Avalyne Series 01: The Queen of Carleon (17 page)

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Authors: Linda Thackeray

Tags: #Fantasy

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Fortunately the
watch guard had a plan on how to do that and upon deciding to play decoy, provided Keira with the opportunity to sneak into the Berserker camp and free the Queen and the Lady of Gislaine.

watch guard who was rummaging through her satchel, glanced over her shoulder at the words of thanks and stood up, lowering the hood of her cloak as she faced them for the first time.

Long, black hair spilled forth, framing a face with lightly bronzed skin  and eyes of brown. Both Celene and Arianne stared at her with surprise for she was certainly not from a race of men that was familiar to them. Keira had expressed similar surprise when she had revealed herself to lady of the Green
during their formulation of the plan to rescue Arianne and Celene. Like her companions, Keira had never seen anyone who looked like this either.

It was not simply that her skin was dusky but her feat
ures were decidedly exotic. Arianne had heard Lylea speak of humans who lived on the other side of the Burning Plain that swore fealty to Balfure but desert had kept them from crossing over in Carleon. Was this watch guard one of those folk?  In any case, she was a long way from home. Arianne wondered who her people were and was genuinely curious to learn where she had come from.

There is no debt my lady,’ she said to Arianne, head bowed slightly in respect. ‘It is my duty as one of the watch guard to ensure that travellers are able to go about their business in safety. However I must confess that this is the first time that I have ever had to rescue noblewomen  travelling alone. With the Berserkers roaming wild after Balfure’s defeat it is not wise to wander alone. Should you not have escorts?’

We have business that requires stealth,’ Celene retorted, bristling with annoyance that everyone seemed to think they were incapable of fending for themselves because there was no man amongst them.

Then I would suggest you exercise some prudence,’ the woman retorted. ‘What happened back there could have been worse if I had not stumbled upon you.’

We would have found our way out of that predicament,’ Celene said defensively.

Yes,’ the watch guard responded with no small amount of sarcasm. ‘I saw how well you were finding your way. Another minute more and your problems would have been ended permanently.’

Come on,’ Keira interjected before tempers flared. ‘We just escaped Berserkers without any of us getting hurt or killed. I’m tired and hungry and the last thing we need to do is argue about this. Celene is right, we have important business to deal with that requires some discretion but we’re also grateful at what you did for us.’

Arianne smiled at Keira’s ability
diffuse the situation by discarding all the other nonsense that came from the clash of personalities. ‘And I second that,’ Arianne said supporting Keira’s efforts to move past the moment. ‘We are thankful for your assistance. We need to cross the Baffin. If we cannot go through the Splinter, is there be another route that we might take?’  Arianne asked since this watch guard seemed to know the area.

Relaxing visibly and shedding the tension of the moment, the
watch guard offered a conciliatory nod at Celene who returned it before she answered Arianne. ‘There is something preying on the travellers in the Splinter. Many have died attempting to cross there. However, there is an old goat herders trail half a day’s ride from here that will allow you to across the mountain safely. It’s not widely known but I think your horses will make it through if you travel carefully.’

Thank you,’ Celene said, feeling a little less tense now that they knew there was an alternate route across. ‘Do you know what happened to the people in the Splinter?’ Celene asked.

No,’ she confessed. ‘But I have seen the bodies and I did not remain long enough to find out what killed them.’

That is probably wise,’ Arianne could not disagree with that course. ‘Can you lead us there then?’

I can lead you to the trail but that depends on where you need to go,’ she looked at them in question, wondering where these noblewomen were headed to risk such danger as travelling alone.

did not bother trying to hide their destination after this stranger had saved their lives. ‘We are travelling to the Frozen Mountains, we need to get there well before the next full moon.’

Keira!’ Celene protested, uncertain whether or not she wanted the woman to know that much about their destination.

Look, we’re already delayed and if she wanted to kill us, she would have just left me in the snow and you two to those Berserkers. We’ve done all we can alone and we’ve almost been killed
. We need to being smarter about this or none of us are going to get there in one piece.’

I know but..’ Celene started to say when Arianne cut her off.

You are right Keira,’ Arianne said with sigh. ‘We have almost been killed twice and we cannot continue to keep stumbling through the dark, hoping we don’t step on a wyvern.’ Turning to the woman, Arianne spoke to her. ‘Keira has told you where we need to be. Can it be done?’

The woman frowned and replied after a moment’s thought.
‘It is going to take some doing. It is a long journey and very little time in which to make it. Might I ask what is the purpose of such a trek?’

It is safer if you do not know,’ Arianne replied before Celene could. ‘Except that it is a matter of great importance.’

It must be,’ the Watch guard countered, ‘if the
is making it.’

Arianne stared at her.
‘You know who I am?’

Celene stiffened and reached for her the hilt of her sword but Keira who was standing near her, touched her hand shook her head. She honestly believed this
watch guard was not a danger to them and may even prove useful to their quest.

Yes,’ the stranger nodded, ‘I was at Sandrine for the King’s coronation, I saw you at your wedding.’

Then you will help us?’ Arianne asked, her distrust of this watch guard waning because a  woman who was willing to rescue strangers from the hands of Berserkers could not be entirely without honour. Furthermore, this watch guard seemed capable of defending herself like Celene and that to Arianne was a resource they could not squander.

It is my duty to help my Queen,’ the woman bowed in. ‘You and the Lady of Gislaine.’

Well I’m here too,’ Keira snorted in mock hurt although she was glad to see an accord of some kind had reached between them all so that they could get moving again.

My apologies my Mistress Furnsby,’ she apologised with s smirk, aware that this was the proper way to refer to the mistress of a household in the Green.

Call me Keira,’ Keira corrected, never liking to be addressed so formally.

And as you know who I am, I would prefer you call me Arianne,’ the queen said to the Watch guard. ‘This is Celene and what do we call you?’

‘Melia,’ she replied finally. ‘My name is Melia of the Nadira.’

Welcome to our quest Melia of Nadira,’ Celene said wryly, her hand no longer on her sword. ‘Let us hope you do not live to regret it.’



Their new companion, Arianne, Keira and Celene learned,
had been a watch guard since the restoration of the kingdom.

They knew she came from beyond the Burning Plains, across the desert where the men who had dared to cross that parched land had settled when they had found fertile ground. Lylea had spoken of kingdoms with such exotic names as Rayan and Chaldea while Melia
herself admitted her people were called the Nadira. Unlike the elves or dwarves, men had an insatiable need to explore and Arianne could very well believe they were willing to slip beyond the reach of the known world to conquer new frontiers.

If this Melia had come from those faraway lands than she had been travelling for a great many years.

Arianne knew that Dare appointed many watch guards to protect the lands surrounding the Green from Berserkers or any other threat that might befall that gentle race. Before the war hardly anyone had known about the existence of the villagers in the Green. Since the defeat of Balfure, the revelation that a couple from the Green had given refuge to the future king might be vulnerable to remnants of the shadow lord’s army who wished to revenge for the part it played in the king’s ascendancy. As result, watch guard towers were establish near the Green and each tower had a cohort of guards who patrolled he area and kept a vigil on those lands.

However, with the end of the occupation, people were travelling freely from one
end of the kingdom to the other. No longer afraid to visit other cities and free to leave Carleon’s borders for other lands, people were embarking on lengthy journey’s across the kingdom. Furthermore, with commerce and trade being re-established between Carleon, Angarad and Lenkworthia, it seemed that the watch guard’s duties were being expanded to include the protection of these travellers.

It may well be that in the future, the reach of the watch guards could be much expanded over Carleon.

What quest had brought Melia to this part of the world however, was something she felt no inclination to reveal. She did explain that shortly before the war against Balfure, Melia joined the defence of Cereine and served with a captain who would become one of the watch guard when it was over. He had invited her into his ranks and Melia accepted. Her duties usually found her assigned to the eastern face of the Baffin but on occasion, she crossed the mountains to attend to business of her own.

almost seemed like Fate’s Arrow had directed her to be where she needed to be to help them escape the Berserkers.


‘Are you determined to travel through Wyndfyre?’ Melia asked after they settled in for the night.

Outside the snow had abated and although there was still a frosty bite in the air, it was nowhere as tumultuous as it had been the previous evening.  Keira had taken charge of the cooking duties once again and the small
station was soon warmed by the heat of the fire that Celene had started and the aroma of hot food from the stores not plundered when the horses were taken by the Berserkers. Celene and Melia had agree to take watch through the night so that they were not caught unawares by anything else that might stumble upon them.

I had hoped to see my home,’ Celene answered honestly. ‘My family were unable to journey to Sandrine for the king’s announcement and I did wish to see how they are.’ 

Of course, being practically minded, Celene had no difficulty sacrificing the visit if necessary.  Still it would be disappointing. 

‘I can appreciate that,’ Melia said sympathetically.. ‘But if you wish to reach your destination within the time allotted to you, it would save a number of days if we travelled straight across Angarad and avoid Wyndfyre. There are many villages that would be able to provide us with supplies on the way across.’

Celene knew this herself after all, Angarad was her home. She was fairly certain she knew a few places that Melia wasn’t familiar with herself. Still, it was disappointing not to be able to go home even for a brief visit.

‘We can see them on the way back,’ Keira suggested, aware that despite Celene’s tough exterior, sometimes put on for the benefit of those who might think her less of a warrior because she was a woman, she felt things deeply. ‘I’ve always wanted to go to Wyndfyre.’

Yes that’s true,’ Celene replied with a forlorn sigh. She agreed without question that Melia’s suggestion was expedient and also finding it very much in keeping with Keira’s nature that she looked at their quest with such optimism, convinced they would all come home unscathed. ‘You are right, we need to shave some time off the trip. We should abandon the stop at Wyndfyre.’

Arianne’s heart sank a little for Celene because she knew that the Angarad had wanted very much to see her family again. If she missed the opportunity to see them during the quest, Arianne did not think an opportunity would present itself again so soon. Unfortunately the need to make haste to the Frozen Mountains meant the sacrifice was necessary and Arianne felt guilty that Celene had to miss the chance
to see her family for the demands of the quest.

‘Thank you Celene,’ Arianne said to her friend. ‘We will see Angarad when we return. I promise.’

I will survive not seeing them for a little longer.’ Celene assured the queen there was no hard feelings on her part. ‘We have more important things on our minds right now.’ 

I will take first watch,’ Melia offered as Keira spooned hot stew onto her plate.

Wake me when you’re ready for some rest,’ Celene answered as they sat down eat.

Tell me,’ Melia looked up at Arianne after a few minutes of silent dining, ‘what brings the Queen of Carleon to the edge of Avalyne?’

The women exchanged glances with each other, wondering whether or not the queen ought to answer Melia’s question. Although they trusted Melia to a point, Arianne was uncertain whether or not the Guard should be told the purpose of their quest. She knew that Keira considered Melia no danger however Celene was a little more wary and still doubted to some degree the accuracy of elvish senses. Melia
had been reticent about her reasons for being on this side of the Baffin instead when she should have been patrolling the terrain near the Green. 

Why were you on this side of the mountain?’ Arianne asked deciding that if Melia wanted their trust, she had to afford them the same courtesy.

Conscious that the question was being made by the Queen of Carleon and that made Melia duty bound to answer, she hesitated
a  moment as she decided how to respond.

Finally, she spoke after a long pause,
‘I was searching for my mother.’

Judging by the reluctance in which she volunteered the information, Arianne guessed that the matter was intensely difficult for her to confide in others and she waited for Melia to continue at her own pace which she did a few seconds later.

‘My father visited these lands in his youth where he met my mother who apparently lived along the banks of the Yantra River. They were together for a time but after I was born, my mother grew weary of being wife to a husband and a mother to a child so she left us. Eventually, he returned to his people and I was raised in Nadira with my father's family. He told me little about her and when he passed on I felt that I had to find her. I travel between the Baffin and the Yantra every few months, hoping to find her while serving as watch guard.’

Would it be simpler to continue the search instead of moving back and forth from the Baffin?’ Keira asked unable to imagine such a commute to be an efficient way to search.

I was a stranger when I arrived in these lands. The Captain of the watch guard was a soldier of Cereine. He recognised my skill and accepted me as one of his own during the defence of that city during the war.  I owe him my loyalty and when he asked me to serve as one of the King's watch guard after the war, I could not refuse.  Besides it serves my purpose, I often meet travellers who can give me valuable intelligence for  my search.’

Such men are rare,’ Celene agreed readily, understanding all too well how men who could see past their gender were few and she herself had sworn her allegiance to Dare for that very reason,’ But they do exist.’

The Yantra is a great river,’ Arianne pointed out. ‘Your search may take years.’

I know,’ Melia answered not blinded to that reality for one instant. ‘That  is where  being  apart of the watch guard is  useful for my search. They are the eyes and ears of Avalyne. They can help me in my search.’

And your mother?’ Keira asked, ‘what do you know about her?’

Very little,’ Melia confessed with frown.

Arianne wondered if that was the truth or had Melia reached the limits of what she was willing to impart to them about her purpose. Arianne could understand her reluctance. It was a deeply personal issue for her and Melia appeared to have spent many years searching for her mother, a
quest that was no doubt fraught with disappointment and frustration. Such emotional turmoil must have made it difficult for her to make friendships or confide in others.

I know that she is of a people who used to dwell along the river and that there were not many of them,’ Melia continued to speak. ‘Her name was Ninuie.’

I do believe that is an elvish name,’ Arianne revealed. ‘The River Elves to be certain. Have you sought her among the elves that dwell along the Yantra? They may know of her or her people in Eden Halas.’  Arianne made a note to make inquiries on Melia’s behalf when this was all over. Queen Syanne took an interest in the human folk that lived  in the area surrounding Halas even if her husband disliked the idea of becoming friendly with their neighbours.

I will be certain to do so now,’ Melia replied, taking in her suggestion. ‘For now however, I would like to know why it is you are journeying so far north.’

Now that Melia had told them the truth about her origins and Arianne could sense the sincerity of her words, she could not deny the
watch guard the same courtesy. It seemed only fair since now that Melia had become their guide in the northlands, she would share the same risk if the Enemy chose to hunt them down. 

I am on a quest,’ Arianne said finally and saw the surprise in the woman’s eyes at the statement.

A quest?’ Melia remarked with some astonishment. ‘Since when is it the duty of the queen to embark upon quests? Is that not the duty of the king or some other warrior in his service?’

This is a quest that I alone can fulfil,’ Arianne explained sombrely. ‘Celene and Keira have chosen to accompany for they are too thick headed to let me do this thing on my own,’ she threw them a smile.

And even though one is an elf queen and the other warrior princess,  neither can cook so I thought I'd better come along to make sure they don't starve,’ Keira grinned at Arianne and Celene.

You are funny,’ Celene made a face at Keira who laughed at the tongue pointed in her direction before she addressed Melia. ‘My queen requires my sword and she is my friend, how could I do any less?’

Overcome with a wave of emotion at the warrior of Angarad, Arianne extended her hand and was met by Celene's in quick, affectionate squeeze. 

‘Besides,’ Celene faced front again, ‘how do I explain to her husband that I let her ride off on her own?’

Well, I am a watch guard in the service of the King, your husband,’ Melia said turning her attention to Arianne as her own mind was made up about this quest that the Queen was embarking upon. It could be no small thing if she was willing to ride beyond the safe borders of the kingdom into the peril of the Frozen Mountains, Melia thought silently. ‘You have my solemn oath that I will not reveal a word of what you tell me unless you first permit it.’

Thank you,’ Arianne said appreciatively, believing the sincerity of her words before explaining the situation. ‘I am with child. The announcement was made but a few days ago so the rest of the kingdom may not be aware of it. My mother revealed to me that an evil presence seeks to harm my child. The Enemy desires to infuse my unborn babe with the spirit of Mael.’

Mael?’ Melia’s exclamation of shock was equal to almost everyone else who had been told this news.

You now of Mael?’ Celene stared at her.

My people know the legends of the Celestial Gods and their battles with the dark lord Mael who was also called Mael, the Crucifier of the Elves. We know that Balfure was once his disciple and that the Gods vanquished him to the Aether. This is indeed foul work.’

We have until the next full moon by which to reach the Enemy or else Arianne’s babe will suffer the consequences,’ Celene explained now that Arianne had fallen into silence.

I see the reason for your haste,’ Melia replied. Thoughts of her own quest could wait for now because if it were true, if Mael’s evil was attempting a return to the world of Avalyne then they would
suffer. ‘The Enemy is at the Frozen Mountains?’

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