Awaken (Divine Hunter Series) (31 page)

BOOK: Awaken (Divine Hunter Series)
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She was walking along the landing as quietly as she could so as not to disturb anyone when she saw Alethia stepping out of Jaret’s room up ahead. She contemplated ducking out of the way, but before she could move Alethia looked up and saw her.

Lacy smiled awkwardly as the deity walked towards her.
“It’s not what you think. I just gave him something he needed that’s all.”

Lacy felt a little uncomfortable, and really it wasn’t her business, but knew they were about to discuss it anyway. Alethia might as well join her. “I was just going to look for cocoa.”

“Sounds good.”

When they were both sat at the
kitchen table with a hot cup of chocolate each and some cookies that Alethia had found, Alethia looked at Lacy, her face was serious. “Look, I don’t know if you’ve realized, but Jaret isn’t human either.”

Lacy hadn’t, but wondered why she felt so surprised. Alethia didn’t look any different to any other humans either and she was getting used to running into otherworldly beings.

“He’s a Cambion.” She looked at Lacy as if she was supposed to know what that was. After obviously noticing that Lacy hadn’t a clue what she was talking about, Alethia began to explain. “A Cambion is a hybrid. Jaret is the offspring of a human and an Incubus.”

Oh. So,
at least her list of
creatures I’ve met this week
was getting longer. “Wow. Incubus huh? I’ve read about those. Of course, I thought they were just a silly myth then. So they really feed on. . . ?”

Alethia’s brows raised a little. “Yes. But Jaret is only part Incubus so his need isn’t as great as a full breed. He only
to have sex once or twice a month.

“Oh,” was all Lacy could reply for a moment. “Was that why you. . . ” she tilted her head to the side and Alethia copied the gesture waiting for her to finish her sentence. She didn’t.

“Yes. I asked him for a favor, a big one, so it was the least I could do. He’s going to need to be at full strength for what he’ll be doing shortly, so it’s best to make sure. And unless you were going to offer. . . ”

Lacy winced at that. Alethia laughed. “It was just sex. It meant nothing, to him or to me.”

Even though it was a strange situation, Lacy kind of understood. “What is it? The favor you’ve asked of him.”

Alethia took a sip from her mug and placed it down on the table in front of
her. “Because of what Jaret is—his father being full Incubus—he can enter Hell, however, and whenever, he pleases. No one bats an eyelid down there as long as he doesn’t cause any trouble. His father still resides down there somewhere and Jaret’s been trying to find him since he was old enough to transport himself there. He once told me how he hated it though. He tried to explain, thankfully without too much detail, how gruesome it is. How some of the macabre things that go on down there would disturb even the strongest of minds. It took some convincing, but he agreed to go and look for Michael and Evo in exchange for something.”

Lacy felt a whisper of hope rise from her stomach into her chest. They’d gone from no chance of warning Michael and Evo about using the ring to there being an actual half demon willing to help them. There was still a worry that either of them could have already used it by now, but she hoped and prayed that wasn’t the case. She noticed Alethia looking a little perturbed and remembered that there was to be an exchange for Jaret’s help.

“What is it that he wants in return, Alethia?”

The goddess rolled her eyes. “He wants to call on me once a month.”

“Oh. I see. I’m sorry.”

Alethia straightened her shoulders. “Don’t be. It could have been worse. I burnt down his house remember. I think I’ve gotten off lightly. Besides, in no way was sex anything to do with our breakup,” she smirked. “He was always very good at that.”

Lacy laughed. She got the feeling that Alethia would be using him once a month just as much as he would be using her. “I bet Evo won’t be too happy about the two of you.”

Alethia frowned. “What’s it got to do with him?”

“Well, didn’t you two spend some. . .
together last night?”

The deity’s amber eyes widened. “Yes. He came to my hotel
room, but we didn’t do

“Oh. I thought that−”

“You think I’d sleep with that womanizing jerk? Lacy, I do have some morals. I may have just had sex with Jaret, but it’s not like we haven’t done it before. He
my husband after all. And it was for a good cause. But Evo. . . ”

Lacy felt
terrible, but to be fair, it wasn’t exactly her fault. He’d made it seem that way. “I’m sorry it’s just that. . . Evo made out that he
the ring from you.”

Alethia nearly choked in her cocoa before pulling the mug away from her mouth. “Oh please. He may think he’s
good in bed, but let me tell you. . . anyone who says they are, usually aren’t. Self praise is no recommendation. No, Evo didn’t seduce the ring from me, he damn well stole it. He must have drugged me or spelled me or something, though I’ve no idea how. I’m a goddess for God’s sake.” She let out a soft laugh. “I was warned about him, but didn’t really take it seriously. That guy knows everything about everything. I’ll never underestimate him again, that’s for sure. You wait till I see him. . . ” The humor disappeared from her face the moment she’d said those words. She looked over the table at Lacy. “Jaret will find them. I’m sure of it.”

Lacy didn
’t speak through fear of breaking down. They had to. And Jaret was the only chance they had.

After an hour
chatting about nothing in particular, Lacy realized how much fun Alethia was. This was the first time she’d spoken to her casually and her sense of humor surprised Lacy. She’d been very serious since Lacy had met her, which was understandable given the circumstances. She’d appeared as old as her years−however many that was−but now she seemed a lot younger, more relaxed and playful.

They both looked at each other as they heard the thud of
bare footsteps coming down the hall.

Talk of the demon. . . ” Alethia whispered and gave a little wink.

he kitchen door opened and in walked Jaret scrubbing his hand through his dark brown hair until it was a scruffy mess nested on top of his head but it didn’t make him any less good looking. He had nothing but pajama bottoms on, hanging low on his hips and Lacy struggled to look away from his bare torso. He was all muscle. Defined in a way only fitness models were. Alethia caught her staring and her face pulled into a teasing smile. Lacy lowered her eyes; feeling a little embarrassed she began to curl the corner of the black, woven place mat that was laid out in front of her. Well, how could she not look? She appreciated beauty just like any other woman.
Stop right now.
She ordered herself.

She sensed him walk right past them.
“No point in me tryin’a get any shut eye with you pair is there?” His voice was a little husky.

Alethia answered.
“Don’t be grumpy. It’s not like you need it.”

When Lacy brought her eyes back
up, she stifled a gasp. Jaret was standing over by the coffee machine facing away from them and a huge tattoo covered his entire back. It was a colorless masterpiece. Like something Michelangelo himself would have produced. She saw Alethia had noticed her awe and she twisted herself around to look at him. “Ah, yes. Jaret likes to show off his art. It’s his pride and joy.”

He twisted his head around to the pair of them staring at him.

Lacy was just admiring your ink.”

Who is that?” Lacy asked of the large female figure dressed in a short toga with armor over her shoulders and knees. She was jumping in the air with a long spear in her hand and was poised as if ready to plunge it straight into the strange looking creature that was cowering on the ground below her. It looked like some kind of battle scene. There were dark thunderous clouds in the background which made the whole thing look eerie somehow. It was beautifully chaotic.

Jaret didn
’t answer. He just shrugged his shoulder, which suggested he wasn’t really interested.

Jaret’s mother was human. She was attacked by a demon that became obsessed with her and eventually raped her after possessing the body of someone she trusted; a man who was her friend and colleague from work. Anyway, long story short, after having Jaret, she spent a lot of her time in and out of psychiatric hospitals because she was never able to deal with what happened. Jaret fought for her. He tried to help her as best he could, but in the end she killed herself.”

’s hand pressed over her heart as she gasped a little. “I’m so sorry.”

Jaret walked over to the table with his coffee and sat down next to Alethia. He pushed her arm and rolled his eyes at her.
“You tryin’a depress the poor girl?” He turned to Lacy. “It was a long time ago. Anyway, she’s in a better place than she ever was down ‘ere.”

Alethia continued as Jaret sipped his coffee.
“The female on his back is his mother depicted as an angel, a warrior of the Creator about to kill the demon that raped her.”

One day it will be me.” Jaret said with narrowed eyes. He looked like he was imagining that day. He blinked and then looked at Lacy.

So, what is it that your fella’s arfter down there?” he asked.

Her fella? She wasn
’t sure that he was
. Lacy didn’t correct him. “Apparently he and Lucifer have a mutual enemy.”

“Why would he be so stupid to
even try and talk with that evil barstard? Clearly dying the first time wasn’t enough for ‘im, eh?”

y winced at that. Alethia slapped his arm.

Well. . . it’s true,” he continued. “Lucifer don’t just
. He’s not someone who takes appointments. He tortures first, talks arfter.”

Lacy lowered her gaze
. “Yes. I would imagine that’s true,” she said quietly. That’s exactly why she didn’t want Michael to go.

Then you’ll know what ‘im and ‘is friend’ll be up against when ‘e get’s there then.”

Jaret. She doesn’t need reminding. None of us do.” Alethia’s dark brows drew tight. “All we need to know from you is what you intend to do to help them. Because you’re going to help them, aren’t you?” Not a question by the sound of her gritted teeth. “Or you’re going to pay me back for our little rumble in the worst way I can think of.”

Jaret laughed.
“Oh, Alethia. . . Yer know ‘ow sexy I find yer when yer threaten me.”

The goddess huffed.

Babe, yer know I’m only messin’ wiv yer.” He put a serious face on “All I can do is go daan there an’ look for ‘em. . . arsk around. But ya know ‘ow received my presence is when I visit that place. Not well.”

Alethia nodded her head and looked at Lacy.
“Because he’s a half breed. He’s considered an enemy by most,” she explained.

Jaret smiled.
“I’ve never caused any trouble, so most just ignore me.”

Why would you go there at all?” Lacy couldn’t help asking. If it was such a horrible place, why would anyone choose to go there? Michael didn’t exactly choose. He felt he had no other option. But Jaret. . . surely he wouldn’t choose to go there at all. Especially as it was one of Hell’s demons that hurt his mother.

Debt collecting mostly. I’ve won a few decent ‘ands in poker an’ those barstard demon’s don’t like payin’ up. And I hope one day I’ll find my father daan there.” He sank the rest of his coffee and got up from the table, grabbing the other two mugs and walking to the sink.

Lacy mouthed
to Alethia with a questioning glance. Alethia shrugged and rolled her eyes, “don’t ask” written all over her face.

Jaret placed
the mugs in the basin and began to walk towards the door. “I’m gonna grab a shower then I’ll be off.”






t was quiet. . . Way too quiet.

“I don’t li
ke this at all,” Michael said as he walked alongside his friend through the dense woodland they now found themselves in. “If we’re going to get out of here it needs to be soon.”

He’d noticed the screams and bellows that had filled the air around them had died down to almost nothing. It had left him with a feeling of unease that was growing with every second they were left alone. Why hadn’t anyone come for them since his fight with the guards? Surely Varesh would be even more pissed now. Surely he wasn’t about to let them leave?

They entered a small clearing

“Here’s as good a place as any
, I guess,” Evo said as he began to remove his duster. He placed it on the ground next to him and retrieved what he needed from the pockets. He looked up and his raised eyebrows told Michael what was about to come out of his mouth.

“So, a shifter eh?” He had an annoying grin on his face; the one that he always wore when he was about to make a smart-ass comment. Why Michael had even mentioned that he
’d dated that bitch back there he didn’t know−would have been better if he’d just kept his mouth shut.

retrieved his knife from his ankle strap and continued. “Well, I think it’s pretty cool that you dated a shifter.”

“I told you I didn’t know she was a shifter at the time”

“Shame.” Evo still hadn’t wiped that look off his face and Michael wanted to slap it. “Just think how cool that would’ve been. I mean, if you got bored she could just shift to look like someone else. You could have had a different woman every night.”

Michael wondered how long it would take. “Like you’d need to date a shifter. You do that anyway.”

“True. But with a shifter you could’ve had her change into anyone you wanted. Like that Megan Fox chick.” He shook his head. “Damn. Why have I never dated one?”

Michael didn’t even respond. It was just like Evo to make good out of a bad situation. It didn’t surprise him at all that he would be happy dating a shifter even though they were demons. He knew his buddy didn’t really have a preference when it came to getting laid.

“We need to hurry. What do I have to do?” Michael knew it was only a matter of time before they were spotted. He didn’t trust the place at all.

We have to cut the shit out,” Evo replied as he held out his arm, preparing to slice his own flesh again. He put the wand between his teeth and placed the knife onto the healing flesh of the slice he’d made before. He began to open the wound again, biting down hard on the wand to stifle his grunts of pain. Veins popped out from his neck as he began to remove the lumpy mixture from his arm. After pausing to catch his breath for a second, he took the wand out and seemed to brace himself for the next part. He wiped at his seeping wound and lit the end of the wand with his lighter, before blowing out the flame so that it was just glowing at the end. He inhaled a deep breath and began to cauterize his wound like he had the last time. When he was done, he wiped the sweat from his brow and turned to Michael. “Your turn.”

After they were done, Evo had
just begun to chant the strange words he’d spoken to get them there, when a piercing screech tore through the air.

They paused to look at each other.

Whatever it was was close.

Another. . . This time from a different direction. The demons were circling them.

“Shit!” Evo grabbed his coat and quickly put it back on. He shoved the torn shroud and all the rest of the ritual stuff back into his pockets, keeping hold of his knife and holding it out in front of him.

! Screech!

Both men turned so they were back to back, listening to the echoes of demonic cries that were now surrounding them. Michael knew Varesh was never going to let them leave and they were about to face something much bigger than they had before. His spine began to tingle as awareness pricked his senses, bringing his gaze to the thick trees in front of him. He saw shadows moving, lots of them.

What appeared from the black forest sent a bolt of dread soaring through the pits of his stomach.

Black skinned demons, the color of ash, now surrounded the area. Their long bodies curled over−hands with long curling fingers dragged along the floor; their faces were distorted baring sharp, jagged teeth and pointed ears. There were hundreds of them all snarling like rabid dogs ready to pounce.

So that’s what Varesh meant by “his soldiers”. The bastard was building an army.

“Evo. We can’t fight these. There’s too many of them.”

“You don’t say.”

Before another word could be said the demons charged.

Evo handed his knife to Michael over his shoulder. “Take this.”

Michael paused. “What about you?”

Evo wiggled his finger within eyeshot. “I have this remember.”

The ring.

Michael grabbed the knife and faced the onslaught that was now almost upon them.

This was it. He’d guessed there would be a big price to pay for what he’d done in front of Varesh. The demon was never going to deal with being over-thrown by him.

All that was left was to fight, but he feared for his friend.

He threw his arm out and held his only weap
on in front of him, hoping that it would at least do some damage before he was outnumbered.

He didn’t get
a chance to try.

Out of nowhere a
hooded figure jumped in front of him. He held his hand out and white hot sparks flew out from his palm while he turned slowly, taking out the whole of the first wave of demons, all of them flying backwards from the force of whatever it was the stranger had thrown at them. They lay on the ground motionless.

Evo spun around, his eyes wide with a similar look of what-the-fuck? as what Michael had. “How did. . . What. . . Who the
are you?” he managed.

The hooded figure faced them with a wicked smirk. “I’m the bloke who’s about to save your arses,” he said in a strange British accent. “Now, can we save the introductions for somewhere a bit safer?”

The stranger began to run. “Come on then!” he called back.

They had no other choice but to follow.
Unfortunately, so did those horrific sounds that the demons made.

Michael threw a look over his shoulder. Shit! That blast hadn’t killed them and they were now getting pretty close. “They’re gaining on us.”

Evo was lagging slightly behind. “Hey! Guy with the hood. . . Can’t you fire some of that sparkly shit at them again?” he panted.

“No. That was all I ‘ad” the guy shouted back. “Fack!” He halted suddenly and Michael nearly
plowed him down.

“Oh shit!”

More demons up ahead.

The three men stood back to back wa
tching the approaching army that had now slowed−taunting them.

Evo began to chant words from a strange language behind Michael, but his voice sounded like it was getting quieter all of a sudden. When Michael turned his
head, he saw his friend walking towards the demons, holding out his arm, fist tightly clenched, aimed at the group of demonic predators.

Uh, you need to stop ‘im from doin’ that. Now!” The disquiet in the stranger’s voice was enough to concern Michael.

“Why? That ring he’s got may be our only way out of this.”

The hooded man’s next words came out in a rush. “Because Alethia said if either one of yer use that ring it’ll reverse itself on yer. Now I suggest yer stop ‘im.”

Oh no!

He turned and ra
n towards his friend. “STOP! Evo. . . Don’t use the ring.”

It’s okay, Mike. . . Something’s happening. I think it’s. . . ”


Michael had no way of stopping what happened next. Time seemed to slow, noises faded to distant echoes and as he watched what was happening to his friend, he froze. A bright orange light grew out from the ring and began to form a dome around Evo who had started to shake violently. Michael reached out, but an invisible force pushed him backwards.

He noticed that every single one of the demons
was crouched down; cowering away from whatever it was that had surrounded Evo.

“NOOOO!” Michael cried as he hit the ground. The light grew brighter and Evo’s body began to glow. It was so bright it hurt Michael to look at him, but he did for as long as he could until he was forced to close his eyes momentarily as everything went intensely white. Then it was gone.

And so was Evo.

He saw the ring hit the floor right at the spot where Evo had been standing and he ran to it. His knees hit the floor and he gripped the ring tightly in his fist.

Those deathly screeches started up again. The demons were ready for another fight and they were about to get one.

“Um, we need to move
, mate.”

He heard the voice beside him but ignored it and crouched over. Rage was boiling up inside of him, filling his whole body with a heat that vibrated right through to his marrow. He lifted his head and through his
eyes, everything looked brighter: the crimson sky, the black forest that surrounded them and when he looked down at himself, his hands, which were now curled into tight fists, began to tremble.

He saw the demons advancing from in front of where he was now on his knees and knew the ones behind him would be doing the same. He twisted his head to look at the stranger who had now removed his hood and was anxiously waiting for some kind of response from Michael. “Get down!” he
ordered, but whether the man listened or not was of no concern to him right now. He hunched his shoulders over, feeling the vibrations coursing through him. His head felt as though it would burst and with a final intake of breath, he lifted his head, held his hands out in front of him, opened his mouth and roared.

Through his
ears, he heard a deep rumble.

Through his eyes he could see a shield of energy, like a shockwave, rolling outwards from his body. As it hit the demons their bodies burst into flames and disintegrated, every last one of them.

When they were all gone, the shield returned to him as if he was breathing it back inside his body.


Only the sound of Michael’s heavy breathing could be heard. His energy waned and he fell forwards onto his hands. He saw a movement from the corner of his eye and his head snapped towards it. The stranger pulled himself up from the ground, eyes wide open and scanning the clearing in disbelief. Then he fixed his astonished stare at Michael.

“What the fack are you? How did you just do that?” The stranger was on his feet
now, looking around frantically like he couldn’t believe his own eyes. “I’ve only ever been speechless once before in my life and that was when me mum told me I was the offspring of a fackin’ demon, but. . . ” He swallowed hard and shook his head slowly.

Michael couldn’t seem to move for a moment. He closed his eyes tightly.


He shot up and charged toward the stranger, grabbing him by his collar.
“Alethia? Tell me what she said,” he growled, tightening his grip.

“Time to go,” was all the
dark-haired man managed to choke out before he held onto Michael’s arms and their surroundings began to shift into a swirling sea of black and crimson.

“What are you doing?” Michael yelled, still keeping a firm hold on the guy.

No answer.

Michael’s hands shifted around the guy’s throat and he squeezed. “Whatever you’re doing stop!”

The ground fell away, or they’d left the ground, he wasn’t sure but as his anger returned and the gray haze that had formed around them began to dissipate, he realized where they were and it was no longer in Hell. He was still hanging on to the stranger’s throat when he saw the walls of Lacy’s living room appear.

“Take. Me. Back!” He didn’t
recognize his own voice it was so thick with rage. “Take me back there. . . NOW!” He had to save Evo.

The man choked as he tried to speak. His hands locked on Michael’s w
rists as he tried to prize him off his throat.

“Michael!” a female voice cried out from somewhere else in the
room, but he was too intent on getting that fucker to take him back to Hell to take any notice.

“Michael please! Let go,” the female said. Then
he felt small hands wrap around his left arm. “It’s me, Lacy. Let go of him, please.”

His head snapped towards her and when he saw her face−her beautiful, concerned face−he
realized what he was doing and released his grip on the man whose eyes were now a little bloodshot.

Michael heard coughing and spluttering and saw Alethia run to the stranger’s aid.

He threw his arms around Lacy.

“Oh, thank God you’re back,” she said into his chest.

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