Read Axe's Fall: Insurgents Motorcycle Club (Insurgents MC Romance Book 4) Online

Authors: Chiah Wilder

Tags: #Fiction, #MC, #Romance

Axe's Fall: Insurgents Motorcycle Club (Insurgents MC Romance Book 4) (17 page)

BOOK: Axe's Fall: Insurgents Motorcycle Club (Insurgents MC Romance Book 4)
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She stiffened as his hand slid down her back, resting on her ass. As his tongue slipped into her mouth, she relaxed and kissed him back.

He broke away, a smile on his face. “That’s the way I like it, babe.”

Baylee’s cheeks flamed and Axe laughed, squeezing her close.

Outside, the air was warm, even though the sun had started its western descent. As they rode, Axe looked over his shoulder, capturing her gaze. She pressed closer to him and kissed his neck, then trailed the nape of it with her tongue. He pushed her hand down onto his crotch, his hardness apparent. He looked over his shoulder again and winked at her. She buried her head in his back, not sure if he wanted her to jerk him off or not. Deciding it wasn’t the safest thing to do while riding a Harley at a fast speed, she moved her hand up and kept it firmly around his waist.

The bike stopped in front of a fort—or at least, that was what it looked like to Baylee. Axe helped her off the bike then pulled her into an embrace, kissing her deeply.

“You naughty girl. You were teasing me on the ride out.”

She giggled. “I didn’t mean to. You’re too tempting.”

He growled and grabbed her ass cheek, squeezing it hard. “I’ve got plans for this ass later on.”

A shiver whispered up her spine.

Taking her hand, he led her into the restaurant.

“Is this an actual fort?” Baylee asked.

“No. It’s a replica of one. Most of the stuff inside is the real deal, though,” he answered as they sat at their window table.

She looked around at the framed uniforms, the tin buckets, and other items lining the walls of this unique establishment. “It’s rustic… and different.”

“It’s known for serving wild game.”

“Not sure I want to be that adventurous. Well, at least not with my dinner.” She squeezed his thigh lightly.

“Fuck, baby, you’re giving me a slow burn.”

They ordered their drinks and dinner—elk for Axe, trout for Baylee. Axe held her look then brought her hand up to his lips and traced her palm with his tongue, an intimate gesture which made her insides melt.
This is just casual, there shouldn’t be any palm licking.
Baylee slid her hand away, pretending she wanted a sip of her wine. She had to steer the evening away from flirting and sensuality.

“Are you from Pinewood Springs?” she asked as she slathered butter on a piece of freshly baked corn bread.

“Yeah. You from Denver?”

“Yes. Did you ever live in Denver?”

“No. We got a charter club there, so I go hang with them sometimes.”

“What about your uncle Max?”
Real subtle. Way to go.

“My uncle? Uh, yeah, he did live in Denver for a bit.”

Her pulse pounded.

“When did he live there?”

“I’m not sure. Why you asking so many questions about him?”

“It’s just that I thought I’d seen him before. He looked familiar.”

“It’s probably because he’s my uncle. Lot of people think we have the same features.”

“Could be, but I could swear I saw him a few years back.”

“Nah, couldn’t be him. He was back in Pinewood. It’s been a long time since he was in Denver. Let me see…” Axe took a long pull on his beer. “It was around 1998.”

She gasped inwardly, her ears pounding from the rush of blood.
Oh, my God!
“Are you close to your uncle?”

“Sorta. I used to be closer when I was younger. Now that I think of it, he got kinda weird after he came back from Denver, but all in all, he’s been okay—he helped me and my mom out a lot. I don’t see him that often, though, not since I joined the Insurgents.”

“So, it’s just you and your mom?”

“Yeah. My old man split when I was nine. He never looked back.” His jaw twitched.

“That must’ve been hard.”

“It’s whatever.”

“At least you have your mom.”

He snorted and slumped back in his chair. “Yeah, right. I’m not close to her. Fuck, I don’t think anyone
get close to her. She only cares about one person—herself. Her whole goal in life is finding men, although she does a shitty job keeping them. She has a simple life when you think of it: men and pain pills. My mom’s the biggest fuckin’ junkie around.”

“That must be so hard. Did you have a stepfather?”

“About five, I think. I lost count. She’s getting married again. Fuckin’ unbelievable. Her men mean everything to her. Her son… not so much.” He motioned the waiter for another beer.

“It’s hard when you’re young to understand why a parent does certain things. I’m sure your mom was hurting after your father left, and being a single mom and having to raise a young boy must’ve been hard on her. She was probably just trying to do the best she could.”

Axe mashed his lips together and stared at her. “You are so fuckin’ wrong. You know, I remember when I was around ten or eleven years old, some of the guys my mom would bring home weren’t so crazy ‘bout having me around, so my mom would make me sit on the porch while she and her latest man fucked. Sometimes, the jerks would spend the night. When it was winter, I’d crawl under the trailer to stay warm until the guy left and I could go back inside. Sometimes, I’d stay at my buddy Derek’s trailer, but his dad was a mean sonofabitch when he was drunk, so it was better to shiver under my own until I could get back inside.”

Baylee felt tears behind her eyes as a lump formed in her throat. She caressed his cheek. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know. I should’ve kept my mouth shut. We don’t have to talk about this anymore.”

Axe held her hand. “I want to tell you this. I’ve never told anyone about my past.”

“How long did it go on?”

“ ‘Bout three years. It wasn’t every night. Some of the guys acted like I was their kid, and they’d throw ball with me or other shit like that. Some ignored me—I liked them the best. When I hit fourteen, I told my mom to shove it, and at six feet and growing, the guys didn’t want to mess with me. She always went for the puny fucks.”

“I’m just so sorry.”

He shrugged. “No big deal. My family is the Insurgents, and they’re the best damn family. There isn’t anything a brother wouldn’t do for another. We always have each other’s backs.”

“You seem pretty astute with the engineering designs. Did you go to college?”

“Community. I got my Associate Degree. I was gonna transfer to a four-year college, but I began prospecting for the Insurgents, and I was so damn busy with my duties to the members that I never went.”

“Have you ever regretted it?”

“Never. How the fuck did you get me to talk so much about myself? No more questions. What about you? Do you get along with your parents?”

“My mother was murdered when I was eight years old. It’s just been me and my dad since then. My dad elected to withdraw from life after my mother was killed. I get along with him, it’s just that he’s a shell of the person he used to be.” The lump in her throat grew larger.

Axe’s eyes widened as his fingers touched his parted lips. A sigh escaped from them, his breath touching her face. He grasped her hands in his. “Fuck. That must be tough.”

“It was and is.”

Baylee felt calmer since she saw his reaction, noticing he was genuinely surprised. Her instinct told her he didn’t know anything about her mother’s death; however, Axe’s uncle was far from exonerated in her mind.

“Who did it?”

“The killer was never caught. My mother’s murder is a cold case.”

“There weren’t any clues?”

She pointed to herself. “I’m the clue. I saw the murder, but I can’t remember it. I’ve repressed it, so all I see in my nightmares are shapes and shadows.” She sipped her wine. “I wish I could remember. Sometimes, the gravity of it all drives me crazy. You know, you don’t realize how important memories are until you don’t have them. Our lives are a collection of memories, and such a large piece of my life is black.” She purposely didn’t mention her memory was coming back. That information was for her and Dr. Scott only.

“I don’t know what to say except… fuck.” He leaned over and kissed her gently.

“I’m used to it. It’s been my way of life for seventeen years.”

Silence surrounded them, each of them lost in their own thoughts.

The waiter placed their dinners in front of them.

“Smells good,” Baylee said as she squeezed lemon over her trout.

“Take a bite,” Axe ordered, holding a small piece of elk in his fingers.

“How does it taste?”

He laughed. “Don’t ask me, try it.”

She made a face and lowered her head to study the piece of meat.

“Fuck, it’s not poison,” he assured her. “Try it.”

Baylee opened her mouth and he put his finger in, the meat falling on her tongue. He licked his fingers, his eyes dancing in amusement.

“Do you like it?”

A smile crossed her face. “I do. It’s very tender and mild. I thought it was going to taste strong and gamey, but it’s good.”

“So, Baylee, how many boyfriends have you had?”

“Three. Since I graduated, I mostly date for a couple of months then move on. I’m too busy to have a boyfriend at this point in my life. Maybe later on. Who knows? Short-term flings seem to suit me better, but I hadn’t been with a man for over a year before you.”

“That’s why you were so tight. It was an added bonus.” He winked.

She ignored his remark. “I told myself I’d indulge in random wedding sex if I found someone I’d like to screw.” She looked at him from under half-lidded eyes.

“I wanted to fuck you, too. How many one-nighters have you had?”

“One—you. I wasn’t lying when I told you I’d never done it before.”

“Would never have believed it. You rocked.”

She shook her head. “Your turn. How many girlfriends in your past?”

“Just one—years ago, in high school.”

“That’s it? I’m surprised.”

“Are you? I’m not good boyfriend material.”

“Why’s that?

“I love pussy too much. The women I fuck know not to expect anything but great sex. I always leave them smiling.” His gaze locked with hers. “But you already know that.”

“I’m sure your Harley and leather attract quite a few women.”

“You bet. When I first started with the Insurgents, it surprised the hell outta me how many women wanted biker cock. The free drugs and ‘anything goes’ lifestyle appeals to a lot of women. Some stay on and become club whores, others just come by to party with the brothers for a while then they move on.”

“What kind of women do you like?”

“A beautiful woman with a great set of tits, and a rounded ass. Just like you.”

She rolled her eyes. “Thanks for the compliment.”

“What about you? What turns you on?”

“I like to be wined and dined—”


“And I like getting flowers, candy—the whole cheesy, romantic nine yards.” She paused. “You don’t seem like the flowers and candy type, though.”

“Damn straight. I don’t do that shit for a woman. What I give her is sweeter than any candy. I give her a night she’ll never forget. Fuck, flowers die, but a night with me will always be burned on her brain.”

“A bit cocky, don’t you think?”

He winked. “No, just truthful.”

After Axe paid the bill, they stopped in the bar to listen to the live band play classic rock tunes. On the dance floor, they held each other so tightly Baylee was sure her ribs would be bruised. She loved feeling the music and swaying with Axe.

After a couple of hours of close dancing then groping each other in their corner booth, Baylee was burning with need. Axe couldn’t ride fast enough back to her hotel.

They entered the lobby as two civilized people, but when the elevator door shut, they were clawing, biting and humping each other like two animals in heat.

By the time they arrived at her room, Axe had her ripped panties stuffed in his pocket, and she had his pants unzipped. Never releasing her, Axe kicked the door shut and slammed her against the wall.

“I’ve been wanting to fuck you since I first saw you in the lobby. You smell sexy,” he snarled.

Her arousal mixed with his created a tangy, musky scent which drove her crazy.

He pressed into her, his hardness pushing against her. His teeth grabbed her bottom lip, sucking it before his mouth covered hers, his tongue darting in and out. In frantic moves, they tore off each other’s clothes, touching, grabbing, kissing, and biting as if it were the last time they’d ever taste and feel each other again.

Axe hurriedly placed a condom on his dick then lifted her leg, and she wrapped it around him. She put her other leg around him, hugging him tightly as he held her up, his hands squeezing her ass checks. He thrust into her, her back against the wall, his mouth on hers and her heels digging into his back as he banged her hard and fast.

“So fuckin’ good,” he panted as he pushed hard and deeper.

“I’m close, Axe,” she moaned.

The combination of his mouth, dick, and tongue crashing together brought Baylee to the edge of intense pleasure. Their grunts and moans filled the room, and she screamed out his name at the same time he grunted hers as they both came together in orgasm.

They slid to the floor, panting in each other’s ears, their bodies sated.

After the wave of rapture faded, he helped her up and they lay on their backs on the bed, their bodies almost touching.

She looked at him sideways. “If we’re going to keep having casual sex, I don’t want you with other women.”

He looked down at her, his eyebrows raised. “Sounds like you want a relationship.”

“No, I don’t. You told me you didn’t want me to be with any other men, so what’s the difference?”

“I’m a man.”

“Totally lame reason. Care to try for a better one?”

He looked away.

She sat up. “I was an only child, so I was never very good at sharing.”

Pulling her down, she fell against his legs. He propped himself up then bent over her, his eyes penetrating hers. “Neither was I.” His mouth devoured hers before he abruptly pulled away. “Just remember, this monogamy thing goes both ways, babe. You don’t fuck other men while we’re doing this casual bullshit.”

“Deal. Oh, and no sleepovers. Too intimate.”

“What if I’m boozed?” She pointed to the couch in the sitting area of her suite. “Fuck no. I take the bed.”

BOOK: Axe's Fall: Insurgents Motorcycle Club (Insurgents MC Romance Book 4)
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