Awakening (The Magic of the Black Forest Book 2) (22 page)

BOOK: Awakening (The Magic of the Black Forest Book 2)
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“Thanks, Dave.” They shook hands.

Dave, he best friend, has always been there for him since Bradley was a child, through the good and bad. Knowing that Bradley had three true friends that he could trust and count on, their love for him overwhelmed me.

Bradley laughed and put his arms around me.

“You’re amazing,” he said before giving a quick smooch. “Now, we just need to figure out how Andrew got past your shield.”

I’d already forgotten about that. “Do you think he knows about my shield and was testing it? Maybe I should make it stronger?”

“Yes, but not right now. I’m going to ask Jesse to stay here. I don’t think we should leave the house wide open with no one to watch over it. When we get back, while we clean up Andrew’s mess, you can strengthen the shield.”

When Jesse got back, we explained everything and he thought it was a good plan, adding that he wanted to be here when Colleen returned. He didn’t like the thought of her being there alone.

The three of us headed to the local supply store and returned home without incident. Colleen had arrived at the house before we got back. Both Jess and Colleen kept a close eye on things while we were gone, saying they hadn’t seen anyone lurking around the edge of the trees.

So to fix the damage before nightfall, the guys and Colleen got right to work on repairing it.  The only good thing that came out of this situation was that I got a new set of doors.

While they worked, I headed up to my sanctuary, my craft haven, to try to figure out a spell that would hold Andrew at bay.

What concerned me most was Andrew getting up here into my room, and stealing my book. It would be devastating to everyone we’ve ever loved -- and then some -- if Andrew were to get his hands on it. Just thinking about the damage and hurt he could cause with so much power sent a chill down my spine. It was unnerving to say the least.

Needing a protection spell that would shield Andrew from getting near or inside the house, and into this room, I flipped carefully through the fragile pages of my Book of Shadows. Unfortunately, nothing jumped out at me.

Deciding a call to my aunt was needed, I hid the book in the floorboards. After closing and locking the door, I spun around to head downstairs. I stumbled backwards a few steps, startled, when seeing Andrew there standing at the top of the steps.

My eyes darted from left to right, trying to find an escape route other than the stairs, which Andrew now blocked.

In the blink of an eye Andrew vanished. With the barricade gone, giving me an escape, I didn’t hesitate or look around. Instead I raced for the stairs.

At the top of the stairs Andrew grabbed a fistful of my hair, yanking me backwards. Before I could scream out for Bradley he silenced my desperate cry for help by covering his hand over my mouth.

Pulling me backwards towards the spare bedroom on the other side of the hallway, he licked the right side of my neck and ear. Opening the door, my heels dragging on the floor as he crossed the length of the bedroom. He opened the window and spun us around to face the door.

By that point I knew he was up to something but I wasn’t sure what or how.

Again, licking and swirling his tongue up my neck slowly, he stated, “You taste so good. I hope you’re ready for me.” Restraining me in a chokehold with his left arm, he secured my right arm by the wrist, raising and bringing it into eye view, and then he stabbed my middle finger with his claw-like nail. A few drops of blood ran down the length of my finger.

” Within seconds Bradley arrived followed by Dave.

“Hello, son.” Holding a firm grip around my neck and onto my wrist, the blood started streaming down my palm onto his clenched fingers. “She smells so irresistible. Being a vampire, I have no other choice, son. I must have a small taste of her. You wouldn’t deny your father a taste of your bride, would you?” His words rolled off his tongue deviously, maliciously. 

“Don’t,” Bradley threatened through his clenched jaw.

A glimpse of Andrew sucking on my finger gave me warning to what was coming. Instinctively, I tried throwing the sadistic perverse bastard across the room but nothing happened. Fear once again got the better of me, leaving me unable to protect myself. Almost simultaneously, my body and Bradley’s started trembling. I trembled with fear while he trembled with the anger from feeling my fear.  

“You seem like the type of woman that would get off having a vampire suck your blood. I bet it turns you on.” With that he stuck his slimy forked tongue out and leaned towards my hand to lick my finger, and the blood that was slowly dripping down my finger.

Bradley’s threatening growls and snarls filled the room. Just as Andrew was about to take a taste, Bradley yelled, “NO!”

Scared or not, I started fighting back. Even though the attempt was futile, I kicked and screamed at him to get off. Lashing out like I did caught Andrew off guard, giving me an opportunity to pull my hand from his death grip.

Bradley darted across the room, ripped Andrew’s arm from around my neck, grabbed me and gingerly tossed me out of the room and into Dave’s awaiting arms. The terrifying roller coaster ride didn’t end there. Dave tossed me down the steps into Jesse’s arms. Terrified, I buried my face in his chest and cried. 

Several heavy footsteps were thumping loudly upstairs before sudden silence.
The window, they jumped out the window,
I thought to myself.

“Put me down, Jess,” I demanded, jumping out of his arms. Racing towards the kitchen I was but a few steps from the back door when Jesse pulled me into a bear hug from behind by wrapping his arm around my waist. Searching the backyard through the window, I saw no one. “Let me go!”  

“Knock it off, Nat. Running after them will only make things worse.” Colleen stood before me with her hands on my shoulders. “Let’s go wait in the living room for them to return.”

Jesse and Colleen sat on the loveseat, seemingly unaffected by what had just happened, while I paced the length of the living room repeatedly. About thirty minutes passed before Bradley and Dave returned, telling us that yet again, Andrew had gotten away.

Bradley tried to get me to talk about it but I refused, promising to discuss it later after we finished fixing the door and shield. Our emotions had to be put aside for the time being. Our number one priority was to secure our home. With that in mind, we all got to work.

It’s obvious that my shield had a flaw, and with all that had just happened, I now knew what that flaw was.

My shield was not vampire proof. It blocked Jesse and Colleen from coming up, and even Bradley when he had been part human. But I had never tested it on Dave or Cheryl.

When asked, Dave said he hadn’t felt any resistance. That nothing prevented him from running up the steps.

It took me a while to create a spell, which was extremely frustrating because I had to keep asking Bradley or Dave to be my test victims. Finally, when it was Dave’s turn, the spell worked. My shield was officially vampire proof.

Bradley and our friends were working on putting up a piece of drywall when I finished, so I decided to lie down for just a minute. Or, that’s what I told myself. Exhausted from the day’s nerve racking, frightening ordeal, I dozed off.

Stretching, I instinctively rolled over to Bradley’s side of the bed, searching for him.
“Hello, my love. Did I sleep long?”

No. I’m sorry I woke you.”

“I’m not.” He must’ve undressed me again. I draped my naked body over his, embracing the way his cold skin set mine on fire.

Slowly, creating a trail of soft tender kisses, my lips found his in the darkness. Our tongues were caressing and dancing while his hands roamed aimlessly over my body.

Taking a hold of the nape of my neck, molding his lips to mine, our mouths open wide, Bradley deepened our kiss.

Sliding my body fully onto his and straddling my legs over his hips, I broke away from our kiss, gasping for air. “
I want you, Bradley.

Bradley’s only reply was a sigh of yearning. His soulful longing breath was music to my ears.

Wiggling my hips to position his shaft, I started pushing down, trying to force his thick bulbous head into my pussy. His hardness, too big, felt uncomfortable. But, I knew that wouldn’t last for long. Soon I’d be so wet his cock would slide in without discomfort.

Bradley sat upright, lifted me up by my hips, and wrapped his arms around my waist, pressing his lips onto my breasts. Twisting and intertwining my fingers in his hair, I pressed his mouth against my breast, anticipating the moment he sucked my nipple between his lips. Wanting and waiting, little whimpers of desperation escaped.

Lightly, he nibbled on my nipples, his hands roaming my body freely. I started grinding on him, aroused by his touch, longing to feel him inside.

Gradually his hands made their way down below my waist, lingering for a few seconds on my ass cheeks before reaching around, stroking my pussy. Teasing and tantalizing, he slid his fingers over, coming close but never entering me. It felt so erotic and frustrating for him to be that close, I whimpered. It made me want him even more.

Pure ecstasy replaced frustration when he separated my legs even further and slowly slid his cock into my pussy. My own personal lubricant allowed him to slide easily inside my tight center. I stuttered his name breathlessly. Chuckling softly, his chilled breath hardened my nipples more, making them ache with need.

Once fully sheathed, he laid back down. I followed to kiss him but he moved his hips a few times and sparked the match. Slowly I rode him, the heat between my thighs, in my lower belly, started building quickly, forcing me to pick up the pace. Although I wanted and enjoyed being on top, there is no way for me to finish. My body needed more of him, needed him to be in control, to dominate me to fulfill my desires.

Quicker than I thought possible I chanted a spell, filling the room with candlelight. Our eyes met and he knew what I so desperately wanted. Without separating us, Bradley lifted us off the bed and pressed my back against the cold wall.

With every thrust I wanted more. Vigorously moving in and out, he quickly had me losing control, crying out for more. Wrapping my arms around his shoulders, pulling his chest against mine, I felt his breath blow across on my ear from his laughter.

In the blink of an eye we were back on the bed. When he takes control, throwing our bodies onto the bed like that, it excites me, makes me feel hot and sexy, too. Remaining on his knees, he rested between my legs, grazing his eyes slowly, seductively, up my body. When our eyes met again he smiled. Grabbing my hips, he pulled my backside up towards his knees and slid his throbbing shaft back into my slick wet center. My back arched, head pushing down into the mattress, from the precious sensation. A soft moan escaped him as he leaned his head backward embracing the feeling of my response to him. The position and the way he moved had a purpose. And, that purpose was to make me climax. He started to thrust faster, fulfilling my silent requests, my body continuing to respond to his.

Not wanting to finish without him, I tried pulling, scratching and clawing to bring his lips to mine. There was something I wanted to try, and although I knew I shouldn’t, I also knew he would love it.

Abruptly, he stopped and removed his shaft, laying his body back across mine.

“Do you know what I enjoy most when I’m making love to you?”

Breathlessly, I giggled, “Teasing and tormenting me?” Grinding my hips against him, my body begged for more, for him to push his shaft slowly inside me again.

“No, silly woman. I love watching you, feeling your excitement and arousal, when I first slide into you.” Slowly, he slid his cock inside my pussy, his eyes locked on mine. With a guttural voice, “The way you hug my cock, makes me so hard Natalia.”

Making love to me slowly, pressing soft butterfly kisses down my neck and along my shoulder only fueled the intensity of my desire, had me wanting more. Then, knowing exactly what I needed, his hips moved so quickly I couldn’t keep up. Within minutes of his vigorous, hip gyrating thrusts had me moaning, loudly. The closer our bodies were when he pushed his pulsating member inwardly, the better it felt. I cried out his name breathlessly. With his face close to mine, the scent of his mouthwatering delicious breath had me longing for a taste.

The tip of my index finger, the one Andrew pierced, traced his lips before sliding slowly into his mouth, stroking his tongue. His cold lips encircled my finger, sucking it. The intimate, sensual feeling had my body begging for more. Needing to feel his lips on mine, to taste his flavor, I tried pulling my finger from his mouth, but he growled softly.

The erotic beastly sound had me emitting, “Ahhhhh”.

Sexually, his drinking my blood only intensified our intimacy. My heart beat increased and the moisture below spread. My body tried to keep up with his until I needed more of him. “Bradley please… The fire.”

Letting go of my finger he pushed his shaft deeper, thrusting in and out faster. In ecstasy I begged, yelling “You’re going to make me come.” Our bodies molded together as one, his lips pressed against the hollow of my shoulder, fulfilling my every desire, “
Bite me right there. Please Bradley, please,”
I begged. Unable to wait any longer I twisted my head and bit his neck, crying out with uncontrollable pleasure.

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