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Authors: K.M. Golland

B00BR2BOUU EBOK (2 page)

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There is a feeling you get when waking for the first time
after an incredible night. It starts with your eyelids fluttering, slowly
responding to a message sent from your brain, a message telling them to open
completely so that you can return from your unconscious hibernation, and face
the joy that begins to spread across your body as you remember what you had
experienced before entering it. My brain was sending this message, instructing
my mouth to curve into a smile as I slowly woke from my slumber, a slumber
which was the result of a night full of passionate love-making. My eyes were
heavy as were the muscles in between my legs, but it was the tickling sensation
I felt up and down my bare back that distracted me from my aching loins. I
opened my eyes, finding the morning sunlight to be unwelcome, but the realisation
of what was tickling my back; or more so who was doing it, was probably the
most welcoming thing imaginable.

“Ms. Summers...wake up, my love.”
Hmmm, anything you say,
you incredibly satisfying, sexy man
. He kept trailing the object up and
down my spine, sending tiny sensations radiating from the point of contact,
through to my breasts, and right down into my pelvis. I rolled over slowly and
without hesitation—although—there were things I did not want to imagine, and
what I looked like at that particular point in time was one of them. From last
night’s memories of Sex Up Against the Wall, to a Fuck On the Floor, to our
wrestling in a bed full of roses, then Sex In the Shower—I could honestly take
a guess and say that I looked well and truly fucked.

“Good morning, Mr. Clark,” I mumbled as a yawn escaped my
mouth. Bryce was sitting on the edge of the bed wearing nothing but a pair of
jeans and in his hand was a long-stemmed red rose, one of the hundreds
scattered around the room. I couldn’t help myself and smiled at him. I smiled
because he was gloriously hot in the morning with his sexy jeans, and I smiled
because he had made me very happy. Last night was, if I am going to be
completely honest with myself, probably the best night of my life. He had
tempted me for months, pursued me tirelessly and when the opportunity arose, I
succumbed to the temptation that was Bryce Edward Clark; a 36 year old
billionaire, CEO of Clark Incorporated, my boss, and a man who was ‘absolutely
and undoubtedly’ in love with me.

He placed the rose on my forehead, and then gently dragged
it along the bridge of my nose, allowing me to breathe in its glorious scent. He
then continued his sultry assault and trailed it over my lips. I tantalised him
by sticking out my tongue and licking the petal as it passed. This initiated
one of his tell-tale signs that I was setting a fire within him; he twitched
his eye and held the rose still for only a split second. I’m guessing his pause
was an indication of him deciding whether to pounce on me there and then, or
continue his seductive tease. If it was, then he opted to continue the rose’s
southern journey by dragging it over my neck and intensifying the sensations I
was already feeling.

The rose made its way down in between my breasts, where he
circled each of them with controlled precision. I watched the ownership he
displayed in his eyes as he teased my nipples with the petals. The problem was
he didn’t own me, by law I belonged with someone else—Rick Summers, my husband.
I quickly, but only in a very shallow way, buried the memory from a couple of
days ago where Rick had confessed to having an affair. I was going to have to
deal with him soon—that was inevitable—but for now, I wanted him out of my
thoughts and out of my head completely. I got up on my elbows and mouthed the
words ‘come here’, but he didn’t move. Instead, he just displayed the
infuriating yet adorable and delectable smirk he possessed, and so often fired
my way.

“Mr. Clark, are you deliberately torturing me?”

“No, Alexis, Hunny. I wouldn’t dare.”
Oh, yes you would,
you sexy beast.
I lifted my knee, allowing the sheet to drop to my foot,
therefore exposing the rest of my naked body. He growled, which as per usual
sent waves of excitement right through me. He placed the rose in between his
teeth, turned, and began to crawl up the bed with a devilish glint in his eye.
I loved his devilish glint, it meant one thing and one thing only;
you are in for it now!
I accepted his rose, put my arms around his neck,
and kissed him passionately. This was by far my new favourite pastime, followed
very closely—and I mean very closely—by what always comes next. He tried to
speak, but I wouldn’t let him leave my mouth. It didn’t deter him though,
because I could still understand his mumbling.

“I’ve made you breakfast, my love.”

“Thank you, but it can wait,” I replied without separating
my mouth from his and performing the same muffled speech. Breakfast was the
last thing on my mind, so I wrapped my legs around his back and rolled him over
until I was sitting on top of him. He comfortably and arrogantly, mind you,
placed both his hands behind his head.

“ new favourite view, Ms. Summers.”

“Mine too, Mr. Clark.” I reached down and began to unbutton
his jeans. He had a strange look on his face which made me stop after pulling
down the zipper.

“What?” I asked curiously.

“Nothing.” His attempt to disguise his amusement was not
particularly good.

“Bryce Edward Clark, what are you trying to hide?”

“Nothing, my love. Here, do you need a hand?” He tilted his
pelvis up, thrusting me ever so slightly into the air, which allowed him to
pull his jeans down at the same time.
Cheeky bastard.
I could feel his
full erection pushing into my inner thigh, so I reached down and positioned his
crown so that it just touched my entrance. He smiled and tilted to allow
admission, but I knelt higher, refusing that admission.

“What are you hiding from me, Bryce?” I raised my eyebrow,
indicating that he better confess.

“Nothing, Alexis. You do realise you are not going to win
I know.
This was another game I did not really want to win, but I
was enjoying the pretence nonetheless. He tilted again, and again I refused. “Are
you telling me, that you don’t want my cock inside of you?” he asked, calling
my bluff.
No, fuck no.
He tilted yet again, and this time I lowered,
allowing him to be entirely engulfed by my warm, lubricated pussy. He gritted
his teeth and groaned loudly as I started pleasing his erection with my rhythm,
which in turn pleased me. I craved the rawness he displayed when I gave him
what he wanted, because it made me want him even more. I was absolutely
possessed and captivated by this man—put quite simply, I was completely in love
with him.

He placed his hands on my hips, greedily holding me to him. I
liked riding him slowly and seeing the look on his face as I moved up and down
his shaft. I found it empowering knowing that the rhythm I created was the root
of his pleasure. I leaned forward, and placed my hands on his chest, then
relaxed my arms so that I could flick my tongue across his lips. He opened his
mouth and caressed my tongue with his own, then moved his hands to grip my arse
with sensational force. The look we bore into each other’s eyes was intense,
and as our pelvic movements escalated so did my orgasm. I sat up, arched my
head back and touched my breasts.

“Alexis, you are fucking gorgeous, especially when you touch
Holy fuck, the things you say to me, Mr. Clark.
I reached my
climax, and his followed closely behind. He sat up and wrapped his arms around
me, securing me to his chest. We didn’t say anything, just hugged each other for
what felt like hours. I could have stayed like that indefinitely, but the rumble
that roared from within my stomach indicated I had to indulge in breakfast.
Laughing, he pulled away, and looked down at my belly. “Lucky for you, my love,
there’s a big plate of blueberry pancakes downstairs with your name on it.”
I couldn’t possibly love you anymore my, smirky Chef.

“Mr. Clark, you are just too good to me,” I said as I
pressed a quick kiss to his lips. I was quite eager to get the delicious
circles of antioxidants into my mouth, when the thought of pancakes reminded me
of my children.
I hope they are all right.
I was definitely going to
ring Mum after breakfast to see how they were and to face the music.

I climbed off Bryce’s now fallen soldier and grabbed the
navy satin nightie that had been discarded on the floor in the early hours of
the morning. Bryce put his jeans back on and gave me the ‘I’m going to lift you
up look’.

“Don’t even think about it, I’m walking!” I couldn’t have
been more matter of fact, than if I had shook my finger at him, placed one hand
on my hip and wobbled my head at the same time. He put his hands up in defence
and just laughed at me. There was something about his laugh that gave me the
sense he was still hiding something. “What?”

“Nothing, Ms. Summers.”
Bullshit, nothing. Grrrrr.
smirked, grabbed my hand, and led me downstairs.


The man was a god—a sexy, mouth-wateringly sweet and
talented god— and the dish he just put in front of me only added to his list of
credentials. Plated on the table before me was a stack of heart-shaped
blueberry pancakes, with a dollop of yogurt and some berries on the side. I put
my hands to my chest as the sentiment was truly adorable.

“That’s so sweet, thank you.” Unfortunately though, I was
now struggling to come to terms with the fact I was going to have to ruin his
masterpiece by consuming it.

“It’s what I do, Ms. Summers.”
Oh, Mr. Clark, I’ll do you
in a minute.
I picked up my fork.
But it looks so pretty
I can’t
do it... Alexis, stab the pancakes you stupid bitch.
I hesitated then
speared the pile of berries instead, and dipped them into the yogurt. Looking
up I noticed Bryce smirking at me. I smiled sweetly back at him and then popped
the blueberries into my mouth.
Is he just going to sit there and watch me
eat? I hate it when he watches me eat.

“For the love of God! What Bryce?”

“Nothing, my love.”

“Stop saying that. Clearly there is something you’re not
telling me.” I glared at him. He lowered his head with a grin, and took in a
mouthful of his own pancakes. I, however, continued to hover over mine. They
really did look yummy.
How could I possibly devour this plate of love?
lifted the top pancake with my fork and underneath it was another perfect
heart. They were all equally impeccable and I found them to be more and more
untouchable the longer I looked at them.
Just do it, Alexis.
I was still
contemplating the angle of attack when Bryce got impatient and destroyed my
blueberry tower of love with his fork. “Hey?”

“Eat them.” He scowled.

“But they looked so cute and pretty, and I didn’t want to
wreck them.” With my bottom lip pouting, I forked the sabotaged pile and placed
some into my mouth.
Oh, these are just divine!
The pout disappeared and
I quickly followed with some more. “You do realise you just broke my hearts?” I
mumbled with a mouthful.

“Hunny, if I ever broke your heart, I would mend it.” He
looked sincere.
Oh, okay
a Dr. Phil moment that has come out of
I searched his newly stern face.

“But what if you couldn’t mend it?”

“That’s not an option.” The serious nature this conversation
had turned into was starting to worry me. It was as though he was trying to tell
me something or reassure me. Whatever it was, I didn’t like it.

“Well, it is simple then, isn’t it? You won’t have to worry
about mending my heart, if you promise to never break it.” I aggressively
stabbed the remainder of my ‘Leaning Tower of Pancake-Love’ and ate it. His
smile returned which then magnetised my own.

I loved sitting out on his balcony eating a meal with him
that he had cooked. It was so different to what I was used to back at home. I
was used to slaving over the stove for hours covered in pot splatter, sporting
a blush of flour across my cheek, and smelling of odour Le Garlic and Onion. If
that was not bad enough, I was then told by Nate and Charlotte, that they ‘hate
it, and it’s the worst ever!’ So, having someone else cook for me was a pleasant
change, and I was lapping it up. I did however, regardless of their dislike of
my cooking, miss my ratbags immensely and were dying to hear their voices.

I glanced up to see that Bryce’s cheeky ‘I’m hiding something’
look had returned yet again. “Okay, tell me what the fuck is so amusing?” I
viciously forked a strawberry and shoved it into my mouth. “Or I will take back
your permission to kiss me.” He stopped chewing, put his fork down, and stared
at me wildly.

“Is that a threat, Ms. Summers?”
Sure is bucko!

“It’s a promise, Mr. Clark,” I mumbled, as I murdered the
strawberry between my teeth. His eyes were now literally burning me, and I
could feel his radiant heat. He forcefully tipped the entire table over and out
of his way. I swallowed the deceased berry and nearly choked.
Oh shit.
gripped my seat tightly, partly out of shock, and partly because I had to hold
onto something. The last time I challenged him, I ended up in the pool.

He kicked his chair backwards, and prowled toward me, his
eyes not leaving mine for a second. The way his stare penetrated me was
indescribable, and already my breasts and pelvis were vibrating with
excitement. He stopped directly in front of me, then leaned down so that his
face was now level with my own. He went to kiss me, but stopped only
centimetres from my wanting mouth, the pause and extreme close proximity were
excruciating. His soft breath was warm against my skin as he moved his head
down my neck, I arched back giving him access, but he didn’t touch me.
shit, this is hot.
He moved back up to my mouth, again coming as close as
possible without making any contact, then shifting to my ear, and hovering over
it, he breathed and whispered.

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