B006T5JMRC EBOK (43 page)

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Authors: Aya Knight

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“Kale, Illadar, and Neelan, it is my honor to offer you three a place here within the castle as knights to the royal family. Thomas and I have already discussed this matter and he is prepared to support your final decision.” The King looked toward Neelan. “To have humans and a high elf living together harmoniously would be a stupendous milestone for our world.”

Neelan quickly glanced away to hide her reddened cheeks. Though, she longed to live among humans in peace, Neelan still hadn’t come to terms with accepting what she truly was. In her heart, she still felt as though the crowd might be looking upon her with distaste. However, if there was one thing both she and Kale had learned throughout their journey, it was to not hastily judge others. Thus, she shook her thoughts and turned to face the muted citizens who awaited their reply for a place within the kingdom.

Kale was the first to take a step forward. “Your Highness, the honor presented means more to me than you know and I truly thank you from the bottom of my heart. However, I apologize, but I must decline.” Kale could hear gasps from surprised individuals within the audience.

“You see,” he continued, “it is not that I do not enjoy my time here in your magnificent kingdom, but I have something of dire importance I must do.” He smiled. “I suppose it is safe to say I’m a free spirit. I would like to remain unbound, where I can aid all in need of my help across Ravondore. Throughout my journey, I’ve opened up my heart more than I could have ever imagined. I never wish to stand back while others suffer.” Kale’s blue eyes met with the King’s. “Should you ever need me, though, I will always be of service. You are truly a noble King.” Kale bowed.

Neelan moved toward Kale’s side, “King Valamar, I thank you dearly for your kindness. You are a truly wonderful and accepting King who has made me feel welcome within your kingdom, and among human kind—something I never thought possible. However, I too must decline your gracious offer. My heart follows Kale to the end, and I will not leave his side.”

Illadar’s decision was not as easy. Mirion had always been his home. This was the kingdom where he had built so many wonderful memories. He glanced upon Kale, Neelan, and Thomas as his dark lips slanted upward into a smile. Illadar suddenly became certain of his future. Without his wife, Mirion held nothing more than visions from his past; it was time to move forward with his life.

“I will be stayin’ with them as well, Your Highness.”

Kale looked to his side, surprised, yet thrilled, with Illadar’s decision.

King Valamar and Judith smiled as they nodded toward the group in approval. Though the three would not become knights of Mirion, one by one the King had them kneel before him as he dubbed each a hero, eternally welcome within the walls of the kingdom.

The King moved closer to Kale so only he could hear the next words. “I have something to give you before your departure. Please wait for me within the great hall. Your friends may join you as well.”

Kale nodded as he and his friends were escorted back to the large castle door. The keep roared with cheers and cries of gratitude as they made their exit.

Shortly after they entered the hall, Kale began to anxiously pace in a large circle.
What could King Valamar possibly have to give only to me

Neelan urged Kale to settle down and relax as she tugged gently on his arm.

“Do you know what is happening, Thomas?” Kale pressed the old sorcerer for answers.

“I mustn’t say a word. The King will reveal what is happening very shortly.” He winked. “I can assure you, however, it will be well worth your wait.”

Kale tilted his head back in frustration as he rolled his eyes. “You know I hate when you do this.”

“You are far too impatient, young one.” Thomas laughed to himself.

Luckily for Kale, he didn’t have to endure the pressing curiosity for long. Judith and King Valamar soon entered the room. Illadar immediately dropped to a knee as they approached.

“We will have none of that today. For now, we speak as friends. Please stand.” The King smiled warmly. “I am grateful we finally have the opportunity to speak without interruption, Kale. I will not waste your time with meaningless chatter as I am aware of the quest you desire to embark upon. Regrettably, I know all too well of the dragon eggs you seek.”

It all began to make sense to Kale—this was the conversation he and Thomas had in private; the old sorcerer had told him everything. Despite the King’s knowledge of Kale and his journey, he was still unsure as to the full extent of what was happening.

“Do you remember the vision I shared with you of Jedah embarking upon his final mission to become a knight?” Thomas questioned.

Kale nodded as he suddenly recalled it was Thomas who aided the King with the enchanted item on Jedah’s quest. Thomas was the one who could piece together the puzzle of events which had happened since.

“Yes, Kale, Thomas helped me fill many gaps which I have been uncertain about since that very day Jedah left on the delivery mission.” King Valamar spoke as though he could read Kale’s expression. “The package was to be delivered to Eldawin as a peace offering. It was in hopes of having them unite with our kingdom. At that time I was unaware they were the eggs of a dragon; they had been mislabeled as gryphons by my father’s advisor many decades ago. My intention was to give the Lord of Eldawin this gift so they would have the ability to travel between our cities with ease. Quite honestly, if I had known these were dragon eggs, I would have kept and attempted to hatch them myself. To have dragons protecting our kingdom would have been a vital advantage to ward off any opposing threats who may seek to attack.”

“We are not petty animals that you can train. A dragon is not a creature which one can own,” Kale snapped as he interrupted the King.

The thought of King Valamar’s words sickened him and for a moment, made him remember why he loathed humans so.

“Yes, I do know this now—and I am deeply sorry. I’m certain you will be able to find the eggs. You are both brave and determined.” His expression was comforting and his voice revealed sincerity in the words he spoke. He truly was apologetic for his actions in the past. “I would like to present you with something very rare and extremely valuable, in hopes of making amends for my horribly poor decisions in the past.” The King’s hand disappeared inside of his cape. Within seconds he withdrew a short, thin vial illuminated with a vibrant blue substance. “Thomas cares deeply for you and has informed me of your situation. He has told me what you truly are and how you long to return to your true form.”

Thomas placed a hand upon Kale’s shoulder as he smiled toward him.

“This potion is the last of its kind in existence. It has been kept within a chamber, along with many other powerful concoctions and enchantments for centuries. The room itself is guarded by powerful magic—only to be accessed by a true King of Mirion.” The King’s cheeks were spotted with pink and Kale could tell he felt a sense of pride in his statement.

“Pardon my interruption, but I still don’t understand what all of this is about. What exactly am I supposed to do?” Kale began to grow uneasy with the situation as he nervously shifted in place.

“Do not be wary.” The King’s eyes filled with excitement. “The potion, Kale Firehart, will permanently return you as you once were—a dragon. It has the ability to reverse all magic placed upon an individual. You will no longer have to live a life as a human and can resume your true form.”

Kale’s eyes grew wide as he watched the King carefully pull open the cork. “Drink this and you will have the wish you have so longed for. The effects will not occur for at least an hour which will give you an ample amount of time to safely exit the kingdom. Please accept this as my humble apology for all I have caused you to endure.” King Valamar extended his arm as he carefully held the vial toward Kale.

“See now, you stubborn dragon, I told you I would help find a way to change you back.” Thomas spoke happily, his green eyes twinkling with glee.

Kale’s heart raced. The offer caught him completely off guard and he was left with no time to gather his thoughts or prepare his mind for such a life altering decision. He began to glance nervously around in a panic, his insides churned nauseously.

“Do what your heart tells you. I am staying by your side regardless of what you choose.” Neelan caressed his cheek, wrapping her other arm around his as their fingers interlocked together.

Kale had endured major transformations, not only in appearance, but within himself. Kale was and always would be a dragon. It was how he had been born into the world and no amount of magic could change that. His outside appearance as a human mattered little to him now. Throughout his journey, he came to realize that how one looks does not reveal who a person is.

Because of this new found insight, he was confidently able to make his decision.

“I choose—” Kale paused. Though he made up his mind, the reality was still frightening. “I choose—Neelan.” He glanced toward Neelan whose face lit up with surprise. “I want to be with you until the day I leave this world. The thought of never being able to caress your body or to kiss your lips is unacceptable. I love you, Neelan, and I always will.”

Her violet eyes sparkled like he had never seen before and a blissful smile appeared upon her face. She leapt into his arms, pressing her chest to his as their two hearts—though different beings—beat as one.

“Are you certain of this decision?” the King questioned as he withdrew the vial.

Kale’s eyes glazed over with guilt. “I sincerely apologize, Your Highness; I did not intend to insult you in any way. I truly do appreciate your generosity with such a rare and generous gift. But, I am more certain about this decision than I have ever been before.”

The King smiled, chuckling softly. “There is no need for apologies. This vial has been collecting dust for centuries and I could not have chosen a better person to have used it. You have traveled far and learned more than most do in a lifetime. This is a joyous time.”

Thomas took the vial from the King’s hands. “I truly am proud of you, Kale.” He momentarily left to secure the potion within a temporary magical barrier until the King could later return it to the chamber.

Judith approached Kale, flashing her perfect smile toward him. “I am so happy for you. I shall always be here, should you need anything.” She softly laughed as she looked at Neelan’s jealous expression. “As a friend, of course,” she added. “You are all welcome to rest here tonight, if you desire, before taking leave for your next journey. We will be celebrating Jedah’s exile with a grand feast and celebration.”

“Your offer is kind, and we are grateful, however, I do not think my patience will allow me to postpone leaving any longer. Though I have chosen to remain in this form, I am still a dragon at heart, and I must do all I can to restore my kind to this world.” Kale glanced off to the side, “I also need to find out if she—Zasha—is truly my mother.” Though he had his doubts, his heart told him Zasha spoke the truth. The thought alone filled him with an anxious joy.

“I understand. Though I wish you were able to remain here with us awhile longer.” As Judith spoke, Neelan wrapped her arms around Kale’s arm protectively.

“You are all welcome to gather any provisions or weaponry you desire from the marketplace at no charge. I would also like to send you with a gift.” The King withdrew a black velvet pouch which jingled with the sound of many coins. Filled to the point where the pouch bulged, gold coins peeked from the top. “Please, take it; I will not accept no as an answer.” King Valamar chuckled as he saw Kale’s mouth open to argue. “I have more than enough here, so you do not have to worry. You have all worked hard to bring back someone who is priceless to me, so again, I give you my deepest gratitude.”

They each thanked the King for his generosity and kindness as they engaged in a bittersweet farewell. Judith’s eyes welled with tears and Kale tried his best to assure her they would all meet again, though, taking caution to watch his words around Neelan.

After they each exchanged a few final words, the four comrades left for the marketplace.

As they walked through the bustling center of the city, many of the citizens bowed before them while giving words of praise for their deeds. They wasted no time in filling their sacks with food for their journey then making a stop at the kingdom blacksmiths where Kale sorted through their impeccable variety of weaponry. After great thought, he found the perfect sword replacement. Though he knew it would not have the durability to withstand the heat from his powers, he would manage until he could find a proper solution.

Soon after, Neelan insisted they browse through the many shops and stalls. Kale, though impatient to depart on their quest, agreed. He was unable to resist the excitement and joy in Neelan as she happily skipped through the market. For the first time in her life, she felt confident to walk among humans without concealing her elven characteristics.

Once Neelan had her fill of exploring, the four retrieved their horses from the stable. Each horse had a high-quality, new, leather saddle stuffed with soft wool. They thanked the groom and stable hand for the care provided and mounted to leave the kingdom.

As they reached the gate at the curtain-wall, a sad realization hit them. Judith would not be travelling alongside them. After their journey from the forest to Mirion, the four grew accustomed to her companionship. They knew, however, she was returned to where she rightfully belonged.

As the group trotted past open farmland, Thomas steered his horse toward Kale’s.

“Kale, I can sense something is bothering you. Tell me, what is on your mind?” The old sorcerer glanced upon Kale with genuine concern.

“I can’t lose the feeling something is not right.” Kale paused a moment. “I know Saldin and his men have escaped, but the whole situation feels wrong. Though the frost elves may be powerful, there is something within me, screaming inside—telling me Jedah should have been slain at his sentencing. I can almost feel his anger taunting me. I do not think this is the last we will see of him.”

“Kale, I have said it before—the frost elves possess incredible power no normal human can contest. Everything will be fine.” As the final words left Neelan’s lips, they heard it—the sound of something hitting the ground.

“Thomas!” Illadar called out as he leapt from his horse.

“What happened?!” Kale yelled in a panic.

They rolled Thomas’ limp body over just in time to see the needle-like dart that protruded from his neck.

“I hear something approaching quickly,” Neelan spoke softly. “I think it’s–”

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