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Authors: Lance Parkin,Lars Pearson

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Around 3600 BC, a Sontaran ship landed in Ancient Egypt. Its pilot was worshipped as the Toad-God Sontar and set the natives to work building an ion cannon emplacement. The Sontaran planned to outflank the Rutans with it, knowing that the Rutan counter-strike would destroy the planet. A priest learned of these plans, and had Sontar entombed.

The TARDIS came to be represented in some Egyptian hieroglyphs.

Around 3500 BC, the Trakenite living god Kwundaar re-engineered Traken’s sun to become a vast computer - the Source - which regulated the climate, provided energy, stored information and destroyed all who were evil. With the Source performing such duties, the people of Traken had no further need for a god and exiled Kwundaar from their star system.
An empire ruled by a family of Primearchs collapsed when their final leader - Ceatul XVI - fought to the death with another race.

A group of Pyroviles - stone creatures animated by internal magma - crashed into Vesuvius and were obliterated on impact. Their particles mixed with the volcano’s inner core.

On a three-sunned planet in the fourth galaxy, the males of an unnamed race used their group mind to subjugate their females. One female formed a mental circuit with the enslaved women and attacked the men’s gestalt - the males killed the revolutionary’s body, but her consciousness survived in other women. The females prevailed, but feared the power their leader had amassed. Her mind was isolated, and her severed head was deposited on Earth.

Alien Centuripedes bred in oak forests on Earth for thousands of years.
The Vam existed as a universal force that could wrap itself around a sun, eradicate entire planets or destroy an entire warfleet. It killed billions, excreting its waste as oil.

(=) The eleventh Doctor, Amy and Rory took photographic evidence demonstrating how the temporal anomalies in Swallow Woods were making people avoid that area as early as the Bronze Age.

Ancient Mesopotamia

c 2700 BC - Timewyrm: Genesys

The human race had developed from hunters into city-dwellers, and had irrigation. In the Middle East, walled cities were built and a warrior aristocracy developed. The earliest human literature was written at this time, and commerce had begun between cities. The deeds of one warrior-king - and his contact with extra-terrestrials - soon became legend.

Gilgamesh refused the advances of the alien Ishtar, who had crashed near Uruk. Ishtar went on to the temple of Kish, taking the form of a metal snake woman, and had a vast temple built. The seventh Doctor, Ace and Gilgamesh travelled to the mountains of Mashu and led Utnapishtim, a member of Ishtar’s race, to his prey. Ishtar infiltrated the TARDIS computer, and the Doctor ejected her into the Vortex... inadvertently turning her into the Timewyrm, a creature foretold to herald the end of the universe. The Timewyrm became capable of independent travel through space-time. The Doctor and Ace pursued her.

The Great Pyramids

Around 2650 BC, Zoser was one of the first Egyptian Kings.

c 2610 BC - “The Forgotten”

The TARDIS materialised in Menkaure’s Pyramid, the smallest of the three being constructed at Giza, and the first Doctor, Ian, Barbara and Susan were immediately arrested by Egyptian soldiers. The travellers were taken to the Pharaoh Menkaure, and accidentally foiled an assassination attempt on Pharaoh’s life. In the confusion, they made their escape.

Sutekh and Osiris were depicted in paintings in Menkaure’s Pyramid.

c 2566 BC - The Daleks’ Master Plan

The first Doctor, Steven and Sara Kingdom were pursued to the time of the construction of the Great Pyramids by both the Daleks in their time machine, and the Monk in his TARDIS. The travellers escaped during a pitched battle between the Daleks and Egyptian soldiers, but the Daleks and Mavic Chen successfully recovered the Taranium Core the Doctor had stolen and returned to the future.

c 2560 BC - Benny: The Grel Escape

Bernice Summerfield, Jason Kane and Benny’s son Peter, in fleeing from a pack of time-travelling Grel, briefly visited the Great Pyramid of Khufu in ancient Egypt. Anubis, the Egyptian god of the dead, had full knowledge of Peter’s life to come - and told Benny that her son was unworthy to enter the kingdom of Heaven.

A race of crocodilians ruled the planet Sobek, an old imperial world founded on centuries of slavery. The aristocrat Snabb deemed the ruling prince of Sobek as too corrupt and led an uprising; the ensuing war devastated the planet. A few royals escaped with “the great Skull” - a molecular data encryption system containing all of Sobek’s memories and history. In time, it was concealed in a sanctuary on Indigo 3.

Around 2350 BC, the inhabitants of Uxarieus had used genetic engineering to become a psychic super-race powerful enough to come to the attention of the Time Lords. They built a Doomsday Weapon, a device capable of making stars go supernova. The Crab Nebula was formed as a result of testing the device. Soon, though, radiation began leaking from the weapon’s power source. It poisoned the soil and the race began to degenerate into primitives.
The space explorer Moriah conquered Krontep and built a civilisation there. He left the planet shortly after his wife Petruska killed herself. Their descendants, including King Yrcanos, would rule the planet for millennia.

Around four thousand three hundred years ago, the Chinese were making the first astronomical measurements with Scaroth’s help.
Over four thousand years ago, an elemental “burning” entity was worshipped by various cultures on Earth. It was known as Agni the fire god in India, and Huallallo to the Peruvians.
Four thousand years ago, the Futu dynasty was flourishing in China.

The Time of Greek Myth

On Earth, the classical Greek gods were long-lived beings with psionic abilities. They had forgotten their origins. Some of them believed they were aliens, although Hermes came to suspect they were an early mutation of humanity. Zeus, Poseidon and Hades were the oldest of the gods, although they were not yet five thousand years old.

A psychic parasite from space was mistaken for the goddess Artemis, and fed off the people’s greed. The priests serving the parasite rose up and bound it in a circle of iron within its temple. The creature’s presence gradually made some of the women in the area psionic.

The Chronovore Prometheus and the Eternal named Elektra broke an ancient covenant to sire the Chronovore Kronos. The Guardians spared the half-breed’s life, but sealed him in a trident-shaped crystal prison and threw it into the Time Vortex. The crystal came to simultaneously exist on many worlds.

Five hundred and thirty-seven years before the fall of Atlantis, the priests of that land captured the god Kronos. At this time, a young man called Dalios was king. Kronos transformed a man, one of the king’s friends, into a fearsome man-beast: the Minotaur. After this, the King forbid the use of the Crystal of Kronos, for fear of destroying the city.

c 2000 BC - Fallen Gods

The Titans had evolved at the bottom of the sea. Most left to live in the Vortex, but some remained on Earth as humanity amused them. Humans bound these Titans using special crystals. The Titans could manipulate time, and were compelled to grant the people on the island of Thera four harvests a year. They ended a war between Athens and Thera by stealing life energy from the Athenians - which was taken to be a plague - and using it to extend the lifespan of the elite on Thera.

Fiery demon bulls attacked Thera, and King Rhadamanthys believed that Athens was seeking revenge. However, the Titans themselves were causing the attacks, hoping the king would free them to repel the “invaders”. Rhadamanthys was killed, and his son Deucalion succeeded him. Deucalion felt the Titans’ abilities had been used unwisely, and ordered their crystals scattered far and wide, curtailing their power.

The blessings the Titans had bestowed on Thera were stolen from the future. In the times to come, the island would experience barrenness and a volcanic eruption.

Around 2000 BC, Pharaoh forbade his daughter, Hentopet, from seeing her suitor, Temhut. The giant catlike creature Bubastion, an agent of the Shadow Proclamation sent to oversee the forward development of Earth, manifested in response to Hentopet praying to the goddess Bast. Hentopet deceived Bubastion into attacking Pharaoh’s associates, giving Hentopet the opportunity to kill her father. Pharaoh’s death meant Bubastion had failed in his mission, and so he cursed Hentopet and her servant Sheeq to immortality.

In the fourth year of the twelfth dynasty, around 2000 BC, Kephri the beetle god was one of the seven hundred forty gods that captured Sutekh. It was given an area of Egypt as a reward, but wanted the whole of Africa. Horus had it sealed in a casket, where it would wait, plotting revenge for four thousand years. The Doctor witnessed at least some of these events.

The true meaning of the burial mound containing the WSS
had now been forgotten. Rumours and myths about it would circulate for four thousand years.

c 2000 BC - “The Power of Thoueris”

The eighth Doctor easily defeated the “third rate” Osirian - the hippo-like Thoueris - while on holiday in ancient Egypt. Thoueris was devoured by crocodiles.

c 2000 BC - The Sands of Time

Tomb robbers entered the pyramid of Nephthys, breaking the canopic jar that contained her evil intellect. The Egyptian priests sought a pure vessel to contain it and chose the fifth Doctor’s companion Nyssa, sealing her in a sarcophagus until the 1920s.

At around the same time, Cessair of Diplos, a criminal accused of murder and stealing the Great Seal of Diplos, arrived on Earth. She would pose as a succession of powerful women over the millennia, while her ship remained in hyperspace above Boscombe Moor in Damnonium, England. A stone circle named the Nine Travellers was set up, and subsequent attempts to survey the circle proved hazardous.

The warrior Ravage captured the throne of the planet Amital, but was defeated by republican forces. He was turned into stone and imprisoned on Earth; twelve sentries transformed themselves into rock to monitor him.

The Arcasian Lights were visible from Earth four thousand years ago.
In 1936 BC, the Emperor Rovan Cartovall of the planet Centros became bored with his imperial life. He disappeared without a trace, and took the immense palace treasury with him. His younger brother Athren succeeded him to the throne. The mystery of Rovan and his missing treasure became legendary.

An alien race - possibly as an experiment, possibly as part of a battle - released two viruses, Fear and Loathing, into Jupiter’s atmosphere. They remained there for millennia, grappling with each other for supremacy.

In 1758 BC, the “goddess” Demeter gave birth to Persephone, the future beloved of Hades. The Greek gods passed into legend, and some attempted to live quiet existences among mankind.
The seventh Doctor helped the people of Wrouth defeat the Daleks “in ‘38”.

1500 BC - The Slitheen Excursion

The tenth Doctor, having promised to show ancient Greece to June, a twenty-first century university student, diverted to look into a temporal anomaly in 1500 BC. King Actaeus told the Doctor and June that a group of Slitheen, who originated from circa 34,600 and were running time-travel package tours for other aliens, had ruled the region since before his father had been born. The Slitheen had provided food via molecular repurposing that kept the people from starving, and in return demanded a small number of humans compete in games for the tourists’ amusement. The Doctor had the sinking feeling that the Slitheen’s intervention was part of established history, and that the visiting aliens were the basis for the creatures of Greek myth. He also realised that earthquakes were being generated as a side-effect of the Slitheen’s temporal drives.

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