Awakened from Ice: 1 (Werewolf Sentinels) (8 page)

Read Awakened from Ice: 1 (Werewolf Sentinels) Online

Authors: Marisa Chenery

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Awakened from Ice: 1 (Werewolf Sentinels)
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“I can hear your heart racing,” Edensaw said as he lifted his gaze to hers. “What has you so nervous?”

Cassidy licked her suddenly dry lips. She could do this. She had to. Edensaw was leaving it up to her to tell him when she was ready to fully be his. And she already knew him well enough to know he wouldn’t do anything to take that choice away from her.

“It’s nothing bad,” she reassured him. “It’s…just…” She forced herself to keep her gaze on his as she rushed through the next part. “I’m ready to have you claim me.”

Edensaw’s eyes took on a muted glow. “What did you say?”

Cassidy swallowed. “I’m falling for you, Edensaw. I want to be your mate, to be bonded to you as mates should.”

He had her held tight in his arms and his mouth hungrily devouring hers almost before she’d gotten the last word out. Low growls rumbled out of his chest as he lifted her and put her on the bed. Cassidy clung to Edensaw, her arousal flooding her body, causing her nipples to grow taut and her pussy to ache to be filled. This time she’d have all of him.

Edensaw stripped her of her shirt and bra. He returned to her lips, pushing his tongue between them to taste her thoroughly. One of his hands came up and palmed her breast, plucking the nipple. Cassidy moaned into his mouth. The ache deep inside her pussy intensified as wetness pooled. She squirmed beneath him as he lay half on and half off her. She wanted rid of their clothes so they could be skin to skin.

Cassidy sucked on Edensaw’s tongue and trailed her fingers down between them until she reached the top of his jeans. She put her hand under his shirt and caressed the skin above the waistband of his pants before she worked on undoing them.

Once she had it unbuttoned and the zipper down, she parted the material and reached inside to grasp Edensaw’s cock. It throbbed in her palm and was fully erect. He let out another low growl as she pumped her hand up and down its full length. Her juices leaked into her panties.

Edensaw broke their kiss and stared down at Cassidy. His eyes were at half-mast and continued to glow. She ran her gaze over his handsome features. With his looks, any woman would want him to be on top while he took her so she could watch the pleasure he felt chase across his face as he thrust his cock deep inside her.

He tugged her hand away before he yanked off his shirt and shucked his pants. The underwear he wore soon ended up on the floor. Cassidy ran her gaze over his hard, naked body. She’d just about explored every inch of it with her lips and tongue over the past week. She knew all the spots where a simple caress could drive Edensaw crazy with desire.

With nimble fingers, Edensaw undid Cassidy’s jeans and stripped them off her. He dragged a finger between her legs and stroked her pussy through her panties. He moaned.

“You’re already so wet for me,” he said in a strained voice. “And by how strong the scent of your arousal is, I know you’re more than ready for me.” He met her gaze. “I don’t think I can wait much longer. Every time I gave you pleasure, it only increased my need for you.”

Cassidy reached up and cupped the side of Edensaw’s face. “Make me yours. There’s no need to hold back any longer.”

Another rush of pleasure surged through her as he bent his head and sucked a nipple into his mouth while he worked on removing her panties. Once he had them free of her, he tossed them aside before he trailed a finger down her stomach to her pussy. He dipped it into her wetness, then circled it around her clit. Cassidy gasped, arching her hips.

Edensaw released her nipple and shifted so his hips were wedged between her thighs. Cassidy reached up and held on to his biceps as the head of his cock nudged her slick opening. She lifted her legs, angling herself better to take him. He took shallow thrusts, entering deeper and deeper with each one, until he was balls-deep. His thick cock stretched her and his length completely filled her. Her inner walls twitched around him.

He pulled back, then pushed inside once again. They both groaned. Edensaw supported his upper body on his hands as he stroked in and out. Cassidy’s body coiled tighter with each pump of his hips. She looked up at him, seeing the pleasure he experienced etched in his features. Their gazes met and locked.

Not sure how much longer she’d last before she came, Cassidy felt something she’d never had happen to her while she made love to a man. The only way she could describe it was as if some part of her reached out for Edensaw. It brushed up against an intangible part of him.

She gasped. “Do you feel that?”

He nodded. “It’s your soul reaching for mine. When they join the mating bond will form and we will be mated,” he said with a moan that was close to a growl.

Cassidy lifted her hips to meet each of his strokes as the new sensation built, and as Edensaw had said it would, ended with that part of her joining with that part of him. When it happened, she was instantly thrown into an intense orgasm. Her pussy squeezed and released Edensaw’s cock over and over again, milking him into his own climax. He let loose with a howl Cassidy was sure the men in the other room would be able to hear even without their sensitive werewolf hearing. But she didn’t care.

Edensaw collapsed on top of her, still hard and buried deep inside her, and gave her a tender kiss. He didn’t let her rest for long, though. Their meeting of lips turned hot and heavy once again. Edensaw pumped his cock in and out of her, building up her arousal until she lifted her bottom to meet each of his strokes.

He pulled out of her and urged her onto her hands and knees. Edensaw ran his hand down her back to her hip. “I want to take you as a wolf would take his mate.”

Shifting so he was kneeling behind her, he leaned over, covering her back with his chest, and brushed her hair away from her neck. Edensaw gently nipped her there before he bit her where her shoulder and neck met, but not hard enough to hurt. As he did so, he thrust back into her pussy, seating himself fully.

He straightened and held on to her hips with both hands. Edensaw increased the pace he set, taking her in forceful strokes that had the head of his cock butting up against her cervix. Cassidy pushed back, matching it, another climax inching ever closer.

Edensaw’s cock grew even harder. He reached around her to rub her clit and pumped his hips faster. Cassidy fisted her hands in the sheets. The pleasure he gave her swamped her body, finally pushing her over the edge. She let out a whimpered moan as her orgasm tore through her. It was just as intense as the first one had been. Edensaw slid home, then held her to him as his cock pulsed deep inside her, filling her with his cum.

After it was over he still remained hard, but this time he let her rest. He took them both to their sides with her back pressed up against his chest and wrapped his arm around her. Cassidy fought to catch her breath. With the mating bond in place, all the feelings she had for Edensaw had become stronger. Where before she’d been on the precipice of full-blown love, when hers and Edensaw’s souls joined, it gave her a great big shove over it. It also gave her the courage to tell him how she felt.

Turning her head so she looked at him over her shoulder, Cassidy reached up and put her hand on the back of Edensaw’s head. She brought his mouth to hers and kissed him with the love she had for him.

She pulled away and stared into his eyes. “I love you, Edensaw. The best thing that ever happened to me was finding you in that ice cave. I found the only man who will own my heart.”

Chapter Eight


Edensaw rolled her onto her back as he propped himself on his bent arm so he could stare down at her. He brushed a lock of blonde hair off her forehead, then brushed his lips against hers. She was his now. His mate, who would always be at his side, who he could love and protect.

“I think I fell in love with you as soon as I opened my eyes from my long sleep,” he said. “You’ve made me a happy man, accepting me as your mate. All the long years we’ll have together, I will make sure you never regret this decision.”

Cassidy reached up and tucked his long hair behind his ear. “I know you will. As for you turning me, I still need a little time before I can say yes to that.”

He captured her hand and pressed a kiss onto the center of her palm. “We can wait until you’re ready. With the mating urge no longer riding me, there is no hurry. We are bonded now so I no longer have to worry you will turn me away.”

She smiled. “No, I’d never do that. Plus, I don’t think we need to go through the separation anxiety at this stage.” Cassidy glanced down at his still-hard cock. “And I think we’ll be spending a lot of time in our bedroom once we get moved into the new house.”

“What would you say if I want to keep you in bed all day tomorrow?”

“I’d say I wish we could, but with the others just in the next room, I don’t think it would be a good idea. Now that I know how acute a werewolf’s hearing can be, I don’t think we need them listening to everything we do in here. Besides, I still have to finish packing for the move next week.”

“Then I’m glad we will have a bigger house to live in, though my wolf brothers, I’m sure, really aren’t paying much attention to what they hear coming from this room. But I’ll do what you ask. It’s my job to make my mate happy in all things.”

Cassidy smiled. “I like the sound of that. And I like hearing you call me your mate.”

Edensaw kissed the tip of her nose. “I would give my life for yours, Cassidy. If we lived in the time of my old life, I would go hunting every day and bring the kills I made back to you to show you I’m a good provider.”

She made a face. “I appreciate the sentiment behind that, but I’m glad we don’t live in that time. I don’t think I’d have the stomach to butcher whatever dead animal you’d bring me.”

He chuckled. “Then I guess I won’t have you clean my kills when Brice takes me and the others out hunting in our wolf forms.”

Cassidy shuddered. “No, you can clean them yourself. I don’t mind handling the cut up pieces of meat but that’s it. And don’t expect me to go wolf and join you on any hunts when I decide I want to be turned. That is so gross.”

Edensaw laughed and settled on the mattress with his arm across her stomach. “You can stay at home.”

With his newly claimed mate tucked up against his side, Edensaw was content just to lie there and hold Cassidy. The bond now in place between them, he realized how much the mating urge had made its presence known inside him. The clawing need to make her his was gone, but that didn’t mean he wanted her any less. Far from it. He’d let Cassidy rest a bit, then he’d make love to her for the rest of the night and show her just how long he could keep an erection for her.

* * * * *


The remaining days until the move flew by for Cassidy. She hadn’t known how much stuff she’d accumulated over the few years living in her apartment until she had to put it all in boxes. It also forced her to donate to charity some of the items she really didn’t want to take with her.

So far, becoming Edensaw’s mate hadn’t really changed Cassidy’s life, mostly because they made sure they were never apart. Whereas before she’d dropped the men off at Brice’s and then returned to the apartment to get some work done, she now stayed with them and brought her laptop along. Brice had internet and hadn’t minded that she used it while there.

She also made use of her time with Marta to learn what it was like being a female werewolf. Of course Brice’s mate had no experience as a mortal since she’d never been one. So she really didn’t have much advice when it came to Cassidy going through a turn. But Marta did say if it had been Brice who offered immortality, she would have had no second thoughts about accepting. She wouldn’t want to give up any of the years she’d have with him.

Now it was moving day and Cassidy followed in her crossover behind the ten-foot truck she’d rented. Brice drove the truck with Ketah riding shotgun. Cassidy had Edensaw and the others in her car. This was their first load, and they would only need one more before everything would be out of the apartment. Having seven werewolves—who were stronger and faster than a mortal male—as movers had made the loading go faster than she’d thought it would.

They pulled into the drive of their new place, and Cassidy couldn’t stop from smiling. The house itself was a two-story with six bedrooms on five acres of land, a lot of it wooded. It would be perfect for a werewolf in wolf form to go for a little run without being spotted by any nearby neighbors.

Cassidy had picked up the keys from the lawyer’s officer a little earlier. When they’d decided to put the offer in on the house, the men had agreed it would be better if the property was put in Cassidy’s name. She had no problem with that, even though she’d never think of it as just being hers. She’d known becoming Edensaw’s mate meant she’d be taking on his wolf brothers as well, basically giving her an instant large family. Being their own small pack, and how they lived before their long sleep, the men would never want to live separately.

After Cassidy unlocked the front door, all the men grabbed items out of the moving truck and brought them inside. She directed them where each one should go. That was also when Marta showed up. Cassidy watched her give Brice a kiss that said she’d more than missed him. He held his mate close and kissed her as if it hadn’t been a mere two hours since he’d last seen her. Cassidy figured both of them might have begun to feel some of the separation anxiety mated couples went through. Marta and Brice had been together for over fifty years so they’d reached the stage where they could handle short periods of time apart.

Once the couple’s kiss ended, Marta joined Cassidy. “How goes the move so far?” the other woman asked.

“Good. We should have the rest of the boxes and furniture brought here with the next load. The house is still going to seem pretty empty, though. At least Durlach, Capac, Ketah, Wachei and Kajakti will have actual beds to sleep in tomorrow night. The mattresses and box springs we bought will be delivered sometime that afternoon.”

“I’m sure they won’t mind one more night of sleeping on their fur pallets since they’ve never slept on a real bed before.”

Cassidy chuckled. “That’s true, though they had started to fight over who would get my couch to sleep on. Edensaw figures once the others have the beds, the fur pallets will never be put in use again. He says he prefers our mattress over them and doubts he’d get a good sleep if he had to resort to using the furs once more.”

“I’m sure that has a lot to do with the fact you’re in the bed with him,” Marta said with a wink. “I can remember what it was like when Brice and I were first mated. We were lucky if we could keep our hands off each other. All I could think about was when I could get him into bed again.”

Cassidy shook her head with a laugh. “It’s the same with Edensaw and me. The only reason why we haven’t spent an entire day doing nothing but making love is because the others were in the next room.”

“Yeah, I could see that putting a damper on it. At least you don’t have to worry about it now that everyone will have their own room. The guys must think they’ve moved into a mansion, considering the hide and bone structures they lived in during the ice age.”

“When we first looked at the house, they weren’t too sure whether they would like having their own rooms to sleep in alone, but I think they are not minding it so much now. Especially after I told them they’d want it to share with their own mates when they found them.”

Marta chuckled and shook her head. “I still can’t believe how well they’ve adjusted to the modern day. At times, you’d never know they were once ice age hunters. The only thing that gives them away is when they don’t understand some slang or encounter something new they haven’t seen before.”

“If the shaman hadn’t given them the ability to ‘listen’ to the world around them as they slept, I’m sure each of them would still be in freak-out mode.”

“Very true. You don’t mind if I tag along when you get the last load? I felt a little antsy back at home being apart from Brice.”

“Of course you can. I figured you must have felt some of the separation anxiety.”

“Only a little so you didn’t have to witness Brice and I going at it like bunnies.”

Cassidy laughed. “Are you telling me you wouldn’t have been able to wait until you were alone if it had been any worse?”

“It would be a close call. Once a mated pair has been separated for a real long time, all they can think about is having sex the instant they see each other again. There’s no controlling it.”

“Okay,” Cassidy said. “I definitely have to make sure Edensaw and I don’t have to go through that. I’ve never wanted to be in a live porno.”

Marta laughed. “I hear you.”

* * * * *


The rest of the move went smoothly. Brice and Marta stayed to have pizza with them. Lindsey came over to eat as well. Once they left, Cassidy worked on getting some of the things unpacked. Since hers was the only bed, it didn’t take too long to have her and Edensaw’s bedroom set up as well.

After Cassidy had finished putting the sheets on the mattress, Edensaw herded the others out of the room. “Out you go,” he said. “Cassidy and I now have to christen the room.”

When Edensaw had the door shut and locked after the others had been shoved out into the hallway, Cassidy laughed. “Where did you hear about christening a room?”

He closed the distance between them. “Brice. He said all mated couples did it. And that we should christen it as soon as we had the room set up.”

Cassidy shook her head. She was going to have to have a little chat with the pack leader over this one. He had to have known full well Edensaw would take his words literally.

“Brice was stretching the truth about having to do it right away,” she said. “It’s not as if something bad will happen if we don’t.”

Edensaw shrugged. “I don’t mind.”

He picked her up, then tossed her onto the center of the bed. Cassidy let out a little shout of surprise. Edensaw climbed up next to her and gathered her into his arms. He took her lips in a heated kiss and settled on top of her. She sucked in a sharp breath when she felt his erection butt up against her pussy through their clothes.

Soon she pushed at Edensaw’s shoulder until he rolled onto his back, taking her with him. She sat up straight on him and smiled. “I think I’m going to take control of this christening.”

He returned her smile and lifted his hands to palm her breasts through her shirt. “And what do you plan to do, my mate?”

“Have my wicked way with you, of course.”

After brushing his hands aside, Cassidy lifted her t-shirt and pulled it off over her head. She reached behind her and undid the clasp on her bra and removed that as well. She took hold of the hem of Edensaw’s shirt, and with some of his help, stripped it from him. Cassidy skimmed her hands over his well-defined chest and washboard abs. She’d never get enough of caressing his bronzed skin.

Leaning over him, she made a line of kisses down the center of Edensaw’s chest. She stopped and licked each of his flat nipples, which had him taking a quick indrawn breath. Cassidy shifted lower on his body and reached for the button on his jeans to undo it. She then slowly pulled down the zipper.

She yanked on the waistband until she had the pants past Edensaw’s hips. It didn’t take her long to have them the rest of the way off and thrown to the floor. Turning back to him, she saw his erection tented the front of his underwear. She removed those as well so her mate was gloriously naked.

Edensaw watched her with mutedly glowing eyes as she straddled his legs once more. Cassidy ran her hands in caressing strokes down his stomach to his cock. That, she took into a firm grip and pumped up and down. She loved the feel of him in her hand. She continued to stroke his shaft until a bead of pre-cum appeared on the slit.

Cassidy kept her gaze locked on to Edensaw’s as she lowered her head and used the tip of her tongue to lick the bit of moisture on the tip of his cock. A deep, low moan punched out of him. A strained look played across his face as he lifted his hips, pushing his shaft tighter into her grip.

She closed her eyes and opened her mouth to take Edensaw inside. Cassidy sucked on his cock, her head bobbing as she took him in and out. Her panties grew wet, her arousal increasing while she pleasured him. She wanted to take Edensaw deep into her body, but she wanted to make him come first.

Cassidy sucked on him harder, stroking the part of his shaft that was still in her grip. Edensaw groaned with a hint of a wolf’s growl. He lifted his hips, matching her strokes, fucking her mouth. His cock grew even harder. A hand landed on the back of her head, fingers plunging into her hair.

“Cassidy,” Edensaw panted. “I’m so close. Don’t stop.”

She had no intention of stopping now. Cassidy took him in and out faster, increasing the suction even more. Edensaw’s fingers tightened in her hair as he let loose with a quiet howl. His cock pulsed as he came, giving her all that he had.

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