Bad Men Do What Good Men Dream: A Forensic Psychiatrist Illuminates the Darker Side of Human Behavior (51 page)

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Authors: Robert I. Simon

Tags: #Psychopathology, #Forensic Psychology, #Acting Out (Psychology), #Good and Evil - Psychological Aspects, #Psychology, #Medical, #Philosophy, #Forensic Psychiatry, #Child & Adolescent, #General, #Mental Illness, #Good & Evil, #Shadow (Psychoanalysis), #Personality Disorders, #Mentally Ill Offenders, #Psychiatry, #Antisocial Personality Disorders, #Psychopaths, #Good and Evil

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Habash, George, 242–243
Hadden, Tanya, 172
Hanssen, Robert Philip, 29–30, 41 Harris, Eric (Columbine High

School killer), 100, 106, 124 Harris, Joseph, 103
Harvey, Donald (the Angel of

Death), 110–111
Haynes, Jonathan Preston, 107
Heart of Darkness
(Conrad), 2 Heilbroner, David, 50–51
Helping professions, sexual

misconduct in, 163–191 Hennard, George, 112–113, 124 Heraclitus, 279, 281
Heredity, role in character, 293–295 Hilburn, Mark, 103
Hill, Paul, 109
Hinckley, John, Jr., 90
Hippocrates, 163, 174, 178, 242 Hitler, Adolf, 10, 232, 235, 283,

Homolka, Karla, 254
Homosexuals, murder by, 269 Hospitals, workplace violence in,

Hostility, 3
Hubbard, Henry, 56–59, 64
Huberty, James, 116
Hunter, Alfred, 103
Hypnosis, used in investigating

multiple personality disorder, 160–162

Identification with aggressors, in child abuse, 144
Immature romantics, as stalkers, 84
Impaired therapists, 184
Incest, 2
Incompetent therapists, 184
Inside the Criminal Mind
(Samenow), 125
Insight psychotherapy, 291
Intention, in suicide investigations, 201–203
Intimate partner violence, stalkers and, 79–81
Investigation of suicide cases, in forensic psychiatry, 193–214

Jack the Ripper, 253
Jackson, Arthur, 93 James, William, 223
Jason, Larry, 103 Jones, James Warren “Jim” (Peoples Temple in Jonestown, Guyana), 215, 217–218, 225–232, 235– 236, 238, 241
LS D, implicated in suicides, 199, 206
Lu, Gang, 105, 124

Kemper, Edmund Edward III, 22,
91, 256, 261, 264, 267, 269,
275–276, 278, 290
Khomeini, Ayatollah Ruhollah, 242 Killer cults, 215–246
facilities (sites) of, 225–226 forensic psychiatry and, 239– 240
leaders of, characteristics, 233 members of, 221–223
negotiating with, 236–239 opposition to, 244–245
origins of, 226–228
practices of, 223–225
present-day, 245–246
recruitment into, 223–225 rules of, 226
Kindling, 276
Kirkland v. State,
Klebold, Dylan (Columbine High School killer), 100, 106, 124 Koresh, David (Branch Davidians in Waco, Texas), 215–217,
225–226, 228–238, 241, 245 Kurten, Peter, 253

Lawyers, sexual misconduct by, 170–171
Leaders of killer cults, 233
Lefave, Debra, 171
Lepine, Marc, 106, 118
Letourneau, Mary Kay, 171
Levine, Gail, 114
Looting, 4
Lord of the Flies
(Golding), 2
Lott, George, 112
Lozano v. Bean-Bayog,

Males, rape of, 60
Mann, Edward Thomas, 114, 116
Mann, Thomas, xii
Manson, Charles (Helter Skelter),

223, 225, 232, 235
Mask of Sanity, The
(Cleckley), 34 Mass murder, 44, 100–101
Masserman, Jules, 163–165, 174 Maxwell, Robert, death of, 197–

199, 203
McGinnis, Virginia, 50–51
McIlvane, Thomas, 104, 119 McVeigh, Timothy (Murrah

Federal Building bombing in Oklahoma City), 246
Melton, J. Gordon, 219, 223 Members of killer cults, 221–223 Mental health, defining, 283–288 Mental illness.
Mercy killings, 110–111
Merson, Kimberly, 171–172
Milligan, William, 154
Mirror neurons, and empathic
response, 293
Misbegotten Son: A Serial Killer and His
Victims, The
(Olsen), 48
Monroe, Marilyn, death of, 195–
197, 203
Motivation, examined in suicide
investigations, 208–211
MOVE cult, 228
Multiple personality disorder
(M PD), 135–162
causes of, 141–148
characteristics of, 137–141 controversy over the diagnosis, 148–152

Multiple personality disorder
and the courts, 152–156
risk of committing violence in,

simulated, 156–160
Spiegel’s sign in, 157
use of hypnosis in investigating,


Murder, 2, 11, 19–28, 250–253 by homosexuals, 269
masquerading as suicide, 199–

mass murder, 44, 100–101 serial, 100, 252
sprees, 100
suicide as, 213–214
of therapists, 107–109

Murrah Federal Building, terrorism against, 99, 245–246
Narcissism, xi, 36
National Institute of Mental Health

(NIMH), 59, 251
National Institute of
Occupational Safety and
Health, 99
National Women’s Study, 59, 61 Necrophilia, 22, 49, 261
Negotiating with killer cults, 236–
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 201
Nilsen, Dennis, 253, 256, 275 Noël, Barbara, 163–165, 174 Nudity in suicides, 203

Olsen, Jack, 48–49
Olson, Frank R., death of, 199 Online stalkers, 92

Paraphilias, 260, 278–279
Pathology, of self-centeredness, 286

vulnerability of, 185–189
workplace violence by, 107–109

Perry, Michael, 91
Peterson, Mark, 147135–137
Pichuskin, Alexander

(“Chessboard” killer), 20

Planning, examined in suicide investigations, 211–212
Porter, James, 168–169
Possession by evil spirits, 9
Postal workers, workplace violence by, 103–105
Posttraumatic stress disorder
(PTSD), 72–73, 75, 101–102
Pough, James Edward, 113, 119
Power motives, 9, 61, 80, 167–170, 176
Predatory therapists, 184
Preventive measures
against rapists, 75–76
against stalkers, 92–94
psychopaths among, 44–47 workplace violence by, 111–112
Protection, against stalkers, 94–95
Psychological defense mechanisms, 147
Psychological investigations of suicides, 203–208
Psychological terrorism, 92
Psychopaths, xii, 29–54, 259–264.
See also
Antisocial personality disorder
among professionals, 44–47 among therapists, 45–47
criminal, 47–49
within society, 41–44
treating, 51–54, 108–109
Psychopathy, risk of, 42
Public places, workplace violence in, 112–114
Puenta, Dorothea, 254
Rader, Dennis (“BTK” murderer), 19–20, 257
Ramirez, Richard (the “Night Stalker”), 91
Rape, 2, 55–76
acquaintance, 59–60
compensatory, 66–68
defining, 57–61
from displaced anger, 71–72 exploitative, 68–69
fear of, 72–76
group, 60, 62
of males, 60
prevention techniques, 75–76 risk of, 61
role of fantasy in, 62–68
sadistic, 69–71
serial, 58
spousal, 60
statutory, 60–61
typologies of, 63
Rational suicides, 205
Ray, Margaret, 82, 88–89
Recruitment, into killer cults, 223– 225
Rejection-sensitive stalkers, 84–85
Ressler, Robert, 272
Ridgway, Gary Leon (“Green
River” killer), xv, 252, 257–
258, 276, 282
Rodrigues v. Hawaii,

Sadism, 3, 49, 53
in rape, 69–71
sexual, 9, 36, 65, 259–264

Salcido, Ramon, 120
Salvi, John C., 109
Samenow, Stanton E., 125 Sanchez, Robert, 169
Schadenfreude, 285
Schizophrenia, xii, 49

in stalking, 90–91
School shootings, 105–107
Schopenhauer, Arthur, 285, 289 Seegrist, Sylvia, 255
Self-centeredness, 11–12, 14, 24–25

excessive, 37, 39
pathological, 286
“September 1, 1939” (Auden), 145
September 11th attacks, 21, 99, 215
Serial killers, 19–21, 26, 100, 252
Serial rapists, 58
Serial sexual killers, 22, 48, 247– 279
causes of behavior, 273–279 and child abuse, 265–268 fascination with, 272–273
and free will, 263–264
role of fantasy in, 268–272
Sex in the Therapy Hour
(Bates and Brodsky), 175
Sexual harassment, 99
Sexual Homicide: Patterns and Motives,
(Ressler), 272
Sexual misconduct
by clergymen, 168–170
by female therapists, 177–178 in the helping professions, 163– 191
by lawyers, 170–171
by teachers, 171–172
by therapists, 163–168, 172–175, 178–191
Sexually-disordered therapists, 184
Shawcross, Arthur J., 48–49, 276
Sherrill, Patrick Henry, 103, 123
Simon, Robert I., xi
Simulated multiple personality disorder, 156–160
Situationally stressed therapists, 184
Slippery slope, for therapists, 178– 182
Smetek, John Thomas, 90
Smith, Susan, 142
Society for Human Resource Management, 102
Sociopaths, 35
Soto, Teddy, 82
Soul murder, in child abuse, 145 Spiegel’s sign, in multiple
personality disorder, 157 Splitting, 86–87, 235
Spousal abuse, 32, 79–80
Spousal rape, 60
Stalin, Joseph, 10, 25, 232
Stalkers, 49, 77–95
borderline personality, 85–88 of celebrities, 81–84
dependent, rejection-sensitive, 84–85
erotomanic, 88–90, 117
immature romantic, 84
and intimate partner violence, 79–81
online, 92
preventive measures, 92–94 protection against, 94–95 schizophrenic, 90–91
typology of, 81–92
State v. Grimsley,
State v. Milligan,
Statute of limitations, for bringing injury suits, 189
Statutory rape, 60–61
Steinberg, Joel, 142
Stimulus hunger, 39
Students, workplace violence by, 105–107
Sublimation, 287
Suggestibility, 161
See also
intentionality in, 199, 201–203 naked, 203
risk factors for, 195, 202, 206, 207–208,
Suicide investigations, 193–214, 207–208
murder cover-ups, 199–201 and nudity, 203
psychological, 203–208
questions of execution, 212–213 questions of intention, 201–203 questions of motivation, 208– 211
questions of planning, 211–212
Swaggart, Jimmy, 169
Swango, Donald, 109–110

Taylor, John Merlin, 103, 120, 128– 129
Teachers, sexual misconduct by, 171–172
Teague, Elizabeth A., 114
Terrorism, xiii, 114
by antiabortion extremists, 109 against the Murrah Federal Building, 99, 245–246 psychological, 92
in September 11th attacks, 21, 99, 215
Therapists, 3, 5–7, 13–16
checking credentials of, 190–191 endangered, 98–103
guidelines for, 183–184
impaired, 184
incompetent, 184
killed by patients, 107–109 predatory, 184
psychopathic, 45–47
sexual misconduct by, 163–168, 172–175, 177–191
sexually disordered, 184
situationally stressed, 184
and the slippery slope, 178–182 training of, 22
Threats and counterthreats, in workplace violence, 131
To r t u r e
of animals, 71, 85, 267
committed by “normal” people, 4
by the state, 11
To u c h i n g S n o w
(Felin), 26
Transference, 174–175
Treatment for psychopaths, 51–54, 108–109
Trust, violators of, 187–189

Uniform Crime Reports (FBI), 57, 251
Unruh, Howard, 100
Upbringing, role in character, 291– 292
U.S. Secret Service, 107

Varieties of Religious Experience, The
(James), 223
Verbalization of violence, 105
Violence, 9, 12–13, 62
assessing risk of, 132
in cults, 240
in potential suicides, 207–208 brain pathology in, 117
causes of, 123–126
role of fantasy in, 105
verbalization of, 105
in the workplace, 97–133

Wachtler, Sol, 81
Walker, John Anthony, Jr., 30–33,

Weissberg, Michael, 157
Wesbecker, Joseph, 120, 122 West, Fred and Rosemary, 254 Whitiak, Jean-Michelle, 61
Whitman, Charles (Texas tower

killer), 100, 117
Williams, Wayne B., 256
Workplace violence, 97–133

by alienated workers, 119 behavioral profile, 114–120, 115 causes of, 123–128
in the courts, 112
by dangerous workers, 119,

by determined workers, 117–118 by deviant workers, 118
by disgruntled workers, 116 by distant workers, 118–119 by disturbed workers, 116–117 by down and out workers, 120 by erotomanics, 117
guidelines for preventing, 129–

in hospitals, 109–111
by patients, 107–109
by postal workers, 103–105 by professionals, 111–112 in public places, 112–114
risk of, 102–103, 117, 124, 129–

131, 132
role of antidepressant medication
in, 122
role of drugs and alcohol in, 120 by students, 105–107
threats and counterthreats, 131 by uncontrolled workers, 119 Wo r l d H e a l t h O r g a n i z a t i o n , 2 0 1 Wuornos, Aileen Carol (“Damsel of Death”), 253

You Must Be Dreaming
(Noël), 164

Table of Contents

Foreword. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .xi Thomas G.

Preface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xv

Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xvii

1Illuminating the Darker Side of Human Behavior. . . . . . 1

2Human Killing Machines and Us A Psychology of Evil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

3Psychopaths The Predators Among Us . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

4Why Do They Rape? The Inner Life of Rapists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

5Stalkers Forever Yours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77

6Workplace Violence Is Your Job a Dead End? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97

7Multiple Personality and Crime A Real Whodunit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

8The Ultimate Betrayal Sexual Misconduct in the Helping Professions. . . . . . . . . . 163

9Yo u O n l y D i e O n c e—But Did You Intend It? The Forensic Psychiatrist As Sleuth . . . . . . .


11 Serial Sexual Killers Your Life for Their Orgasm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

12 Character and Destiny The Making of Good Men and Women . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281

Bibliography. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297

Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313

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