Bad In Boots 02 - Ty's Temptation (6 page)

BOOK: Bad In Boots 02 - Ty's Temptation
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Evan grinned. “No problem. I’ll bring Flash by tomorrow in my two-sided trailer. Then I can carry another horse back for Ty.”

Jena’s hand landed on her arm. “I’m really sorry about the mix-up. Harm didn’t tell me he’d already given you permission to stay at my aunt’s house.”

“It’s been a good way to avoid Chad.” Evan gave them a sheepish smile.

“I’ve a mind to un-invite him to the wedding.” Harm didn’t bother to hide the annoyance in his tone.

Jena glanced at her fiancé. “You know your parents are best friends with the mayor and his wife. There’s no reason to cause tension. I’m sure Chad had had a few beers tonight. He’ll be fine at the wedding.”

Evan nodded, relieved that Jena had jumped in to calm Harm’s temper. “I agree. I don’t want to cause any more friction.”

Harm gave her a curt nod. “Fine. But if Chad so much as steps one foot out of line at my wedding, I’ll personally kick his ass.”

“I have no doubt you’ll follow through, too,” Evan replied with a chuckle. “Well, I’m heading out.”

“Why don’t you come to the rehearsal party tomorrow?” Jena suggested. “Since the wedding and the reception will be held outside at our ranch, to appease my mom’s need for formality she’s hosting a semiformal party at the Wilshire Hotel tomorrow night. If you can work it around your schedule, you’re welcome to come.”

“Are you sure? Isn’t the party after the rehearsal typically for the wedding party?”

Jena laughed. “Usually, but my mom’s invited the world to this affair, it seems.”

Evan knew Ty would be there. The idea of spending an entire day with the irresistible man made her stomach flutter. “Count me in. Thanks for inviting me.”

With each step she took across the wooden floor toward the bar’s exit, Evan’s excitement grew. Ty’s words reverberated in her head,
I’ll see you back at the Double D

* * * * *

The house was dark as she drove up the long drive. Disappointment filled her that she’d somehow missed Ty. That is until her car’s lights landed on Ty leaning against the porch post…as if he were waiting for her.

Evan’s heart raced and her stomach tensed. She’d been so confident when she’d told Ty she knew how to please herself, but would he find her inexperience with men a turnoff or lacking in some way?

She cut the engine and turned off the car’s lights, dousing the house in darkness. After she’d shut her car door and started to approach the porch, she couldn’t decide which was louder, the buzzing of night bugs or her own pulse racing in her ears.

Ty had his arms crossed over his chest in a casual stance. When she stood on the step below him, he didn’t move or say a word. But even in the moon’s light, she saw the glitter of desire in his gaze as he raked it down her body.

“I won’t make you any promises.”

“I don’t expect any.” Her lower stomach muscles tensed at his curt, dark tone.

“My way.”

“Fine.” She lifted her chin a notch at the challenge in his gaze. It was as if he were goading her, trying to get her to cry off.

“Come here,” he commanded, his voice a low rumble.

Taking a deep breath, Evan climbed the final step and stood in front of him.

He didn’t move, didn’t lower his arms. He just stared at her with his intense gaze. Yet she felt his heat and her body reacted to his closeness…even with the wall of control and folded arms he held between them.

The tense silence lingering between them was getting to her. Evan started to speak, to break the tension, but Ty chose that moment to lower his arms and take a step toward her.

“What did he do to you?” he asked.

“What?” She took a step back.

“If Chad didn’t have sex with you, how far did he get?” he grated out as he turned and took another step.

His action forced her to back toward the door if she wanted to keep her gaze locked with his. Why did she feel he was purposefully trying to rile her?

The toe of his boot landed between her feet on the floorboards. He crowded her personal space, his broad shoulders making her feel small for a woman of her height. Or was it his dominant charisma that made her feel that way? The tension emanating from him caused her to take another step back, but this time her boot heel hit the front door. Her heart raced while her stomach clenched at his question.

“I don’t see what Chad and I did has any relevance.”

The moon’s light behind him immersed Ty’s face in shadows. He placed a hand on the door behind her, caging her in.

“Did he touch you, bring you to climax with his hands?” he continued in a husky tone.

Evan’s heart raced at his relentless, intimate questions.

When she didn’t respond, Ty lowered his face close to hers. “It doesn’t matter. For the next couple of days, I’m going to be the only man on your mind, the only man you want sliding inside you.”

There was something about the quiet certainty of his tone that scared her. It wasn’t arrogance on his part, but more an assured confidence that had her breath hitching in her throat. Could she handle what Ty was sure to throw her way?

“I’m going to push you to your limit, take you out of your comfort zone.”

Her spine stiffened at his low threat. “How do you know I won’t take you out of yours?”

White teeth flashed in the dark. She felt his feral smile like a tiger running his tongue along her shoulder, sampling his prey before he took his first, deep bite.

“You’re welcome to try.”

It was now or never. She had to show him she was no one’s patsy to be pushed around.

Evan grasped his package through his jeans then ran her fingers over his erection before cupping his cock.

His body tensed and she heard his hissing intake of breath. She gave him a knowing smile. “I’m ready.”

Ty reached down and pried her fingers off his erection. Lacing his hand with hers, he grasped her other hand and pulled them up over her head. He pressed her hands against the door behind her. “I said, my way.”

Her heart galloped at the forceful warning in his tone. Did he think he was going to lead the entire time? She might be innocent in some ways, but she definitely had a mind of her own and she damned well planned to use it.

“Kiss me, damn it,” she demanded.

Instead of kissing her mouth, Ty’s lips grazed her jaw.

She gasped at the sensation of his five o’clock shadow rasping against her soft skin. When she tried to turn her mouth toward his, he moved his lips to her neck and nipped at her skin.

His hot breath bathed her neck as he kissed a trail to the hollow at the base of her throat. Evan moaned at the torture he seemed willing to put her though. “You’re going in the wrong direction.”

“Shhh,” he said before he kissed her chin.

Ty’s mouth felt warm and moist and so damn sexy. How could he expect her to just stand there and take it?

When he kissed the corner near her mouth, she tried once more to capture his mouth with hers, but he grasped her lower lip between his teeth and held her still.

Evan panted at his need to establish the pace between them. It made her want to push his buttons, to shove him over the edge.

She flicked her tongue out and traced it along his upper lip.

Ty’s fingers tightened around hers right before his mouth covered hers. His tongue slid against hers in one of the hottest kisses she’d ever experienced. Heat flooded from her breasts all the way down to her center.

Evan tried to pull her hands free in order to wrap her arms around him, but a low growl rumbled in his chest as he held her still. Other than his hands, lips and tongue, no other part of his body touched hers.

And, ohmigod, what he could do with those sexy lips and that seductive tongue. He delved deep in slow, methodical thrusts, exploring her mouth, teasing her tongue, making her ache to feel him inside her just like that.

“Let me go. I want to touch you,” she panted between kisses.

“No,” Ty said before he pressed his mouth against hers, harder this time.

No? What the hell? Anger filled her and she bit down on his tongue, stopping their kiss. Releasing his tongue, she asked, “Aren’t you going to touch me?”

Ty let go of her hands and took a step away with a tense look on his face.


Tomorrow? Was he screwing with her mind? He was only here for a few more days. His tense shoulders and the rise and fall of his chest told her he wanted to go further.

She narrowed her gaze. “Are you teasing me?”

He shook his head. “No. I told you. We’ll do this my way. You can back out at any time you want.”

Evan clenched her jaw in frustration. The man was determined to draw this out. Suffering sexual frustration was not her idea of fun. She’d had enough of that on her own.

Grabbing the doorknob behind her, she opened the door and bit out, “Your loss.”

Ty watched Evan stomp across the room and open and close her bedroom door. His balls ached like a motherfucker at the sight of her sweet ass swaying in her jeans. Every fiber in his body screamed at him to chase her down and rip her clothes off. To go at it like two wild rabbits, just like she wanted.

But Evan’s virginity held him at bay. He wanted her so fucking turned on, she’d be prepared and begging for it when he took her. Slow and controlled was the best way to handle Evan…even if she didn’t see it that way.

Ty lay down on the couch and adjusted his aching cock in his jeans. He groaned inwardly that he seemed to be in this perpetual mode of blue-ball arousal when it came to Evan. When he’d seen that jackass Chad demanding Evan’s attention, something in him snapped. That had to explain his getting involved and his surprising decision to ignore his personal rule against sleeping with virgins. All he knew was sheer fury had swept through him. He’d had to work hard to concentrate on all he’d been taught in his aikido training.
Take deep breaths and remain calm. Use your opponent’s anger and force against him.

He’d wanted to snap the fucker’s arm.

When the air-conditioning turned off, the house grew achingly quiet. If he’d followed Evan’s request, the small ranch house would be full of the sounds and smells of heart-pounding sex. He closed his eyes at that thought and his cock turned unbelievably hard. Ty gritted his teeth and tried breathing techniques to calm his raging libido.

Once his pulse stopped pounding in his ears, the sound of feminine moans permeated his consciousness. Ty jerked his gaze toward the bedroom door to see it was ajar.

It must’ve popped open when the air-conditioning clicked off.

Another moan floated his way, this one deeper than the last. As if invisible, seductive fingers beckoned him, he stood and walked toward the door. He couldn’t resist the arousing sound.

Ty paused outside her door then slowly pushed it wide open.

The sight before him shot a jolt of sheer stimulation straight to his cock.

The moon’s light from the side window spread across the bed, illuminating Evan’s gorgeous long legs. She was lying on her back, her neck and spine arched as she thrust her fingers deep inside her channel. The white tank top she wore only accentuated her dark nipples jutting against the thin cotton.

Ty’s balls began to throb. He clenched his fists by his sides and fought the desire to join her—desire that raced through him in sparks of fiery arousal. If he didn’t know better, he’d swear she did it on purpose just to throw him over the edge.

But Evan seemed completely oblivious to his presence and her uninhibited responses to her own stimuli only made him want her more. When she climaxed and sighed, Ty started to close the door to give her privacy.

But the door chose that moment to squeak. Fuck!

Evan gasped and her eyes flew open. She grabbed the sheet and pulled it over herself as she sat up on her elbow.

Ty straightened his spine and gave her an unapologetic look. “Now we’re even.” He shut the door quietly behind him.

Embarrassed heat stole up Evan’s cheeks. She stared at the closed door while her heart jerked and her body still ached for a more fulfilling release. Not only had Ty just watched her get herself off, but from the comment he made, the man knew she’d witnessed him doing the same in the shower. As mortified as she was, a thought struck her—had he been as turned on as she was by the sight? She snorted in annoyance and lay down once more. Obviously not, since he’d walked away.

Pulling the covers up to her chin, she contemplated what it would take to get Ty to totally lose it. His control intrigued her, drew her in like a moth to a flame, but at the same time his steely persona infuriated her. All she wanted to do was jump his bones. She didn’t want her first sexual experience to be on a timetable. She wanted it to be spontaneous and uninhibited and as real as it could be.

Chapter Four

Ty’d been working nonstop since dawn. He was glad he’d worn his boots for the work Harm threw his way. The warm late-morning sun beat down on him, growing hotter by the minute. He’d ditched his shirt an hour earlier and sweat now coated his skin as he stopped the tractor he’d been driving and jumped down.

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