Read Baby Be Mine (Spinsters & Casanovas Series Book 1) Online

Authors: Wanitta Praks

Tags: #contemporaryromance, #romanticcomedy, #babypregnancy, #babyromance, #chicklitromance, #humorromance, #multibillionaireromance, #multimillionaireromance, #playboyspinster, #pregnancyromance

Baby Be Mine (Spinsters & Casanovas Series Book 1) (26 page)

BOOK: Baby Be Mine (Spinsters & Casanovas Series Book 1)
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“I had rice porridge, thank you very much,”
Clarice said, fidgeting in her seat, clearly uncomfortable with the
whole topic of weight.

Clarice didn’t want to tell Hunter about her
ailment this morning. She had resorted to eating rice porridge
because she just couldn’t seem to take down any proper food. She
tried to eat her normal cereal, but she just wanted to gag every
time she was about to take a spoonful. She suspected it was because
she was so nervous about the prospect of seeing Anton today and
having to face their unknown future together. Plus, there was also
the possibility that he didn’t remember their night of passion in
Queenstown. But for her current conversation here with Hunter, she
still had her pride, so she said, “I am
fat. I am within
the range of my ideal body mass index.”

“Fine, whatever you say,” Hunter said,
grinning at her. Then he realized she still hadn’t put on her seat
belt. “Are you not going to do up your belt?” he asked, quirking
one eyebrow in question. “Or do you want to feel the thrill of
having your stomach contents jumping about inside you?”

Clarice couldn’t retort. She didn’t know
what to say. She was being careless again. Seatbelts. Of course she
needed to fasten her seatbelt before Hunter started the car. She’d
never ever driven anywhere with her seatbelt unbuckled before. That
was way too dangerous. And this situation was dangerous. She
seriously needed to check her mental status. This was definitely

“God, Avocado, why are you being so
difficult?” Hunter sighed and shook his head when he saw Clarice
still struggling to pull the belt from the side.

“It’s too tight. I can’t extend it. Clearly,
you need to fix your seatbelts. It’s dangerous and not functioning
properly,” she said, tugging on the belt again, but it just
wouldn’t budge.

“Let me do it for you,” Hunter said. Then he
leaned over her, pressing his own body mass into Clarice’s small
frame so they were practically molded together.

Clarice tried to press her body back into
her seat as much as possible to avoid touching Hunter, but his body
was just so close to her that she was literally crushed tight, like
a ham sandwich. Dear heavens, she could feel his rippled abs. And
his heart, his heart was beating so fast. He wasn’t sick, was

Clarice didn’t know what Hunter’s ailment
was, but she sure did notice her own. His face was so close that it
made it hard to breathe again. She had to turn and look toward the
steering wheel just to avoid her face touching his.

“What’s taking so long?” she asked,
squeezing back into the seat farther.

“It’s really tight Avocado. I really need to
get this belt looked at.”

After a few more tugs, Hunter got it to
work. Then he buckled it around her. But accidently, his nose
brushed against her cheek when she turned to the sound of his

Hunter sucked in his breath, just as his
lips touched her. Again.

“You, you kissed me again.” Clarice touched
her cheek.

“That’s not a kiss. It was an accident,”
Hunter said, wanting to caress that soft cheek again, inhaling her
sweet orange blossom scent.

“Get off me, then,” Clarice shouted, pushing
him away. Then she folded her arms and turned to face the

“Fine,” Hunter said, now back in his own
seat. “It’s not that spectacular anyway.”

“If it’s not spectacular, then stop kissing
me,” she yelled, jerking her head to give him another death glare,
which was supposed to make her look scary, but it just had the
opposite effect on Hunter.

God, she was so adorable. He wanted his lips
on her again. And this time he wanted to make sure it was
an accident. But his big mouth had a mind of its own and
just couldn’t help teasing her. So it decided to open of its own
accord and speak without his brain even registering what it

“It wasn’t intentional anyway,” he said.
“The first time was an accident. You bumped into me, remember? At
that Cambodian restaurant? The one in Queenstown, I had to shut you
up by kissing you because you just wouldn’t stop yelping, and the
third time it was an accident. See, unintentional.”

So that was it? She wasn’t someone special
enough to receive his kiss.

Clarice, you dork. Why would you even think
something would come of it? Here you’ve slept with Anton, but all
you constantly do is replay that kiss Hunter bestowed upon you. You
even imagined Hunter was the one that had slept with you. You’re
really pathetic. How could you feel like this towards this

She wasn’t replying to his teasing. Had he
gone overboard? If he could take back his words, he would have done
so. Maybe he should stop teasing her for a bit. She really didn’t
look like she was enjoying it at all.

“Clarice… I…” He wanted to apologize, but he
really didn’t know why. He guessed he just didn’t like it when she
wasn’t talking or getting mad at him. This was another tension
altogether. It looked as if she were really upset with him.

“Clarice… I…” he repeated.

“Just start driving,” Clarice shouted, then
turned her face towards her window, avoiding his gaze.

“Okay,” he said passively, then obediently
put his car in drive. The car roared to life, and soon they were in
the fast line, heading towards Central Auckland.

Hunter stole a few glances at Clarice during
the trip. Once or twice, she would look straight ahead and give out
directions. For the rest of the time, her eyes were directed out
the window, her back facing him.

It was so strange. Maybe she was really
upset with him. The Clarice he knew never behaved like this. Maybe
she was in pain because of her blistered feet. He came to the only
conclusion he could think of. Her face sure looked pale.

That thought sparked his anger, so he
started grinding his teeth again. How did she manage to walk thirty
minutes with those torture devices on her poor feet? Stupid woman!
Who would do that to themselves?

He’d have to ask the receptionist for the
first aid gear when they reach the hotel. But five minutes later,
when they reached their destination, Hunter didn’t know if he would
be brave enough to venture to the front desk at all.

Oh shit!
“Silverton Hotel?” Did
Clarice give out the wrong directions? Who was Clarice planning on
seeing at his family’s hotel?

“Thanks for the ride,” Clarice said swiftly,
then opened the door and proceeded to walk herself into the

Hunter suddenly snapped out of his thoughts,
jumping from the car, leaving the keys in the ignition for the
valet. “Where do you think you’re going?” he asked, grabbing her
hand just in time. He was so perplexed at the moment that he really
needed answers.

“Didn’t I just tell you that I have an
appointment?” Clarice said, shaking his hands loose. Then she
started hobbling slowly to the large entrance.

“You are not going anywhere in your
condition,” Hunter said as he swiftly scooped her into his arms

“Hunter, put me down. I’m embarrassed,”
Clarice said, her eyes nervously scanning all the people milling
about in the foyer.

“If you’re embarrassed, then just snuggle
your head into my neck. That way no one can see you.”

“Just… just put me down. Please…” she
begged. She wasn’t feeling too well. Maybe she should have
postponed the meeting. But she thought it would be fine. And then
when Red started acting up and she had to walk in her blasted high
heels, she couldn’t shake the exhausted feeling. And now, just
being carried within Hunter’s arms really did her in. She wasn’t
comfortable at all and just wanted to faint.

“Say one more word and I’ll kiss you. Not a
peck on the cheek, but the mouthwatering kind.” Hunter blackmailed
her. “You choose, Avocado.”

“You. Urgh,” Clarice groaned softly, clearly
out of energy, and then snuggled her face in the hollow of Hunter’s
neck and closed her eyes.

Hunter grinned like the Cheshire Cat.

“Which floor?” he asked just to stop himself
from grinning like an idiot.

“Third,” Clarice said quietly, her eyes
still closed.

This must be his lucky day, getting to carry
Clarice three times. And he’d even get to carry her up to the third
floor. But that thought soon evaporated like hot air when not a few
meters from him, coming out of the elevator, were three people who
were sure to ruin his day if they were to spot him carrying a woman
in his arms.

From this distance, Hunter could see they
were in some sort of argument. So being the smart and mischievous
Hunter he was, he took this opportunity to make his escape before
they could see him.

“Are we there yet?” Clarice asked when he
was about to make his move.

Like dogs on the hunt, the three looked up,
their eyes already locked on him.

“Hunter!” they all said in unison.

“Oh shit!” he muttered under his breath.
Here comes trouble.




One long hallway, just like a runway. Two
beautiful, life-sized supermodels. What would happen when both hot
models had to share the same catwalk at the same time? A
competition, of course.

And that was what happened when Fern stalked
her runway, the hallway of the hotel, walking elegantly towards
Anton’s office. There she spotted another beautiful species, those
long legs glamorously nibbling away at the distance.

They glared at each other, two female hyenas
protecting their own territory, then swiftly turned their heads the
other way, as if finding the other was of no importance. Thus, they
briskly walked towards their destination again, not forgetting to
glide as they went.

Onlookers, especially Winton, who was once
again out and about running errands for Anton, couldn’t stop their
mouths from gaping in awe of the two women, gliding side by side as
if they owned the world.

One blond, with her hair piled high, letting
a few tendrils fall gracefully to the side, and her blue dress
leaving almost nothing to the imagination. Winton could only
describe her as a cool beauty that outshined all others. He was
sure this beauty would remain sketched in his heart forever, frozen
in time. Although Winton wasn’t sure who she was, he sure hoped she
would be his next muse to motivate him to lose those extra

The other woman, Winton saw, was the fiery
redhead, Miss Fern, the one who was responsible for making him
his motivation to lose those extra pounds by sprouting
out that she was pregnant with Master Hunter, when in fact, they
were simply the best of friends.

Again, she was a sight to behold. Dressed
all in yellow, she was definitely the devil’s daughter out to rip
out his heart with her scythe. And he sure wouldn’t mind if that
happened either.

Side by side, red and gold, fire and ice, so
hot and so cold—one would burn his heart while the other would cool

Winton felt all giddy inside. He couldn’t
decide which one should be his prize muse. He was like a little kid
in a candy store, having to pick the strawberry licorice or the
banana taffy when both were his favorites. But once again, his mind
was quick as he made haste to block their paths as both attempted
to once again infiltrate the headquarters of Silverton

“I’m sorry, but no patrons are allowed

Immediately, Fern wound her arms around
Winton and said, “But you know Fern, Winton. Fern isn’t some
stranger barging into this place.” Fern directed her comment at the
newcomer, clearly her competition. She hadn’t a clue as to who this
newcomer was, but with that blue skintight dress, that softly
styled hair, and that pale lipstick, she was sure this woman was a
monster in disguise. And Fern didn’t like monsters. She was direct,
yes, but she did not hide.

“You must be Winton,” the blonde said. Then
she stretched out her elegant hand to shake with him.

Winton turned his head to stare at the
beauty in surprise. He sure must be famous, he thought, smiling to
himself. Even a guest in the hotel knew his name.

“My name is Caroline Bass. I believe my
father is a great friend of Senior Clinton Silverton. I am also
Hunter’s friend, his very
friend,” she said, eyeing
Fern subtly through her thick lashes.

“Wh… wh… what?” Winton’s mouth gaped open
when the blonde announced herself, feeling his motivation once
again sinking to the bottom of the sea. “Miss… Miss Bass. The
daughter of Mr. Steven Bass, who holds shares in the new joint
venture with Silverton Enterprises?”

“Yes.” Caroline pretended to smile
pleasantly. “So I’m not a stranger at all, right?” she said, her
glare still on Fern.

“You said you’re Hunter’s friend. How come
Fern didn’t know he has a friend named Caroline?” Fern came to
stand in front of Caroline now.

“I am his
friend. We had a great
time in Queenstown. He took me there, you know.”

By this stage, all Winton could do was stare
at them, lost for words as his two favorite licorices fought each
other, not with hands and swords, but with words, sweet, gentle
words like knives cutting into each other’s skin.

“No, Fern didn’t know this, but maybe you
should know that Fern has been a friend of Hunter’s for so long now
that all his other friends pale in comparison.”

“I do admit that I pale in comparison to his
other friends, but at least I don’t shine to the point it hurts
Hunter’s eyes,” Caroline sarcastically retorted, running her eyes
along the length of Fern’s body, who was indeed so vivid today with
her bright-yellow dress. Combined with her coppery mane, Fern
looked like an elegant parrot on parade. “Does he often wear his
sunglasses around you?” Caroline feigned innocence.

BOOK: Baby Be Mine (Spinsters & Casanovas Series Book 1)
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