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Authors: William Gaddis

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Schumaker, E. F., 466

Schwartz, Delmore, 411

Schwartz, John, 499

Scott, Hazel, 39

Scott, Mr., 77

Scott, Robert, 171

Seabrook, William, 98-99

Secker & Warburg, 214, 216, 225-26, 241, 383

Seelye, John D., 232, 244-47, 249-50

Selmer, Renate, 444

Serra, Richard, 451

Seven Lively Arts
, 231

Sewell, Camilla, 40, 41

Shakespeare, William, 48, 52, 90, 110, 114-15, 121, 127, 213, 284, 297, 352, 356-57, 377, 439, 471, 474

Shapiro, Karl, 232, 249, 372

Shaw, George Bernard, 45, 482

Sheldon, Sidney, 480-81

Shell, Marc, 423-24

Sherry, John and Dorothy, 323, 330, 334, 376, 398, 403, 407, 531

Shu, Eddie, 386-87, 527

Sidney, Sylvia, 45

Sifton, Elisabeth, 358-59, 410, 433-34, 436, 446

Silberman, Jim, 318

Sillitoe, Alan, 286

Silone, Ignazio, 107, 109

Silverado Savings & Loan, 466

Silverblatt, Michael, 307

Simon & Schuster, 449-50, 460-61, 468, 472, 484, 492, 494, 499, 501, 505, 510-11, 518-19

Sipper, Ralph, 396-97

Skolnik, Irene, 395

Skorzeny, Otto, 253-54

Smith, Constance, 82, 101, 104

Smith, Logan Pearsall, 122

Smith, Worth, 66-67, 96, 98

Snow, C. P., 439

Snow, John, 38, 40, 41, 45, 48, 67, 86, 91, 119, 146

Socarides, Charles, 10, 45-46, 48, 88-89, 204, 242

Socrates, 246, 308

Solataroff, Ted, 303-4

Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr, 358

Sons o’ Fun
, 56

Sontag, Susan, 319

Sophocles, 485, 507-8

South, Eddie, 39

Southern, Terry, 248, 515

Spaeth, Sigrid, 407, 435

, 225

Spengler, Oswald, 107, 109

Spenser, Theodore, 46-47, 48, 125

Spinoza, Baruch, 50

Sports Illustrated
, 221

St John-Stevas, Norman, 225-26

Stade, George, 298, 330

Stalin, Joseph, 160

Stanley, Sir Henry Morton, 28

Stannard, Martin, 477-78, 481

Stanton, Louis L., 437, 440

“Star-Spangled Banner,” 518

, 395

Stein, Gertrude, 42, 84-85, 86

Stein, Jean, 407, 442

Steinberg, Saul, 11, 407, 435, 437, 459, 461-62, 465, 480, 483, 524

Steinberg v. Columbia Pictures
, 437, 440, 459, 461-62

Steiner, George, 308-9, 326, 365, 386, 440, 464

Stevens, Roger L., 262

Stevenson, Robert Louis, 102, 104, 182, 221

Stevenson, William, 508-9

Stingl, Nikolaus, 500, 517-18

Stoffel, Jean-Jacques, 170

Strange Woman
, 61, 65

Summers, Montague, 306

, 346

Susann, Jacqueline, 272-73, 331

Susskind, David, 297-98

Suter, Clive, 423-24

Svevo, Italo, 333, 363

Swaggart, Jimmy, 410-11

Swanberg, W. A., 342

Swift, Jonathan, 22-23

Swinburne, Algernon, 498-99

“Swing Low, Sweet Chariot,” 178

Tabbi, Joseph, 453-54

“Tani, La,” 184-85

Tanner, Tony, 290-91, 383, 385, 416

Tarnower, Herman, 377

Taylor, Bill, 113-15, 116, 119, 124-25, 127, 132, 178

Taylor, Peter, 426, 463-64

Tennyson, Alfred, Lord, 366, 496-97

Tenzing Norgay, 239-40

Thackeray, William Makepeace, 36-37, 48, 128

Thielemans, Johan, 312, 337, 352, 367, 410, 419

Thomas, Dylan, 283, 285, 506

Thompson, Hunter S., 447

Thompson, John, 270-71, 291

Thompson, Judith.
Gaddis, Judith

Thoreau, Henry David, 216-17, 372, 497

Thorndike, E. L., 454

Thousand and One Nights
, 242

, 80, 220, 245-46, 297, 387

Tintoretto, Il, 116

Titian, 116, 216

Toklas, Alice B., 84

Tolstoy, Leo, 107, 410, 484

Tolstoy, Sonya, 410

Tomlinson, H. M., 159-60

Toole, John Kennedy, 374

(Puccini), 204

Towbin, A. Robert, 399

Towers, Robert, 514

Toynbee, Arnold J., 73, 101, 103, 104, 105, 107, 110, 132

Toynbee, Philip, 251

Trask, Mrs., 46, 47

Traver, Robert, 236-37

Treasure Island
, 221

Trollope, Anthony, 159, 346-47

Truman, Harry S., 158

Tudor Pole, David, 185-91, 194-95, 199, 209, 228, 230, 408

Twain, Mark, 121, 306, 344, 428, 439, 472

Überhoff, Thomas, 517

Ulansey, David, 491

(film), 263

Under the Volcano
(film), 406-7

Union Minière, 307

United States Information Agency, 314, 402-3, 429, 431

United States Information Service, 189, 196

Updike, John, 382, 411, 483, 501-2, 519-20

Uris, Leon, 236-37

Uxbridge, Henry Paget, Earl of, 177

Vail, David, 132

van Meegeren, Han, 363

Van Strum, Stevens, 255

Vandercook, John W., 17

Vanity Fair
, 436, 446

Vargas Llosa, Mario, 425

Vaughan Williams, Ralph, 199

Vega, Lope de, 45

Velásquez, Diego, 116

Vermeer, Jan, 363

Veronese, Paolo, 116

Viking Penguin, 358, 362, 395, 405, 408, 410, 413, 415, 433-34, 436, 446, 476, 479-80, 484, 494, 500

Villa, Pancho, 102, 104

Village Voice
, 369, 374, 473, 476

Virgil, 515

Voice of America
, 203-4

Voltaire, 196, 270, 449

Wagner, Richard, 204, 306, 366, 378, 443

Wall Street Journal
, 359-60

Wallace, Alfred A., 69

Wallace, Irving, 507-8

Warburg, Fredric, 214-16, 221, 241, 244, 383-84

Ward, F. Champion, 390

Ward, Robert, 51

Ware, Francis, 36, 38, 40-41, 42

Washington Post
, 498-99

Watson, Thomas J., 454

Waugh, Evelyn, 10, 85, 119, 122, 253, 297, 329, 362, 477-78, 481, 508

Way, Ida Williams, 25, 33, 34, 42, 49, 87, 91, 102, 104, 148, 186, 198, 514-15

Way, Robert Dickinson, 268

Weisenburger, Steven, 364-66, 369-70, 387, 401-2

Weissenberg, Sigismund, 176

Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, Duke of, 177, 218, 250

Wells, H. G., 96, 98, 171, 242-43

Wertheim, Larry M., 516

Wescott, Glenway, 94-95, 98

West, Nathanael, 107

West, Rebecca, 95, 98

Wharton, Edith, 270, 436

Whately, Richard, 306-7

Wheatland, Richard, 153-54, 166, 170, 174-75, 178, 180, 181

Wiebel, George, 154

Wiener, Norbert, 337-38, 453

Wiesel, Torsten, 442

Wilder, Thornton, 271, 309, 342, 435, 530

Williams, Dr., 36, 37

Williams, Ernest, 106

Williams, Jan, 56

Williams, Joy, 320-21, 332, 528

Williams, Margaret, 9, 120, 122, 124, 125, 128, 137, 142-43, 144-45, 146-57, 158-60, 163, 166, 168, 171-72, 176, 178, 179, 181, 183, 185, 190, 531

Williams, Samuel E., 49, 268

Williams, Tennessee, 118, 121, 137

Wilson, Colin, 243-44, 247

“Windows of the World,” 327, 329

Winebaum, Bernard, 80, 82, 124, 137, 140, 142-43, 145, 146, 470

Winters, Jonathan, 517

, 42-43

Witkiewicz, Stanislaw, 217

Woiwode, Larry, 310, 386

Wolfe, Peter, 520

Wolfe, Thomas, 89-90

Wood, Douglas, 230-31, 330, 466-67

Woodburn, John and Mary, 71-72, 114-15, 119, 121, 132, 167, 168, 205, 208

Woods (neighbors), 403, 407

Woolf, Virginia, 403-4

Wouk, Herman, 245-46, 247

Wright, Richard, 41

Wright, Stephen, 488-89

Wurlitzer, Rudolph, 279

Wylie, Andrew, 515, 519

Yeats, William Butler, 283, 382, 518-19

Yellin, Herb, 343-44

Yen Hui, 121

Young, Robert, 23

Zanuck, Darryl F., 258

Ziff, Larzer, 447-48

Zola, Émile, 342

Zweitausendeins, 521

About the Authors

(1922–98) stands among the greatest American writers of the twentieth century. The winner of two National Book Awards (for
[1975] and
A Frolic of His Own
[1994]), he wrote five novels during his lifetime, including
Carpenter’s Gothic
(published posthumously in 2002), and his early masterpiece
The Recognitions
(1955). He is loved and admired for his stylistic innovations, his unforgettable characters, his pervasive humor, and the breadth of his intellect and vision.

is the author/editor of several books and essays on William Gaddis, and has written about many of Gaddis’s acquaintances (Alan Ansen, Chandler Brossard, Jack Green, David Markson, Sheri Martinelli). He is also the author of a two-volume study,
The Novel: An Alternative History


Letters © 2013 by the Estate of William Gaddis

Editorial matter © 2013 by Steven Moore

Afterword © 2013 by Sarah Gaddis

First edition, 2013

Some of these letters first appeared in
Profils Americaines
Pynchon Notes
New York Times
Kanreki: A Tribute to Allen Ginsburg
, and
Conjunctions: 59, Colloquy

The photographs on the following pages are reproduced courtesy of Special Collections, Washington University Libraries: 14, 17 (left), 27, 54, 75, 111, 138, 164, 197, 198, 220, 229, 238, 252, 259, 261, 398 (top), 430 (bottom), 445. Martin Dworkin’s photographs are reproduced courtesy of Bernard Looks. All other uncredited photos are reproduced courtesy of Sarah and Matthew Gaddis.

A catalog record for this book is available from the Library of Congress.

Partially funded by a grant from the Illinois Arts Council, a state agency.


Cover art: Julian Schnabel,
Portrait of William Gaddis
(1987). Oil, plates, bondo on wood, 60” x 48”. Courtesy of the artist.

Printed on permanent/durable acid-free paper and bound in the United States of America


The Recogntions (1955)


Carpenter’s Gothic

A Frolic of His Own (1994)

Agape (2002)

The Rush for Second Place: Essays and Occasional Writings (2002)

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