BAD APPLE: The Complete Series (Parts 1-5) (18 page)

BOOK: BAD APPLE: The Complete Series (Parts 1-5)
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Chapter Seven


“Okay, fine. What about Nik?” I ask, desperately needing to change the subject as Eliza strolls in and plants coffee in my grateful hands before skipping out.

Angelica’s eyes go softer and I want to kiss her just to get her to shut up when she turns to Nik and shakes her head.

“He’s lying to you about something, honey. Whatever it is will not be good, so be prepared for it. Ri is right, though. You give him your ultimatum, and if he doesn’t want to try for more then cut him loose. I know men like him. My first husband was like that, too, and I found out later that he had a whole secret life and family that he was hiding from me while I supported them all. It’s time to stop thinking with your heart and make him see

“See me? I don’t get it. He sees me. Hell he’s seen every part of me, even the parts I should have introduced to exercise.” She mutters morosely, making me smirk in agreement.

“No dummy, you. I’m talking about him seeing the vulnerable Nikita, the woman who loves him and aches with every desertion.”


I get her horror and the bone-deep fear she feels at exposing herself so much. I feel the same way, because I know that I have to do it, too. I need to explain myself and my love to Misha before I can forgive him.

“Yep. See, men aren’t like us emotional hags. They get mad and deal with it and move on. They’re basic. We, on the other hand, have this habit of torturing ourselves with bottled-up feelings and pride. Pride has no place in love. It’s love’s enemy. Drop that mantle and deal, or prepare to be burned, honey. Now if you all will excuse me, I gotta do Ri’s job to keep this dump open.”



The feeling of bone shattering under my knuckles is so familiar and sweet, I feel my heart go a little loopy as the scum before me whimpers and starts coughing on his own blood.

I’ve taken two of his teeth already, and one eye that I know won’t be working well after that. If he lives. And he’s still not talking.

“Who the fuck keeps ordering hits on my fucking wife!” I roar again, my legendary cool slipping fast as memories of last night and the sounds of Irina sniffling in the shower bombard me.

I’m teetering here and more than willing to take out every ounce of my frustration at my inability to make her happy on this guy. I’m feeling stalked, trapped, cornered, and it’s making me twitchy—something that’s starting to bleed into my personal life, and I don’t like it.

They’re messing with my control, messing with the order of my world and the plans I had in place.

“I don’t know! Please, I got a family—a wife and kids, Misha.”

“I don’t give a fuck about what you have, you piece of shit. I have a wife—an innocent, smiling, kind angel of a woman, and some piece of garbage took a knife to her. You remember me, brother? You remember how seriously I take personal threats to those I love?” I ask sinisterly.


“I’m giving you one last chance here, one chance only to tell me who it was. I want the man and I want his boss. You know something. Tell me and you live. Don’t and I will be very displeased.”

This part of me has been long dead for years, squashed beneath my will and need for stability and control. Killed when my little girl was born and the need to be better and safer became about more than just me.

              “I don’t know much. Shit, I just heard a rumor that the Chenkos were spooked by some girl from the past and Gideon wanted her taken care of. They’d have sent The Knife to take care of it if they were serious. He never fails.”

Ah, I should have thought. Each family has its own enforcers, runners, and so on, almost like a company that worked like a well-oiled machine. Each piece is necessary, vital, and needs to run smoothly, performing its function for the company to survive.

When we were younger Leo was the accountant while I was the muscle. I enforced the law as we all saw it, along with a few friends who still work for my father.

So, the Chenkos have their very own killer in house. Not surprising since most families do, but what does surprise me is that they would use him for this instead of contracting out to avoid a trail I can follow.

“Why would they use one of their own instead of a free agent? Seems stupid considering they must know she is my wife and that I will retaliate.”

“Dude, they’re falling. Don’t you know? They lost standing with the council and have lost territory. They’re on their last legs, man. They can’t afford to look outside their own, and besides, no one will deal with them since they’ve been made an example of.”

If they’re being pushed out and scrambling for a saving grace, it would fuck them up totally to have Maximillian coming for them.

Nothing, and I mean nothing kills a family like one of the council members coming their way. My papa sits on it, and while he has power, it is much like a judiciary panel. If the vote falls…

“Any word on the why?” I ask conversationally, my spirits nicely restored now that I have something to work with.

Mickey’s eyes dart for all of a second before his shoulders slump. I almost feel pity, but then his words hit me.

“They’re gonna hit the Velnicovas next. Word isn’t that good, but what I did hear whispers about was that that ex of yours and her family are out for blood, and they seem willing to fund the Chenkos. Old family ties and all that since Lenny married Minanka’s older sister. You better watch your bitch’s back, man.”

Christ. I’ll wipe them all out one by one if I find proof that Mina’s family has targeted mine.
, the Velnicovas are not my problem, and knowing Feliks, he’ll take care of his own laundry. But my wife will be upset should anything happen to those she loves, and that would make life hard for me.

This I do not like.

“Call Benyamin, Leo. I want him at dinner tonight. Plans must be settled.”

. We should call Papa, too, and get Max involved.”



“I said
, Leo. He needs nothing from Irina now. She’s mine and I will not relinquish her to the likes of him. It would precipitate troubles Papa does not need.”

“Stubborn,” he mutters as we leave the warehouse behind and slide into the car.

“You call me stubborn, brat? Tell me what you are doing with Tatiana. The woman carries the seed of another. Look to Elizeveta. She is single.”

“Mind your own business, Misha.”

. Tatiana is like a sister to me. If she hurts, Ri hurts.”

“I will not hurt her. I wish only to help her at this time while she is sick with her baby. She is alone and—”

“Bullshit. You’re sniffing at her like a mutt in heat. I see the way you are with her, Leonides. She’s fragile, vulnerable after Luka.”

“You think I do not understand this? You think I do not see her pain? I do, I see it and I wait.”


Leo starts and turns to look at me with surprise while I grin and shake my head.

“Patience is for games and business deals, Leo. Do not let your window of opportunity pass. Luka watches her like a predator on the hunt, just waiting to see her weakness before striking. He wants his child and will not stop to think of what Tatty needs. He does not deserve her and we both know it. Take what you want before it is too late,” I say, not caring that I sound like a prick.

I’ve seen the light now and I’ll preach it till I’m old and senile. The important things in this life are not a game, not something you can just plot and plan patiently. Too many variables and uncertainties will mess with the outcome. Hence my pursuit of Irina. I could have courted and seduced her. Hell, I could have strung her along, stolen her business, and just used her to join the families.

Her soft heart would have ensured that my goal is reached. But I wanted her, right from the start, and I almost lost her to my own patience and sense of superiority.

Now I would cheat the devil, himself, to get what I want. I’m hoping Leo will, too, because honor is all well and good, but the bastard does not warm you at night and give pleasure the way a good woman can.

“What if she loves him still?” Leo finally grates, his blue eyes burning with supressed rage and longing.

“Ah, brat, who gives a shit? He’s unworthy. Make her love you instead, and if that does not work,” I shrug and grin broadly, “make her want you. Women are a mystery, but if there’s one thing I do know, it’s that love and lust go hand in hand. If she wants you, she will find a reason to love you.”




Chapter Eight


Pleasure engulfs me, centered on my clit, deep in my womb, as I come awake with a muted gasp and force my eyes open. Agony mixed with pleasure hits me again as my eyes flutter open and I stretch, pushing closer to the wet mouth lapping between my legs.


“Uhm, relax, angel. Just feel,” he purrs, his blue eyes blazing up at me as his tongue distends and flicks over the very top of my mound.

I desperately want him and go to grab his hair, gasping again when the softness of silk stops my movements. I’m tied to the headboard and completely at his mercy as he grins up at me and slowly wiggles his tongue again, his blue eyes taking in every gasp and wriggle as pleasure slams into my sex.

“Misha, what are you doing?”

I don’t think I can survive as he smiles again and laps, painting the pale skin again, so close to my nub I can feel the echoes of his breath tickling where I need him.

“I’m having breakfast, angel,” he teases, opening his mouth to suck gently at the skin of my mons.

I can’t help the moan that escapes or the shifting of my hips, no matter how hard I try to remember I’m pissed at him still. Seriously, how can I be this turned on for him when just last night he abandoned me after coming and hasn’t said a word to me since? Heck, he didn’t even come home last night, just had Tony tell me he was working late.

“Oh. Misha, please.”

“Please what, angel? Tell me what you want and I’ll give it to you,” he drawls, his tongue swirling lower…lower…stopping just shy of the little bundle that’s now pulsing so hard, I swear I can see it beating.

“Please suck it,” I whimper, thrashing and pulling against the silken restraints.

“Lick? Here?” he asks, moving lower to suck a plump outer lip into his mouth.

The suction is strong, heated, sending echoes of the pull to my clit but not nearly enough to satisfy. No, all it does is make me want more as he releases with a pop and blows a hot stream of breath over my flesh.

Oh God, it feels so good.


“Tell me, angel. Tell me in detail what you want and I’ll give it.”

I have to bite my lips to keep the words in check. He’s so naughty, so forceful and lusty. I’m overtaken by him, but no matter how much he’s unlocked my sexuality, talking dirty is still an obstacle I have yet to overcome.

He wants it, though, I can see the demand in his eyes as I push my hips up, opening my thighs more.

“It hurts.”

I have no idea how long he’s been teasing me while I slept, but I’m already soaked and hurting for him.

“I know, angel, I can feel your pulse pounding here,” he says gently, placing a soft kiss on my nub that makes me cry out and thrust closer. “Say it and it’s yours.”

              “Suck my clit, Misha, please. I need your mouth.”

His lips tip into a satisfied smile and he obeys my harsh rasp, opening his mouth over me to suck and lick till I’m insane with the need for more.

His eyes never leave my face and I find myself unable to look away as he pushes me so close to orgasm, I feel my inner muscles spasm and clench around the emptiness deep inside me.

“I’ve thought about this all day. Seeing your skin, tasting you, feeling you wrapped around my dick. You’re driving me insane,” he grates, pulling away and coming up on his knees to stare down at me with a furious expression.

He looks so fierce, I swallow the protest of the loss of his mouth and clench my thighs around his to still the ache gnawing at my womb.

“You refused to answer my calls.”

Oh, so he’s pissed that I ignored him the way he’s been ignoring me. What a freaking surprise.

“I didn’t think you’d want to talk after last night.”

My words make him angry, I see it in the tightening of his mouth and the way his eyes go almost hard—nothing like the man who just teased me into a state of painful lust.

I hurt still, he’s making sure of that with the way he scoots closer and lays the head of his sex directly over my clit, just leaving it there to let me feel the steady throb of his flesh against mine.

“I don’t. What I want is for my wife to answer the phone on her first day back at work so I could know you were okay. What I wanted was to hear your voice. But I didn’t, did I?”

He’s furious, I realize as he smiles darkly and palms my ass, groaning deep in his throat when I clench and flood my thighs with the wet slide of arousal.

“Misha. I—”

“Did I, Irina?”

He hardly ever uses my name, preferring to call me
, unless he’s upset about something I’ve said or done.

              “Irina,” he warns when the silence drags.

“Come here.”


“Come here, you idiot. I want to say something in your ear,” I growl, pulling against the restraints again in a futile attempt to get free.

I want to caress his face right now, touch him in some way, because I need that grounding anchor to still the nerves quivering low in my belly.

He scowls but plants his hands beside my upstretched arms and moves closer, so close I feel the stubble on his cheeks brush against my chin.

“If you mouth off at me, Irina, I will eat you till you’re screaming for release and then stop long enough to calm before starting again.”

The words have me clenching again, but I ignore the boiling need bubbling between my thighs and breathe deeply to calm my pounding heart.


He comes in closer and I strike before he can tilt his head away to give me his ear, my lips pressing against his in a chaste kiss that’s hotter than the dirtiest tongue kiss I’ve ever had.

The contact is electric, sizzling as he freezes above me and allows me to slide closer and meld my mouth to his. I moan and open slightly, flicking my tongue over the soft, full contours before opening and sucking.

When I pull away I’m so hot again that I can’t help but hook my legs around his ass to pull him closer. I want him inside me, filling me and making me feel secure, and yet I can do without the sex right now as long as he’s keeps looking at me the way he is now.

Pure joy shines on his face as his mouth pulls into a wide smile.

“I realized today that I kinda love you, even though you must be the biggest douche on the planet,” I rush to say before my courage vanishes. “And if I really love you, I won’t keep trying to hurt you for something I’ve forgiven you for.”

The smile curves wider, if that’s even possible, and I gasp when he smashes his mouth down on mine and kisses me breathless before shoving his tongue deep and tasting every corner of it.

He kisses me hard, soft, slow and deep, as if just my mouth can satisfy the hard length twitching at my thigh.

This is our kryptonite, the magic key that symbolizes our togetherness, and I’ve just given him that last piece of me, proving irrevocably that Misha owns me. Every part of me.

He keeps kissing me for what feels like hours, his mouth ravenous, wet, and demanding as he groans and growls his pleasure against my tongue.

He doesn’t stop even as I feel him shift and hear a crinkle right before he thrusts into me with a force that has me screaming in ecstasy. We go at each other like animals as he pins my thighs to the bed and hammers me into the mattress, never breaking the connections.

I can’t breathe and need to pull away, but he’s going crazy as he pinches my jaw and keeps us connected, his tongue mimicking the thrust and withdrawal of his sex into my pulsing sheath.

I feel every thrust, every scrape of his fullness within me, the sensations amplified by the joining of our mouths. I can’t control the pleasure that’s building so hard and fast that the intensity of what’s coming scares me to death.

I scream my release into him when fire explodes between my legs in a hard pulse of painful pleasure. I don’t feel or see him come, because I’m airborne and floating in such rapture, I’m limp by the time I recover.

We’re no longer kissing as he falls onto me, our breaths wheezing as aftershocks make his hips twitch into my aching sex.

“Jesus. God help me,” he gasps, thrusting in hard and deep as another tremor attacks his body. “Angel.”

I manage a smile and nuzzle my face into his neck, my arms flopping limply to the pillow when he reaches up to release me and just sags into me, his weight crushing but welcome.

He never said anything to my declaration.

It hurts. I can’t help it, even knowing that he was never going to say it back. I think some silly, brainless part of me expected him to at least say something after the limb I just leapt onto with my eyes closed.

When I can breathe again because he’s regained enough strength to come up onto his elbows, he’s staring down at me with such an expression of joyful satisfaction.

“Thank you, angel.”

Shit, I think my heart just melted.


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