Bad Penny (11 page)

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Authors: Penny Birch

BOOK: Bad Penny
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I was surprised, and not a little put out, as Linda's reaction had shown that my appearance couldn't have changed all that dramatically. Surely they couldn't have been so unaware of me that when I reappeared I was effectively a stranger?
I began to feel really sorry for myself and was wishing I had stayed in France, when someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned to find Carl looking at me.
‘You're Penny, aren't you?' he asked.
‘Yes, you remember me,' I replied.
‘Sure I do,' he answered. ‘You're Katie's little friend.'
I nodded, although less than flattered by being described as Kate's ‘little friend', especially as I'm actually a month older than Kate.
‘Is Katie around?' he asked hopefully.
‘No, she's married now,' I answered, not at all surprised that his first interest was in Kate.
‘What?' he demanded. ‘Not to that ponce Toby?'
‘Yes and no,' I replied, thinking that Carl was the only person on the world who could consider the brash, very obviously male Toby a ‘ponce'. Toby had come to the island with Kate before their marriage, much to Carl's disgust.
‘How's that?' he queried, his Neanderthal brows knitting in perplexity.
‘She married Toby,' I explained, ‘but they didn't even last a year. He turned out to be a complete bastard.'
‘Did he?' Carl asked.
‘Yes,' I pointed out patiently, ‘so Kate left him and they got divorced.'
‘So she's not married?' he demanded.
‘Hang on, hang on,' I continued, ‘I haven't finished. She met this guy called Jeremy and married him a soon as the divorce came through. He's an advertising executive, they live in Sonning Common and have two daughters, Pippa and Jemima.'
‘Oh . . . right,' he answered and then stopped and looked around the room before turning to me with what I suppose was supposed to be a winning smile but was in fact an extremely dirty leer.
‘What about you, then?' he asked.
It couldn't have been more obvious if he'd flopped his cock out and asked if I fancied a suck. I played along, though, giving him a potted history of my last five years and accepting his offer to join his friends. I wasn't entirely flattered but was telling myself that his response was typical and at least pleasantly virile. I was also wondering why he had looked round the room before issuing his invitation. Possibly he'd been checking for anything better in the way of talent, or possibly he'd been making sure whoever his current girlfriend was wasn't around.
‘Look what I've found,' he addressed his mates as we approached the table.
They greeted me cheerfully, and I had to explain why I wasn't with Kate again. There were five of them and no girls, for some reason, and they seemed more than happy to pay court to me once they were sure Kate wasn't around. It is nice being the centre of attention of five men, but in this case it was rather like being the lone female in a pen of rutting boars – the lone female pig, that is. Not that I minded, as I've always liked to think of male sexuality in terms of something primitive and uncontrolled.
Carl and his friends were certainly primitive and hardly controlled, but I made a big effort to be sweet and giggled in all the right places instead of making the sarcastic remarks that came to mind. I was very aware that I was playing a game and acting a part designed to produce a particular result. It was something that I could never have done as a teenager and, as the evening went on, my confidence gradually returned. The feeling of
déjà vu
didn't go away, though, but became stronger, until it really felt like six years had never happened.
They were trying to get me drunk and I let them, accepting half-pints of cider and then several glasses of gin and lime. They also kept testing me, making little comments to see if I would be shocked and giving half-joking suggestions. I played along, pacing my drinking as best I could and very aware of their games. Thus, when Carl's friend Gary played an old trick on me, I knew exactly what was going on.
He was standing up with a pint in either hand after returning from the bar with part of a round. He could perfectly well have put them down, but instead he asked me to get his money out of the pocket of his baggy jeans so that he could go and pay. I knew what was coming, as I'd seen it done to Kate and other girls. I plunged my hand down into his pocket to find not money, but a fat, half-erect penis.
The girl is supposed to scream, jerk her hand back and go into a fit of giggles. Yet she has touched his cock and the boys' theory is that, once a girl has touched a man's cock, she's likely to want more. I knew what was coming and, instead of jerking my hand away, I took a firm grip on his cock and began to tug at it.
Only when it was fully erect and the head was poking out of his pocket did I let him go. He sat down hastily, blowing his breath out and looking at me in wide-eyed astonishment. I smiled and winked.
Their attitude changed after that. Before, they'd been teasing and tempting, hoping to get me drunk enough to perhaps give one of them a blow-job, but not really expecting anything. My behaviour with Gary made them realise that there was a very real chance of a lot more, although they were evidently surprised that the shy, skinny girl they'd really only known as Kate's friend had changed so much. The truth was that I hadn't really changed at all, not deep down. What had changed was my confidence.
I could have left then and the ghost would have been laid, but I had the very real chance of sex with one or more of them and was keen to get it. Even though I like to think of myself as liberated, I must admit to allowing social pressures to affect me. At university, I wouldn't have considered going off with five men at once, simply because my life would have been unbearable afterwards. It had been bad enough when Alex and I had been caught fucking over a table in the lecture theatre canteen, but at least it had been one-to-one.
Now it was different. I could do as I liked and leave the island the next day. If people wanted to talk, then they could. It would make no difference to me. It was going to happen, too; it was approaching closing time and there was an urgency and expectancy in their manner. Each was doing his best to get close to me, hoping to be the one I chose. Gary had put his arm around me, but I had put mine around Carl, refusing to show any favours. I knew what I wanted, and I knew they were capable of it. It was just a question of playing my cards right.
Shortly before closing time, I got up for a visit to the loo, intending to relieve myself and tidy up. When I came out of the cubicle, it was to find Linda propped up on the sinks, obviously waiting for me.
‘Hi, Linda,' I greeted her cheerfully.
‘Penny, Penny, we've got to talk,' she hissed, grabbing my arm urgently.
‘What's the matter?' I questioned her.
‘You know what that lot want, don't you?' she asked in a loud whisper.
‘Sex, I imagine,' I told her.
‘More than that,' she hissed conspiratorially. ‘They'll take you out by the lighthouse and gang-bang you!'
‘Are you sure?' I asked hopefully, remembering that the quarry where Carl had always taken Kate for sex was out by the lighthouse.
‘Yes,' she insisted. ‘They did it to Becky!'
‘Don't worry about me,' I assured her. ‘I can look after myself.'
‘I'm coming with you,' she said, sounding concerned.
‘I'm all right,' I insisted. ‘Look, Linda, I'm not a baby. I know what they're after. If you want to come and join in, fine; otherwise, leave me to it.'
She stopped, looking at me uncertainly. I could read her like a book. She wanted to do it but, unlike me, she had all the complicated social pressures of the island to worry about. I knew who Becky was as well, a big, bouncy girl with a tumble of auburn curls and a cheeky smile. I could easily see her letting herself go and knew that Linda was wondering if she dared do the same. My reaction may have surprised her, and perhaps it made her feel more daring, because she suddenly nodded and smiled. I took her hand and we walked out of the loo together. Her hand felt soft and feminine in mine and, as we approached the men's table, a dirty little thought was starting to come into my head. Would they appreciate a girly show, and would Linda let me?
‘Linda's coming with us,' I announced as I sat down boldly on Carl's lap.
What they'd have done was offer me a lift to town and then suggest going the long way. I'd be across their laps in the back, and probably being snogged and felt up by whoever I'd chosen. They'd have stopped and the lucky one would have suggested a walk, which would have ended in the quarry where I'd have been coaxed into going as far as possible, probably ending up on my back with him humping merrily away for the best part of two minutes before coming inside me. He'd have suggested that it wasn't fair to leave his mates with raging erections, and they'd have had me, one by one, either in my pussy or my mouth.
My boldness caused Carl to raise his shaggy eyebrows, but Gary's face dropped. It was only then that I remembered that he was Linda's brother. The others – Pete, Lewis and Saul – just looked shifty, as if they'd been somehow caught out.
The Barn was noisy and crowded, yet a lot of people turned to look as we left and I could almost feel the rumours starting. I didn't care, and I had decided that Linda would just have to look after herself.
Lewis got into the driver's seat, which I was grateful for as he was the most bulky of them and probably the least pissed. Seeing no reason to pretend innocence, I leant forward to him and suggested the lighthouse route myself. Someone took hold of my bottom and gave it a firm squeeze, his hand enclosing the whole of one cheek.
I sat back, finding myself on Carl's lap. He kept his big hand under my bottom and used the other to feel my breasts, quite casually, having a thoroughly good grope. Linda was beside me, seated on both Pete and Saul, Gary in the front. There was a lot of laughter and giggling as we drove out to the end of the island and, by the time we had parked in the entrance to the quarry, Linda had her top off and my dress was up around my waist. Gary had cheered up when he realised that his sister wasn't going to spoil the party, and was first out of the car.
We tumbled out of the car, staggering down to the flat, grassy quarry floor. There were hands on my bottom as we walked, feeling and exploring. It was almost dark, although the beam from the lighthouse would sweep across above us every so often, throwing back a weird grey-white light from the face of the quarry. They pulled my dress off without waiting to ask, then my panties, laying me down on the grass, naked except for my sandals. I saw Linda's bra being pulled off as she struggled to get her jeans down, then it went dark again and someone had put a half-stiff cock in my hand.
I pulled at it and then put it in my mouth, sucking eagerly without the slightest idea whose it was. The next passage of the lighthouse beam revealed Carl kneeling over me with a grin of triumph on his face. I took him deeper, delighted to be sucking on his erection. Of all Kate's boyfriends, he was the one who'd most strongly affected me, her favourite and the one who'd made me so jealous, so often. Now I had his cock in my mouth and he'd shortly be mounting me.
He wouldn't be the first, though. Gary had me by the ankles and was pulling my legs up and apart. A flash of the lighthouse beam showed me his erection rearing up out of his jeans, rock-solid and ready for my vagina. It went dark again and he was on me, then in me and riding me. I closed my eyes in bliss, sucking on Carl while Gary fucked me. I could hear Linda's squeals of joy behind me; then she shut up – presumably because one of the others had put his cock in her mouth.
Gary came in me and was replaced by Carl, while Saul came over to give me something to suck. With each passage of the light I could see Linda, rolled up on her back with her legs right up to her boobs. Pete was on top of her, humping away while she sucked on Lewis' cock. Her breasts looked lovely and big, squashed out under her knees, and I had a strong urge to play with her – only the boys had no intention of letting us go.
It was like being gang-raped by a tribe of baboons on amphetamines – not that I'd know, but still. Once they'd got going there was no stopping them, and Linda and I got used and used and used. They didn't even bother to undress, although she and I had been stripped naked. Instead, they just had their cocks sticking out of their trousers: which, as far as they were concerned, was all they needed. There was nothing perverse about them, either. It was strictly pussies and mouths and, while my tits got a fair share of attention, I wasn't buggered, or spanked, or made to humiliate myself at all. I didn't mind too much, though, because their sheer animal lust made up for it.
I know all five of them fucked me at least once and everyone took his turn in my mouth as well. Saul took his first orgasm all over my face, which was really messy and turned me on no end. With the strange light and the passion of it all, it's hard to be sure what happened, but I'm sure they all came at least twice, which is pretty good going for men, even virile young men. I actually think Gary may have fucked Linda, or at least put his cock in her mouth, although I can't be sure. If he did, then she made no complaint.
Eventually they wore themselves out, Saul coming in Linda and then Carl in me for I think his third orgasm. I was sweaty, sore and covered in sperm, lying naked on the grass. Linda was beside me, in no better a state. Saul had fucked her doggy fashion, and she had stayed kneeling, her bottom stuck up temptingly. I hadn't come, as not one of them had bothered to give me even a token lick. I didn't think she had either, and was wondering if she'd like to exchange favours.

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