Back in Service (22 page)

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Authors: Rosanna Challis

Tags: #chimera, #erotic, #ebook, #historical, #fiction, #domination, #submission, #damsel in distress, #corporal punishment, #spanking, #BDSM, #S&M, #bondage, #master, #discipline, #Slave, #mistress, #obedience, #sexual, #fantasy, #lord, #wealth

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Hetty was only too pleased to oblige. Her finger was sliding almost all the way in and out of Jane’s pussy so easily now she added another, and then another, eliciting moans of joy from the girl as her tight little cunny expanded to accommodate the invading digits. She was juicing like a ripe fruit in springtime, and Hetty sensed she was not far away from a climax as she sucked Jane’s erect love-bud while plunging her fingers in and out of her. With her other hand she teased her straining nipples until her escalating moans made it clear she was at the very brink of an orgasm.

When the momentous event finally occurred, Jane gasped and cried out so loudly Hetty feared she would awaken the entire household. She thrashed and moaned for several seconds as the powerful spasms pulsated through her body before gradually subsiding, and then lay motionless and panting in Hetty’s arms.

It was a long time before she regained the power of speech, and when she did, all she could do was whisper her gratitude. ‘Thank you, George, thank you…’

‘Hush, dearest, for I am the one who should be thanking

Jane’s eyes opened wide and she stared intently at her lover’s face. ‘But I gave you nothing while you gave me everything.’

Hetty put her arms around her and hugged her passionately. ‘Oh Jane, Jane, what a little innocent you are. Do you not know what infinite pleasure and satisfaction a man can gain from giving a woman her first climax?’

‘Climax? Is that what you call heaven?’

In reply, Hetty pressed her lips against hers, and engrossed in the mutual rekindling of their desires, neither young woman heard the bedroom door handle rattle as it opened, admitting a shaft of light from the room beyond it.

‘Good God!’ a man’s voice exclaimed. ‘What on earth is going on here?’

‘Leo!’ Hetty squeaked, quite forgetting to lower her voice. ‘I thought you were in York!’

‘Evidently,’ he snapped, his eyes widening as they adjusted to the dim light and took in the delectable scene. ‘Who on earth are you with… Jane, my mother’s maid?’

It grieved Hetty to see the look of utter panic and despair on Jane’s flushed face as she scrambled off the bed and quickly began putting on her clothes.

‘My sister told me you would be staying in York tonight,’ Hetty said gruffly, determined to keep up the pretence and praying he would follow her lead and not give her away to Jane.

‘So you thought you could manhandle the servants in my absence?’ Leo retorted. ‘Shame on you, George.’

Hetty bowed her head, intensely relieved. ‘I did wrong, sir, and I am sorry for it.’

‘Sorry to be caught out, you mean. I shall deal with you later.’ He turned to Jane, who was fumbling frantically with the buttons of her blouse. ‘As for you, missy, I shall report you to your mistress for lewd behaviour as soon as Lady Alice returns.’

‘Oh no, it was all
fault,’ Hetty insisted, devastated to think she had brought further trouble on poor Jane’s head. ‘I seduced the innocent maid. Please say nothing to anyone about what you have seen here, Master Leo, I beg of you.’

Leo looked thoughtful. He was evidently enjoying his powerful position, and Hetty wondered what private price he might exact from her in return for his silence. At last he gave a brusque nod. ‘Very well, I shall say nothing for the time being. Go to your quarters, Jane, or I am sure they can find some use for you in the kitchen.’

The girl hurried away without a backwards glance, and Hetty turned wearily to Leo. ‘Why did you come back early?’ she asked, striving to keep her voice light.

‘The business was not so complicated as we thought. Lawyers had more or less sorted everything out and they just needed my signature on a few papers. My mother decided to spend the night there in the old house, but I wanted to catch the train and be home for dinner. Where is my wife?’

Hetty was caught off guard. So he wanted to keep up the pretence, did he? ‘She was in the library the last time I saw her,’ she replied, ‘about an hour ago.’

‘Then go and tell her I am taking a bath before dinner and I should like to see her here.’

‘Yes, sir, and thank you for… you know.’

‘You owe me a favour, George, but we shall speak no more of it now. Fetch Hetty for me.’

She left the apartment as Leo was ringing for his bath to be prepared, but instead of going downstairs she found an empty guestroom on the same floor and waited there until the maid had come and gone. When she returned to their rooms, she could hear Leo singing in his bath – one of his more endearing habits – so she knew the coast was clear for her to change out of George’s clothes. She stored the fine masculine garments in a box under the bed, and refreshed her body with cold water from the jug and basin before spraying herself with
Eau de Cologne
to revive both her flesh and her spirits. By the time her husband emerged from his bath she was tidy and sweet smelling and a woman once more.

‘Hetty, how good to see you again, my love.’

‘Dear Leo, you have only been gone a day,’ she chided him playfully. ‘And I thought I was to be rid of you for a whole night.’

‘Did not George explain? The business was trifling and the prospect of getting back to my dear wife’s arms was just too good to resist. What kind of a day have
had, my dear?’

It was strange talking to Leo as though nothing much had happened after such a momentous afternoon. She wanted to know what he really thought about finding her with Jane, but of course she was supposed to know nothing about it. Would he break his promise to George and talk to his wife about it later in the intimacy of their bed? She sincerely hoped so.

Dinner that evening was a strained affair. Sir Victor decided to put in an appearance in order to hear the news from York, and Jane was set to wait on them at table. Hetty could see how nervous the poor girl was at having to face both men at once, father and son, and made a point of thanking her profusely with reassuring smiles, for every small service she performed. Deep down she felt a twinge of guilt, both at having deceived Jane in her guise as George, and for having seduced her in her own marital bed, where Leo found them. Sometime, somehow, she would have to make amends.

Halfway through the meal Sir Victor suddenly addressed Hetty. ‘Seen anything of that brother of yours, my dear?’ he enquired with sickening solicitude.

She was quite put out by the question. Only a few hours ago she had nearly been buggered by the old lecher while disguised as George, now here he was, cool as a cucumber, asking about the young man’s whereabouts. ‘He is not well, Sir Victor, and is taking supper in his room,’ she replied stiffly.

‘Not well?’ He looked surprised. ‘What the deuce is the matter with the fellow?’

‘He… he is somewhat saddle sore after riding all afternoon,’ she improvised.

Sir Victor chortled. ‘Cannot stand the pace of life at Longton, eh?’

Hetty wanted to hurl her plate of stewed sweetbreads at the obnoxious man, but instead she determined, right then and there, that Leo should soon know how outrageously his father had treated the man he believed to be the brother of his daughter-in-law and a guest in his house.

Once the meal was over, Leo announced he was rather tired after his day’s journey and would retire early. Hetty was relieved, not wishing to join in any form of after dinner entertainment, which usually consisted of Sir Victor holding forth in an opinionated manner on some issue that had taken his fancy or more likely made his blood boil. But when they passed the front door, Leo opened it and paused to gaze out over the moonlit fields and to breathe the fresh, cool air. ‘It is such a pleasant night, my love, that on second thought I would like to stretch my legs a little before I retire.’

‘May I join you?’ she asked, seeing the perfect opportunity for a private chat.

‘Yes, but fetch your shawl. I should not wish you to catch a chill.’

The moon was still rising as Hetty returned with her wool shawl and they began strolling across the parkland adjacent to the house. Leo chatted freely about his time in York, telling her about the old shops in the place called the Shambles, and how the ancient town was encircled by thick stone walls. ‘We shall visit it together some day,’ he promised.

‘I should like that,’ she said, and hesitated before adding, ‘I am beginning to feel quite stifled here at Longton. And sometimes I am afraid your father will treat me badly, as he used to. I fear I will never be able to feel quite relaxed and at home here, Leo, not so long as he is still alive.’

‘I hope you have no tangible reason to fear the man, Hetty?’

‘Not I, no, but…’

‘What is on your mind? Speak freely now, for you know I have no particular love for my father. Has he abused one of the female servants again, young Jane, perhaps?’

‘He has, to some extent, abused her as he does all women.’ She considered her words carefully. ‘But earlier today he committed such a gross act of indecency I can scarcely bear to speak of it.’

‘Come wife, I must know about it,’ he insisted, his tone severe.

‘Well, it concerns my brother…’

Has he had the poor chap whipped, or something?’

‘Worse, far worse, Leo. He forced poor George to perform an indecent act on him and then… and then he tried to… he tried to bugger him.’

him?’ He sounded genuinely astonished.

She nodded, her eyes downcast. She was unsure quite what a maelstrom of feelings she had evoked in her husband and how he might act in consequence. For a moment she regretted her words, but then she reasoned it was better he knew the truth about the depths of depravity to which his father was prepared to sink. ‘I do not believe he succeeded in his evil intentions,’ she went on, ‘but there was no doubt at all about their nature. My brother was very shocked and could hardly bring himself to speak of it to me. It is hard enough for me to repeat it to you now.’

‘I am sure it is,’ he squeezed her hand, ‘but I thank you for speaking out so bravely. Something must be done about this, and soon. I cannot bear to think of…’ He paused. ‘But how did he? I mean, how could he…?’

‘You are wondering how a man in a wheelchair could possibly commit the act of sodomy upon another man. I shall explain. Apparently, it was with the connivance and active assistance of Nanny Baines.’

‘Baines? She aided and abetted him in his foul lust?’

‘I am afraid so. She is devoted to him, and a strong enough woman to easily overpower the average male. My poor brother hardly stood a chance against the pair of them.’

‘Then she should be condemned along with my father. This matter must be dealt with, Hetty, and you shall come along to bear witness for your brother’s sake. No wonder he dared not show his face at dinner.’

‘George is no longer here at Longton,’ she blurted, impulsively deciding this would be the safest option. ‘He said he could not stay under the same roof as a depraved sodomite, and that he would spend the night at the
Crown Inn
before returning home.’

Leo stopped walking and faced her. ‘My dear, you must have suffered so on behalf of your brother.’ He took both her hands in his and kissed each one in turn. ‘I am sorry for both of you.’

‘Yes, it
been an ordeal, but at least George is out of harm’s way now.’

‘But his tormentor shall not go unchallenged. Let us return to the house, Hetty, and strike while the iron is hot.’

She shuddered, recalling Sir Victor’s recent use of that same phrase, and Leo put a solicitous arm around her shoulders. ‘I can see the prospect upsets you, my love,’ he said tenderly, ‘but it is for George’s sake we must do this. My father cannot be allowed to get away with such disgraceful behaviour. I should hate to think you would never again be able to entertain your dear brother at Longton, Hetty. Sir Victor must be forced to make amends in some way.’

‘I am sure you are right,’ she murmured as he turned her gently around to face the house. Even so, the prospect of having to face that tyrant again plunged her spirits into leaden depths and her feet dragged the distance they were obliged to walk. Worst of all, the dark shape of the summerhouse was clearly outlined by the moonlight, and she tried in vain to banish her memories of what had happened there.

It seemed that nowhere in that great estate could she be safe from the prying eyes and depraved appetites of Sir Victor. For despite his disability, he had a willing accomplice to act as his eyes and ears, legs and hands. If anything, she hated that monstrous nurse even more than her master, for the harridan lacked all natural female sympathy and kindness.

Sir Victor had returned to his quarters, where it was his custom to take a nightcap of brandy before retiring. The house was dark and quiet, lending a sombre, almost ominous atmosphere to the place, and she could feel her heart thudding wildly as she followed her husband along the winding corridors leading to his father’s quarters. At last they reached the dreaded door and Leo thumped upon it loudly with his fist.

Voices were heard within, and then Nanny Baines opened the door a crack. She seemed perturbed to see who was standing out in the corridor. ‘One minute,’ she told them, and turning back to her master called, ‘It is your son, sir, and his wife.’

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