Back to Square One (Brandon Bay Babes) (21 page)

BOOK: Back to Square One (Brandon Bay Babes)
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When it became apparent that Jeremy was starting to move in her direction, Kit pretended not to notice and turned in search of someone, anyone, she could latch onto for a quick and meaningless conversation.
There was nothing wrong with chatting to Jeremy, except that his eyes had a way of making her regress into her youth –and no good could come of it.


Perhaps a garden stroll was in order, Kit thought quickly, heading for the glass sliding door to the patio.
Excusing her way through the throng, Kit saw that Barnaby had just arrived with his parents and was headed straight for her.
Oh no.
The dreaded ‘conversation’ had yet to take place.
Kit only hoped that once again it could be adjourned for another time.
He certainly wouldn’t want to have it in the middle of a party; that was hardly the appropriate place.


She then remembered how he’d dragged her out into the moonlight at the Prom and passionately spilled his guts to her; all while the other prom-goers partied in the gym next to them.
Gulping, Kit weighed her options.
Maybe he won’t even see her; yeah, maybe she could give him the slip and he’d be none the wiser.


Taking a rapid glance his way again, her eyes suddenly met his and she knew she was trapped.
Barnaby was advancing towards her with a determined swagger.


Assuming a ‘deer in the headlights’ stance, Kit’s mind went blank.
Her past was closing in on her from all sides fast; Jeremy was bearing down on the right and Barnaby on the left.
All she needed now was her prom dress and toilet paper on her shoe and the reconstruction would be complete.


“What?” she spat out.
Someone was tapping on her shoulder.
“Hey” a voice from behind said.


Kit turned.
“J.J.” she beamed and threw her arms wildly around his neck. Hugging him tightly, he whispered in her ear, “If I’d known this was the welcome I’d get, I would have come back sooner”


Kit relaxed and let him go.
She noticed that he still kept his hands on her waist.
Giggling, she looked up into his beautiful chocolaty brown eyes.
“I’ve never been so glad to see anyone in my life” she sighed in relief.


Jeff chuckled.
“Is the party


“No you don’t understand” she answered, glancing as casually as she could from side to side.
“Twelve and six o’clock” she added cryptically.


J.J. looked around and knew in an instant her dilemma.
“What do you want
to do about it?” he asked with a cocked brow.


Kit gave a worried frown. “I have no idea.
All I know is, I feel like
two dogs and
the bone.”


“Well, you know what happens when two dogs fight for a bone, don’t you?” J.J. asked with a grin.


“No, what?”


runs away with it”


Kit smiled.


“Come on” J.J. pulled her by the arm.
“Let’s get out of here”


“I’m with you Fido” she laughed.
“Let’s go before Butch and Rover sniff us out!


“Ruff” J.J. barked as they headed for the door.




Kit and J.J. drove along the highway, figuring it was best to ‘get out of town’ if they wanted to truly flee the craziness surrounding Brandon Bay.


On the way, Kit filled him in on Charles’ offer; she was way too excited to keep it to herself.
“I’m happy for you Kit Kat” he said with sincerity.
“I wish you all the success in the world”


“I still can’t believe that me, Kit Davidson, the girl who can’t seem to catch a break; is getting the break of a lifetime.
I have to tell you I pretty much thought I was at a dead end when you fired me-”


didn’t fire you” he protested strongly. “Well, not personally” he added with chagrin.


It doesn’t matter now.
As my mother would say it was “a blessing in disguise.”


J.J. gave her a swift, sidelong glance.
“I hope so Kit Kat.
You deserve to be happy”


They ended up at a cute little inland restaurant overlooking a winery that made a Pinot Noir that J.J. had drunk many times and insisted was one of his favourites.


After enjoying a first course of leek, sausage, and goat cheese crêpes, Kit paused to reflect on their “great escape”.
“Jasmine’s going to kill me.
I’m going to have to buy her muffins for a month.”


“Are you sorry you ran away with me?” he quietly asked, taking another sip of wine.


Kit peered at him over her wine glass and chuckled. “No.
But we must have looked a sight running out of Charles’ house like the
hounds of hell
were after us.”


“They kind of were.
But they were after
, not me.
the bone.”


“Don’t I know it” Kit let out a long breath, “How did I get into this mess?
What the hell do they
from me anyway?”


J.J.’s eyes shone with a wicked glint. “Well if you don’t know
Kit Kat, I’m afraid your mother neglected a very important part of your education”


Kit smirked at him.
“I remember one thing my mother taught me; “it takes
to tango”.
is most definitely a different kind of dance altogether.”


They both laughed and took another sip of wine. “Then what are you going to do about them?” J.J. asked her seriously.


She shrugged at him wearily.


J.J. seemed a little pissed.
“If you’re
interested in either of these guys, tell them so.”


Kit frowned as their main course made its way to the table.
“It’s not that easy.”


Jeff ran his hand through his hair in frustration.
“Sure it is.
You say Jeremy, Barnaby, I’m not interested.”
Watching as Kit bit her lip, he added, “Or


“Jeremy, no.” she replied slowly.
“After my little episode with him, I know he’s most definitely not the guy for me”


“And Barnaby?” he asked with a scowl.


“An unknown quantity at this point” Kit answered.
His scowl grew bigger.
“Look I know you don’t like him …” she continued, picking up her fork to stab at some buttered French beans.


“Well, it doesn’t really concern
, does it?” he retorted, digging into his steak like he wanted dinner over fast.


Kit covered his hand with hers to stop him wolfing down the food so quickly.
“Down Fido” she grinned.


Jeff stopped what he was doing and shook his head in amusement.
Raising his gaze to hers, he asked somberly, “Do you


Pausing to contemplate his question she said softly, “I’ll always love Barnaby” adding without delay, “but not like you think”




“I grew up with him.
He knows me better than anyone.”


“So you’re saying you love him like a
?” J.J. commented with raised brows.


“I don’t know what I’m saying.
The sparks that fly when we’re together have nothing to do with brotherly love.”


Jeff sat back in his chair. “


Which I know is crazy.
But a lot has happened in the last ten years, we’ve both changed.
He’s so different and yet the same.
It’s all very confusing. I only know that he’s a huge part of my past; I just haven’t worked out where he fits in the future.”


He snorted at her.
“How does he feel about


She shrugged at him.
“How should I know?
I’ve been dodging him for weeks.
He wants to talk, but I’m afraid I’ll spoil everything.”


“Spoil everything how?” he asked testily.


“Oh, I don’t want to talk about it anymore” Kit said with a wave of her hand.
“It’s spoiling my dinner, and its making you act like …like”


Jeff narrowed his eyes at her.


Kit got angry.
“Will you
asking me questions; enough with the third degree.
Who are you, my


J.J. threw down his napkin.
“Maybe I should take you home.”


“Yeah, maybe you should” Kit said moodily, thinking J.J. should perhaps make a career change and interrogate for the FBI.
All that was missing was a spotlight shining in her face.
His attitude was making her crazy, and mighty mad.


Jeff stared back at her in annoyed silence for a few moments.
“Finish your dinner” he said without further comment, picking up his knife and fork and stabbing his steak once again.


By the time the bill came they were both tired of playing the waiting game.
Neither one of them wanted to be the first to cave, but someone had to bite the bullet and do it.
Kit’s annoyance seemed to be waning faster so she decided she’d take one for the team and make amends.


All it took was for Kit to yawn and say she was “bone tired” for J.J. to crack up and start barking at her once again.
The whole skirmish was forgotten, with only a hint of residual tension remaining in the air.


The drive back to Brandon Bay was fun and laughter-filled and Kit couldn’t remember having a better time; except maybe with Jasmine.
The two of them really should meet, she thought to herself, they’d get on like a house on fire.


When J.J. finally pulled into Gladys’ drive, it was one a.m. and a slight drizzle had descended over the town.
They sat in the Lexus, neither one of them eager for the night to end.
“Do you head back to San Francisco tomorrow?” Kit asked sadly.

BOOK: Back to Square One (Brandon Bay Babes)
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