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Authors: Lance Parkin,Lars Pearson

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He left Gallifrey because of the corruption rife in Time Lord politics.
The Doctor travelled to see history happen in front of him.
He saw himself as an explorer and researcher.
After discovering “the mysteries of the skies”, he could return home.

The following image appears early in the Doctor’s memory: “Here was a cowled figure shaking a fist at a dark castle, and in the next picture he was cowering from something huge and fearful. Then he was running.”

The Doctor claims to have borrowed rather than stolen the TARDIS.
The Doctor stole the TARDIS - or he borrowed it, he always intended to return it.
He fully intended to return it.
He wasn’t authorised to take it.
Nor did he own the Ship.
He stole the TARDIS.
The Doctor technically nicked the TARDIS, but in truth the TARDIS wanted to see the universe as much as he did.

There were “pressing reasons” why he couldn’t wait for the Ship’s chameleon circuit to be fixed.
If he stopped to consider his actions, he’d never have left Gallifrey.

The Doctor’s TARDIS was already a museum piece when he was young. The first time the Doctor touched the TARDIS console, he said aloud that she was “the most beautiful thing he had ever known”. The Doctor chose the TARDIS because her door was open - the Ship wanted to see the universe, and so “stole” a Time Lord and ran away. Only the Doctor was “mad” enough to yield to the temptation the Ship offered.

By the time the Doctor was in his eleventh incarnation, he and the TARDIS had been travelling together for seven hundred years.

The TARDIS was a family heirloom.
The TARDIS had been taken from Marnal by Ulysses. Marnal’s son knew the truth about the Doctor’s departure, and told his father what had happened afterwards.
The Doctor chose not to take a Type 53 TARDIS.

The authorities thought of him as arrogant.
In addition to the TARDIS, the Doctor took the Hand of Omega, the Validium statue and his granddaughter Susan.

The Doctor and Susan left home “ages” before they met Ian and Barbara.
Possibly more than fifty years.

(=) If the Doctor had never left Gallifrey, he would have become President, but spent his time appeasing the Daleks. The Earth would have been invaded dozens of times.

Benny Summerfield witnessed the Doctor and Susan leaving Gallifrey.
During a timeslip, the Doctor would later re-enact the time he activated the TARDIS.

Many other Time Lords were known to have left Gallifrey in the Doctor’s lifetime: Azmael left Gallifrey to become Master of Jaconda. The Rani was exiled following illegal experiments on animals, including an incident where genetically re-engineered mice that she had created ate the President’s cat and attacked the President himself. She became ruler of Miasimia Goria. The Doctor’s mentor left Gallifrey for Earth and became known as K’Anpo.
At some point, the Doctor knew the Corsair - a Time Lord adventurer who had a snake tattoo in every regeneration, including the couple of times that he was female.

Rummas was taught by Delox and Borusa. He left Gallifrey in a stolen TARDIS to build up a collection, mainly of books. He took the Spiral Chamber - a portal to the Spiral at the nexus of the Time Vortex - and settled at the Library of Carsus.

The Doctor left before the Monk, the War Chief and probably before the Master.

Braxiatel spent twenty years arranging the Armageddon Convention. He would eventually dedicate himself to building the Braxiatel Collection, a repository of universal knowledge and art. Braxiatel collected every book banned by the Catholic Church. Unlike the Doctor, he freely left Gallifrey.

The Morbius Crisis

The Cult of Morbius was formed in 5725.3, Rassilon Era.

Morbius, the leader of the High Council, proposed that the Time Lords should end their policy of non-interference. When the High Council rejected this, he left Gallifrey and raised an army of conquest, promising them immortality. Devastating several planets on the way, the Cult of Morbius arrived on Karn, home of the Sisterhood. The Time Lords attacked them on Karn, destroying his army. Following a trial, Morbius was vaporised. Solon had removed Morbius’ brain before his execution and preserved it.


Morbius was deposed by Saran, who became Acting President in his place. Junior Cardinal Borusa assisted Saran. Morbius was exiled from Gallifrey. Adopting the identity “General Rombusi”, he raised an army of mercenaries using stolen Celestial Intervention Agency funds. These armies came from Darkeen, Fangoria, Martak and Romark. They conquered, among many other worlds, Tanith and the Ogron homeworld. Freedonia joined the General, and conquered nearby Sylvana. The General met the surgeon Solon, who pledged to build an army for him from patched-together corpses.

The fifth Doctor encountered Morbius and travelled to Gallifrey, where he convinced Acting President Saran to act. The Doctor took charge of a large Alliance - an army that included the Draconians, Sontarans, Ice Warriors, Cybermen and Ogrons - and defeated Morbius’ forces.

The Order of the Weal, the Homeworld’s first counter-intelligence organisation, was dedicated to the “common-weal” (i.e. common-good) and in operation at this time. It helped to expose the Imperator’s abuses of power, accelerating his downfall.
One of Morbius’ followers would acquire his presidential robes.

Acting President Saran was almost certainly never elected President.

The Time Lords had thrived on their status quo for ages, but the Morbius’ rise and fall disrupted their culture to such a degree, some change seemed inevitable. Nonetheless, the announcement by one of their number, later known as Grandfather Paradox, of the formation of a new bloodline - that of House Paradox - seemed immeasurably tasteless, especially as the very name seemed an affront to the Time Lords’ governing Protocols.

Seven years after the formation of House Paradox, its members established the Eleven-Day Empire. It would serve as a “bolt-hole and reliquary” for the followers of Grandfather Paradox for years to come.

Greyjan the Sane dabbled with the idea of time paradoxes. His three-year reign was the shortest in Gallifreyan history, and coincided with the relative Earth dates that saw the creation of the Eleven-Day Empire.
Four years after the Empire’s founding, the Time Lords cracked down on threats to their hierarchy and imprisoned Grandfather Paradox, supposedly in perpetuity.

The leader of the Order of the Weal, Chatelaine Thessalia, foresaw the oncoming War in Heaven and became intent on learning more about the future Enemy of the Great Houses. Her interrogation of a babel - a sentient weapon engineered to protect the Homeworld against physical and language-viral attacks - that had gone rogue and wiped out House Catherion ended in a Violent Unknown Event on the planet Zo La Domini. Thessalia was reported missing, and the Order crumbled without her. In actuality, the wounded babel hid itself in the timeline of Isaac Newton, and Thessalia was flung through time to seventeenth century Earth.

The Dark Path

Two hundred years after the second Doctor last saw Koschei, they met on the Earth colony of Darkheart in the thirty-fourth century. Koschei wanted an ordered universe, but his methods had become increasingly questionable. He felt betrayed upon realising that his dear companion Ailla was a Time Lord spy, and came into conflict with the Doctor also, which kept him emotionally isolated. Koschei became obsessed with the power of the Darkheart and declared himself the Master.

The Master has had many enemies, and always misses them when they are gone.

The Doctor’s First Trial / Increasing Intervention

The War Games / Spearhead from Space

In the aftermath of defeating the War Lords, the second Doctor faced a Malfeasance Tribunal. The Time Lords found the Doctor guilty of interfering in history, and exiled him to twentieth-century Earth, changing his appearance. The Tribunal continued to monitor him.

A Gallifreyan protocol dictated that before entering a period of exile, a Time Lord was required to regenerate.
At the time of the second Doctor’s trial, the current model of TARDIS was the Type 97, and psychic paper had just been invented. House Dellatrovella was politically powerful and ambitious.

World Game

The Time Lords covered up the true end of the Doctor’s trial. He was secretly recruited to the Celestial Intervention Agency by its leader, Sardon, to investigate time disturbances on Earth, given a companion (Serena) and a new TARDIS. Serena was killed on that mission. On his return, the second Doctor was visibly older, with grey hair and in new clothes. It was noted that he “took his time getting back”, and he insisted on reclaiming his old TARDIS.

The second Doctor, accompanied by Jamie, was sent to space station Chimera to call a halt to the time travel experiments of Kartz and Reimer.

Eventually, the Doctor’s sentence was reinstated. He regenerated and was exiled to twentieth-century Earth...

The Doctor’s Exile to Earth

Terror of the Autons

Around this time, the Master removed Time Lord files containing information about the Doomsday Weapon and the Sea Devils. The Time Lords sent a messenger to warn the third Doctor about the Master’s imminent arrival on Earth.

The Master stole the plans for the Doomsday Weapon on 5892.9, Rassilon Era.
He also learned of the Psychic Parasites of Bellerophon; the Doomsday Weapon; Azal of the Daemons; the Earth Reptiles; the Crystal of Kronos; the Dalek army on Spiridon; the Source on Traken; the Cheetah people; the Midnight Cathedral; the GodEngine on Mars; the deathworm; the frozen gods of Volvox, the Amentethys, the Proculus and the Scerbulus; and the secrets of the planet Kirbili.

Colony in Space / The Curse of Peladon / The Mutants

The Time Lords sent the exiled third Doctor on various missions to other planets and times. These were always crucial points of galactic history, with implications for the entire universe. The Doctor was sent to Uxarieus to prevent the Doomsday Weapon from falling into the hands of the Master; to Peladon to ease the passage of that planet into the Galactic Federation and to prevent galactic war; and to Solos, where the Doctor delivered a message to Ky, the leader of the Solonian independence movement, that allowed him to fulfill his race’s evolutionary potential.

The Three Doctors

A black hole suddenly drained the cosmic energy of the Time Lords. Unable to power their machinery, the Time Lords called on the third Doctor for help. They brought two of his previous incarnations into the present to try and counteract whatever was draining the power.

The second and third Doctors travelled into the black hole and arrived in a universe of anti-matter. They discovered that Omega lived, maintaining an entire world with his mental control of a singularity. Omega resented the Time Lords, feeling they had abandoned him. He couldn’t leave his domain without it ceasing to exist before he departed, and needed the Doctors’ help to leave. But the Doctor learnt that Omega’s body had long been destroyed, and that only his will remained. It would be impossible for him to return to the universe of matter.

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