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Authors: Henry Stevens

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If the inductive energy, through some exterior cause, could be made suddenly to increase enormously, there would come a point when the body would be supported, or rather suspended, before it reached the earth’s surface.

The new Technique could accomplish this by placing a Schappeller Stator in the body in question, where the body is suitably constructed, thus setting up a glowing magnetic stressfield which would hold or keep the weight or mass of the unit body suspended, not in the air–the stressfield would have no reaction on the air–but only on the earth’s magnetic stressfield.

This is the basis of the new principle for “ether ships"”

Employing the Schappeller mechanism is only half the total explanation. In a field propulsion saucer there are possible two types of “drive” needed. The first is the “Auftrieb” or levitation. Employment of levitation makes the craft buoyant. It weighs nothing. If it weighs nothing it can be moved very easily. “Antrieb,” impulse or motive power is the second drive involved. It moves the craft directionally. Levitation only would be supplied by the Schappeller system. Directional movement is so far best explained, in my mind, using the Tesla pancake coils as explained by Bill Lyne.

Concluding Thoughts on the Schappeller Device

In the end, what can be said of the Schappeller device? Certainly, it did exist. It drew attention and funding from people within the German government of the time. It was studied by a qualified outsider, a British engineer, for a period of three years and was judged to be genuine.

There are some obvious problems, however. Exotic energies have been evoked which have not been explained satisfactorily. Therefore, the facts are not in evidence yet. Certainly more proof is required before the claims made for this device or the energies involved can be wholly accepted. For the time being we must put this discussion aside, awaiting further correlations.

There are some solutions connected with this device also. If we accept the idea that both the Schauberger and the Schappeller devices worked on the theory of implosion, then one explanation will serve to explain them both. It also allows for an ether-asmatter explanation. This may fit into the evidence gathered by Nickola Tesla. The commonality of these devices could then be sought and perhaps a more efficient device built as a result. We will pick up this theme again in the discussion section of this book.

It should be pointed out that the quest for this “new science” is not specific to Schappeller or Schauberger. Mr. Watson passed on these words from Ehrenfried Pfeiffer, a scientist who collaborated with Dr. Rudolf Steiner around 1920. Although he is not happy with the translation he sent it as he found it which is as it is presented here:

“…the method of science, in a materialistic sense, is based on analysis splitting apart, disintegration, separation, dissecting and all the procedures which have to destroy and take apart, to work on the corpse rather than to grow, to develop, to synthesize. That the human mind was captured by these methods of braking apart: in that I saw the source of our present situation. My question therefore was: (to Rudolf Steiner) is it possible to find another force or energy in nature, with does not have in itself the ductus of atomizing and analysis but builds up, synthesizes. Would we discover that constructive force, which makes things alive and grow, develop adequate building up of methods investigation, eventually use this force for another type of technic, applied to drive machines, than because of the inner nature of this force or energy we might be able to create another technology, social structure, constructive thinking of man rather than destructive thinking. This force must have the impulse of life, of organization within itself as the so-called physical energies have the splitting, separating trend within themselves.

“My question to Rudolf Steiner October 1920 and spring 1921 therefore was: does such a force or source of energy exist? Can it be demonstrated? Could an altruistic technic be build upon it?.”

My questions were answered as follows:

“Yes, such a force exists, but is not yet discovered. It is what is generally known the aether (not the physical ether) but the force which makes things grow, lives for instance in the seed as Samenkraft. Before you can work with this force you must demonstrate its presence. As we have reagents in chemistry, so you must find a reagent for the aetheric force. It is also called formative aetheric force because it is the force which relates the form, shape, pattern of a living thing, growth. You might try crystallization processes to which organic substrata are added. It is possible then to develop machines, which react upon and are driven by this force. Rudolf Steiner than outlined the principles of the application of this force as source of a new energy . . .”

Since this quest for a new science with the accompanying new machines had a relatively long history in Germany, certainly pre-dating the 3rd Reich, it is almost certain that the Schappeller device or others built along a similar understanding were further developed during the Nazi period. What became of it after the war is unknown. It can be assumed that this device did not escape the scrutiny of the numerous Allied intelligence units tasked with combing Germany for examples of German science. Perhaps someday a government report will be de-classified explaining all this as it was in the case of another free-energy machine, that being the Hans Coler device, which was declassified by the British in 1978 (25) and which worked, according to Mr. Watson, using the same principles of cold magnetism. Until that final reckoning comes aspects of the Schappeller device will still remain a mystery. And until a more final reckoning comes, the question of if the Schappeller device was used as a source of field propulsion in German flying saucers must be deferred.

Sources and References

  1.  Bahn, Peter, Ph.D. and Heiner Gehring, 1997, pages 120-131, Der Vril-Mythos Eine geheimnisvolle Energieform in Esoterik, Technik und Therapie, Omega Verlag, Duesseldorf

  2.  Taeufer, Johannes, 1930, page 31,"Vril” Die Kosmische Urkraft Wiedergeburt von Atlantis, commissioned and distributed by the Reichsarbeitsgemeinschaft “Das kommendende Deutschland,” Astrologischer Verlag Wilhelm Becker, Berlin-Steglitz

  3.  Bahn/Gehring, 1997, page 131

  4.  ibid, pages 120-124, 130

  5.  Weltdynamismus Streifzuege durch technisches Neuland an Hand von biologischen Symbolen,1930, pages 14-15, commissioned and distributed by the Reichsarbeitsgemeins chaft “Das kommendende Deutschland,” Otto Wilhelm Barth Verlag, Berlin

  6.  Davson, Cyril W., 1955, pages 50-59, The Physics Of The Primary State Of Matter And Application Through the Primary Technique, Elverton Books, London

  7.  Nieper, Hans A., Ph.D., 1985, Conversion of Gravity Field Energy/Revolution in Technology, Medicine and Society, M.I.T. Management Interessengemeinschaft fuer Tachyonen-Geld-Energy GmbH, Friedrich-Rueder-Strasse 1, 2900 Oldenbuurg, Germany (available in German and English language versions)

  7.  Davson, Cyril W., 1955, pages 212-213

  8.  ibid, page 231

  9.  ibid, pages 217, 223

10.  Taeufer, 1930, pages 30-32

11.  Davson, 1955, page 230

12.  ibid, page 226

13.  Taeufer, 130, page 30

14.  ibid, page 32

15.  Davson, 1955, page 231

16.  ibid, page 231

17.  ibid, page 57

18.  Taeufer, 1930, pages 38-40

19.  Clark, Richard LeFors, Ph.D., 1987, page 64, “The Earth Grid, Human Levitation And Gravity Anomalies,” contained in
Anti-Gravity And The World Grid
edited by David Hatcher Childress, Adventures Unlimited Press, Stelle, Illinois

20.  ibid

21.  ibid

22.  Stevens, Henry, 2001, “Infinite Energy,” pages 9-13, Volume 7, Issue 40

23.  Davson, 1955, page 244

24.  Bahn/Gehring, 1997, page 115

25.  British Intelligence Objectives Sub-Committee Final Report Number 1043, item number 31, “The Invention Of Hans Coler, Relating To An Alleged New Source Of Power, Bryanston Square, London

Chapter Summary

There is ample evidence that the Schauberger saucer model flew. The fact that the Schaubergers were brought to the United States to continue the work leads to the assessment that they worked on something of value to the government of the United States. The U.S. government was neither interested in his water research nor was it interested in his work on agriculture. We are left to conclude that it was his work on a new form of levitation, his saucer work, which brought Viktor Schauberger and his son Walter Schauberger to the United States. After learning all they could, the government of the United States dismissed the Schaubergers rather badly, foreshadowing the treatment of the German rocket scientists two decades later.

Lionel Shapiro was a credible and incredibly well connected reporter of the war and post-war years. The fact that he was able to break stories relating to secret weaponry in Czechoslovakia indicates that he had some connections within the U.S. military. With the war won, the years of 1946 and 1947 seem to have been a period when the guard of censorship was relaxed. This noose would be re-tightened as the cold war got underway. No fault can be found with Mr. Shapiro’s article or its content. The article on the KM-2 electromagnetic rocket and Mr. Shapiro’s other stories appeared in a respect newspapers, not a tabloids. His post-war report of the KM-2 electromagnetic rocket must be taken on face value as legitimate.

The German eyewitness account of “Magnetscheibe” prompted investigation into U.S. governmental sources for corroboration.

The CIOS report and the F.B.I. report provided corroboration. In the CIOS report we find a U.S. governmental admission of experiments in field propulsion for aircraft undertaken in wartime Germany by Dr. Erb. The F.B.I. report on a field propulsion German saucer must be taken seriously because the F.B.I took it seriously. The F.B.I. carefully took the report and investigated the veracity of their subject. The F.B.I. then sent copies of this report to other intelligence agencies within the U.S. government which is indicated on the F.B.I. report itself. The Bureau saved the report all these years. The fact that this report deals with German technology but was taken by a domestic law enforcement agency, one whose “spy” activities are geographically restricted to within the USA, is noteworthy. It may indicate that the F.B.I.’s Director, J. Edgar Hoover, was kept “in the dark” about the real nature of flying saucers and may have wanted to show the other intelligence agencies that he was not so easily cut out of the information loop.

If you do not believe this F.B.I. report does not constitute something special, ask yourself, if you had walked into an F.B.I. office and described a UFO sighting you had made over ten years previously, what do you suppose the Bureau’s reaction would be? Would you be taken seriously? Would your background be investigated and would your story be the subject of such extensive treatment? Would your report be kept for forty years?

Or, on the other hand, would you be politely shown the door by a condescending uniformed security officer. Something in this report really struck a nerve at the F.B.I.

There is some suggestion that the Germans worked on a chemical engine which produced levitation. There is a possibility that electricity was produced by the Germans directly from atomic energy. There is some evidence, from both German and English language sources, that the Karl Schappeller device was being developed within Germany during the period of time in question. There is evidence that both the Schauberger and the Schappeller devices can be explained in terms of implosion and that implosion may have yielded the levitation force behind field propulsion vehicles. There is ample evidence that the Germans had access to the ideas of Nikola Tesla. The work of Tesla may be seen as an alternative method of propulsion or as a method of moving a field propulsion vehicle after it was made weightless by another method. There are wartime pictures along with many very similar post-war pictures which indicate that the development of field propulsion vehicles took place at this time.

Concerning these pictures and related reports of flying saucers one is thrust up against the intelligence services of the government of the United States of America who see fit to involve themselves. As we will see, it is the latter’s rather clumsy attempt to suppress and discredit the flying saucer phenomena which actually speaks volumes for its existence.

The exact methods pertaining to the propulsion of these saucers may be plausible but they can only be taken as provisional at this time. There may be hundreds of ways to power a field propulsion saucer. The question is not “how could it have been done” but “how was it done.”



Lore And Loose Ends: A Discussion Of German Saucers

Some of the historical context for German flying discs has been discussed in the preliminary section of this presentation, “The Situation Within Nazi Germany.” German saucers were not designed to generate the flying saucer mystery in the second half of the Twentieth Century. They were designed as a weapons system to do a specific job. The fast-moving wartime mind-set was a time when new aircraft designs and new propulsion technologies were coming on line with increasing frequency. The insertion of these saucer-craft into the wartime fabric did not seem as culture altering as the disclosure of these same craft might be to us today. But a simple recitation of the facts is not enough. Some things need to be said about the ideas on German saucers in order to put their study in a better context. Also, some strings have been left untied and some ideas need to be mentioned in order to round out the discussion on this topic.

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