Awakened (Eternal Guardians Book 8) (27 page)

BOOK: Awakened (Eternal Guardians Book 8)
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“Open your legs,

She dropped her knees open, and he drew in the heady scent of her arousal. Moving between her legs, he groaned as he looked down at her swollen flesh. His gaze lifted, skimming her gorgeously naked body up to her beautiful face, illuminated in ribbons of moonlight.

She’s mine. Only mine. Always…

Emotions closed his throat. Made his cock swell so hard. Parting her sex with his fingers, he lowered his head and licked. She moaned. Lifted her hips. The sound turned his blood to fire. He dragged the flat of his tongue down to her opening, pressed in, out, in again. Fucking her with his tongue the way he wanted to fuck her with his cock. She groaned again and let go of his hair, dropping her hands to the sand as she lifted her hips higher and rocked against his face. Trailing his tongue back up her silky center, Damon found her clit and flicked it back and forth before finally drawing it between his lips and suckling.

“Oh my gods.” Elysia tossed her head from side to side on the sand and pressed against his mouth. “Oh gods, yes…”

Her orgasm was rising. But he didn’t want her to go over without him. Pulling his mouth from her dripping sex, he pushed to his knees and grasped her hips to flip her over.

She grunted and caught herself on her hands and knees. Jerking the ruined dress free, he threw it into the darkness, then grabbed her hips again and pulled her back into his groin. She groaned and rocked her ass back into him. With one hand, he trailed his fingers through her dripping arousal. With the other, he yanked his pants open and freed his aching cock.


He fisted his cock and pressed forward, sliding the tip through her silky wetness. “Is this where you want me to fuck you? Right here?” He drew back. Stroked himself and brushed the head over her clit until she shivered. “Say yes. Say yes, and I’ll give you what you want.”

She moaned and pushed back. The head passed over her opening, and a tremor racked her luscious body. He pressed inside, just until it stretched her, then pulled back again.

She dropped her forehead and groaned.

“Say it. Tell me to fuck you, and I’ll give you what you want.”

“Oh my gods…” She gasped and lifted her head, arching her back ever so slightly in the process, revealing more of herself to him. “What are you doing?”

He did it again, stroking himself there until she trembled. “Tormenting you. And me.”

She dropped her head once more and groaned, her breaths shallow and fast as he slid a fraction of an inch in and back out again, then down to circle her sensitive spot. “Tell me
to fuck you, and I will. Tell me you want me. Tell me, and I’ll give you everything. All of me.”

“Oh gods…” Her body quaked. “Yes. Yes. Give it to me. Fuck me, Damon. Fuck me so hard…”

Oh yessss...
Shifting his hips forward, he slammed inside her in one deep thrust.

She cried out when he hit bottom, groaned as he slid back and almost free, then shoved deep once more. A shudder rushed down his spine, and he did it again, her slick channel gripping him so tightly, closing like a hot velvet fist around his slippery cock every time he thrust in, out, in, out…

“Damon…” She spread her legs wider. Dropped to her forearms on the sand, arching her back so he could drive in one more reaching inch. His hand slid down between her legs to find her clit, and he flicked in time to his thrusts, wanting to feel her climax around his cock, wanting her to send him over the edge into sheer, mindless oblivion with her.

Sweat beaded his forehead. Tingles rushed down his spine. He needed to get her off before he lost it. Needed to take her with him. Bracing one hand on the sand near her head, he leaned over her sexy spine. Plunging deep with long, hard, slow strokes, he struck her G-spot again and again. She squeezed tight around him, sending electrical charges all through his body. His balls drew up tight. His cock pulsed and twitched inside her. At her ear, he whispered, “Elysia. My Elysia. Only mine. Say you’re only mine.”

“Oh…” She pushed back against him. Curled her hands into fists in the sand.

“Say you’re mine.” He flicked faster with his finger. Her pussy grew wetter, tighter, slicker, hotter…

He drove deeper and pinched her clit hard, and when she rocked into him, when she dropped her head back against his shoulder and groaned at the mix of pleasure and pain, he knew she was his. “I’m yours. I’m yours, Damon. Oh gods… I’m yours. Don’t stop… Don’t ever stop…”

That’s what I want. Come for me.

Damon grunted as he thrust into her and let go. The orgasm raced down his spine, exploding through his balls. The moment his cock swelled and his seed erupted inside her, she shattered, contracting around him in a release that sent him spinning through a sea of erotic pleasure that sucked him under and seemed to have no end.

Long minutes later—or maybe it was hours, he had no sense of time—Damon blinked and realized he was lying against Elysia’s back, pressing her into the sand. Groaning, he pulled free of her sensual body and flopped onto his back as the last dregs of the most incredible orgasm he’d ever felt flittered through his veins.

Elysia grunted beside him and rolled to her back. Waves lapped against the sand near their feet, and high above, some kind of bird cawed.

“You decimated my dress.”

Damon dragged his eyes open and stared up at the twinkling stars, still trying to catch his breath. “I hated that dress.”

She shifted her head on the sand and looked up at him. “I thought you sent that dress. I wouldn’t have worn it if I’d thought it had come from anyone else.”

He looked over her beautiful face. Shards of moonlight highlighted the gentle slope of her nose, her high cheekbones and plump lips. And as he stared at her, everything that had just happened—that he’d done—came back in a rush of memories.

.” He covered his face with his arm in abject mortification. “I’m a complete dick.”

She laughed and rolled toward him, plastering her naked body to his side in the sand. “Maybe not a complete dick. But close. Good thing I like your dick. Oh my gods, that was good.”

He lowered his arm and looked at her, amazed she could laugh and flirt and be so happy after the things he’d done. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry I assumed the worst. I’m sorry for what I did to you in the sand. I’m—”

“Look at me.” She climbed over him and braced her hands on each side of his face. “I’m not sorry. I’ve spent the last four days thinking you didn’t want me anymore. This, us, here like this… This just proved you do want me.”

His heart squeezed tight. “I always want you. That’s the problem. I can’t stop wanting you.”

Her sweet little brow wrinkled. “Then I fail to see the problem.”

He sighed. “It’s a problem because I don’t understand it. Because it’s never been like this for me. Because…” He searched for words but came up empty. “Because I can’t control it.”

“Neither can I,” she whispered. “But I don’t consider that a bad thing, Damon. Right now, after what you just did to me, I consider that good. Very, very good.”

Emotions closed his throat, and he wrapped his arms around her slim waist, pulling her down to his mouth for a kiss that started with their lips and traveled through every cell in his body.

His cock thickened against her thigh. He wanted her again, but he didn’t want her to think this was just about sex. Because it wasn’t. What she did to him, the way she overwhelmed him, the things she made him feel, it was way more than sex. It was deeper. Stronger. A connection that was only intensifying with every passing hour.

Breathless, she rested her forehead against his and just held him. “Don’t pull away from me, Damon.”

“I won’t.” He trailed his fingers up the pearls of her spine. “I won’t again, I promise. Unless you wear that dress. I lost it when I saw you in that thing.”

She chuckled. “I think you’re safe there. You shredded it. My only choice now is to walk around naked.”

No way anyone else was seeing what belonged to him. “You can wear my shirt.”

She smiled. “Staking your claim?”

He closed his eyes and drew in a deep whiff of her honeysuckle scent. “Absolutely.”

They held each other long moments in the sand. Finally, she said, “You know…we might want to think about getting up. You flashed us to Pandora. It’s night. Anything could come along and spot us.”

Any kinds of monsters, she meant.

Reluctantly, Damon let go so she could climb off him. Pulling off his T-shirt, he handed it to her, then tugged up his pants and buttoned them.

She pushed to her feet and fluffed her hair out of the collar of his T-shirt. The black cotton fell to her thighs, looking more like a dress on her than a shirt. “It’s getting late. We really should start getting back.”

Damon dusted sand off his legs as he rose. “We’re not going back to Olympus.”


He reached for her hand. “They’re trying to take you away from me. I can’t let that happen. You’re mine. No other trainer is touching you.”

She frowned up at him in the moonlight. “And you didn’t think to discuss this with me first?”

“There’s nothing to discuss.”

She tipped her head and lifted her brow.

Something in his chest pinched, almost a stab of pain telling him he’d fucked up…again. Which he
didn’t understand. “Fine. Yes, I should have discussed it with you. But we can’t go back now. Petros has probably already told Athena what I did. She’s looking for an excuse to separate us. You heard him say I was going down. I’d rather live one day on the run with you than a lifetime without you. You’re

He was being a total barbarian and completely possessive, but he didn’t care. She was his, and he’d do anything to keep her with him.

Her eyes softened. “You are entirely sweet and adorable when you’re in domineering warrior mode, but there are limits. Next time, talk to me before you go all nutty on me.”

He breathed easier. “Yes,

Sighing, she crossed her arms over her chest and glanced around the dark beach. “So what’s your plan? To stay here? We’re less safe here than we were on Olympus. There are a thousand different predators on this island.”

He pulled her toward him and slid his hand down her slim back. “I’ve seen you with a bow and arrow. I think we’re pretty safe. Plus, I’m not bad with a sword.”

She snorted and rested her hands on his biceps. “Did you happen to bring any of those weapons? Because I didn’t.”

“We’ll come up with something. There are a lot of ruins on this island. More than just Athena’s temple.”

She leaned into him, resting her head against his chest in a way that didn’t just warm his heart, it filled his soul with light. “It’s too bad you can’t open a portal anywhere else besides Olympus.”

Yeah, no shit. That would make their lives way too easy.

“Oh my gods, I can.” She pushed out of his arms and looked up with wide eyes.

“You can what?”

“I can open a portal.”

“You can? To where?”

“To Ar—I mean, the human realm.”

His gaze narrowed. “How?”

“On sacred ground. Everyone from my race can open a portal from sacred ground. And lucky us, we have that right here on this island.”

At Athena’s temple. “If it’s that easy, why didn’t you open a portal so we could escape those harpies the other night?”

“Because I just remembered it now. Blame the Sirens for wiping my memories.” She gripped his forearms. “Damon, we can really be free.”

Escape… From Olympus, from the gods, from Zeus and Athena and Aphrodite and everyone who used him for their own gain.

Hope pulsed inside Damon. A hope he’d never let himself dream of before. A hope he felt thanks to the female beside him.

Warmth filled his chest as he looked down at her in the moonlight. So much warmth and heat and life, whatever pressure he’d felt before disappeared and was replaced with nothing but joy.

Twigs snapped in the forest to his right, and his adrenaline shot up as he looked in that direction. He squeezed Elysia’s hand. “Only if we make it to Athena’s temple unseen.”

“We’ll make it,” she whispered, stepping back on the sand and pulling him with her. “You’ll see. We’ll make it together.”

Freedom sounded pretty damn good to him. He just prayed they stayed free wherever they went from here.

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