| interviews will be initially cited by name and date. Afterwards, each will be cited by name only; Rosebud News, January 9, 1986.
 | 3 Wanda Fischer.
 | 4 CBS News, 48 Hours program, aired at various times and dates.
 | 5 Ms. Ellen Roberts, in an interview with the author, June 16, 1998; Austin American-Statesman, April 24, 1992.
 | 6 Texas Monthly, August, 1992; Austin American-Statesman, April 24 and May 5, 1992.
 | 7 Ken Anderson, Crime in Texas: Your Complete Guide to the Criminal Justice System (Austin: University of Texas Press, 1997), pg. 1.
 | 8 Texas Monthly, May, 1996.
 | 9 Sonya Urubek, quoted in an interview with the author, June 15, 1998; Austin American-Statesman, April 24, 1998.
 | 10 Austin American-Statesman, February 2, 1998.
 | 11 Waco Tribune-Herald, May 6, 1992; Richard Stroup, quoted in an interview with the author, June 17, 1998; http://www.Lubbockonline.com/news/112496/mcduff.htm.
 | 12 Charles Butts in an interview with the author on June 20, 1998.
 | 13 J. W. Thompson in an interview with the author on June 15, 1998.
 | 14 Information from F. Lee Bailey and Truman Capote is taken from Bailey's Foreword in Jack Levin and James Alan Fox, Mass Murder: America's Growing Menace (New York: Plenum Press, 1985), pgs. viiiix; Charles Butts; Texas v Kenneth Allen McDuff, Cause #643820, Closing arguments by Crawford Long, February 16, 1993, pgs. 1442. Note: Much of this work is taken from Kenneth McDuff's capital murder trial transcripts. They are called Statements of Facts [SOF] . I have numbered the Melissa Northrup Murder Trial, Cause #643820; the Colleen Reed Murder Trial is #93-2139.