Avenging Us (Rocker Series Book 3) (9 page)

BOOK: Avenging Us (Rocker Series Book 3)
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“A famous quote I’ll never forget. ‘
Hell is to drift. Heaven is to steer
.’” He reached up, squeezing her arm. “Steer your way happy, babe.”

She chewed her cheek before responding. “I’m fucking blown away. Where is that badass, deviant rocker I knew?”

“He’s still here…just maturing a bit. About time, no?” he said, reaching across my belly with his hand.

“Yes, and I’m going to be a happy auntie. But, all this Zen shit you’re laying on me is fuckin’ with my head.”

“Good! A good head-fucking does a person good. I came…I conquered…and now I’ll leave you to it.” He smacked a wet, juicy kiss on my lips and walked over to Ender and Jake.

And we watched.

By six o’clock, our lavish July Fourth party was in full swing with over two hundred guests mingling and nibbling on Michael’s exquisite hors d’oeuvres. Two enormous charcoal grills continued to provide traditional Fourth staples: burgers, hot-dogs, ribs, chicken, corn, and shish-kabobs. Some people danced by the edge of the pool to hip-hop songs while others socialized, sitting on padded lounge chairs or in private cabanas. The bars still had a short line of people for liquored drinks; cocktails and expensive wine were tray served. Abel and I spent most of the day so far making our rounds, stopping as people called out to him and wanted to talk.

Cindy and Chance stood at an appropriate distance, listening to the discussions and watching Jake, Ender, and Jessie. I couldn’t help but laugh to myself. My feet were begging for some relief and my curiosity pleaded to be satisfied. Abel was very polite, introducing me to everyone I didn’t know and including me in his conversations. However, most of the people I didn’t know were the music executives and it was business. He was his charming and amicable self, with his dry sarcastic sense of humor, and they laughed along with him. After all, he was a rock star and lined their silk pockets. Women licked their lips and flipped their hair as they passed, and men looked at him like they wanted to physically trade places with him.

We were finally able to walk away and have some alone time. I sat on one of the many outdoor couches, and Abel went to get us some food to eat. I was starving and getting crankier by the minute. My dress seemed tighter…or did I gain another five pounds today? I didn’t know, but I was uncomfortable and my social drive came to a crawl. My main focus was what Abel was piling on my plate. He’d turn and point. I’d give him thumbs up or down. A pretty girl, slightly taller than average with a curvy figure, large brown eyes, and full red lips got in the line behind him. Her wavy black hair and dark skin revealed her Latin culture. I saw the other boys talking to her earlier. Whoever she was, I already decided I didn’t like her. She chatted Abel up, touching the bare skin of his forearm in between giggling.
Fucking fan-girls…I swear to god I’ll cut a bitch

They continued their conversation as he made his way over to me. I kept the mocking smile on my face, but my claws were ready. He handed me my plate and sat next to me. She had the nerve to pull up a chair. She sat across from us and made a show of crossing her legs. Abel reached over and squeezed my leg. I elbowed him—discreetly.

“So, you’re the famous Gia,” she said, popping a piece of grilled chicken in her mouth. I glanced at her plate, and then mine. My plate piled high with pasta, meat, and a chocolate frosted cupcake.

I wanted to growl and slap her. But didn’t…yet. “I am.”

Abel was already two bites into his cheeseburger.

“And you’re already pregnant.” Her tone fell flat as she glanced down at my stomach and bit into a raw carrot.

I placed my plate on the seat behind me before answering. “So the doctors tell me. And I’m also engaged. You know, since you’re taking inventory.” I held up my finger and gave my best

Her dark penciled brow raised and she smiled. She turned her attention back to Abel. “Ha! What a treat
is. I can see why you fell for her. She’s beautiful and has spirit.”

I looked to Abel, and he smiled, delighted by her comments. Confused as to what in the fuck was going on, I left my plate behind me until I had an explanation as to who she was.

Ender, Jake, and Jessie walked over, Woody stumbling behind them. “Sis, you made it.” Ender pulled her out of her seat, greeting her with a hug and kiss on both cheeks. Ender had a sister? I met his cousin, but no one ever said he had a sister. Well, this certainly put a different spin on things. However, there was something. Something I couldn’t put my finger on and it’s not my hormones or paranoia.

“Of course. You think I’d miss this party?” she replied quickly.

Jake released Jessie’s hand, taking the Latina into his arms. “Giselle, it’s been too long. Why didn’t you call? Where are you staying?” I listened to their exchange with piqued curiosity. Looks like there’s a possible story there. Ender took Jessie under his arm protectively, and that exchange wasn’t lost on Giselle. Jake extended his hand to Jessie, and she took it. “This is Jessie.”

“Hi, nice to meet you.” Jessie extended her hand and blushed lightly.

Giselle eyed Ender and then Jake, but accepted her hand happily. “Likewise.”

I grabbed my phone and discreetly posted a text to the gossiping group chat. ‘
Did you guys know Ender had a sister?’

My phone pinged right away. However, the broody caveman took it from me. “Eat your food, Beauty. You were starved not even ten minutes ago.” His voice was firm and almost scolding. He handed me my plate and I grabbed my fork, taking a bite of pasta. He leaned in, his lips touching my ear. “We’ll talk later,” he added and I nodded.
Oh, we sure would,
I grumbled under my breath.

Chewing my food in silence, I listened as they caught up with Giselle. I looked for Woody, wondering what got him sidetracked from this big reunion. He stood with a hand in his pocket, holding a beer, and staring at the bar. I followed his line of vision to where Chance and Cindy chatted. Cindy wore a tight white pair of capris with a salmon off the shoulder top and nude pumps. Her curves on full display, and Woody couldn’t help himself but stare. I couldn’t blame him. I elbowed Abel, pointing toward the two. Woody in a drunkin’ daze swayed, but his eyes never left Cindy. When Cindy finally acknowledged him, she gave him the finger. He returned her insult with a grab of his junk and a hearty laugh.

“They’re making progress, I see.” The sarcasm dripped from Abel’s voice. He laughed out loud, obviously amused by Woody’s response. That earned him another elbow to his stomach.

Woody, made his way over to our group, and I noticed his fly was opened.
Good god, he was a
mess and it was still early.
Talk about walking contradictions. He wore plaid shorts and a shirt that read
multiple orgasm donor
. But hey, they were rock and roll. They weren’t judged by their style or trends. They were judged by their level of hotness, tattoos, wicked skill, and sculpted bodies. I’m sure his T-shirt would end up being sold on some online groupie site. Their fans followed blindly.

“Fecking brilliant…there’s my molly.” Woody slurred, hugging Giselle roughly. She giggled and returned his embrace with gusto.

“Love the do you’re rocking, Wood,” she replied, running her fingers through his colored Mohawk.

“Aye, all the betties love it,” he answered and polished off the rest of his beer.

Cindy and Chance now skirted near our group, but didn’t come any closer. I handed my plate to the waiter, figuring now would be a good time to freshen up and fill in my crew. Abel helped me up and I excused myself. However, I could feel Giselle’s gaze turn as I walked by.

After freshening up, I filled Cindy in on Giselle. Chance hadn’t uttered a word and chose to talk about the fireworks that were coming up. I needed information, but I didn’t know what. Cindy put on a good act that Woody’s presence didn’t bother her, but I knew her better than that. Unfortunately, she wasn’t budging on the topic, though. Even after mentioning Giselle, knowing that would at least evoke something from her, yet she remained stoned and straight-faced. I wanted Chance to elaborate on Jake and Ender, and what he knew about the Jessie girl…or any girl for that matter, but even he seemed preoccupied by everything going on around us. No—preoccupied wasn’t the right word. Neither he nor Cindy gave a shit about the festivities…they were keeping their lips sealed for a reason. And no matter how much poking or prodding, or asking any question I could come up with, they both remained silent and evasive.

Whatever. Fuck them then.

A few minutes before ten, Abel made an announcement to move to the edge of the property for an unobstructed view of the firework show. Some guests moved their chair to watch comfortably while others chose to stand, and some didn’t give a fuck at all, continuing their conversations where they were.

With excitement, we all watched the numerous sets of fireworks as they whizzed, sputtered, and burst into cascades of light and lit up the skyline of Los Angeles. I sat on Abel’s lap with Cindy and Chance to my left. On my right was Ender, Jake, and Jessie. The staff handed out flutes of champagne, and I took in the gorgeous view before me. With every burst, the fireworks exploded into arrays of colorful streams. The stars sparkled against an almost dark sky, and I thought about where I was this time last year. That thought brought me to thinking about where we would be in another year…the baby would be almost a year old, and I pictured Abel holding his child tightly in his arms. It’s funny what a year could bring. How many changes could happen—some anticipated while others weren’t. I chewed on my thoughts for a bit.

The booms and explosions continued through the night while some of the guys spoke about the different kinds of fireworks they shot off as kids. I didn’t have any brothers, and didn’t realize what pyromaniacs boys could be until Mr. Gunner started telling childhood stories of Abel. He had an unhealthy obsession with fireworks and school bathrooms. People laughed and added their own stories. However, to my surprise, I experienced an explosion of emotion, like water bursting free from a dam. It was overwhelming, sweeping over me with its intensity. I had no idea why my brain chose that moment to consume itself with my mother, but it did. Maybe, it was the fact I was going to be a mother?
Fuck, you’re an emotional wreck.

I shifted against Abel’s chest, needing to breathe in his spicy scent. His virile smell stirred up all sorts of sensations. My thoughts blurred, and all thoughts of my mother vanished along with the fear of my failure as a mother.

The party was winding down with some of the guests shouting their goodbyes. Abel’s parents kissed and thanked us for a lovely day. I promised they were on the list of phone calls to make as soon as I went into labor. I got up, needing to stretch and saw Cindy at the bar, chatting with the young bartender while Woody stood only a few feet away looking on. Where was Chance? I searched the sea of people and spotted his face through the sliding doors in the kitchen. He was helping Michael put away some of the leftovers. I continued my sweeping visual journey until my focus landed on Ender, Jake, and Jessie, who disappeared into one of the private cabanas. My breath caught in my chest.

“Are you going to deny that you’re turned on, my beauty?” His hands around my waist, and pulled my back against his chest. “Your pulse is racing, my love.” He tsked. Why was I ashamed to admit it? Because I’m pregnant and embarrassed he caught me in a lie? Would he be furious with me? It was a bit of everything. The trifecta. I did feel like a pervert and yet the woman in me was curious…even turned on.
Fuck it
. I was sexual, sensual, and expressive, and I liked to explore. Hell, look who I was marrying. Why lie?

I nodded and turned to face him, catching the desire in his eyes. I reached up on the balls of my feet and kissed him. He kissed me back and heat exploded between us. He wound his hand through my thick hair and gripped the back of my neck, pulling me against him. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and ran my hand through his hair. Our kiss grew until he pulled back, and smiled.

“Do you trust me Gia?” His voice felt like silk over my skin.

“You know I do,” I replied, half annoyed because it was a stupid question.

“Do you trust me to give you what you need?” His voice held command. This was my Dom asking. Which meant this wasn’t a question but instead, a lesson…an experience he wanted to share.

He regarded my posture for a moment and then explained as only Abel could. “The only one that would breach your walls is me. I would never invite anyone into our life…into our bed. Because I love you too much to share. If there are clear boundaries, there will be no anxieties to demand of you what you are not ready to give—true intimacy. Not the physical kind, but the emotional kind. Nothing will be hidden between us ever.” He stroked my cheek with the back of his hand and waited for an indication I would follow him.

I nodded.

“In this place, if we have unhindered trust, nothing can destroy us—ever.”

“Trust…always,” I answered through a shaky voice.

He nodded and kissed the ring he put on my finger. He spoke no words, but led me to the private cabana.

BOOK: Avenging Us (Rocker Series Book 3)
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