Read Bachelor to the Rescue Online
Authors: Lorraine Beatty
“Lainie, are you all right?” He glanced at her then down at the girls, his forehead creasing in a deep frown.
Stupid question. No, she wasn't all right. She stood. “I'm fine. Thank you for coming. I'm sorry to bother you, but there was no one else to call.”
“You did the right thing.” He motioned her to be seated.
Shaw stared at the girls, a shadow seeming to pass behind his eyes. Was he feeling guilty? Good.
Her conscience pricked, but she ignored it, sinking into the chair as her knees began to fail.
Natalie had been two years old when Craig died. Chrissy not yet born. “Shaw, this is Natalie and Chrissy. Girls, this is Mr. McKinney. Heâ” What did she say? He's the reason you don't have a daddy? “Is someone we knew a long time ago.”
Shaw sat, leaving an empty chair between them. “Tell me what happened. The officer who called said you'd been robbed.”
She nodded. “We were leaving the restaurant and as I was getting into the car a man waved a gun at me, grabbed my purse and ran off. It all happened so fast I couldn't even react.”
His gaze landed briefly on both the girls and he set his jaw. “How did you know I was here?”
Lainie set Chrissy on her lap, taking strength from the little body. “I saw your business card at the diner. It had your partner's name on it so I wasn't certain it was you.”
“Yes. Someone named Gawdchalks?”
Shaw shook his head. “Goudchaux is my first name. It's pronounced God-shaw. My mother was Cajun French. When I started my business, I thought it sounded more professional, but all it did was confuse people so I went back to Shaw.” He met her eyes. “I'm sorry this had to happen to you.”
She ran her hand along Chrissy's ponytail. Tears welled behind her eyes, but she refused to let them fall in front of this man. “He took everything. My phone, my credit cards. Everything important was in my purse.” She gulped in a breath of air. The thought of replacing all her information was overwhelming. “I have to close my accounts, contact my bank, but I don't have a phone, I don't know the numbers.”
A warm hand rested upon hers, helping her focus and draining away the panic that was building in her chest. She took a deep breath, then remembered whose hand was touching her. She pulled away.
“It's okay. We'll get it all taken care of.” Shaw rested his arms on his thighs. “What are you doing here in Dover?”
Lainie glanced away. It felt wrong confiding in him, telling him about her life. “I'm the new librarian. I'm supposed to start work this Thursday. We came to look for a place to live.”
Shaw's eyes narrowed and a deep crease folded his forehead. He glanced around the room as a group of police officers strode through talking loudly. “Do you have a place to stay?”
“No. I was going to find a hotel after lunch.”
Shaw touched his jaw. “The hotel has been closed for years. There are only two places here in Dover. The Dixiana Motor Lodge is nice, but they have very small rooms. I doubt the three of you would be comfortable. The Lady Banks Inn is a bed-and-breakfast, but it's pricey and filled with antiques.”
Lainie sighed. Visions of trying to keep two energetic little girls from breaking a house full of priceless furniture and knickknacks made her head ache.
“Come on.” Shaw stood. “You can stay at my place until you get things sorted out.”
“Your place?” The thought sent a jolt of anxiety along her nerves. She was not going anywhere with this man. “Absolutely not.”
Shaw's eyes darkened. “Then tell me what you want me to do. If it's money you need, tell me how much.”
Embarrassment heated her cheeks. “No. That's not why I called you.” Taking money from this man was out of the question. Not to mention demeaning. Clearly, she hadn't thought things through. How had this happened? Now she was committed to taking help from Shaw. She searched frantically for an alternative only to come to the realization there was no other choice. She and the girls would stay with him. She nodded, unable to find her voice.
“My truck is right outside.”
She stood. “I'd better take my car. It'll be easier than trying to move the car seats. I can drive. The police gave me a temporary driver's license.” She looked around on the nearby seats for her purse. Her heart sank. No purse. No things. The shoulder on which she always draped her bulky purse felt empty. Shoving the coloring pages into her pocket, she took the girls' hands and started walking, acutely aware of Shaw right behind her.
The early June sun had sent the temperature into the midnineties, creating waves of heat that rose from the pavement in the parking lot. Lainie swallowed and wiped her brow. Shaw stood nearby as she helped the girls into the car and buckled them in. She stepped to the driver's door and reached for the handle. A wave of asphalt-heated air rose up and engulfed her, weakening her knees and causing her to sag against the side of the car.
Strong arms slipped around her waist, holding her upright. They turned her around and into a wall of warm strength and safety. No longer able to contain her emotions, she gave in to tears, sobbing against Shaw's chest. She wanted to stay here forever. It felt good to have someone to lean on. The weight of single parenthood grew heavy at times. But then, like a cold wave on the shore, reality crashed over her. She pushed back, horrified to see she'd clutched his shirt in her fist. She avoided his eyes. “Sorry.” She reached for the car door, but Shaw stopped her before she could open it.
“You're in no condition to drive.”
“I'm fine. I can take care of myself.” She shot him a withering glance. “I've been doing it for a long time now.” She sensed Shaw recoil.
“I'm well aware of that. But right now I'm taking care of things.” He walked her around to the other side of the car and eased her inside. “Give me your keys.”
“What about your truck?”
“I'll get it later.”
Lainie leaned back in the passenger seat, too tired and weak to resist. She hated feeling helpless, but there was nothing she could do for the time being. Turning her head away from Shaw, she tried to ignore him. It wasn't easy. He took up a lot of space in her small car. She stole a quick glance as he adjusted the seat farther back to accommodate his long legs. He looked uncomfortable in her compact car, but she could easily see him in the cab of a sturdy pickup.
“Are we going home, Mommy?”
“No, Natalie. We're going to Mr. Shaw's house. It won't take long to get there.”
Turning her attention to the window again, she allowed the sights outside to temporarily distract her. Dover was a charming town. With its courthouse park and streets lined with picturesque buildings, it was the kind of place she'd dreamed of raising her children. A community of love and support with friendly neighbors, and people who took care of one another. She was going to like it here once she got past the unpleasant welcome.
A few blocks beyond the square, Shaw turned onto a street in an older neighborhood. Large Victorian homes with manicured lawns and full-grown trees brought a small smile to Lainie's lips. She'd always had a fondness for gingerbread houses. To her, they represented home, family, permanenceâall the things she wanted for her girls and never had herself.
Shaw slowed the car and pulled into a driveway. Lainie scanned the facade, disappointed at what she saw. Unlike the other lovely homes on the street, this house was in need of love and attention. The paint on the Queen Anne Victorian was faded. The turret rising up on the left side of the house was elegant, but the finial at the top was bent in half. The roof was missing several tiles. Many of the spindles on the front porch railing were gone.
Shaw shut off the engine and handed her back her keys. “It's not much, but it's home.”
The word sent a cold splash of reality over her nerves. She could
under any circumstances stay in this man's house. What had she been thinking? “Maybe you'd better take us back to town. Is there a homeless shelter here?”
Shaw shifted in his seat to look at her. “Do you really want to do that? This house is a duplex, Lainie. The former owner had divided it up years ago. You'll have your own space. The yard is fenced so it's safe for your kids. It's temporary. Until you can get your documents replaced. Please. I can't let you go to a shelter.”
He was right. She was here for only a short while. Until she could replace her stolen bank cards. Then she could find a place to live. Faraway from Shaw and the past. In a way, this was all his fault. He owed her that much. And she was far too tired and upset to fight another battle right now.
Lainie reached for her purse. How many times would she do that before she remembered she didn't have it any longer? She climbed from the car, then opened the back door to help the girls. Natalie jumped out and stared at the house. Chrissy unfastened the buckles over her chest and joined her sister.
“Mommy, is this a castle?”
“No, just an old house.” Aesthetically, the home was lovely. A stately two story, with wraparound porch and dripping with gingerbread. With some work, it could be the most beautiful home on the street.
She steered the girls to the front steps, noting the spacious porch was perfect for wicker furniture. Large ferns stood in corners. A weather-beaten swing hung at the far end, beckoning her to sit and relax.
Lainie followed Shaw into the spacious main hall, her gaze taking in the high ceilings and the stately staircase rising to the second floor. The inlaid wood floors were dark from years of neglect, making it hard to discern the pattern. The wide center hall stretched to the rear of the home. To the right were two large pocket doors partially open to reveal an empty room, probably the original parlor. On the other side of the entrance was a thick, unattractive door with a sturdy lock.
“I'll be right back.” Shaw disappeared behind the staircase.
“I want to climb the stairs.” Natalie pointed to the elegant stairway with stately newel posts and carved spindles below a wide smooth banister.
“Not right now, sweetie.”
Lainie's gaze drifted from the exquisitely carved stairs on one side of the hall to the wall on the other. Two crudely constructed sections stood out like an ugly patch on a pretty face. She guessed the additions had something to do with covering up old doors and sealing off that side of the home. The house had an odd, schizophrenic feel to it. One side grand and stately, the other run-down and hopeless.
“Mommy are we going to live in this castle?”
“For a little bit. Mr. Shaw is going to help us untilâ” How did she explain to young children the predicament she was in without alarming them? And how did she keep her own fears under control? “Until I can get a new purse.”
A loud bark shattered the silence. A black-and-white blur darted from behind the stairs and charged at them. Natalie screamed. Chrissy stood still, clenching her little hands into fists at her side. Lainie's heart pounded violently as a large dog barreled down on the children. She pulled her girls close shielding them with her arms.
“Beaux. Heel.” Instantly, the Dalmatian slid to a halt, then trotted to Shaw's side.
Lainie glared at the man as he approached. Natalie pulled out of her arms. Lainie grabbed the back of her shirt to hold her back.
“I want to pet the doggie.”
“Absolutely not.”
“It's all right.” Shaw commanded the dog to sit then stooped and gestured to the girls. “Want to meet my dog?” They nodded and took small steps forward. Shaw extended his palm. “Hold your hand like this and let him sniff you.”
With the animal under control, Lainie relaxed her hold on her children. Both girls followed Shaw's instruction, giggling with delight when Beaux sniffed their fingers.
“Now pet his head and he'll be your friend forever.”
Natalie scratched the dog's head and ears vigorously, while Chrissy moved to the dog's side and stroked his black-and-white fur. She smiled at her mother. “He has polka spots.”
Lainie's heart still pounded, but at a more normal rate now that it looked as if the animal wasn't going to eat her children.
Shaw rose and joined her. “He's a very gentle animal, but rambunctious.”
“You should have told me you had a dog.”
“Would it have made a difference?”
“Yes.” She crossed her arms and glared at him.
Shaw raised an eyebrow, challenging her statement.
Lainie turned away. She wasn't in a position to turn down his help. Dog. Horse. Dragon. It wouldn't have made a difference because she had nowhere else to go.
For the time being, she and her daughters were at the mercy of Shaw McKinney. It was Friday afternoon. It would be Monday before she could sort out her financial situation and meet with the mayor. Time in which she'd have to rely on Shaw. Not a comforting thought.
Chapter Two
ou'll be staying on this side of the house.” Shaw unlocked the bulky door beside her, pushed it open, then handed her the key.
With a hand on each daughter's shoulder, she urged them into the large living room, pleasantly surprised at what she found. The apartment was fully furnished. Everything was covered with sheets, but she could make out a sofa and chairs, and various small tables. The rooms looked livable despite the accumulation of dust. A little elbow grease should fix that. It was definitely preferable to sleeping in the car.
“The woman who owned the house lived here until she was into her nineties. After she passed, her family removed the sentimental items and left the rest. You should have everything you need.”
The house was the embodiment of Victorian style. The large windows, with intricate moldings, were covered with aged lace curtains, but still allowed in plenty of sunlight. French doors provided access to the front porch. Beside it, the curved walls of the tower added another element of charm to the room. It was a welcome change from the cramped apartment she'd shared with her mother, and the small garage apartment her former employer had provided. The girls ran to the tower, peeking out the long narrow windows.
Natalie smiled over her shoulder. “Mommy, this can be our Princess Club.”
Shaw gave Lainie a puzzled look. “Princess Club?”
“It's a game the girls like to play. They find a cozy corner and pretend it's their special castle where they can play dress up and do crafts.”
Chrissy pushed her glasses up, her expression serious. “It's only for girls.”
Natalie ran back to Beaux and hugged his neck. “And cute dogs.” Chrissy smiled and nodded in agreement.
Shaw ran a thumb along his jaw. “Uh, Beaux is a boy dog.”
The girls looked at each other. Then Natalie whispered in her sister's ear, generating an enthusiastic nod that sent the little girl's ponytail waving. “Boy dogs are allowed. But not real boys.”
Shaw led them to the rear of the apartment into a large kitchen. The once-white cabinets were yellow with age, the laminate countertops worn and scratched, but there was a cozy quality that appealed to Lainie. She could envision a large family gathered here for a hearty meal, discussing the day's events, and sharing laughter.
Shaw rested a hand on his hip, glancing around the kitchen. “Everything works. I keep it up in case I have to rent it out. I'd hoped to restore the place and get it on the market, but that's on hold now.”
“You were going to sell it?” How could anyone not want to live in this lovely home? Even divided in half it was amazing.
“A single guy doesn't need a place like this.”
“But you'll have a family someday.”
He drew his eyebrows together in a frown, one corner of his mouth lifting in a sardonic smile. “Me? And give up my unencumbered bachelor life? Not in this century.”
She should have known. His statement reinforced what her husband had always said about him. He was the stereotypical self-absorbed bachelor, a man who liked the ladies, but wanted no part of the responsibility that came with a real relationship.
Shaw pointed to the narrow staircase at the back. “There are two bedrooms and a full bath upstairs.”
That's when she saw it. The door-sized opening in the wall between her kitchen and the main hallway. She could see straight through to Shaw's kitchen. Setting her jaw, she faced Shaw. “What is
? You said we'd have privacy and safety. Not with a giant hole in the wall we won't.”
Shaw grimaced. “Yeah. Just some exploratory work. I'll take care of it.”
It suddenly occurred to her that she and her girls would be alone with Shaw in this house. Concern skimmed along her nerves. She was accepting help from a stranger. All she knew for certain was that he had been irresponsible in looking out for her husband. “Do all the door have locks?”
His blue eyes bored into hers. “You're safe here. I won't let anything happen to you.”
Lainie pulled her gaze away from Shaw's probing assessment as her girls ran past.
“Mommy, look at the trees.” Natalie pressed her nose to the multipaned back door that led to a wide back porch and a large yard.
“Trees,” Chrissy said in awe.
Natalie looked over her shoulder at Shaw. “Mister, is there a swing?”
Shaw frowned, glancing at Lainie with a puzzled expression. “No.”
Natalie's lower lip poked out. “But I wanted there to be a swing.”
Lainie peered out the window, at the tall leafy trees above full shrubs and a wide green lawn.
“Mom, can we play in the yard? Please?”
She couldn't blame the girls for wanting to run and play. They'd never had a yard. Apartment life was limiting for children. She'd dreamed of a place like this to raise her girls. Maybe after she'd worked a few years, she could afford to buy them a home of their own. Lainie took Natalie's hair in her hands gathering it at the back of the little neck before letting it go. “Not right now.”
Shaw cleared his throat. “Uh, Lainie, we need to talk. Maybe the kids could play outside for a while? Beaux can go with them. He's a great guard dog.”
The serious expression on Shaw's face started the anxiety in her stomach swirling again. She sent up a quick prayer. She couldn't take any more bad news. “Girls, you can play outside for a while. Mr. Shaw and I need to talk. Take Beaux with you.”
With squeals of delight, Natalie and Chrissy rushed out the door. Lainie gathered what little strength she had left and looked at Shaw. “What is it?”
Shaw dragged a hand down the back of his neck. His dark eyes were filled with confusion and concern. Finally, he smiled. “Come over to my kitchen. You can use my phone and computer to get your accounts closed.”
He'd changed the subject. Why? But he was right. First things first. She couldn't afford to have that crook charging her cards to the limit.
Shaw gave her an encouraging smile. “Don't worry. It'll all work out.”
Oh, but she did worry. She had mountains of things to worry about, and relying on Shaw was at the top of the list. How could she depend on someone who couldn't take care of the people entrusted to him? Lainie followed Shaw through the opening. The minute her accounts were taken care of, she and her girls were out of here. She just had to hang on and get through the next few days. Once she started work at the library, everything would be fine.
* * *
Shaw settled Lainie at his kitchen table with his laptop and helped her get started on contacting her creditors to close her accounts, then he went outside to bring in her luggage. Having Lainie in his home created an odd tension in his chest and triggered a variety of unwelcome emotions. He'd never expected to see her again, let alone assume responsibility for her and her children. He'd worked hard to conquer the guilt associated with Craig's accident. But now, every time he saw Lainie and those girls, he'd be faced with the consequences of his actions. In less than an hour, his old doubts and remorse had clawed their way to the forefront of his mind.
He sent up a prayer for strength. Somehow he had to take care of Lainie and her children, and keep the past at bay, because he needed all his focus on the job. Too much was at stake.
After hauling in several suitcases and bags from Lainie's car, there was nothing else to distract him from the real problemâtelling Lainie that her job wasn't going to start this week. Or the week after. While the residents of Dover were grateful for the donation made by the anonymous benefactor, the many strings attached had caused problems. One of the biggest was the rumor that beloved former head librarian, Millie Tedrow, wasn't going to return. Shaw wasn't sure how the townspeople would react when they learned Lainie got the job instead. He had to prepare her for what she might be facing, and it would be up to him to stand between her and the town. If she'd accept his help.
Lainie was still sitting at the computer when he returned. She shifted in her chair and her thick, dark hair brushed across her shoulders like a curtain of brown silk. She wore ankle-length sand-colored pants and a bright yellow top that skimmed her curves. He shut down his observation.
He hated to interrupt, but she needed to know the situation. She glanced at him and he looked into her warm chocolate eyes, feeling momentarily disoriented. He didn't remember her lashes being so long or her eyes so expressive. He could read her every emotion, and right now he read fear and anxiety. She was waiting for the next shoe to drop, and he was about to drop a big one. “How's it going?”
She nodded, chewing on her thumbnail. “Almost done.”
She tapped a few more keys, her intense concentration evident in the rigid lift to her shoulders. He stepped to the back door, watching her little girls play. They resembled their father with their blond hair and blue eyes. Shaw rubbed his forehead. Funny, he only remembered one child.
“All done.” Lainie came to his side, looking out at her daughters. “They needed to run and play. It's been a long day for them.”
The weary tone in her voice concerned him. “You, too.” She shrugged without looking at him. “Lainie, I need to tell you something about your job at the library.”
The fear that flashed through her eyes filled him with dread. Best get this over with. “You won't be starting work at the library this week.”
“You're wrong. Mr. Ogden said I would start on the eighth. That's this Thursday.”
“The library isn't finished.” The confusion in her eyes made him want to hold her close, the way he had outside the police station when she'd nearly collapsed. His nerves still vibrated from holding her in his arms, inhaling the strawberry scent of her hair, feeling her tremble against this chest.
“What do you mean it's not finished? I don't understand.”
“The project is three weeks behind.”
“Project? I thought this was a new building.”
Shaw dragged a hand across his jaw. “The old Webster House was donated to the city for use as the library, along with the funds to remodel it, and provide books and staff.”
She crossed her arms, and frowned. “What happened? Why isn't it ready?”
“We ran into unforeseen problems. It happens. Especially in old buildings like this one.”
Her eyes narrowed. “What do you have to do with it?”
“I'm the contractor.”
Lainie's eyes widened in shock. “Why are you so far behind? Why didn't you stay on top of things?”
Her words scraped like a steel rasp across his old guilt. She had every reason to think he was at fault. “There were foundation problems, and we uncovered asbestos in the walls, thenâ”
She held up her hand to stop his explanation, then rested her fists on the sides of her neck as if protecting herself from more bad news. His heart ached. She looked so defeated. She'd been through so much and he was piling on more.
“Why didn't Mr. Ogden let me know?”
“I don't know. I'm only involved with the construction phase.”
Shaw saw the full realization sink in. Her shoulders slumped and she leaned against the wall. “What am I going to do? I have to have a job.”
He stepped closer, catching a whiff of her strawberry scent. “Don't worry. I'll take care of everything. It's the least I can do.”
A flash of anger sparked in her brown eyes. “Because you owe me?”
He winced at the truth of her comment. “Yes. But I also want to help. None of this is your fault.”
“No, it's not.”
Shaw clenched his jaw. Her inference was clear. It was his fault she was a single mother. “But I can take care of things until you're squared away.”
“Like that?” She pointed to the opening in the wall.
He grimaced. He should have thought about the opening. But then he hadn't been expecting his past to slap him in the face. “I'll fix it right now.”
She leveled her gaze at him, then walked through the opening to her side of the house. With her back straight and head high, her posture told him he'd better fix it. If he wasn't so tied in knots, he would have found her attitude amusing.
In his garage workshop, Shaw inspected the extra lumber and other leftover materials he kept at the back. He moved a few pieces of scrap wood aside and picked up the single French door and leaned it against the workbench. It wasn't the best solution to the hole in the wall, but it would have to do. His gaze fell on the coil of rope at the end of the counter. It would be the perfect size and length for a swing. He dismissed the idea. Lainie and her kids would be here for only a couple of days. Once she had her business settled, she'd be gone.
He hooked his tape measure onto his belt, shoved a few shims and screws into his pocket, then picked up the door and headed to the house. In the hallway, he rested the door against the wall, took some measurements, mentally calculating the best way to secure the door in the opening. Giggles and footsteps sounded overhead. Lainie's girls.
They were two little cuties, for sure. Natalie, with her long curly hair and deep dimples was full of sparkle. She smiled and bounced every moment as if happy with life. The little one was more serious, with straight hair pulled back into a ponytail and wispy strands falling around her face. Tiny glasses perched on a button nose added cuteness to her already-sweet face. It must have been hard raising them alone. How had they managed these past five years? Who had Lainie turned to for help? Family? Friends?
He'd tried to offer his help right after the accident, but she'd refused his calls, and at the funeral, she'd ordered him to leave, making it clear she blamed him for her husband's death. He could still feel the hot sting of her last words to him that day. “I don't need anything from you. Ever.” But now she did, and he wasn't going to let them down. He'd protect them and provide for them until they were safe and settled. As long as they were under his roof, he'd make sure they had everything they needed. They were his responsibility now.