Back Door Magic (4 page)

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Authors: Phaedra Weldon

BOOK: Back Door Magic
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"Ah—one rule for familiar to witch or
wizard," he looked down at her. "No fraternizing. Can't be missing
it all up." And with that, he smiled and gave her a soft but firm
kiss on the lips."


And he opened the back door.



About the Author…


Phaedra Weldon is the author of the Urban
Fantasy series, Zoë Martinique Investigation, published by Berkley,
available for Kindle. She most recently completed the soon-to-be
released Eureka novel, Brain Box Blues. Look for it in stores
Winter 2010 under the name Cris Ramsay. Her new urban fantasy
series, Grimoire: Book One will be released December 2010.



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This is a revised edition.



For more information about
the author please her visit website at



Read about the further investigations of Zoë
and her friends in Wraith, Out of the Dark, Spectre, Phantasm and
Revenant, available in bookstores now, as well as Kindle and ebook


Look for Grimoire coming in December to ebook


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