Bad Girls Do: a Billionare Romance Novel (The Everly Brothers Series, Erotic Romance Book 3) (10 page)

Read Bad Girls Do: a Billionare Romance Novel (The Everly Brothers Series, Erotic Romance Book 3) Online

Authors: Rosalie Lario

Tags: #Romance, #bad boy romance, #New York City, #Elle Kennedy, #dirty talking, #Contemporary, #Manhattan, #Anthologies, #Central Park, #billionaire romance, #Collections & Anthologies, #bad boy billionaire, #Literature & Fiction

BOOK: Bad Girls Do: a Billionare Romance Novel (The Everly Brothers Series, Erotic Romance Book 3)
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He smirked and slid his mouth to her ear. “Then they’d know what a naughty girl you really are, wouldn’t they?”

Somehow, his words had the unexpected effect of setting her body ablaze. She half suspected that he’d known they would. Maybe she was easier to read than she’d thought.

Sam took a few steps back, drinking in the sight of her in disarray while he adjusted his own tie and suit. Then, with a pained groan, he turned and strode to the door.

He paused with his hand on the knob. “Remember what I said, Diane. Stay just like that. I want to know that you’re here waiting for me, ready to get fucked.”

She all but whimpered at his words. But the moment Sam turned the knob and exited, firmly shutting the door behind him, reality began to intrude.

This was crazy.

Much as she’d enjoyed the excitement of knowing they might be seen by people in neighboring buildings, now that Sam was gone, it just seemed embarrassing. Not only that, but they were at a company party, for god’s sake. Her
was here.

Oh, hell.

That last nauseating reminder was all she needed to zoom up off the desk and hastily zip herself back into place. She searched around for her panties, but they were nowhere to be found. Sam must have slipped them into his pocket when she wasn’t paying attention.

Stark humiliation coursed through her body. Dear heavens, what had she been thinking?

She’d been so caught up in the excitement of the moment that she hadn’t been thinking at all.

They couldn’t have sex in
while all those people they knew were just a short distance away. It was insane. She couldn’t do it.

She would find Sam and make a plan to meet him at a hotel later. That was the only proper thing to do.

Mind made up, Diane stalked toward the door and started to turn the knob. But then it hit her.

She didn’t want to be proper anymore. That was what this whole thing was about.

The most exhilarating place she’d ever made love had been in a hotel room bed. Hell, she’d never even had sex
of a bed before.

No. No hotels. No more beds.

She wasn’t going to be proper anymore.

Having sex here was probably the craziest thing she could possibly imagine…and so, she was going to do it.

Sex at a crowded party.

Just one more thing to add to her list.

And then immediately cross off.

Setting her shoulders, she turned and marched back toward the desk to await Sam’s return.





Chapter Seven



am grit his teeth at the tightness in his loins as he stalked down the hallway back toward the conference room. Fuck, here he was at a company event—for his own goddamn company, mind you—and he was walking around sporting a stiffy. He might have laughed at the absurdity of the situation if he weren’t so turned on.

This is some crazy shit.

He knew that.

Having sex in his office while a company party raged on just down the hall was about as far from smart as you could get. But Diane had lit a fire inside that would only be quenched when he was balls deep inside of her sweet, succulent heat.

But first, he had to find a condom.


When he entered the conference room, his eyes immediately landed on his brother Andrew. A surprising nugget of discomfort settled in his gut.

Much as he might have wanted to ignore it before, this wasn’t right. Andrew and Diane clearly hadn’t been a love match, but they
dated. He needed to talk to Andrew and let him know what was going down.

Problem was, he didn’t know what to say. Somehow, sauntering up to Andrew and saying, “Hey bro, just want you to know I’m about to fuck your ex-girlfriend, but don’t worry, we’re not dating or anything,” just didn’t seem like the right thing to do. Especially not when he still had a hard-on.

Yeah, they’d have that conversation later, when he could figure out what to say without betraying Diane’s confidence.

Besides, he was nothing if not the master of procrastination.

Keeping his hands clasped over his groin, he walked around until he spotted James standing in the corner with Lyssa. Bingo. He was bound to have a condom, right? He and Lyssa had only recently gotten together, so they were still in the constantly doing it stage of their relationship.

Shaking off the brief thought that this was going to be embarrassing, he headed toward his brother and clasped him on the shoulder to get his attention. When his older brother looked over at him, he murmured into his ear, “Can I talk to you alone for a sec?”

James nodded, then turned to press a soft kiss to Lyssa’s lips. “I’ll be right back, baby.”


Ignoring Lyssa’s curious glance—damn, that woman’s Latina eyes seemed like they could read his soul—he pulled James off to the side and muttered, “Do you have a rubber on you?”

James let out a disbelieving guffaw. “Wait. What? I don’t think I heard you right.”

Sam flushed. “Fuck you.”

After letting his big brother indulge in a hearty chuckle, Sam tried again.

“Well. Do you?”

“Seriously?” James gave a disbelieving shake of his head. “You’ve done some crazy things before, but this is out there. Even for you.”

Sam scowled, not bothering to acknowledge that James was right. “Do you or not?”

Still looking amused, James shook his head. “Sorry. Lyssa’s on the pill.”

That momentarily distracted Sam from his mission. “You don’t use any protection at all?”

James shrugged. “What’s the point?”

Although Sam had partaken in his fair share of sexual encounters, he’d never done it without a condom. Fear of pregnancy and venereal diseases had made him steer far away from that particular indulgence. But still, curiosity prompted him to ask, “What’s that feel like?”

“Like the most amazing thing you could ever imagine,” James confessed.


Wait, he couldn’t get sidetracked. He had to focus here. There was a smoking hot and very willing woman back in his office. Time was of the essence.

He peered around the room until he found Zoey. One could hope.

“See ya later,” he murmured to James, then headed straight for his friend. She stood by the glass wall, drinking from a champagne glass that looked like it had been filled with whiskey. “I see Zach found you.”

She smirked. “Yup. If you’re looking for the whiskey, though, I’m not sure how much is left. You might want to track him down now.”

“No, that’s not what I’m looking for.” He cleared his throat, feeling heat creep up his neck. Looking around, he lowered his voice. “Do you have a condom on you?”

Zoey sputtered on her whiskey. When she let out a choking cough, he thumped her on the back. “You okay?”

“Yes, I’m…” She held up a hand and coughed again, her eyes watering. “Fine.”

Her expression made his squirm. “I know, I know. I’m an idiot.”

“I’m not even going to say it anymore. Clearly it has no effect.” Sighing, she gave a resigned shake of her head. “Follow me.”

She turned and headed for the coat check toward the front part of the office suites. After grabbing her purse, she handed him her glass while she dug a foil packet out of her bag and pressed it into his palm.

“At least you’re not too dumb to not worry about these.”

He gave her one of his signature charming grins. “Thanks.”

She rolled her eyes. “Get out of here. You disgust me.”

Snatching her glass back, she sauntered back toward the conference room, pausing only to take a long swallow of her liquid.

Sam couldn’t help but chuckle and watch her leave. Zoey might be as annoying as an actual sister would be, but she was pretty damn cool, too.

His mind wandered back to Diane. To the image of her sitting on that desk with her gorgeous tits arching out and her luscious pussy bared to his view. He grew uncomfortably stiff again, and that propelled him back toward his office. A few people tried to engage him in conversation as he passed, but he did a good job of sidestepping them.

The entire walk back to his office, he couldn’t help but wonder whether Diane would still be in that same position waiting for him. When he turned the knob and silently entered the room, he had his answer.

The spot where she’d sat when he’d left was empty. Instead, Diane stood by the windows, staring out into the night.

Disappointment wound through him, but then he told himself it was to be expected that she’d move. This was a company function, and the door had been unlocked. If someone had wandered in and seen her like that, maybe someone like Zach…

An unexpected tide of anger tightened his chest, along with some other wrenching emotion he didn’t care to explore.

No, it was definitely better that she’d risen and dressed. He wasn’t about to tell her that, though.

She looked so lost in her thoughts that she hadn’t even noticed him enter, so he slowly reached behind him and locked the door. The last thing he wanted was to be interrupted. It was a testament to how far gone with lust he’d been earlier that he hadn’t bothered to lock the door then.

He took a step further into the room and broke the silence. “I thought I told you to stay put.”

Diane gave a startled jump at the sound of his voice. Her hand flew to her throat as she whirled to face him. Then she visibly relaxed. “I tried, but I couldn’t.”

Making a
sound, he rumbled, “What do you think I should do about your failure to follow orders?”

A pulse worked in her throat, visible even from his position across the room, and she gave a nervous swallow. He could practically see the wheels spinning in her head. She seemed to understand the game he was playing because she murmured, “I can go back.”

The thought of her repositioning herself on the desk made his cock twitch in his pants. Eager to see how far she’d go, he leaned back against the door. “First, take off your dress.”

She sucked in a breath, her chest rising and falling at a rapid pace. “What if someone comes inside?”

“They won’t.” When she still hesitated, he murmured, “Don’t worry, Diane. I locked the door.”

His words gave her the courage she needed. She reached behind her back and unzipped her dress. Then she slid the wide straps over her shoulders and slowly let it fall downward.

He groaned when her full, luscious breasts came into view. They really were award-winning. Her tits deserved to be feasted on and worshipped for hours.

Some other day.

The dress fell to the floor, and his cock went rock-hard. Absently, he slid a hand into his pocket and fingered the soft silk of her panties. Thankfully, he’d had the presence of mind to hold onto those earlier.

“Turn around and face the window.”

Her breath came out hard and raspy as she obeyed.

Most of the lights in the building across the street had been darkened, but a few still remained. “Just think, bad girl, some lucky asshole could be watching you as we speak.”

A soft whimper of sound was her only response.

“Press your tits up against the window, baby. Give that bastard the night of his life.” When she did as he’d instructed, he had to battle his own groan. The sight of her firm, round ass arching toward him was almost too much to bear.

He reached out to stroke his cock through his slacks. “Now, spread your legs a little, show him a hint of that pussy.”

Moaning, she obeyed.

“Are you always fully shaved?” When she wordlessly nodded, he made a sound of approval in his throat. “Maybe that bad girl has been in there all along, huh?”

“Yes,” she gasped.

“Go sit back on the desk,” he rumbled, desperately trying to hold onto his self-control.

She turned at once, her eyes wild and unfocused as she stumbled back to the desk and sat on the edge, right where she’d been earlier.

His fingers flexed with the desire to touch her. Fisting them at his sides, he moved away from the door, forcing himself to walk slowly toward her and then stop a good ten feet away. He couldn’t hide the huskiness in his voice, however, when he issued the next command.

“Now, lean back against the desk and spread those legs wide. Show me what you hide under all those layers of clothes.”

She froze, her face tight with hesitation. For one long moment, he didn’t think she was going to do it. But then, much to his shock, she leaned back.

His body went stiff as a board, a perfect match to his dick, which currently strained against his zipper.

Sweet heavens above.

Never in a million years could he have imagined he’d one day be privy to this sight. Sweet, boring Diane Milstrom had suddenly become anything but.

It would be a miracle if he lasted much longer. But he had to.

If Diane was going to give him this moment, he wanted to make it good for her. He would make it every sinful little fantasy she’d ever dreamed of, and more.

All he had to do was survive it.





Chapter Eight


iane’s body raged with conflicted emotions as she leaned back on Sam’s desk, using her palms to support her weight. The force of Sam’s gaze heated her bared flesh. Lust ravaged his features, making them look hard and tight.

A small part of her was freaking out. Who was this shameless woman who’d willingly undressed and put on a show simply because a man had commanded her to?

But that had always been her secret desire. To be dominated. To have a man look at her the way Sam currently was.

She willed her insecurities away. If she was going to do this, she might as well do it right.

Summoning her courage, she used her hands to slide further back on the desk, then lifted one leg to rest the sharp heel of her shoe along the wooden edge. She followed suit with the other leg, both heels digging into the hard wood as she did her best impression of the splits.

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