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Authors: Lance Parkin,Lars Pearson

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In the early thirteenth century, a Khameirian spaceship was rounding Rigellis III when a Yogloth Slayer ship attacked and damaged it. The Khameirian vessel crashed to Earth and destroyed the chapel at Abbots Siolfor, home of a secret society led by Matthew Siolfor. The Khameirians put their life essences into what would later be called the Philosopher’s Stone. They mentally enthralled six of the brotherhood to work toward restoring them to health. The descendants of the society would spread throughout the world, influenced by the Khameirians.

The sunburst icon became known as a sigil of extra-terrestrial power from the thirteenth century.

1212 (late summer) - Benny: The Vampire Curse: “Possum Kingdom”

Benny and the members of a Yesterways, Ltd., time travel tour group visited Marseilles during the Children’s Crusade. Nepesht arrived through time from the twenty-sixth century, and sacrificed his liberty to once again imprison the last of the Utlunta, Lilu, in a pocket universe.

1215 (4th-5th March) - The King’s Demons

The Master attempted to pervert the course of constitutional progress on Earth by preventing the signing of Magna Carta. On 3rd March, 1215, an android controlled by the Master, Kamelion, arrived at Fitzwilliam Castle posing as the King. The Master accompanied him, disguised as the French swordsman Sir Giles Estram. The Fitzwilliams had served the King for many years before this, giving him their entire fortune to help the war against the abhorrent Saracens, but the King now demanded even more of them. “King John” began to challenge the loyalty of even the King’s most devoted subjects, but the fifth Doctor, Tegan and Turlough exposed the Master’s plan. They took Kamelion with them in the TARDIS.

The Doctor acquired a copy of the Magna Carta.
Around 1225, the Doctor defeated Thorgan of the Sulumians, who was attempting to kill the mathematician Fibonacci before he wrote the
Liber quadratorum
The Book of Squares
), a text on Diophantine equations.
In 1231, the Pandorica was donated to the Vatican.

1240 - Bunker Soldiers

The first Doctor, Steven and Dodo landed in Kiev. The Doctor was asked to help fend off the Mongols, but knew that history recorded the sacking of the city and refused - so the governor of the city, Dmitri, imprisoned him. Dmitri sought supernatural aid, uncovering a casket under the Church of St Sophia. This held an alien soldier, who started a killing spree. He infected Dmitri with a virus that drove him mad, leading to Dmitri refusing the Mongols’ offer of sparing the city in return for an honourable surrender. The Mongols ransacked Kiev, but the Doctor deactivated the soldier.

1242 - Sanctuary

The seventh Doctor and Benny made an emergency landing in the Pyrenees. The Doctor discovered a plot to recover the skull of Jesus Christ from the heretical Cathare sect, even as Benny fell for the knight Guy de Carnac. The Church forced an attack on the Roc of the Cathares sanctuary and set it afire, but the Doctor found the skull was a fake. The Doctor and Benny escaped the destruction - it’s possible that Guy de Carnac did also...

c 1245 - Guy de Carnac: The Quality of Mercy

Guy de Carnac protected a space traveller from an Inquisition, and helped him return to his people.

= On Roma I, only Seres (China) stood against the might of the Roman Empire thanks to their Great Walls. They had little contact with Rome. By the mid-thirteenth century of our calendar, Roman roads and bridges linked every part of the world. The Seric Navy under Zheng He launched attacks on Roman ports, and war raged for twenty-eight years as the Serics made great territorial gains.
Then Emperor Yung Lo met the Roman Emperor Cosimo. They agreed that rather than destroy the world with a devastating war, they should settle the matter on the toss of a coin. Rome won, and Yung Lo knelt at the feet of his new Emperor. The merging of Roman and Seric philosophies led to a new golden age. A perfect world was built.

River Song and the eleventh Doctor visited Easter Island; the inhabitants made many statues of him.
Marco Polo was born in Venice.

A sub-set of Zygons - called Zynogs (sic) - were exiled from Zygor, the Zygon homeworld, as punishment for breaking the oldest of Zygon laws: using the body-print of another Zygon. The Zynogs’ original forms were destroyed, and they were trapped within stunted forms incompatible with Zygon body-print technology. Some Zynogs found a technological means of transferring their essences into brain-dead individuals.

According to the Doctor, the Zygons hailed from “the deepest, murkiest fathoms of space”.
The arachnid Xaranti destroyed Zygor.
The Zygons retaliated and destroyed the Xaranti homeworld in Tau Ceti. The Xaranti consequently became nomadic.
A Zygon spacecraft crashed in Loch Ness. While awaiting a rescue party, they fed on the milk of the Skarasen, an armoured cyborg creature that was often mistaken for the locals as a “monster”.
Another Zygon craft, commanded by the warlord Hagoth, crashed elsewhere on Earth. The crew entered hibernation, but would later revive and promote industry throughout the twentieth century.

In the Middle Ages, Stangmoor was a fortress.
A medieval knight was kidnapped by the Master using TOM-TIT.
When Marco Polo was 12, English crusaders occupied the African port of Accra.

The Doctor was based for a time around 1268 at Ercildoune in Scotland. He cured a crippled stable hand called Tommy. Two years later, the Queen of the Charrl contacted Tommy from the far future, promising him immortality in return for his stealing the Doctor’s TARDIS. Tommy came to be known as the wizard Jared Khan.

In 1270, a mysterious doctor who tended King Alexander sent his stable boy Tom away. The legends of Kebiria claimed that the Caliph at Giltat was visited by mysterious demons, the Al Harwaz, who promised him anything he wanted - gold, spices, slave women - if his people learnt a dance, “dancing the code”. The arrangement continued for a time, until the Caliph broke the agreement and flying monsters destroyed his city.
In the 1270s, Marco Polo witnessed oil seeping out of the ground in the vicinity of the Aural Sea.

In 1271, Marco Polo left Venice to explore China.

c 1273 - The Time Warrior

The third Doctor arrived from the twentieth century on the trail of the Sontaran Linx, who had kidnapped scientists and pulled them back in time. For his own amusement, Linx was supplying a local warlord, Irongron, with advanced weapons. The third Doctor and Sarah Jane -- who had stowed away in the TARDIS - thwarted both Linx and Irongron, and the destruction of the Sontaran’s ship also destroyed Irongron’s castle.

Marco Polo arrived in Cathay in 1274, the same year the beautiful maiden Ping-Cho was born.
Three years later, Polo entered the service of Kublai Khan.

1278 (29th August) - Asylum

An alien dispatched from 1346, now hosted in Brother Thomas of the Franciscan Order, tried to further philosopher Roger Bacon’s research into the Elixir of Life - a possible cure to the impending Black Death seventy years hence. The fourth Doctor and Nyssa prevented the alien from disrupting history, and Nyssa dislodged the alien presence from Thomas’ mind. Bacon burned his unsuccessful Elixir Manuscript, but the Franciscan Order imprisoned him for twelve years for committing “heretical” research into alchemy. Bacon would become renowned to future generations as a great philosopher, not a scientist.

In 1283, a meteorite from the Jeggorabax Cluster - a dark nebula on the cusp of the Bezeta-Vordax system, said to contain entities created by emotions - fell to Earth in the Weserbergland Mountains in Lower Saxony. The next year, the people of Hamelin’s collective fear of rats caused the energy within the meteorite to manifest as the Pied Piper - a being who needed fear to survive, and stole Hamelin’s children to create it. In the centuries to come, aspects of the Piper would steal children for similar effect.

Hughes de Chalons, a Knights Templar, took refuge in a hidden chamber beneath the Sphinx in 1287. A woman bearing the seal of the Knights gave him a box of scrolls, and said he was the new Guardian of Forever.

1289 - Marco Polo

Kublai Khan refused permission for Marco Polo to return to Venice. In 1289, Polo led a caravan across the Roof of the World to the court of the Khan. He took with him Tegana, the emissary of the Mongol warlord Noghai, and Ping-Cho, who was destined to marry a 75-year-old nobleman. They discovered the first Doctor, Ian, Barbara and Susan - along with their blue cabinet, which Polo decided to present to the Khan. They traversed Cathay and the Gobi Desert, arriving at Shang-Tu. Tegana’s plan to murder the Khan was exposed, and he killed himself. In gratitude to the travellers, the Khan returned their cabinet.

Astrolabus claimed to have an appointment with Marco Polo.
Jared Khan narrowly missed acquiring the TARDIS at this time.
The Forgill family served the nation from the late thirteenth century.
The Doctor met Dante and acquired his business card.
The Doctor met William Tell.
The Doctor met Robert the Bruce in the early fourteenth century.
He also visited the citadel that became the Kremlin.

The Doctor slayed a dragon in Krakow.
The fourteenth century saw the rebirth of the organic statues of Es-Ko-Thoth Park in the city-state of Tor-Ka-Nom.

Seth was a grand schemer in fourteenth century Rome known to the Doctor. He would go on to be known as Vance Galley, Van Giefried, Virgil Gaustino, Vincent Grant and the twenty-fourth century entrepreneur Varley Gabriel.
The Cardiff Rift transported a fourteenth-century plague victim to the twenty-first century.
King Philip IV of France moved against the Knights Templar in 1307. Hughes de Chalons was captured while enjoying the pleasures of a whore’s bed.

In March 1314, the last key members of the Knights Templar (Grand Master Jacques de Molay; Geoffrey de Charnay, the Order’s Preceptor of Normandy; and Hughes de Chalons) were burnt at the stake. de Molay’s nephew, Guillaume de Beaujeu, procured a relic sacred to the Order - the finger of John the Baptist - and secured it in his castle in Arginy.

In the 1300s, a “demon” fell from the sky near a convent near London. A “sainted physician” (i.e. the Doctor) “smote” the demon and it disappeared. This created The Legend of the Blue Box, which was commemorated in stained glass at the church later built on that site.

The Doctor almost gave William of Ockham a nervous breakdown trying to get him to work out the history of the planet Skaro.
The Monk calculated that if his plan to prevent the Norman Conquest had worked, then mankind would have developed aircraft by 1320.

1320 - Remaissance of the Daleks

The fifth Doctor dropped off Nyssa to look into an anomalous time track in Rhodes, 1320, then ventured off to investigate a second anomaly. Nyssa made the acquaintance of a Mulberry, a member of the Knights of Templar, but they both fell down a wormhole to Petersburg at the time of the American Civil War.

The Malus, a psychic probe from Hakol, arrived in Little Hodcombe.
The ninth Doctor, Rose and Jack “only just escaped” Kyoto in 1336.

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