Awakening Her Racy Passion [Racy Nights 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (27 page)

BOOK: Awakening Her Racy Passion [Racy Nights 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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They lay her on her back and took turns gently licking her nipples and clit. That helped a bit, but she was sore now and the burn was intense. She’d only done three toys. What else had they hidden? Another orgasm had begun to build by the time they stopped, which amazed her. How could this be so pleasurable and yet so painful at the same time?

Trent winked at her. “Three down, only seven to go. You’re doing well.”

“Thank you, Sir.”

“The next one is in this room.”

She took her time looking because she needed a break, not that it mattered. These two weren’t only sadistic men, they had amazing strength and stamina. But they were also being so careful and tender with her, and now Ria did cry a little, but not from pain. She wiped her tears away as she pulled the deerskin flogger out from under the bed. Finally. Something that wouldn’t hurt like a motherfucker.

Ria held it up. “Really? You know this doesn’t hurt me.”

Wyatt raised his eyebrows. “Who said they would all hurt? Up against the wall.”

“Yes, Sir.” Ria could barely take a full breath. She’d wanted to be flogged while standing against a wall, and had asked them once if she could be, but they hadn’t done it yet. There was something so sexy and raw about it. She couldn’t even explain what it was. She only knew that it sent her arousal to crazy heights.

Wyatt used it first, and while the falls didn’t hurt, they were forceful. Trent gave her five swats next, and then they told her to turn around, move her head to the side, and put her arms overhead. That forced soft moans from her again, and the throws across her nipples hurt a bit, but she suspected that was because she’d already taken so much on them. She thought they were going to keep her against the wall for the swats on her pussy, but instead they told her to lie on the floor.

Each man stood over her in turn, facing her feet, and swung the flogger hard against her pussy. She loved it. She whimpered and moaned, and by the time they both were done, her second climax was very close. They turned her onto her stomach and fucked her pussy from behind, right on the floor, taking turns and not being very gentle. She screamed again as the next orgasm tore through her. This was so dirty and forceful, and she couldn’t stop shaking with desire.

They seemed to go on forever, and by the time both men came, her limbs felt like jelly and her body was damp with perspiration. They didn’t come inside her, either. They came on her tender ass cheeks, and the cum made her welts burn all over again.

They helped her up and each one held her for a few seconds, stroking her hair. She asked for a bathroom and water break, and they told her to take no more than five minutes. When she emerged, Wyatt gave her the next clue. “The hall closet downstairs.”

She hoped it was another soft flogger, but this time she pulled out the leather strap. She knew this toy well, and actually liked it a lot. After the deerskin flogger and that sexy floor fucking, she was ready for this one.

Chapter Twenty-Seven


This time, they met her as she ascended the stairs, and they carried lube and condoms. Ria resisted the urge to squeal in delight, both at what they held in their hands and at the grins on their faces.

Wyatt pointed toward the risers. “Lean on the stair above you.”

Stair paddling. What a wonderful idea. Ria did as they asked, and they swatted her from two stairs down, behind her, and then took turns rubbing her asshole and swollen pussy. Wyatt slid a lubed finger into her asshole, and then Trent did the same. But they weren’t done with the strap yet. “Turn over and lean back on your elbows, legs spread.”

They alternated this time, swatting her nipples and then her pussy, and it really hurt. But by now she was in that delicious place where pain and pleasure were one. Finally. She knew now that she could handle this. Their cocks were semi-hard again when they finished, and they took turns licking her nipples, pussy and asshole, kneeling in front of her on the stairs. She hoped they were going to do this in every room in the condo, so that no matter where she was from now on, she’d remember this afternoon.

“You’re halfway done,” said Trent. “How do you feel?”

“Energized, but sore.”

“We have never been more proud of you.”

“Thank you, Sir.”

“The next toy is in my bedroom, but we’re staying down here for a while. Go and get it.”

She finally found the spanking gloves under Trent’s pillow. Chuckling, she carried them downstairs where the guys were sitting on the sofa, drinking water. Wyatt stood and patted the back. “Lean over this.” She shivered in delight as she positioned herself over the back of the sofa.

“Oh my God. With those heels on you look so fucking sexy in that position. Get your phone.”

Trent snatched his phone off the coffee table and walked behind her. “Arch your back a bit more. I want to see your wet pussy. That’s right.” She heard the click of the camera a few times, and it made her pussy even wetter. “Your ass is so red. Turn around a minute and come over here. Lie on your back and spread those legs.”

She walked to the front of the sofa and lay down as they requested.

“One leg over the back and the other on the floor. That’s it. Look how purple her pussy is.” Wyatt pointed. “Get that wetness right there. Hold your breasts in your hands and close your eyes.”

She tried to keep a serious look on her face as they took pictures, pretending she was in a porno. When they were finally done, they asked her to bend over the back of the sofa again, and then Wyatt put on the gloves. He placed one hand on her lower back, and Ria yelped when he began to spank her. He wasn’t holding back, but she loved it. When Trent took his place, she wished they weren’t stopping at five swats on each cheek because she really loved those gloves.

Her pussy was soaked when they had her lie on her back again. This time, Wyatt knelt close to her head and held her wrists together over her head while Trent gave her five hard swats on each nipple, and then five on her pussy. She was whimpering and panting by the time he finished. He took Wyatt’s place, holding her wrists as his twin had done, and then Wyatt did the same to her nipples and pussy.

Their cocks were both rock hard again, and Trent picked up the phone and took more pictures as Wyatt straddled her chest and fucked her mouth slowly, holding her head still. Trent told her to keep her legs spread, and it was all Ria could do to keep breathing. She was more aroused than she’d ever been in her entire life.

When Trent took Wyatt’s place, Wyatt took more pictures, and then they helped her sit up. Neither man had come yet, and once again she marveled at their stamina. “The next toy is in Wyatt’s bathroom.”

She had no trouble finding the wooden paddle he’d placed in the linen closet. She’d never seen it before, but recognized the Greek letters. Wyatt had been in a fraternity during his undergrad at IU, and now she recalled Rafe telling her about that years ago. Had he ever paddled a sub with this? She slapped it against her palm and winced. It was thick, and it would hurt like a bear, but she couldn’t wait to feel it.

She found them in the kitchen, and Wyatt merely pointed toward the table over which she’d draped herself for him in the early morning hours not too long ago. She did the same now, and dug her nails into her palms as he delivered five hard swats in quick succession. Trent did the same, and then they told her to stand against the wall.

They didn’t swat her nipples very hard, for which she was grateful, but it was enough to make her moan as the pain mixed with pleasure sensation coursed through her body once again. They lifted her up and placed her on the kitchen counter then told her to lie on her back and spread her legs again.

One took more pictures as the other gave her five hard swats on her pussy, and that really hurt, but at the same time it brought her so close to a third orgasm that she was panting by the time they finished. They each pulled a stool over and began to lick her pussy, her clit, and her asshole. They took pictures of each other doing that as well, and when Ria’s third climax washed over her, they took pictures of her face as she came. She didn’t care. Let them. This was more exciting and fun than every fantasy she’d ever had, and every experience she’d had with both men to date, all rolled up into one.

When she could breathe again, they gave her another water and bathroom break, and then told her the next toy was in the upstairs hall closet, and to meet them in Trent’s room. She found the thick, leather flogger they’d used on her before. They’d lit candles in Trent’s room as well, and this time they positioned her over pillows on the bed.

The throws from this flogger were usually more like a deep tissue massage than anything, but because her ass cheeks were so tender and puffy, it hurt. But she still hadn’t reached the point where she felt she could no longer go on, and there were only two more toys left. The realization that she was actually going to get through this filled her with such delight. Had any of the other subs ever gone through something like this? Would it be considered gossip to ask them?

Ria bit back her giggles as she lay over the pillows with her back arched so that her boobs were up the air, and spread her legs like the guys asked her to. She’d been flogged on her nipples and pussy with this flogger before, but again, because both areas were already quite sore, it hurt. When they were done with the thirty strikes, they took turns fucking her in the mouth again while she lay on her back, and once more they took pictures of each other doing it. They stopped short of coming again, and she couldn’t help but admire their stamina.

“Two more,” said Wyatt. “How are you holding up?”

“I love this, Sir.”
And I love you, too
Both of you
. The words were right there, and it would be so easy, but she tamped down the urge to shout them. Wyatt stared at her for a long time, and she had the uncomfortable feeling he could read her mind, but of course that was ridiculous. She was simply exhausted but also giddy from the rush of endorphins, so her mind was playing tricks on her. Finally, he told her that the next toy was under the sofa.

She pulled out the long-handled, thick spatula that Trent used to make them French toast on certain mornings, and laughed as she carried it upstairs. It would probably sting, but she also thought it very creative. They had her up against the wall again, and she’d been right. It did sting. A lot.

She floated to that place where pain and pleasure were one, and when the thirty swats were done, they simply took turns kissing her this time, while the other one felt her up from behind, until both men has teased her into a frenzy. Damn sadists. They were enjoying this more than anything the three had done together before this afternoon. She’d bet a month’s pay on it.

The last toy was a whisk broom they’d hidden under Trent’s bed, and they put her over their knees for this one. It stung, but by now her ass cheeks were practically numb and she simply gritted her teeth and counted. They didn’t hit her hard at all across the nipples or pussy, and she suspected they must both be damned tired by now.

But they proved her wrong when they kissed her like they’d simply devour her mouth, taking turns. They took turns fucking her pussy, slowly and gently, and then they lubed up her asshole, put on condoms, and took turns fucking her anus until she came again, crying from the overwhelming joy she felt.

It seemed to go on forever, and when they took off their condoms and turned her onto her back, they once more took turns fucking her pussy until each of them came inside her. They took turns holding her, stroking her hair and face, and whispering again and again how proud they were of her. It took every ounce of self-control that Ria had not to tell them that she loved them. She wanted to so badly, especially now, but she was afraid of their reaction, because she didn’t know what it would be.

She knew she was being a coward, but she couldn’t help it. She drifted off to sleep still thinking about it, and swore she heard one of them whisper something, but then it was gone like the wisp of dream that you can’t quite grasp once you’re fully awake.


* * * *


Saturday morning, Trent made them French toast with the same spatula the guys had used on her the previous afternoon, and she asked them what their new plan was for her.

“Well,” said Trent, “do you think you’ve learned your lesson about gossiping, or do we need to keep the no-gossip rule going for a while yet?”

Ria grinned. “I’m not sure, Sir. May I have a day or two to think about that one?”

Wyatt gave her a look of incredulity. “You mean to tell me you didn’t get enough yesterday?”

She laughed. “Oh, I did, Sir. Believe me. But you did mention other plans.”

“Yes, we did, but I don’t think you’ll be eavesdropping or hiding in alleys again, either.”

“No, I won’t.” She sipped her coffee as the mention of hiding in alleys reminded her of Gerry’s death, and the conversation she’d tried to have with Luke afterwards about college. If she didn’t ask this now, she’d just put if off again and again. She glanced at each of them in turn. “What would you two think about my earning a degree?”

“In what?” asked Wyatt.

“I don’t really know.”

“Harrison and Chad said you’d make a good cop,” said Trent. “I don’t think they were kidding.”

“That’s nice of them, but I don’t see myself as one. I do love the detective work, though. Figuring things out and putting together pieces of a puzzle.”

“You’re good with details,” said Wyatt. “Why don’t you talk to Kari and Alexa? Or Gina and Annalise? I’m sure they could help you figure something out.”

“I will. Thank you, Sir. So, you two wouldn’t mind?”

“Of course not. I think it’s a wonderful idea.”

“So do I,” said Trent. “And we’ll help you in any way we can.”

Ria didn’t stop smiling for the rest of the weekend.


* * * *


Ria spent the next week walking a bit more gingerly than usual, and she avoided sitting for long periods, but she also didn’t gossip. Not even once. She swore the guys treated her more tenderly, and more than once she caught one of them giving her long, searching looks. She longed to say the words but was still afraid. And the worst part was that there was no one to talk to about it. She didn’t want to sound like a fool if she asked one of the other subs, and she knew that Peppi would just laugh at her and tell her to just say it to them already.

BOOK: Awakening Her Racy Passion [Racy Nights 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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