It looked utterly obscene, a fat, pink worm writhing in my cousin's hand on its bed of hairy ball-sac.
‘Taste it, Penny,' Kate urged. ‘It's for you, specially.'
Well, it was her wedding day and she was offering me her husband because she thought I wasn't getting my share of cock. It was utterly humiliating, but also completely irresistible. I paused, my lower lip trembling as I thought of what I was, about to do, then I opened my mouth.
Toby moved a little forward, his cock bending as it pushed against my chin. I hesitated, mouth open willingly but not sure if I could actually do something as dirty as sucking Toby's cock. Then Kate let go of his balls and just popped it in. I squeaked in protest, only to have her stroke my chin, making me swallow and close my mouth on the intruding cock. It was a shabby trick, but I was sucking and, now that it was in, it wasn't so bad at all.
Toby took me by the back of the head and pulled me into him, making me gag as his rapidly swelling cock touched the back of my throat. He was half stiff and tasted salty and strongly male against my tongue. I put my hands up and took hold of him around his legs. He had started to slide his cock in and out of my mouth, and I responded, taking over the motion as he came to full erection. The shaft felt rubbery between my lips and I could feel the head of his cock in my throat, bulbous and fat. I was in ecstasy, and wanting to play with myself.
‘Is the lollipop nice?' Toby asked, leering down at me as I sucked eagerly on his erection.
I nodded around my mouthful, not wanting to let it out.
‘Sexy little bint, isn't she?' Toby addressed Kate. ‘But I think it's cunt time, or I'll come in her mouth. You know I'm going to fuck you, don't you, Penny?'
‘Don't be crude, Toby,' Kate admonished. ‘Say pussy and be gentle with her, too.'
I didn't much care: cunt or pussy, I was about to have my virginity taken and, whatever they called it, it was mine and about to be filled with the fat penis that was currently in my mouth. I had already guessed that that was what they had in store for me. I thought of being fucked on the bathroom floor by Toby, who would then swan off on honeymoon with Kate, leaving me with my vagina full of his semen. His cock was rock-hard in my mouth, ready for me to get down on the floor, spread my knees, pull off my pants and let him in. I would have done it, but they had something even more humiliating in store for me.
‘We better hurry,' Kate said, glancing nervously out of the window. ‘Let him go, Penny, you slut.'
I reluctantly released Toby's cock from my mouth, but only because I knew it was going somewhere even better. I thought it might hurt, as Kate had said it did when she lost her own virginity, but I really wanted to be deflowered, then and there. As Toby pulled back, I began to slip to the floor, only to have him take me by the arms and manhandle me around. I wasn't sure what he was doing at first, but then realised. I was going to be fucked doggy fashion, bent over the toilet.
As Toby put me in position, I saw that Kate was pulling up the front of her dress, bunching the petticoats under her arm until the front of her panties showed. They were white silk, caught between her plump pussy-lips and damp where her juice had started to run. I looked up into her face as I took a grip on the toilet bowl, finding her mouth a little open and her eyes wide. She blew me a kiss as she slipped a hand down the front of her panties, and then Toby was lifting my pretty pink dress.
I was shaking as he did it, lifting it up on to my back. My petticoats followed, exposing my panties. Kate had begun to masturbate, her eyes glued to her husband's erection and my bum.
‘Nice arse,' Toby breathed, putting a hand out to stroke the back of my panties. ‘Sorry, but I've got to do this.'
I didn't know what he meant, as he was about to fill my pussy and that was nothing to be sorry about. Then he was pulling me up and opening the toilet seat. I stared in horrified fascination at the open bowl as he took me by the hair and pushed my face down into it.
‘Oh, Toby,' Kate sighed. ‘Flush her, then fuck her, you dirty bastard.'
I had never been so humiliated in my life, nor so excited. My face was inches from the water, and Toby was pulling my panties down, exposing my buttocks, my anus and then my vagina, which was his to enter.
His hand was still in my hair as he came round to get to the chain. I was whimpering, absolutely ready for it with my eyes tight shut and my head well down into the bowl. Suddenly my head was pulled back and his cock was being pushed at my face. I opened my mouth just in time to have it filled with his erection. Behind him I could see Kate, now masturbating openly with her panties pushed down around her thighs and a finger buried in between her pussy-lips.
Toby groaned and his cock jerked. Suddenly my mouth was full of something salty and I realised that he had come in it. There was plenty of it, too, squeezing out around my lips and dribbling down my chin as he pushed hard into me.
‘Toby!' Kate exclaimed.
‘Don't worry, I can still fuck her,' Toby gasped. ‘You know me.'
He pushed my face back down the toilet, actually into the water. My mouth was full of his come, which was really slimy, yet to open my mouth was to get a drink of toilet water. I braced myself for the indignity of being flushed, only to be brought up short by a knock on the door.
‘Kate?' a voice demanded. ‘Your cab's here.'
‘Shit!' Kate exclaimed, Toby hastily letting go of my head.
It was Kate's mother. If we had bluffed it out we could have got away with it. I might have hidden in the shower cubicle, or maybe squeezed into the linen basket, even climbed out of the window. As it was, Kate had to swear and my aunt's voice changed from placid to questioning and slightly angry.
‘Who's in there, Kate?' she demanded.
I was still scrabbling my panties up as Toby reached for the lock. Kate was moderately decent, but my face was covered in come.
‘Stop!' I squealed as Toby turned the key, but it was too late.
‘Penny?' Kate's mother asked, then the door was open.
‘Auntie Elaine, hi,' I managed weakly as I found myself looking into her astonished face. I saw her glance at the blatant bulge in Toby's trousers, then her look turned to absolute outrage as she focused on my face.
I suppose, from Toby's point of view, he acted pretty coolly. He nodded politely to his mother-in-law, took Kate's hand and left the room. As he was an enormous oaf, there was nothing that she could do to stop him going, which of course only made her more annoyed. It also left me to face the full force of her temper, yet what happened next came as a complete shock.
Without saying a word, she marched forward and slammed the toilet seat down, then grabbed my arm.
‘Hey! No!' I squealed as I realised her intention. She was going to spank me.
I was off balance, and came down hard over her lap. Before I could do anything about it, my arm had been twisted into my back.
‘No, auntie, you can't – not at my age!' I yelled, headless of who might hear. ‘Auntie! No!'
‘You think you're too old for a spanking, do you?' she snapped. ‘Well, you're not, you dirty, filthy, little tramp!'
‘No!' I squealed, but it was no good; my arm was trapped in the small of my back and she was stronger than me, anyway.
‘I'm going to spank you and I'm going to spank you bare,' she announced, starting to pull up my dress.
I begged, pleaded, cajoled and threatened, but to no avail as my lovely pink dress was lifted over my bottom. To make it worse, I could see my reflection in the mirror opposite. My aunt was seated on the toilet, a stern unyielding expression on her face. My dress was up, my pink silk slippers and white stockings showing, one little tit peeping over the top of my bodice, my face spattered with Toby's sperm. I shut my eyes, then opened them again, unable to resist watching myself being prepared for a spanking.
She raised my petticoats one by one, until there was a froth of pink and white around my middle and over my aunt's legs. My pink panties were taut over my bottom, which looked embarrassingly plump thrust up over my aunt's lap. They were quite big, but I had pulled them up too fast and a good slice of my bum was bulging out of each frilly leg-hole. Elaine turned to look at my bottom, obviously deciding whether my pants needed to come down. It was the first sign of hesitancy she had shown, prompting me to renew my pleas for mercy.

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