B0160A5OPY (A) (25 page)

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Authors: Joanne Macgregor

BOOK: B0160A5OPY (A)
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I hear, as though from a distance, Lt. Bedley ask Juliet a question about what she thinks might have set off L.J. Good. Let her try to answer that one. I turn in Luke’s arms so that I can look directly into his eyes.

“Luke, won’t it always be between us – Andrew, I mean, and the accident?”

“I guess,” he says and my heart starts closing up again, tight and heavy.

“We can’t change what happened. But what’s between us doesn’t have to keep us apart. It can connect us. We’re together in this. We both lost someone we love that day, and we both found someone to love afterwards.”

“Andrew …”

“Andrew was a really good guy. If he was here – and, I don’t know … sometimes I think he is – then he would tell me to stop pissing away my life and to get on with living. And with loving. And I’m sure your mom would want the same for you.”

I can only nod.

“I love you, Sloane. It’s that complicated, and it’s that simple.”

I stare up into his eyes, searching their green and golden depths. The truth is burning in them. It ignites a fire in me – a steady flame in my core that burns away my doubt. He traces his fingers down my cheeks, over my lips.

I’m aware of the fire and his touch, and also of a sudden silence from the other side of the room. Our audience must be watching again. I hear Juliet sniff indignantly and Lt. Bedley clear her throat, but I hold up a silencing hand toward them.

There’s one more thing I have to say.

“And I love you, Luke.”

And one more thing I have to do.

I lift my lips up to his and my fingers wrap themselves in that soft V of hair behind his neck. His arms close around me and draw me into him.

I’m done fighting. I surrender.

I let go and jump off into the depths of what I can’t stop and can’t control. And although I’m sinking, falling into him, it’s a different, a delicious kind of drowning. And I am fully, beautifully alive.


Table of Contents

1 Full Frontal

2 Exposed

3 Eyes

4 Freaks

5 Luke

6 Back in the water

7 Working pairs

8 Luke

9 Not enamored

10 Luke

11 Rogue thoughts

12 Defaced

13 Luke

14 First touch

15 A fierce cold burn

16 B.S. and A.S.

17 Luke

18 Cuts and bruises

19 Clear and present danger

20 Luke

21 Resuscitation

22 Luke

23 Fire fighting

24 Private papers

25 Mission impossible

26 Blissed out

27 Luke

28 Smitten

29 Storm

30 Heaven and hell

31 Damage

32 Choice

33 Letting go

34 Luke

35 Possible replacements

36 Most likely to …

37 Luke

38 First instinct

39 Code Red

40 Luke

40 Hostage

41 A chance

42 Settling debts

43 Frantic

44 Luke

45 Tears

46 Split second decision

47 Victims

48 Drowning

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