Awaken Me (The Jaded Series Book 4) (53 page)

Read Awaken Me (The Jaded Series Book 4) Online

Authors: Alex Grayson

Tags: #Miscarriage, #Alpha, #Romance suspense, #Love, #Second chances, #Grieve, #Romance, #Ugly cry, #Suicide attempt, #Grief

BOOK: Awaken Me (The Jaded Series Book 4)
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I think back to the dream I had all those years ago of me and Anna watching the little girl on the tire swing, while a distraught Chris looked on. Anna told me the little girl could be my future if I wasn’t too late. After that dream, I assumed the little girl was the baby Chris carried and lost. I was too late to have that future, just as Anna warned me. It wasn’t until after Chris had Grace that I realized I was wrong. As sad as it is, the baby Chris lost was a tool to help me realize what I wanted. Chris and a future with her. I’ll always mourn our unborn child, but she still had a purpose, and she fulfilled it by bringing me and Chris together. The little girl on the swing wasn’t the baby we lost. She was Grace, and Anna gave her to us.

I pull Chris closer to me and kiss the side of her neck. Her vanilla and sugar scent surrounds me, and I breathe it in deep.

Grace continues to giggle as she swings higher and higher. A patch of clouds open up and sunlight shines down on her, illuminating her dark brown hair. I turn Chris in my arms and look into her green eyes. She gazes up at me with the same expression she always uses to look at me; love and adoration.

“I love you, Sugar.” I speak the words I’ll never be able to say enough. And she replies with words I’ll never hear enough.

“I love you, Nick. Forever.”

I bend and kiss the soft lips of the woman I’m lucky enough to call my own, knowing that no matter what, I’ll always cherish her and everything she’s ever given me.



Wow! This is it! This is the end of The Jaded Series! (Maybe) I can’t believe it’s over. There is absolutely no way to express my gratitude to every single person that has been with me during this amazing journey. I started this endeavor never in a million years thinking I would actually follow through, but I’m so very glad I did!

First, I have to thank my husband, daughter, and son. They are the ones that are affected the most by my writing. While they are very understanding and have never complained, I still feel terrible for all the times I’ve neglected them. Thank you so very much for letting me do what I love to do: write.

Next, I want to thank three wonderful ladies. These three have been with me from the beginning (save one, who I connected with right after my first release) and have helped, encouraged, given support or advice, and boosted my spirit when the stress of writing wanted to pull me under. Hope, Kim (who is also my amazing cover designer), and Allison. Without you ladies, I really don’t know if I would have continued on. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! Love you!

I’d also like to thank my outstanding PA Karie Deegan. I’ve known you for almost a year, but you’ve only been my PA for three months. I can’t tell you how grateful I am that you started assisting me! You’ve made my life so much easier! Thank you so very much for all that you do for me!

Next up is JC Santo and Jillian Anselmi. Thank you, ladies, for letting me rant to you. You yourselves are authors and know the struggles we face. You both are amazing, and I’m so very glad to have you among my close friends!

My Jaded Angels are next! Y’all have no clue how important you all are to me! When I post new teasers or excerpts for y’all to see, the responses I get truly make my day. There are times I smile so big my cheeks literally hurt. You all really do brighten my day. Thank you for all the support and encouragement!

Olivia at Hot Tree Editing. Although I cringe and nearly cry at some of your suggestions, I know you have only the best interest for my books. And I want to thank you for giving my babies the help they need to be as perfect as they can be. I may want to scream sometimes, but there are times I feel so proud and smile big when I see your praises at something I’ve written. Thank you for all your hard work!

Bloggers! You guys are absolutely amazing! If it wasn’t for y’all, indie authors would be nothing! It’s your pimps, recommendations, and posts that get our books out there. Thank you a thousand times over!

And last, but certainly not least, my readers. I have no words to say that will even come close to how grateful I am that you took a chance on me and my books. It’s still very hard to believe that y’all like them! LOL! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

There are so many more people I could thank, that if I were to even try, it would be longer than the book you just read. Please know that anyone who has been there for me in whatever fashion, it has not been overlooked. Thank you so very much!


Other books in the Jaded Series

Shatter Me
(Book One)

Universal link:

Reclaim Me
(Book Two)

Universal link:

Unveil Me
(Book Three)

Universal link:



A Note from the Author

I just wanted to give y’all a heads-up on what’s to come in the future! Up next, I will be part of two anthologies, both due out mid-to-late this year. After that, I will be co-writing with my wonderful friend AM Wilson. It’ll be another dark and twisted romance. I’m not entirely sure when that will be out though. I will also be working on a brand new series! This one will feature a small group of friends that have sexual addictions. It’ll be more on the erotica side and sure to be HOT! Make sure you keep an eye out for updates! See you next time!


About the Author

Alex Grayson is originally from the south, but has recently moved to Northern Ohio. Although she misses the warmth of Florida and often detests the cold of Ohio, she absolutely loves living in the north. She and her husband bought a house on two acres of land and live there with their daughter, son, one dog, two cats, and eight ducks, and four chickens. She hopes to eventually get a couple of goats to add to their country way of living. Besides her family and home, her next best passion is reading. She is often found with her nose obsessively stuck in a book, much to the frustration of her husband and kids. On more than one occasion, Alex found herself wanting a book to go a certain way, but it didn’t. With these thoughts in mind, she decided to start writing stories according to her own visions. Although this is a new endeavor for her, she hopes that readers find her concepts on romance intriguing and captivating. Alex welcomes and encourages feedback, of any kind. She can be contacted at [email protected].



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