B007XKEWAE EBOK (4 page)

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Authors: Nicola Lawson

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It sounded like the girl was trying to get the guy to just leave it alone but he was having none of that.

"Look you stupid slut, you can't just screw anywhere you want. It doesn't look like he's up for much at the moment anyway. Are you doped up or something?"

There was a scream from the girl and before the darkness took him Fulton heard Francesca say; "Or something."



Chapter Three


"Here, take this." Francesca dela Fuente dragged the semiconscious human to his feet and shoved him to her lieutenant, Xavier Salvatore.

Still naked from her escapade earlier that night, Francesca had barely made it back to her lair before dawn. Xavier took hold of the fragile human and twisted him around to face his mistress, one hand under his chin keeping his head up. Francesca threw the remains of the man's girlfriend, what amounted to nothing more than a bloody head and a dripping neck, to the floor at his feet. The man was so far gone with terror and shock that he didn't even react to the grizzly sight.

"You really shouldn't have pissed me off," Francesca said stalking across
the warehouse floor, "Bet you wish you'd kept your mouth shut now."

She strode over until her face was touching his. "And now it's time for you to die." There was still no reaction, he was too far gone. She couldn't be bothered to waste any more time with him.

Francesca turned and walked away. "Kill him."

"Mistress if we . . ." Xavier clamped his mouth shut under the glare of her eyes.

"Don't question me. Kill him."

This time the vampire obeyed without hesitation. He twisted the man's head so violently to the side that it half separated from his neck. Blood fountained out to cover him and splashed over Francesca's naked form.

A cry of delight came from the doorway into the adjoining warehouse. A young female vampire capered through with a huge grin on her face.

"Did you dress like that just for me?" she said dancing around Francesca. Gabriella Pendolari had a wickedly sexual glint in her eyes, admiring Francesca’s naked form slathered in gore.

"Of course, my love," Francesca replied.

The other vampire moved closer to Francesca and scooped blood from her breast into her mouth. She placed her fingers by turn between her full red lips only to draw them slowly back from her mouth, now moist with her own saliva rather than the thickening crimson fluid. Francesca placed her own hand on the
rear of the younger female and squeezed gently.

"Come, Gabriella," she said. "Let us go somewhere more private where we can . . . play."

Francesca looked back over her shoulder at Xavier. "If you are going to question me I have to punish you," she said. "I was going to invite you to join us, but after your behaviour this time you don't even get to watch."

Gabriella capered along behind her mistress, turning her head to look back over a slender shoulder she stuck her blood-stained tongue out at Xavier before hurrying away to the pleasure that awaited her.


Xavier Salvatore had ordered the man's body, and what remained of the
other, removed from the warehouse. He had been in no mood to eat after Francesca had talked down to him. His mistress had too much of a temper sometimes. Francesca had been the one to come up with the rules about limiting their feeding, so as not to alert the humans, but she didn't even stick to them herself. Nor did she hold her little lap-dog to the same standards as the rest of the nest. The girl had been wasted before she even got here, and then to order him to kill the man as well when he could have been used to feed at least a couple  of the other members of the nest . . .

Xavier knew what her problem was. She wasn't thinking straight. She hated being interrupted before she finished her business. And Xavier was sure he knew what that business was.
Francesca had quite the appetite and not just for blood. Xavier himself was invited to join her on plenty of occasions, and Gabriella was her near constant companion.

Xavier stalked around the warehouse and other vampires scurried out of his way. Most of the nest was resting, sleeping the daylight away before they could go out again on the hunt.

Xavier found himself wandering over to the doorway to the adjoining warehouse. The building that had been converted to Francesca's private sanctum and pleasure chamber. A series of moans and groans came from inside.

Xavier bristled when he heard yelps and cries of joy from within. Xavier enjoyed such pleasures himself, Francesca was a very skilled lover and
even Gabriella was more than capable of satisfying him, but it was only at Francesca's whim that he was allowed to partake. Xavier had grown up during much more chauvinistic times and he found they suited him much better than this. If he was in charge around here things would be different. No not if, when.




Fulton had a good idea what had happened to him, however unbelievable it seemed. He had instinctively hidden himself away through the daylight and now other instinctive urges were coming into play. He had tried to eat regular food, reclaiming his clothes and using the money in his wallet he had gone to a fast food place and bought himself a burger.
The burger tasted a little strange to Fulton's heightened senses but he wolfed it down eagerly. As the third mouthful slipped down his throat his stomach cramped up, his gut clenched and twisted forcing the food explosively from his system. Chewed up burger and stomach lining splattered the wall and floor. Fulton heaved and heaved, his stomach clenching over and over in an effort to rid itself of what was no longer there.
So much for that then.

And now this was what had become of him. The urge was now simply too strong for him to fight against it. He stalked the lone woman on her way from the shop to her home. She couldn’t have far to travel otherwise she wouldn’t be travelling on foot. There was nobody else about. Reluctant as he was he
recognised that this was the best time for him to make his move.

The woman seemed to sense him following her. She increased her pace. He sensed that she wanted to look around and see who was behind her. But she was also afraid to see if there
someone there. Still Fulton held back, something deep inside him holding out and resisting these new impulses.

He shouldn’t do this. He
do this. Oh, but he so wanted to. His own pulse quickened at the faint scent of hers. In the end he could hold out no longer. It was almost as if another force took control of his body to strike the first blow. He came right up beside the woman and watched his fist impact with the side of her head and send her sprawling into the back of an alley.

The copper tang of freshly spilled blood permeated the atmosphere. Fulton Felt the skin of his face stretch. It felt almost like when you entered a hot room after being out in the cold. But it was somehow more real. His skin pulled taught. His gums burned and his jaw was forced out. His eyes were narrowed by his brow pushing down. His nose was pulled back and up, his nostrils enlarged and flared outwards. The smell of blood grew stronger.

"No! Please no," the wounded woman sobbed.

Fulton was drawn towards the scent of blood and a great hunger burned inside him. With one hand he reached down and pulled the woman up so her feet dangled several centimetres off the floor. Fulton took only a moment to
marvel at this new strength before tearing into the woman's throat with cruel fangs.

Ripping. Slicing. Tearing. Biting. Gulping the liquid down.

Fulton tore strips of raw bloody flesh with his teeth and revelled in the sensations. He drank deeply of the fresh corpse stopping only when the body had no blood left to give. Fulton dropped the exhausted vessel to the floor and looked at his hands. They were fresh and strong, covered in blood and gore.

He felt another emotion stirring in him then. Turning around on the spot Fulton let out a scream of anger and shame. What had he become? He had killed another human being. Had drained the life out of his victim and taken pleasure in it.

No that wasn’t right, he had not killed
human being. Whatever had happened to him he wasn’t human anymore. Fulton let himself drop curling up in the corner. He rocked back and forth on his haunches crying.


Chapter Four


Francesca dela Fuente gently lifted Gabriella's slender arm from over her breast and slipped out of the bed. Gabriella mumbled something softly as Francesca left her side. Francesca leaned in and placed a kiss on her forehead. Blonde locks, Gabriella had dyed her hair
last week, were curled in contrast on a black satin pillow.

Francesca collected a short silk dressing gown from a hanger nearby. This whole warehouse was her private place. The other vampires in her nest slept in the adjoining building or in one of several others nearby, separated by sunlight during the daytime hours until the shadows lengthened sufficiently for them to rush from one to the next. But this was Francesca's and Gabriella's own place. However, there were occasions when Francesca needed something a little different. A bit of variety, some real . . .
between her legs. Despite her lack of the proper anatomy for such things Gabriella could often be involved on those occasions as well.

Francesca left the curtained sleeping area. Her warehouse was crowded with all manner of finery she
had collected over the centuries. She had the finest dresses and jewels commissioned for various historical members of all the European royal families. There were pieces by all the modern designers as well. She kept up with the times. She had other stores scattered around the European continent. It was such a bother carrying things and packing them in the first place. It was much easier just to have those things there and waiting for those times when she and Gabriella journeyed away from the nest. Gabriella particularly enjoyed it when it was just the two of them. Unfortunately, in order for Francesca to maintain her authority they could never leave the nest to their own devices for too long at any one time.

Francesca crossed to the door separating her warehouse from that next door and pulled it open. She kicked the vampire sleeping nearest it. She woke with a snarl and glared at Francesca. Realising who it was that had kicked her she turned her eyes to the floor deferentially.

"Mistress," she said.

"Fetch Xavier," Francesca ordered, "instruct him to join me inside."

The other vampire nodded and hurried away. Francesca stepped back inside and checked the time. There was still over an hour until the sun set and it would be safe to venture out on the hunt. Francesca moved to stand by a parting in the curtain around the sleeping area. She stood there watching Gabriella as she slept. She was over two and a half
centuries old but she retained the beautiful youthful appearance of the girl Francesca had turned in the church that night.

Creamy white skin contrasted with the fine dark sheets. She was covered to just above her waist by the top sheet and Francesca admired the smooth gentle curves of her body.

The door opened then closed behind her.

"You sent for me, Mistress?" Xavier said.

Francesca turned away from Gabriella and pulled the curtain fully closed.

"Yes. Over here."

Francesca walked over to her seating area and sat in a comfy chair. At
her indication Xavier sat in a chair opposite.

"You have proven yourself capable of managing the nest in my stead while Gabriella and myself are absent."

Xavier acknowledged the comment with a shallow nod. His floppy raven hair fell with the movement and he brushed it away from his face.

Francesca continued; "However, you need to be careful that you do not forget your place. I am the Mistress here. When I give an order I expect it to be carried out without question."

Xavier turned his eyes down in a gesture of contrition. "I am sorry, it will not happen again.

Francesca stood and placed her hands on his chest. "I am sure it won't," she said straddling him. Her hands
already on his chest she leaned forwards letting her gown fall open suggestively at the top. "Now let me test you with some mutually beneficial instructions."


"Wake up sleepy."

Gabriella blinked her eyes and woke from dreams of sex and death. Francesca stroked a strand of hair from her cheek. Gabriella smiled salaciously and rolled onto her back exposing her body to her sire.

"Time for more play?" she asked with a twinkle in her eyes.

"Of a different sort," Francesca smiled back. "Time to hunt."

Gabriella climbed out of the bed and exited through the curtain. She sauntered over to where her clothes were draped over a Victorian mannequin. Xavier
Salvatore was across the warehouse pulling on a pair of dark jeans. The buttons on his shirt were ripped exposing a lean muscular chest scored with a series of deep scratch marks.

Gabriella glared at him as she started to climb into her own clothes, not seeking to hide her body from him. Francesca came over and saw where Gabriella's attention was focused. She put her arm over her shoulders and kissed her on the cheek.

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