Avenger of Rome (29 page)

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Authors: Douglas Jackson

Tags: #Fiction, #Historical

BOOK: Avenger of Rome
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Corbulo leaned over the sand table and Valerius had an image of a great eagle sweeping over the landscape and taking in everything below. At last, he raised his head and the grey eyes surveyed the men in the room as if he was seeking out some buried fear or weakness.

‘Tigranocerta.’ He pointed to a banner on the edge of the hills at the eastern end of the plain. ‘Three days’ march away, the strongest fortress in the kingdom and the key to southern Armenia. I believe King Vologases must take it if he is to advance on Artaxata with any prospect of success. The governor is a client of Rome’s ally, King Tiridates, and he has sent word that while he cannot help us, neither will he hinder our passage. By now, Vologases’ scouts will have informed him of our strength, our progress and our line of march. Given the disparity in our forces, he will expect us to march directly for Tigranocerta either to bolster its defences or to bring him to battle outside its walls where we will have the support,’ he gave a thin smile, ‘for what it is worth, of our Armenian allies. Either event will give him pause, but neither will stop him. If we fight from within Tigranocerta, he will be confident that he can bottle us up and starve us out. In open battle, he outnumbers us three to one and if we give him the opportunity he will destroy
, winning eternal fame as the man who defeated Gnaeus Domitius Corbulo. I will not let that happen.’ The final six words were rapped out with the unrelenting certainty of an executioner’s axe.

‘The main Parthian army is here.’ He pointed to a group of flags positioned beyond the hills to the south of the plain and grouped by the side of a snaking line that must be the Tigris. ‘They will follow the traditional invasion route along the river, which provides them with a guaranteed source of water for men and horses.’ He frowned as his finger traced the winding route through the mountains. ‘His is a mobile army, but they cannot travel faster than their supplies. The route is narrow. It will take time. More important, it will give us time. Gentlemen, I mean to meet Vologases and I mean to stop him. Here, north of Cepha.’

Every eye homed in on the pointing finger. The Tigris wound its way through the mountains and eventually entered a broad, steep-sided valley. So narrow it was barely visible, a second valley cut northwards through the hills which were the last natural barrier between the Parthians and Tigranocerta, creating an avenue to the plain. Valerius pictured it in his mind. The valley was a dagger in the heart of Corbulo’s plans. Through here, Vologases’ mighty army would stream in their regiments and their divisions to deploy on the flatlands ready for the final march on the fortress. But …

‘We cannot afford to meet him in the open. Crassus made that mistake when he faced Surenas at Carrhae and the Parthians destroyed his army one piece at a time. When Paetus campaigned here not five years ago, Tiridates served him the same way. A hundred archers, charging to fire, then retreating before our own could reply. A thousand minor engagements, each one causing more casualties, more confusion and more uncertainty. No, it will not be that way.’ He picked up the banner representing his army and placed it at the north end of the valley. ‘We will draw Vologases deep into the valley and there we will hold him, like a stopper in the mouth of a wineskin.’

‘With respect, general … ?’ Corbulo nodded to Traianus to continue. ‘How are we to do that with less than two legions and a few auxiliaries? The King of Kings is no fool. Is it not possible you are leading us into
trap of our own making? You are inviting the Parthians to do to us what they did to Crassus. Attack and retreat. Kill and kill again with impunity. Their archers will bleed us dry and when at last we are forced to withdraw, their armoured heavy cavalry will cut us to pieces on the open plain. Surely it is better to fight beneath the walls of Tigranocerta where we at least have a line of retreat?’

Corbulo smiled, but it was a smile that contained a warning. Traianus, who had served with his commander in the Armenian campaigns of three years earlier, saw the look and seemed to shrink inside his uniform.

‘Brave words, Traianus, and prudent ones. It is a fortunate commander who has officers willing to risk all if they believe he is wrong.’ Corbulo allowed his words to hang in the air until the tension was almost unbearable. ‘But I do not believe I am wrong. Vologases is indeed no fool, but, like every Parthian ruler before him, he leads an army not of regiments but of war bands, each with its own warlord, and each with its own strengths … and weaknesses. Not all of those leaders are as enthusiastic about this enterprise as the King of Kings. They have been forced to strip their lands bare before the final harvest is in, and now their women must do the work of men and slaves. They believe the eyes of Rome are fixed upon Judaea and they have a free hand here. He has convinced them that they will meet little opposition and the Armenians will welcome them. The last thing they expect is to meet a Roman army. Unless he achieves a quick victory and the plunder he has promised them they will soon pine for the warmth of their own hearths. Time is my enemy’s enemy, Traianus. If we can stop them and hurt them, Vologases will retreat back to Ctesiphon, Tiridates will return to his throne and Armenia will be a Roman province for generations to come.’ The pale, intractable eyes fixed the other man. ‘Put your faith in me, Traianus.’

Traianus hesitated, studying the sand table in front of him and frowning over the narrow cleft as if he was seeing the army’s doom. Eventually, he looked up. ‘Very well, we can stop them. But how do we hurt them badly enough to force Vologases to retire?’

Valerius had been as intent on the sand map as the Tenth’s
and it was only gradually that he realized that every eye in the room was now fixed on him. He raised his head and found himself meeting Corbulo’s implacable gaze.

‘That will be the mission of my loyal commander of cavalry, Gaius Valerius Verrens.’


general well enough by now to recognize the moment of drama on which the whole performance hinged. Corbulo had drawn them in. Played on their fears. Now he was about to reveal his genius. But that genius depended on the fighting powers of Valerius Verrens and his cavalry and Valerius wondered how he was expected to live up to his commander’s hopes.

While Corbulo had outlined his strategy to Traianus, Valerius had been concentrating on the map, trying to understand how his cavalry would fit into the general’s battle plans. No matter how hard he looked, he could not see it. He could visualize the valley, a mere slice in a ridge of sand on the map table, but in reality perhaps a mile wide, with steep, weathered sides. If he guessed correctly Corbulo would anchor the flanks of his army against the valley walls using his auxiliaries and line his heavy infantry three cohorts deep in the centre, where they would face Vologases’ elite mounted archers and spearmen. The valley would contain the attacking potential of both armies within a narrow front which would reduce the mobility of the Parthian cavalry and favour Corbulo’s defensive strategy. But Traianus was right: it would still allow the enemy to use their archers to inflict a steady stream of casualties on the Romans. It would be a battle of attrition. And in a battle of attrition the side with the greater
would always win. Vologases wouldn’t just give up and turn back. Romans would stand, and they would die, and eventually the Parthian king must have his victory.

And while they were dying, the ten thousand auxiliary cavalry which Gnaeus Domitius Corbulo had insisted were his greatest strength against the Parthian horse would be stranded useless behind the Roman line.

It was the strategy of madness.

Until Corbulo revealed his master stroke.

Valerius listened to the general’s plans with growing dismay, but his eyes were drawn back to the map and the narrow valley. He studied every particle of sand as if it would reveal the true detail of the terrain. It had never been done before. Not in his lifetime. It was unorthodox – no, it was beyond unorthodox, stranded somewhere in that fog between genius and madness. Could it be done?

‘Can you do it?’

‘If it can be done we will do it.’

‘You understand the importance of the timing?’

‘I must strike at the rising of the sun on the second day.’

‘It will be difficult. You must curb your impatience and that of your men.’

‘They will not gladly suffer hiding in the shadows while their comrades are dying.’

‘But it must be done.’

‘It will be done.’

‘Then we are in agreement. Traianus, you are satisfied?’

The Tenth’s legate nodded agreement with a tight smile, but Valerius knew he was imagining the hours his men would have to spend being flayed by the Parthian arrows.

‘Very well, return to your units. If the gods are willing we will reach our destination in four days. Tribune Verrens, stay, please.’

The general called for an aide to bring wine and ushered Valerius through to his private quarters at the rear of the tent. When they were seated he gave the younger man a long look.

‘I sense you are not convinced?’

Valerius drew a deep breath. Again he remembered Vespasian’s words. A good officer must say what needs to be said.

‘I think it is a good plan … provided everything goes well. But there are a thousand reasons why everything may not go well. Traianus was right to speak out. For my own life it does not matter, but you are risking the lives of more than twenty thousand men and the reputation you have won over thirty years.’

‘All war is risk.’ Corbulo glanced at the wooden hand and studied Valerius’s scarred face. ‘How many men did you lead against Boudicca at Colonia?’

‘Three thousand veterans and a handful of legionaries.’ Valerius felt the familiar mix of pride and sorrow that always accompanied mention of Colonia. He saw again the faces of Falco and Lunaris, Messor and Corvinus. Smelled the smoke and the salt-sweet scent of roasting flesh.

‘Three thousand against fifty thousand.’

‘Yes, three thousand against fifty thousand, but I did not gamble their lives, I spent them in the knowledge that Boudicca had to be stopped, or at least slowed.’

‘And was she slowed, this rebel queen?’

Valerius shook his head. ‘She waited a day to burn Colonia and then marched on Londinium. She would have done that whether we fought her or not.’

‘Yet you still fought her. Why?’

The younger man hesitated. ‘I have asked myself a thousand times. I could have fallen back on the Londinium road and used the militia to slow her progress with one ambush after another. We could have withdrawn to the woods and harassed her flanks and rear; cut off her supply lines. No one would have blamed me.’

‘I repeat my question, then. Why did you fight her?’

‘Pride.’ Valerius met Corbulo’s unyielding stare. ‘And duty. Catus Decianus had tasked me to hold Colonia. I fulfilled my orders. To the last man.’

The general gave a grunt of satisfaction. ‘To the last man. Yes. I can understand how a man like you would do that, Valerius.’ He poured another drink for each of them and picked up his cup. ‘I also understand duty.
is my duty to stop King Vologases from restoring Armenia to Parthian rule. Not my duty to the Emperor, who would rather I was back in Antioch shuffling my forces against an enemy who will never come. Do not mistake me, I understand that I am placing my career and perhaps my life in the Emperor’s hands. He is my Emperor and I trust him as he must trust me to do as I think right. But my first duty is to Rome. And to my soldiers. The soldiers I have spent to ensure that Armenia remains loyal to Rome and acts as a counterbalance against Parthian ambition. There will be a further cost, no man knows that better than I. The Tenth, though Traianus commands it, is my creation and I know that I will have to watch the men of the Tenth die. But we will win, Gaius Valerius Verrens, do not ever doubt that.’

Valerius nodded. If he had ever doubted it, he did not doubt it now. ‘And then?’

‘Then I will return to Antioch, and support Vespasian as well as I am able.’

The only sound in the tent was the gentle rustle of cloth moving in the breeze and the flutter of insects flirting with the flames of the oil lamps. Valerius wondered if Corbulo’s servants could hear their conversation. Nero would have his spies in the general’s camp, that was certain. Yet Corbulo had spoken openly and without fear and that gave Valerius the courage to do likewise.

‘Men speak of you as the next Emperor.’

Corbulo went very still and Valerius wondered if he had misread his man. ‘Then give me the names of those men and I will have them executed in front of the whole camp tomorrow.’

‘I have no names.’

‘Have I misjudged you, Gaius Valerius Verrens? Have you been sent here to incriminate me?’

Could silence truly have an edge like a sword blade? Corbulo waited for his answer, but Valerius knew that if the general needed one, he might as well go back to his tent and cut his wrists. Eventually, the other man rose and walked to the Tower of Caesar. He studied the tokens which had been placed in exactly the same positions they had occupied when the two men had finished their game the previous
. With a nod, he picked up the blue stone representing the Emperor.

‘Rome is not perfect, Valerius. Nero is not perfect. But Rome is Rome and Nero is our Emperor. No man can usurp the Emperor without disturbing the delicate balance that is the Empire. Rome is full of ambitious politicians who would not stand idly by as another stole their power. The city would have to be fought for. Fought over. And we both understand exactly what that means. Fire and sword. Blood and sorrow. Think of this stone thrown into a still pond. Watch the rings expand until they reach every corner of the surface. That is how it would be. Every man, woman and child in the provinces we rule, even those we merely dominate, would have their lives thrown into turmoil.’

He replaced the counter. ‘You are correct. Other men would urge me to act. I hear the whispers – the message you brought from General Vespasian was one –
Whatever he decides, I will support him
. I honour Vespasian as a man, a soldier and a friend, but he mistakes me. If I march, he will march with me. But what happens in Syria and Judaea and Cappadocia when we are gone? Will Vologases politely stand by as the legions leave the frontiers open? Would the Balkan legions support me or oppose me? Or those of upper and lower Germania? Would you ask me to risk Roman fighting Roman? No, if Vespasian marched, I would have to stop him. We talked about duty. My first duty is to Rome and to my province, which it is my sacred purpose to protect. Another man might act in his own self-interest, Valerius, but that man is not Gnaeus Domitius Corbulo. We will speak of this no more.’

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